

Internal Endpoints

REST Endpoint
GraphQL Query CDM Availability
POST /fileset_template/bulk Create fileset templates. The template is applied to the host. Each template is a set of paths on the host. Available
PATCH /fileset_template/bulk Modify the values of specified fileset templates. Available in v8.0.1 and later
DELETE /fileset_template/bulk Deletes specfied fileset templates. Detaches and retains all associated filesets as independent filesets with the existing values. Available in v8.0.1 and later, but not recommended for use. Use POST /fileset/bulk/nas instead.

v1 Endpoints

REST Endpoint
GraphQL Query CDM Availability
GET /fileset_template Retrieve summary information for all fileset templates, including: ID and name of the fileset template, fileset template creation timestamp, array of the included filepaths, array of the excluded filepaths. query filesetTemplates Available in v8.0.1 and later
POST /fileset_template Create a fileset template. The template is applied to the host. Each template is a set of paths on the host. mutation bulkCreateFilesetTemplates Available in v8.0.1 and later, but not recommended for use. Use POST /fileset/bulk/nas instead.
GET /fileset_template/{id} Retrieve summary information for a specified fileset template. query filesetTemplate Available in v8.0.1 and later
PATCH /fileset_template/{id} Modify the values of specified fileset template. mutation bulkUpdateFilesetTemplate Available in v8.0.1 and later
DELETE /fileset_template/{id} Deletes the specfied fileset template. All associated filesets are deleted. mutation bulkDeleteFilesetTemplate Available in v8.0.1 and later