

v1 Endpoints

REST Endpoint
GraphQL Query CDM Availability
GET /mssql/availability_group Returns a list of summary information for Microsoft SQL availability groups. Available
PATCH /mssql/availability_group/bulk Update Microsoft SQL availability groups with the specified properties. Restricted
GET /mssql/availability_group/{id} Returns a detailed view of a Microsoft SQL availability group. query mssqlAvailabilityGroup Available
PATCH /mssql/availability_group/{id} Update a Microsoft SQL availability group with the specified properties. Available
GET /mssql/db Returns a list of summary information for Microsoft SQL databases. query mssqlDatabases Available
PATCH /mssql/db/bulk Update multiple Microsoft SQL databases with the specified properties. mutation bulkUpdateMssqlDbs Restricted
POST /mssql/db/bulk/snapshot Take an on-demand backup of one or more Microsoft SQL databases. Set the forceFullSnapshot property to true to force a full snapshot for every database that is specified. Only one snapshot will be taken for each database, even if a database is included multiple times in the fields of the request body. To check the result of the request, poll /mssql/request/{id}. mutation bulkCreateOnDemandMssqlBackup Available
GET /mssql/db/bulk/snapshot/{id} Returns the details for an on-demand backup of multiple Microsoft SQL databases. This only returns details for requests that have finished successfully. To check the status of the request, poll /mssql/request/{id}. Available
GET /mssql/db/count Returns a count of Microsoft SQL databases. Available
GET /mssql/db/defaults The default properties are Log Backup Frequency (in seconds), Log Retention Time (in hours) and CBT status. New databases added to the Rubrik cluster are provided the log backup frequency value and log backup retention value by default. New hosts added to the Rubrik cluster are provided the CBT status by default. query mssqlDefaultProperties Available
PATCH /mssql/db/defaults The default properties are Log Backup Frequency (in seconds), Log Retention Time (in hours) and CBT status. New databases added to the Rubrik cluster are provided the log backup frequency value and log backup retention value by default. New hosts added to the Rubrik cluster are provided the CBT status by default. mutation updateMssqlDefaultProperties Available
GET /mssql/db/log_shipping Retrieves all log shipping configuration objects. Results can be filtered and sorted. Available
GET /mssql/db/log_shipping/{id} Retrieves a particular log shipping configuration with all the details of the configuration. Available
PATCH /mssql/db/log_shipping/{id} Updates a specified log shipping configuration. mutation updateMssqlLogShippingConfiguration Available
DELETE /mssql/db/log_shipping/{id} Deletes the specified log shipping configuration. mutation deleteLogShipping Available
POST /mssql/db/log_shipping/{id}/reseed Starts an asynchronous job to reseed a secondary database. Reseeding restores the data in the secondary database based on a log shipping configuration. mutation reseedLogShippingSecondary Available
GET /mssql/db/mount Returns a list with summary information for all Live Mount SQL Server databases. query mssqlDatabaseLiveMounts Available
GET /mssql/db/mount/{id} Returns detailed information for the specified Live Mount of a SQL Server database. Available
DELETE /mssql/db/mount/{id} Create an async request to delete a Live Mount of a SQL Server database. Poll the task status by using /mssql/request/{id}. mutation deleteMssqlLiveMount Available
GET /mssql/db/recoverable_range/download/{id} Get the details of the progress made in deleting recoverable ranges. The recoverable ranges to delete are those specified by the DELETE request to /mssql/db/{id}/recoverable_range/download which yielded the response with the job id. Available
GET /mssql/db/snapshot/{id} Returns detailed information about a Microsoft SQL database snapshot. Available
GET /mssql/db/{id} Returns a detailed view of a Microsoft SQL database. query mssqlDatabase Available
PATCH /mssql/db/{id} Update a Microsoft SQL database with the specified properties. Restricted
POST /mssql/db/{id}/browse When a recovery point is set, this API endpoint returns the snapshot and list of logs needed to restore the database to the recovery point. When a time range or LSN range is specified, this API endpoint returns the snapshots and logs that overlap the specified range. Specify only a recovery point or a range. Specify only LSNs or times. This endpoint is only used to fetch data, but uses POST instead of GET due to limitations on parameters used in the body of a GET request. The parameter set for this endpoint is shared with the download_file endpoint. mutation browseMssqlDatabaseSnapshot Available
GET /mssql/db/{id}/compatible_instance Returns all compatible instances for export for the specified recovery time. query mssqlCompatibleInstances Available
POST /mssql/db/{id}/download Starts an asynchronous request to download snapshots and logs from archival for a given database and recovery point. If the specified point in time is already available locally, this endpoint throws an error. mutation downloadMssqlDatabaseFilesFromArchivalLocation Available
POST /mssql/db/{id}/download_files Starts an asynchronous request to download a set of backup files as a single compressed zipfile. When a recovery point is set, this API endpoint returns the snapshot and list of logs that Rubrik CDM would use to restore the database to the recovery point. When a time range or LSN range is specified, this API endpoint returns the snapshots and logs that overlap the specified range. Specify only a point in time or a range. Specify only LSNs or times. Available
POST /mssql/db/{id}/download_files_by_id Downloads a list of snapshot and log backups from a Microsoft SQL database. mutation downloadMssqlDatabaseBackupFiles Available
POST /mssql/db/{id}/export Create a request to export a Microsoft SQL database. To check the result of the request, poll /mssql/request/{id}. mutation exportMssqlDatabase Available
POST /mssql/db/{id}/log_backup Take an on-demand log backup for a Microsoft SQL database. mutation takeMssqlLogBackup Available
POST /mssql/db/{id}/log_shipping Create a log shipping configuration between a specified primary database and a specified secondary database. The transaction logs from the primary database are regularly restored to the secondary database in order to maintain the secondary database as a point-in-time copy of the primary database. The primary database must have log backups configured, and it must be in the full or bulk-logged recovery model. Available
GET /mssql/db/{id}/missed_recoverable_range Retrieve a list of missed recoverable ranges for a Microsoft SQL database. For each run of one type of error, the first and last occurrence of the error are given. query mssqlDatabaseMissedRecoverableRanges Available
GET /mssql/db/{id}/missed_snapshot Returns a list of summary information for the missed snapshots of a Microsoft SQL database, including the time of day and the locations where the snapshot was missed. query mssqlDatabaseMissedSnapshots Available
POST /mssql/db/{id}/mount Create an asynchronous request to create a Live Mount SQL Server database. Poll the task status by using /mssql/request/{id}. Available
GET /mssql/db/{id}/recoverable_range Retrieve the recoverable ranges for a specified Microsoft SQL database. A begin and/or end timestamp can be provided to retrieve only the ranges that fall within the window. query mssqlRecoverableRanges Available
DELETE /mssql/db/{id}/recoverable_range/download Deletes all local snapshots and logs that have previously been downloaded. Provide a begin or end time to delete only the downloaded snapshots and logs that fall within this time frame. The time is relative to when the snapshot or log backup was originally taken, not downloaded. Parts of the window may not be deleted if certain log files must be kept to preserve times outside the window. Data is deleted in the background. To check the status of the deletion, poll /mssql/db/recoverable_range/download/{id}. Restricted
GET /mssql/db/{id}/request/force_full_snapshot Retrieves the configuration that has been set for forcing a full snapshot for a Microsoft SQL database. Available
POST /mssql/db/{id}/request/force_full_snapshot Request a full snapshot to be taken for the next backup job of a Microsoft SQL database. Available
POST /mssql/db/{id}/restore Create a request to restore a SQL Server database. To check the result of the request, poll /mssql/request/{id}. mutation restoreMssqlDatabase Available
GET /mssql/db/{id}/restore_estimate Provides an estimate of resources needed for the specified restore or export operation. query mssqlDatabaseRestoreEstimate Available
GET /mssql/db/{id}/restore_files Provides a list of database files to be restored for the specified restore or export operation. query allMssqlDatabaseRestoreFiles Available
GET /mssql/db/{id}/snappable_id Returns the snappableId for a Microsoft SQL database. Available
GET /mssql/db/{id}/snapshot Returns a list of summary information for snapshots of a Microsoft SQL database. Available
POST /mssql/db/{id}/snapshot Take an on-demand backup of a Microsoft SQL database. The forceFullSnapshot property can be set to true to force a full snapshot. To check the result of the request, poll /mssql/request/{id}. mutation createOnDemandMssqlBackup Available
DELETE /mssql/db/{id}/snapshot Deletes all snapshots of a Microsoft SQL database. The database must be unprotected for the operation to succeed. mutation deleteMssqlDbSnapshots Restricted
GET /mssql/hierarchy/{id} NA Available
GET /mssql/hierarchy/{id}/children Retrieve the list of immediate descendant objects for the specified parent. Available
GET /mssql/hierarchy/{id}/descendants Retrieve the list of descendant objects for the specified parent. Available
PATCH /mssql/host/bulk Updates multiple Microsoft SQL Server instances in Microsoft SQL hosts with the specified properties. Restricted
GET /mssql/host/configuration Returns a list of customized SQL Server host configurations. Available
POST /mssql/host/configuration Creates a SQL Server host configuration. Available
GET /mssql/host/configuration/{host_id} Returns the configuration for the specified SQL Server host. Available
PATCH /mssql/host/configuration/{host_id} Updates the configuration for a specified host. Available
DELETE /mssql/host/configuration/{host_id} Deletes the SQL Server host configuration. The host falls back to use values from the global configuration. Available
GET /mssql/instance Returns a list of summary information for Microsoft SQL instances. Available
PATCH /mssql/instance/bulk Update multiple Microsoft SQL instance with the specified properties. Restricted
GET /mssql/instance/count Returns a count of all Microsoft SQL instances. Available
GET /mssql/instance/{id} Returns a detailed view of a Microsoft SQL instance. Available
PATCH /mssql/instance/{id} Update a Microsoft SQL instance with specified properties. Available
GET /mssql/request/{id} Returns the task object for an async request related to SQL Server databases. Available
POST /mssql/sla_domain/assign Assigns SLA Domain properties to SQL Server objects. Hosts and Windows clusters cannot be assigned SLA Domains directly. The SLA Domains are instead applied to the SQL Server child objects within the Host or Windows Cluster object. Newly discovered SQL Server objects within a given Host or Windows Cluster object do not inherit SLA Domain properties from other child SQL Server objects with the same parent object. mutation assignMssqlSlaDomainProperties Restricted
PATCH /mssql/windows_cluster/bulk Updates multiple Microsoft SQL Server instances in Windows Clusters with the specified properties. Restricted

v2 Endpoints

REST Endpoint
GraphQL Query CDM Availability
GET /mssql/db/log_shipping Retrieves all log shipping configuration objects. Results can be filtered and sorted. Available
GET /mssql/db/log_shipping/{id} Retrieves a particular log shipping configuration with all the details of the configuration. Available
PATCH /mssql/db/log_shipping/{id} Updates the specified log shipping configuration. mutation updateMssqlLogShippingConfiguration Available
POST /mssql/db/{id}/log_shipping Create a log shipping configuration between a specified primary database and a specified secondary database. The transaction logs from the primary database are regularly restored to the secondary database in order to maintain the secondary database as a point-in-time copy of the primary database. The primary database must have log backups configured, and it must be in the full or bulk-logged recovery model. Available
POST /mssql/sla_domain/assign Assigns SLA Domain properties to SQL Server objects. Hosts and Windows clusters cannot be assigned SLA Domains directly. The SLA Domains are instead applied to the SQL Server child objects within the Host or Windows Cluster object. Newly discovered SQL Server objects within a given Host or Windows Cluster object do not inherit SLA Domain properties from other child SQL Server objects with the same parent object. The assignment event runs in the background after this call returns. SLA Domain assignment is not reflected in subsequent calls until the background job is complete. It is not recommended to mix calls to synchronous and asynchronous SLA assignment endpoints. mutation assignMssqlSlaDomainProperties Restricted