Internal Endpoints
REST Endpoint |
Description |
GraphQL Query | CDM Availability |
GET /node | Returns the list of all Rubrik nodes. | Available | |
GET /node/stats | Returns the list statistics of all Rubrik nodes. | Available | |
GET /node/{id} | Returns the complete view of a Rubrik node. | Available | |
GET /node/{id}/cpu_cores_count | CPU cores count of a node. | Available | |
GET /node/{id}/hardware_health | Runs the hw_health command on all nodes in the Rubrik cluster and returns its output. | Available | |
GET /node/{id}/io_stats | Iops and IO throughput of the node. | Available | |
GET /node/{id}/sessions | Returns the list of all active sessions on a node. | Available | |
GET /node/{id}/stats | Statistics about the specific Node given a time range. One hour is default. | Available | |
GET /node/{id}/support_tunnel | To be used by Admin to check status of the support tunnel. | Available | |
PATCH /node/{id}/support_tunnel | To be used by Admin to open or close a SSH tunnel for support. When enabling the support tunnel, the node 'id' must be me or the current node's 'id', because remote open is not supported. When disabling a support tunnel, the node 'id' can be that of any node in the cluster. | Available |