Internal Endpoints
REST Endpoint |
Description |
GraphQL Query | CDM Availability |
PUT /polaris/archive/aws_compute_setting | Create or update Polaris managed AWS compute settings details. | Restricted | |
GET /polaris/archive/aws_compute_setting/{id} | Sends the information about Polaris managed AWS compute setting corresponding to the Polaris managed proxy setting ID sent. | Restricted | |
DELETE /polaris/archive/aws_compute_setting/{id} | Deletes the Polaris managed AWS compute setting corresponding to the polaris managed AWS compute setting ID sent. | Restricted | |
GET /polaris/archive/aws_iam_customer/{id} | Restricted | ||
DELETE /polaris/archive/aws_iam_customer/{id} | Deletes the Polaris managed AWS customer account with IAM based credentials corresponding to the Polaris managed ID. | Restricted | |
PUT /polaris/archive/aws_iam_customer_account | Create or update Polaris managed AWS customer account with IAM based credentials. | Restricted | |
PUT /polaris/archive/aws_iam_location | Create or update a Polaris managed IAM based AWS archival location. This call initiates an asynchronous job to add the Polaris managed location if the location does not already exist in the Rubrik CDM cluster. | Restricted | |
PUT /polaris/archive/aws_iam_location/reader_connect | Connect to a Polaris managed AWS IAM based archival location. This call initiates an asynchronous job to connect to a Polaris managed location as a reader. | Restricted | |
GET /polaris/archive/aws_iam_location/{id} | Get information about the Polaris managed IAM based AWS archival location. | Restricted | |
PUT /polaris/archive/azure_compute_setting | Create or update Polaris managed Azure compute settings details. | Restricted | |
GET /polaris/archive/azure_compute_setting/{id} | Sends the information about Polaris managed Azure compute setting corresponding to the Polaris managed proxy setting ID sent. | Restricted | |
DELETE /polaris/archive/azure_compute_setting/{id} | Deletes the Polaris managed Azure compute setting corresponding to the Polaris managed Azure compute setting ID sent. | Restricted | |
PUT /polaris/archive/azure_oauth_customer | Create or update Polaris managed Azure customer account with OAuth based credentials. | Restricted | |
GET /polaris/archive/azure_oauth_customer/{id} | Restricted | ||
DELETE /polaris/archive/azure_oauth_customer/{id} | Deletes the Polaris managed Azure customer account with OAuth based credentials corresponding to the Polaris managed ID. | Restricted | |
PUT /polaris/archive/azure_oauth_location | Create or update a Polaris managed OAuth based Azure archival location. This initiates a asynchronous job to add the location if the polaris managed location does not previously exist on the Rubrik CDM cluster. | Restricted | |
PUT /polaris/archive/azure_oauth_location/reader_connect | Connect to a Polaris managed Azure OAuth based archival location. This call initiates an asynchronous job to connect to a Polaris managed location as a reader. | Restricted | |
GET /polaris/archive/azure_oauth_location/{id} | Get information about the Polaris managed OAuth based Azure archival location. | Restricted | |
DELETE /polaris/archive/location/{id} | Delete the specified archival location. Remove the archival location from the SLA Domains (local or Polaris Managed) that reference it and expire all snapshots at the archival location. In case of invalid ID, we will ignore the request. | Restricted | |
POST /polaris/archive/location/{id}/disable | Disable archiving and modification operations for a specified Polaris managed archival location. | Restricted | |
POST /polaris/archive/location/{id}/enable | Enable archiving and modification operations for a Polaris managed archival location. | Restricted | |
POST /polaris/archive/location/{id}/pause | Pause archiving to a specified active Polaris managed archival location. | Restricted | |
POST /polaris/archive/location/{id}/reader/promote | Start an asynchronous job to make the current Rubrik cluster the owner of a polaris managed archival location for which it was a reader. After successful completion, the Rubrik cluster that was the previous owner will not have owner access to the location. | Restricted | |
POST /polaris/archive/location/{id}/reader/refresh | Start an asynchronous job to get the latest details of a polaris managed archival location for which it is a reader. | Restricted | |
POST /polaris/archive/location/{id}/reader/refresh/data_sources | Update the current Rubrik CDM cluster with information about the changes made to a list of data sources in an polaris managed archival location by the Rubrik CDM cluster that owns that Polairs managed archival location. | Restricted | |
POST /polaris/archive/location/{id}/resume | Resume archiving to a specified Polaris managed archival location. | Restricted | |
PATCH /polaris/archive/location/{id}/upgrade | Upgrade the specified Rubrik CDM-managed archival location to a Polaris-managed archival location. | Restricted | |
PUT /polaris/archive/nfs | Add or update a Polaris Managed NFS archival location. Initiate an asynchronous job to connect to the archival location target. | Restricted | |
POST /polaris/archive/nfs/reader/connect | Connect the current cluster to an existing Polaris managed NFS archival location as a reader. Initiates an asynchronous job to connect to the polaris managed archival location. | Restricted | |
GET /polaris/archive/nfs/{id} | Get the archival location object for a specific Polaris managed NFS location. | Restricted | |
PATCH /polaris/archive/nfs/{id} | Update the properties of a Polaris Managed NFS archival location. | Restricted | |
PUT /polaris/archive/object_store | Start an asynchronous job to add or update the Polaris managed object storage location. | Restricted | |
POST /polaris/archive/object_store/reader/connect | Connect the current cluster as a reader to an existing Polaris managed object storage location. Initiates an asynchronous job to connect to the Polaris managed archival location. | Restricted | |
GET /polaris/archive/object_store/{id} | Get the archival location object for a specific Polaris managed object storage location. | Restricted | |
PATCH /polaris/archive/object_store/{id} | Update the properties of an Polaris managed object storage location. To update the bucket count, specify a value equal to or greater than the existing bucket count. | Restricted | |
PUT /polaris/archive/proxy_setting | Create or update the proxy setting definition managed by Polaris. | Restricted | |
GET /polaris/archive/proxy_setting/{id} | Sends the information about Polaris managed proxy setting corresponding to the Polaris managed proxy setting ID sent. | Restricted | |
DELETE /polaris/archive/proxy_setting/{id} | Deletes the Polaris managed proxy setting specified by the Polaris managed ID. | Restricted | |
PUT /polaris/archive/qstar | Add or update a Polaris Managed QStar archival location. Initiate an asynchronous job to connect to the archival location target. | Restricted | |
POST /polaris/archive/qstar/reader/connect | Connect the current cluster to an existing Polaris managed QStar archival location as a reader. Initiates an asynchronous job to connect to the polaris managed archival location. | Restricted | |
GET /polaris/archive/qstar/{id} | Get the archival location object for a specific Polaris managed QStar location. | Restricted | |
PATCH /polaris/archive/qstar/{id} | Update the properties of a Polaris Managed QStar archival location. | Restricted |
v1 Endpoints
REST Endpoint |
Description |
GraphQL Query | CDM Availability |
GET /polaris/job_monitoring | Get job monitoring entries that have been inserted, updated or deleted from the job_monitoring_info table. | Available | |
GET /polaris/job_monitoring/job_progress_info | Get job progress information for the active jobs in the job monitoring table. | Available |