v1 Endpoints
REST Endpoint |
Description |
GraphQL Query | CDM Availability |
GET /snapmirror_cloud | Retrieve summary information for all SnapMirror Cloud protected objects. Optionally, filter the retrieved information. | query searchSnapMirrorCloud | Restricted |
POST /snapmirror_cloud | Create a SnapMirror Cloud workload for a NetApp volume. | mutation createSnapMirrorCloud | Restricted |
POST /snapmirror_cloud/bulk | Create multiple SnapMirror Cloud workloads, one for each specified NetApp volume. | Restricted | |
PATCH /snapmirror_cloud/bulk | Update properties of the specified SnapMirror Cloud objects. | Restricted | |
POST /snapmirror_cloud/relationship | Creates a SnapMirrorCloud relationship on NetApp server between the volume and the cloud target which are configured on the SnapMirrorCloud protected object. | Restricted | |
GET /snapmirror_cloud/request/{id} | Retrieves the status code and description of an asynchronous task representing the specified request related to a SnapMirror Cloud protected object. | Restricted | |
DELETE /snapmirror_cloud/snapshot/{id} | Deletes a SnapMirror Cloud snapshot. A snapshot can be deleted only if it is an on-demand snapshot or a snapshot of an unprotected SnapMirror Cloud object. | mutation deleteSnapMirrorCloudSnapshot | Restricted |
POST /snapmirror_cloud/snapshot/{id}/restore | Launches a job to restore a source NetApp volume or a subset of the files and directories in that volume to a target volume. The target volume can be the same as the source volume. | mutation createSnapMirrorCloudRestoreJob | Restricted |
GET /snapmirror_cloud/{id} | Retrieve detailed information for a SnapMirror Cloud protected object by specifying the ID of the SnapMirror Cloud protected object. | query searchSnapMirrorCloud | Restricted |
PATCH /snapmirror_cloud/{id} | Updates a SnapMirror Cloud with the specified properties. | Restricted | |
DELETE /snapmirror_cloud/{id} | Delete a SnapMirror Cloud workload specified by the object ID. | mutation deleteSnapMirrorCloudSnapshot | Restricted |
DELETE /snapmirror_cloud/{id}/delete_all_snapshots | Deletes all snapshots for a given SnapMirror Cloud object. For this operation to work as intended, the SnapMirror Cloud object must be unprotected. | Restricted | |
GET /snapmirror_cloud/{id}/missed_snapshot | Retrieves summary information about all missed snapshots for a SnapMirror Cloud object. | Restricted | |
DELETE /snapmirror_cloud/{id}/relationship | Deletes the SnapMirrorCloud relationship on the NetApp server between the volume and the cloud target. Also deletes objects on the NetApp server used to establish the relationship. | Restricted | |
GET /snapmirror_cloud/{id}/search | Search for a file within the SnapMirrorCloud. The search can use the full path prefix or the filename prefix. | Restricted | |
GET /snapmirror_cloud/{id}/snapshot | Retrieve summary information for each of the snapshot objects of a specified SnapMirror Cloud workload. | Restricted | |
POST /snapmirror_cloud/{id}/snapshot | Create an on-demand backup request for the specified SnapMirror Cloud workload. | mutation createSnapMirrorCloudSnapshot | Restricted |