

Internal Endpoints

REST Endpoint
GraphQL Query CDM Availability
GET /vmware/agent Retrieve the global setting for automatic deployment of the Rubrik Backup Service to virtual machines. Available
PUT /vmware/agent Modify the global setting for automatic deployment of the Rubrik Backup Service to virtual machines. Available
GET /vmware/config/datastore_freespace_threshold Determine the value for the datastore freespace threshold for VMware virtual machine backups. Available
GET /vmware/config/esx_subnets Retrieve the preferred subnets to reach ESXi hosts. Available
PATCH /vmware/config/set_datastore_freespace_threshold Set the configuration value for the datastore freespace threshold for VMware virtual machine backups. Available
PATCH /vmware/config/set_esx_subnets Set the subnets that should be used to reach ESXi hosts. Available
GET /vmware/data_center Returns the summary of all the data centers. Available
GET /vmware/data_center/{id} Returns details about the specific DataCenter. Available
GET /vmware/datastore Get summaries of all the DataStores. Available
GET /vmware/datastore/{id} Get details about the specific DataStore. Available
GET /vmware/guest_credential Retrieve the ID, domain, username and password for all guest OS credentials. Available
POST /vmware/guest_credential Create a new guest OS credential. Restricted
GET /vmware/guest_credential/{id} Get information about a specific guest OS credential. Available
PUT /vmware/guest_credential/{id} Update the domain, username and password of given guest OS credential. Restricted
DELETE /vmware/guest_credential/{id} Remove a specific guest OS credential. Restricted
POST /vmware/org_network_migration Migrates multiple vCenters to a specific organization network. Available
POST /vmware/standalone_host/datastore Retrieve a list of the datastores for a specified ESXi host. Available
GET /vmware/vcenter/tag/{tag_id} Returns a tag or filter in a vCenter, specified by the tag ID. Available
GET /vmware/vcenter/tag_category/{tag_category_id} Returns a tag category or filter category in a vCenter, specified by the category ID. Available
GET /vmware/vcenter/{id}/tag Get a list of tags on this vCenter. Available
GET /vmware/vcenter/{id}/tag_category Get a list of tag categories on this vCenter. Available
GET /vmware/vm/count Count of all the local non-archived VMs. Available
GET /vmware/vm/credential_failure Fetch VMs with authentication failures. Available
GET /vmware/vm/credential_failure/count Fetch count of VMs with authentication failures. Available
GET /vmware/vm/live_snapshot/count/{id} Count of all the live snapshots of a VM. Available
GET /vmware/vm/snapshot/count Retrieve total number of snapshots. Available
GET /vmware/vm/snapshot/mount Retrieve the following information for all live mounts: ID, snapshot date, ID of source VM, name of source VM, ID of source host, status of the mount, mount event ID, and unmount event ID. vSphereLiveMounts Available
GET /vmware/vm/snapshot/mount/count Retrieve total number of live mounts. Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshot/mount/{id}/rollback After an Instant Recovery that used the preserve MOID setting, rollback the datastore used by the recovered virtual machine from the Rubrik cluster to the original datastore. Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshot/{id}/download_files Start an asynchronous job to download multiple files and folders from a specified VMware backup. The response returns an asynchronous request ID. Get the URL for downloading the ZIP file including the specific files/folders by sending a GET request to 'vmware/vm/request/{id}'. mutation vsphereVmDownloadSnapshotFiles Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshot/{id}/internalMountForTest Create a request to Live Mount a virtual machine from a snapshot using a specified configuration. Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshot/{id}/mount_disks Requests a snapshot mount to attach disks to an existing virtual machine. Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshot/{id}/restore_files Create a request to restore multiple file or folder to the source virtual machine. Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshot/{id}/standalone_esx_host_export Export snapshot of a vm to stanadlone esx server. Available
PATCH /vmware/vm/update/bulk Update VMs with specified properties. Available
GET /vmware/vm/virtual_disk Get a list of all the Virtual Disks. Available

v1 Endpoints

REST Endpoint
GraphQL Query CDM Availability
POST /vmware/batch_compute_cluster Retrieve details for a set of VMware compute clusters. Available
POST /vmware/batch_host Retrieve details for a set of VMware ESXi hypervisors. Available
GET /vmware/compute_cluster Get all the clusters belonging to this datacenter. vSphereComputeClusters Available
GET /vmware/compute_cluster/request/{id} Get the details of an asynchronous request that involves a VMware compute cluster. Available
GET /vmware/compute_cluster/{id} Get details for the compute cluster. vSphereComputeCluster Available
PATCH /vmware/compute_cluster/{id} Update the configuredSlaDomainId for a VMware compute cluster with a specific ID. Restricted
POST /vmware/compute_cluster/{id}/install_io_filter Install the latest version of Rubrik ioFilter to the VMware cluster with a specific ID. The cluster must be in maintenance mode to install the ioFilter successfully. The vCenter of the VMware compute cluster must be of version 6.7 and above. installIoFilter Available
GET /vmware/compute_cluster/{id}/io_filter Get the summary of the ioFilters on the VMware compute cluster with a specific ID. Available
POST /vmware/compute_cluster/{id}/uninstall_io_filter Uninstall the Rubrik ioFilter from the VMware cluster with a specific ID. The cluster must be in maintenance mode to uninstall the ioFilter successfully. The vCenter of the VMware compute cluster must be of version 6.7 and above. uninstallIoFilter Available
POST /vmware/compute_cluster/{id}/upgrade_io_filter Upgrade the Rubrik ioFilter for a VMware cluster with a specific ID. The cluster must be in maintenance mode to upgrade the ioFilter successfully. The vCenter of the VMware compute cluster must be of version 6.7 and above. upgradeIoFilter Available
GET /vmware/config/cdp/get_preferred_cdp_network_protocol Returns the current preference of CDM between IPv4 and IPv6 for CDP data transfer. Available
PATCH /vmware/config/cdp/set_preferred_cdp_network_protocol Set the current preference of CDM between IPv4 and IPv6 for CDP data transfer. Available
GET /vmware/config/recovery/networks Get all the networks for snapshot recovery for the specified compute resource. Available
GET /vmware/hierarchy/export Retrieve VMware compute resource hierarchy objects such as compute clusters, hosts, and resource pools that are available as the target for virtual machine export operations. Available
GET /vmware/hierarchy/export_folder_location Retrieve VMware folder hierarchy objects such as vCenters, datacenter folders, datacenters, and virtual machine folders that are available as the target folder location for virtual machine export operations. Available
GET /vmware/hierarchy/{id}/export Retrieve detailed information for VMware compute resource hierarchy object such as compute clusters, hosts, and resource pools by object ID. vSphereRootRecoveryHierarchy Available
GET /vmware/host Get summary of all the ESXi hypervisor. vSphereHostConnection Available
GET /vmware/host/{id} Get details of a ESXi hypervisor. vSphereHost Available
PATCH /vmware/host/{id} Update the SLA Domain that is configured for an ESXi hypervisor. Restricted
GET /vmware/host/{id}/datastore Get details of datastores in a ESXi hypervisor. vsphereVMListESXiDatastores Available
GET /vmware/network/portgroups Get details of port groups inside an ESX host. Available
POST /vmware/network/portgroups Creates port groups inside an ESX host. Available
DELETE /vmware/network/portgroups Deletes the port groups inside an ESX host. Available
GET /vmware/network/vswitch Get details of vSwitches inside an ESX host. Available
POST /vmware/network/vswitch Create a vSwitch inside an ESX host. Available
DELETE /vmware/network/vswitch Delete a vSwitch inside an ESX host. Available
GET /vmware/vcenter Retrieve information for each managed vCenter, including: ID, managed ID, address, username, SLA ID, and primary cluster ID. Available
POST /vmware/vcenter (DEPRECATED) Create a vCenter Server object by providing the address and account credentials of the vCenter Server. Initiates an asynchronous job to establish a connection with the vCenter Server and retrieve all metadata. Use GET /vcenter/{id}/status to check status. The recommended endpoint is /v2/vmware/vcenter. This endpoint will remain available in future releases despite deprecation. Available
GET /vmware/vcenter/hotadd/vm Retrieve summary information for all HotAdd proxy virtual machines. Available
POST /vmware/vcenter/preadd Get information required to specify additional settings when adding/updating a vCenter server in Rubrik cluster. Fetches the names of the compute clusters and host groups. Available
GET /vmware/vcenter/request/{id} Get details about a vcenter related async request. Available
GET /vmware/vcenter/{id} Retrieve detailed information for a vCenter Server object. Available
PUT /vmware/vcenter/{id} Update the address, username and password of the specified vCenter Server object. Available
PATCH /vmware/vcenter/{id} Update the SLA Domain that is configured for a vCenter Server. Restricted
DELETE /vmware/vcenter/{id} Initiates an asynchronous job to remove a vCenter Server object. The vCenter Server cannot have VMs mounted through the Rubrik cluster. Restricted
GET /vmware/vcenter/{id}/connectivity Retrieve the connectivity status and possible errors for the vCenter and the ESXi hosts running on it. Available
GET /vmware/vcenter/{id}/hotadd/bandwidth Get the ingest and export bandwidth limits in Mbps when using HotAdd with the vCenter. These limits are shared across all HotAdd proxies for the Center. Available
POST /vmware/vcenter/{id}/hotadd/bandwidth Set the ingest and export bandwidth limits in Mbps when using HotAdd with the vCenter. These limits are shared across all HotAdd proxies for the Center. Available
GET /vmware/vcenter/{id}/hotadd/needed Get the number of HotAdd proxies that need to be deployed to the vCenter to support the maximum number of ingest jobs. Available
GET /vmware/vcenter/{id}/hotadd/network Retrieve the user-configured network for HotAdd backup and recovery operations on VMware on AWS. Available
POST /vmware/vcenter/{id}/hotadd/network Set the user-configured network for HotAdd backup and recovery operations on VMware on AWS. Available
GET /vmware/vcenter/{id}/missing_privileges/{entity_type} Get a list of required privileges that are not currently granted to Rubrik for all objects with a given type in a given vCenter. Available
GET /vmware/vcenter/{id}/networks Get the names and IDs of the user configured networks in the vCenter. This information enables users to choose a desired network for backups to go through for VMware Cloud on AWS setups. Available
POST /vmware/vcenter/{id}/refresh Create a job to refresh the metadata for the specified vCenter Server. Available
POST /vmware/vcenter/{id}/refresh_vm Refresh the metadata for a single virtual machine controlled by vCenter. Available
GET /vmware/vcenter/{id}/required_privileges Request all vCenter privileges required by the Rubrik cluster for a specific vCenter server. Available
POST /vmware/vcenter/{id}/tag_filter Create a filter consisting of vSphere tags joined with logical operators. Restricted
GET /vmware/vcenter/{id}/tag_filter/preview Preview list of virtual machines of a proposed filter condition. The result might not be accurate if new virtual machines were added after last vCenter refresh. Available
PUT /vmware/vcenter/{id}/tag_filter/{filter_id} Updates the name, condition, and description of the specified multi-tag filter. Restricted
DELETE /vmware/vcenter/{id}/tag_filter/{filter_id} Remove the multi-tag filter. Restricted
DELETE /vmware/vcenter/{vcenter_id}/hotadd/{proxy_id} Delete the specified HotAdd proxy virtual machine from the vSphere environment and the Rubrik cluster. Available
GET /vmware/vm Get summary of all the VMs. vSphereVmNewConnection Available
POST /vmware/vm/batch_mount vsphereVmInitiateLiveMountV2 Available
POST /vmware/vm/cdp vsphereVmwareCdpLiveInfo Available
POST /vmware/vm/cdp_state allCdpVmsInfos Available
POST /vmware/vm/make_primary Migrate the primary cluster with which the agent is able to communicate. For disaster recovery when migrating everything over from another cluster, the /host/make_primary endpoint can be used with the oldPrimaryClusterUuid parameter. Available
POST /vmware/vm/missed_recoverable_range vsphereVMMissedRecoverableRange Available
POST /vmware/vm/recoverable_range vsphereVMRecoverableRange Available
GET /vmware/vm/request/{id} Get the details of an asynchronous request that involves a VMware virtual machine. vSphereDetailData Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshot/bulk Bulk operation of taking on-demand snapshot for given virtual machines. vsphereBulkOnDemandSnapshot Available
GET /vmware/vm/snapshot/mount Retrieve summary information about Live Mount activity. vSphereLiveMounts Available
GET /vmware/vm/snapshot/mount/{id} Retrieve detailed information for a specified Live Mount. vSphereMount Available
PATCH /vmware/vm/snapshot/mount/{id} Power a specified Live Mount virtual machine on or off. Pass true to power the virtual machine on and pass false to power the virtual machine off. vsphereVmPowerOnOffLiveMount Available
DELETE /vmware/vm/snapshot/mount/{id} Create a request to delete a Live Mount virtual machine. vsphereVMDeleteLiveMount Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshot/mount/{id}/relocate Run storage VMotion to relocate a specified Live Mount into another data store. vsphereExportSnapshotToStandaloneHost Available
GET /vmware/vm/snapshot/{id} Retrieve detailed information about a virtual machine snapshot. Available
DELETE /vmware/vm/snapshot/{id} Designate a snapshot as expired and available for garbage collection. The snapshot must be an on-demand snapshot or a snapshot from a virtual machine that is not assigned to an SLA Domain. vsphereVmDELETE Restricted
GET /vmware/vm/snapshot/{id}/browse For a virtual machine snapshot, list the directories and files that are beneath a specified file system path. browseSnapshotFileConnection Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshot/{id}/download Provides a method for retrieving a snapshot, that is not available locally, from an archival location. vmwareDownloadSnapshotFromLocation Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshot/{id}/download_file Create a request to download a file from a virtual machine snapshot. vsphereVmDownloadSnapshotFiles Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshot/{id}/download_virtual_machine_files Start an asynchronous job to download multiple Virtual Machine files, such as .vmdk, .vmx, and .nvram files, from the specified Virtual Machine snapshot. Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshot/{id}/export Export a virtual machine from a snapshot, using a specified hypervisor host as the datastore. vsphereVmExportSnapshotV3 Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshot/{id}/export_with_download Download a snapshot from an archival location and then export a virtual machine using the downloaded snapshot. vsphereVmExportSnapshotWithDownloadFromCloud Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshot/{id}/instant_recover Instantly recovery a virtual machine from a snapshot. The Instant Recovery request starts the virtual machine with networking enabled and renames and powers off the source virtual machine, if it still exists. vsphereVmInitiateInstantRecoveryV2 Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshot/{id}/mount Create a request to Live Mount a virtual machine from a snapshot using a specified configuration. vsphereVmInitiateLiveMountV2 Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshot/{id}/restore_file Create a request to restore a file or folder to the source virtual machine. vsphereVmRecoverFilesNew Available
GET /vmware/vm/snapshot/{id}/virtual_machine_files Returns all virtual machine files, such as .vmdk, .vmx, and .nvram files, for the specified virtual machine snapshot. Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshot/{id}/{location_id}/download_files Initiates a job to download one or more files or folders from an archived virtual machine snapshot. Returns the job instance ID. vsphereVmDownloadSnapshotFiles Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshot/{id}/{location_id}/restore_files Initiates a job to restore one or more files or folders from an archived virtual machine snapshot. Returns the job instance ID. vsphereVmRecoverFilesNew Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshots Retrieve snapshot summaries for a list of virtual machines. Available
GET /vmware/vm/virtual_disk/{id} Detailed about the specific Virtual Disk. Available
PATCH /vmware/vm/virtual_disk/{id} Update a specific Virtual Disk. Available
GET /vmware/vm/{id} Retrieve details for a virtual machine. vSphereDetailData Available
PATCH /vmware/vm/{id} Update a virtual machine with specified properties. Use the guestCredential field to update the guest credential for a specified virtual machine. updateVcdVapp Available
POST /vmware/vm/{id}/guest_script/run Run the specified preBackup, postSnap, or postBackup script in the guest OS of a virtual machine. The script must exist and meet requirements. Available
GET /vmware/vm/{id}/linking_info Retrieve information of linked VMware virtual machines, including the current active VMware virtual machine in the protect object group. Available
GET /vmware/vm/{id}/missed_recoverable_range Gets a list of time ranges to which a CDP-enabled virtual machine cannot perform a point-in-time recovery. The time ranges are indicated by start and end timestamps listed as date-time strings. vsphereVMMissedRecoverableRange Available
GET /vmware/vm/{id}/missed_snapshot Retrieve details about the missed snapshots for a virtual machine. missedSnapshotGroupByConnection Available
GET /vmware/vm/{id}/recoverable_range Gets time ranges available for point-in-time recovery. The time ranges are indicated by start and end date-time strings. vsphereVMRecoverableRange Available
POST /vmware/vm/{id}/register_agent Register the Rubrik Backup Service that is running on a specified host with the specified Rubrik cluster. vsphereVmRegisterAgent Available
GET /vmware/vm/{id}/request/force_full_snapshot Retrieve the configuration that has been set for forcing a full snapshot for a VMware virtual machine. Available
POST /vmware/vm/{id}/request/force_full_snapshot Request a full snapshot to be taken for the next backup job of a VMware virtual machine. Available
GET /vmware/vm/{id}/search Search for a file in the snapshots of a a virtual machine. Specify the file by full path prefix or filename prefix. searchSnappableVersionedFiles Available
GET /vmware/vm/{id}/snapshot Retrieve summary information for the snapshots of a virtual machine. snapshotsListConnection Available
POST /vmware/vm/{id}/snapshot Use the ID of a virtual machine to create an on-demand snapshot. vsphereOnDemandSnapshot Available
DELETE /vmware/vm/{id}/snapshot Delete all of the snapshots from a virtual machine. vsphereVmDeleteSnapshot Restricted

v2 Endpoints

REST Endpoint
GraphQL Query CDM Availability
POST /vmware/vcenter Create a vCenter Server object by providing the address and account credentials of the vCenter Server. Establishes a connection to the vCenter and retrieves all associated metadata objects such as Virtual Machines, ESXi Hosts, Compute Clusters, Folders, Tags, etc. Available
POST /vmware/vm/batch_export Export a snapshot each from a set of virtual machines. Available
POST /vmware/vm/batch_in_place_recover Trigger in-place recovery jobs for a set of virtual machines. Available
POST /vmware/vm/batch_instant_recover Instantly recover a snapshot each from a set of virtual machines. Available
POST /vmware/vm/batch_mount Live mount a snapshot from each virtual machine in a batch. vsphereVmInitiateLiveMountV2 Available
POST /vmware/vm/batch_relocate_mount Runs storage and compute VMotion to relocate specified Live Mounts to other datastores/datastore clusters and compute resources in batches. Available
POST /vmware/vm/batch_unmount Delete Live Mount virtual machines in a batch. Available
POST /vmware/vm/mount/{id}/relocate Run storage VMotion to relocate a specified Live Mount into other datastores and datastore clusters. vsphereExportSnapshotToStandaloneHost Available
GET /vmware/vm/request/{id} Retrieve the details of an asynchronous request that includes a VMware virtual machine. vSphereDetailData Available
POST /vmware/vm/snapshot/{snapshot_id}/{location_id}/download Initiates a job to download a snapshot from the specified location when the snapshot does not exist locally. The specified location can be an archival location connected to this Rubrik cluster or can be a replication target. Available
POST /vmware/vm/{id}/export Export a virtual machine from a snapshot, using a specified hypervisor host as the datastore. vsphereVmExportSnapshotV3 Available
POST /vmware/vm/{id}/export_with_download Download a snapshot from an archival location and then export a virtual machine using the downloaded snapshot. vsphereVmExportSnapshotWithDownloadFromCloud Available
POST /vmware/vm/{id}/in_place_recovery Initiate an in-place recovery of a virtual machine from a snapshot. Available
POST /vmware/vm/{id}/instant_recover Instantly recover a virtual machine from either a snapshot ID or a timestamp using a specified configuration. The Instant Recovery request starts the virtual machine with networking enabled and renames and powers off the source virtual machine, if it still exists. vsphereVmInitiateInstantRecoveryV2 Available
POST /vmware/vm/{id}/mount Create a request to Live Mount a virtual machine from either a snapshot ID or a timestamp using a specified configuration. Available

v3 Endpoints

REST Endpoint
GraphQL Query CDM Availability
POST /vmware/vm/batch_export Export a snapshot each from a set of virtual machines. Available
POST /vmware/vm/{id}/export Exports a virtual machine from a snapshot, using a datastore or datastore cluster as the target storage location. Available