

v1 Endpoints

REST Endpoint
GraphQL Query CDM Availability
GET /certificate Get all certificates. query globalCertificateConnection or query clusterCertificates Available
POST /certificate Import a certificate. mutation addGlobalCertificate Available
GET /certificate/agent Get all certificates that have been added to the cluster and qualify to be secondary cluster certificates for the Rubrik Backup Service. This call retrieves any certificates that are detected to be Rubrik cluster certificates. Available
POST /certificate/agent Mark a secondary cluster certificate to be asynchronously synced to all Rubrik Backup Service instances for which this cluster is the primary. Available
DELETE /certificate/agent/{id} Unmark a previously marked secondary cluster certificate to be asynchronously removed from all Rubrik Backup Service instances for which this cluster is the primary. Available
GET /certificate/{id} Get a certificate summary. query GET GlobalCertificate Available
PATCH /certificate/{id} Provide updated information for a certificate object. mutation updateGlobalCertificate Available
DELETE /certificate/{id} Deletes an imported certificate. mutation DELETE GlobalCertificate Available