

Internal Endpoints

REST Endpoint
GraphQL Query CDM Availability
GET /config/activeDirectory Fetch the global Active Directory configuration. Available
GET /config/af2 Fetch the global Af2 configuration. Available
GET /config/akka Fetch the global Akka configuration. Available
GET /config/appBlueprint Fetch the global Appblueprint configuration. Available
GET /config/appFramework Fetch the global Appframework configuration. Available
GET /config/appflows Fetch the global Appflows configuration. Available
GET /config/atlas Fetch the global Atlas configuration. Available
GET /config/aws Fetch the global AWS configuration. Available
GET /config/azure Fetch the global Azure configuration. Available
GET /config/blobstore Fetch the global Blobstore configuration. Available
GET /config/callisto Fetch the global Callisto configuration. Available
GET /config/cdp Fetch the global CDP configuration. Available
GET /config/cerebro Fetch the global Cerebro configuration. Available
GET /config/cloud Fetch the global Cloud configuration. Available
GET /config/cloudUtilization Fetch the global cloud utilization configuration. Available
GET /config/configProtection Fetch the global config protection configuration. Available
GET /config/crystal Fetch the global Crystal configuration. Available
GET /config/db2 Fetch the global Db2 configuration. Available
GET /config/dcs Fetch the global DCS configuration. Available
GET /config/dlc Fetch the global DLC configuration. Available
GET /config/envision Fetch the global Envision configuration. Available
GET /config/envoy Fetch the global Envoy configuration. Available
GET /config/exchange Fetch the global Exchange configuration. Available
GET /config/featureToggle Fetch the global feature toggle configuration. Available
GET /config/fileset Fetch the global Fileset configuration. Available
GET /config/forge Fetch the global Forge configuration. Available
GET /config/galactus Fetch the global Galactus configuration. Available
GET /config/gcp Fetch the global GCP configuration. Available
GET /config/hawkeye Fetch the global Hawkeye configuration. Available
GET /config/hyperv Fetch the global Hyper-V configuration. Available
GET /config/infinity Fetch the global Infinity configuration. Available
GET /config/infra Fetch the global Infra configuration. Available
GET /config/jarvis Fetch the global Jarvis configuration. Available
GET /config/jobIoPriority Fetch the global Jobiopriority configuration. Available
GET /config/k8s Fetch the global Kubernetes configuration. Available
GET /config/kvsnapshot Fetch the global Kvsnapshot configuration. Available
GET /config/lambda Fetch the global Lambda configuration. Available
GET /config/local_activeDirectory Fetch the local Active Directory configuration. Available
GET /config/local_akka Fetch the local Akka configuration. Available
GET /config/local_appFlows Fetch the local Appflows configuration. Available
GET /config/local_atlas Fetch the local Atlas configuration. Available
GET /config/local_blobstore Fetch the local Blobstore configuration. Available
GET /config/local_callisto Fetch the local Callisto configuration. Available
GET /config/local_cdp Fetch the local CDP configuration. Available
GET /config/local_cerebro Fetch the local Cerebro configuration. Available
GET /config/local_cloud Fetch the local Cloud configuration. Available
GET /config/local_db2 Fetch the local Db2 configuration. Available
GET /config/local_dlc Fetch the local DLC configuration. Available
GET /config/local_envision Fetch the local Envision configuration. Available
GET /config/local_envoyNg Fetch the local EnvoynNG configuration. Available
GET /config/local_exchange Fetch the local Exchange configuration. Available
GET /config/local_failureTesting Fetch the local failure testing configuration. Available
GET /config/local_fileset Fetch the local Fileset configuration. Available
GET /config/local_forge Fetch the local Forge configuration. Available
GET /config/local_galactus Fetch the local Galactus configuration. Available
GET /config/local_hawkeye Fetch the local Hawkeye configuration. Available
GET /config/local_healthMonitor Fetch the local Health monitor configuration. Available
GET /config/local_infinity Fetch the local Infinity configuration. Available
GET /config/local_ireCr Fetch the local Irecr configuration. Available
GET /config/local_jarvis Fetch the local Jarvis configuration. Available
GET /config/local_k8s Fetch the local Kubernetes configuration. Available
GET /config/local_lambda Fetch the local Lambda configuration. Available
GET /config/local_managedVolume Fetch the local Managed Volume configuration. Available
GET /config/local_mongo Fetch the local Mongo configuration. Available
GET /config/local_mssql Fetch the local MSSQL configuration. Available
GET /config/local_network Fetch the local Network configuration. Available
GET /config/local_nodeMonitor Fetch the local Node monitor configuration. Available
GET /config/local_oracle Fetch the local Oracle configuration. Available
GET /config/local_potassium Fetch the local Potassium configuration. Available
GET /config/local_quicksilver Fetch the local Quicksilver configuration. Available
GET /config/local_remoteCluster Fetch the local remote cluster configuration. Available
GET /config/local_replication Fetch the local Replication configuration. Available
GET /config/local_sapHana Fetch the local SAP HANA configuration. Available
GET /config/local_shield Fetch the local Shield configuration. Available
GET /config/local_snapshot Fetch the local Snapshot configuration. Available
GET /config/local_storm Fetch the local Storm configuration. Available
GET /config/local_support Fetch the local Support configuration. Available
GET /config/local_thor Fetch the local Thor configuration. Available
GET /config/local_uff Fetch the local UFF configuration. Available
GET /config/local_userActivity Fetch the local user activity configuration. Available
GET /config/local_virtualPlatform Fetch the local virtual platform configuration. Available
GET /config/local_vmware Fetch the local VMware configuration. Available
GET /config/local_vulcan Fetch the local Vulcan configuration. Available
GET /config/managedVolume Fetch the global Managed Volume configuration. Available
GET /config/mongo Fetch the global Mongo configuration. Available
GET /config/mssql Fetch the global MSSQL configuration. Available
GET /config/nfs Fetch the global NFS configuration. Available
GET /config/nutanix Fetch the global Nutanix configuration. Available
GET /config/oracle Fetch the global Oracle configuration. Available
GET /config/oracleV2 Fetch the global Oracle v2 configuration. Available
GET /config/polaris Fetch the global Polaris configuration. Available
GET /config/potassium Fetch the global Potassium configuration. Available
GET /config/qstar Fetch the global Qstar configuration. Available
GET /config/quicksilver Fetch the global Quicksilver configuration. Available
GET /config/replication Fetch the global Replication configuration. Available
GET /config/sapHana Fetch the global SAP HANA configuration. Available
GET /config/shield Fetch the global Shield configuration. Available
GET /config/snapshot Fetch the global Snapshot configuration. Available
GET /config/storageArray Fetch the global Storage Array configuration. Available
GET /config/storm Fetch the global Storm configuration. Available
GET /config/thor Fetch the global Thor configuration. Available
GET /config/thorDownload Fetch the global Thor download configuration. Available
GET /config/thorUpload Fetch the global Thor upload configuration. Available
GET /config/userActivity Fetch the global user activity configuration. Available
GET /config/usersettable_cerebro Fetch the global Cerebro configuration. Available
PATCH /config/usersettable_cerebro Update the global Cerebro configuration. Available
PATCH /config/usersettable_cerebro/reset Reset the global Cerebro configuration. Available
GET /config/usersettable_crystal Fetch the global Crystal configuration. Available
PATCH /config/usersettable_crystal Update the global Crystal configuration. Available
PATCH /config/usersettable_crystal/reset Reset the global Crystal configuration. Available
GET /config/usersettable_fileset Fetch the global Fileset configuration. Available
PATCH /config/usersettable_fileset Update the global Fileset configuration. Available
PATCH /config/usersettable_fileset/reset Reset the global Fileset configuration. Available
GET /config/usersettable_forge Fetch the global Forge configuration. Available
PATCH /config/usersettable_forge Update the global Forge configuration. Available
PATCH /config/usersettable_forge/reset Reset the global Forge configuration. Available
GET /config/usersettable_hyperv Fetch the global Hyper-V configuration. Available
PATCH /config/usersettable_hyperv Update the global Hyper-V configuration. Available
PATCH /config/usersettable_hyperv/reset Reset the global Hyperv configuration. Available
GET /config/usersettable_shield Fetch the global Shield configuration. Available
PATCH /config/usersettable_shield Update the global Shield configuration. Available
PATCH /config/usersettable_shield/reset Reset the global Shield configuration. Available
GET /config/usersettable_thor Fetch the global Thor configuration. Available
PATCH /config/usersettable_thor Update the global Thor configuration. Available
PATCH /config/usersettable_thor/reset Reset the global Thor configuration. Available
GET /config/usersettable_volumeGroup Fetch the global Volumegroup configuration. Available
PATCH /config/usersettable_volumeGroup Update the global Volumegroup configuration. Available
PATCH /config/usersettable_volumeGroup/reset Reset the global Volumegroup configuration. Available
GET /config/usersettable_vulcan Fetch the global Vulcan configuration. Available
PATCH /config/usersettable_vulcan Update the global Vulcan configuration. Available
PATCH /config/usersettable_vulcan/reset Reset the global Vulcan configuration. Available
GET /config/vcd Fetch the global VCD configuration. Available
GET /config/volumeGroup Fetch the global Volumegroup configuration. Available
GET /config/vsphere Fetch the global vSphere configuration. Available
GET /config/vulcan Fetch the global Vulcan configuration. Available

v1 Endpoints

REST Endpoint
GraphQL Query CDM Availability
GET /config/history/list_updates View a list of cluster configuration options that have updated within a specified time window. Available
GET /config/history/ondate View a list of configurations and their values on a given date. Available
GET /config/overrides Retrieves a list of local and global configurations that have been overridden. By default, the response does not include the configurations that were modified programmatically. Set the has_code_overrides parameter to true, to retrieve the configurations that have been modified programmatically. To retrieve the configurations that have been overridden for a specific namespace, configure the namespace parameter. Specifying a namespace that begins with the string local_ returns the configuration changes for the specified namespace from the local node. If the namespace does not begin with the string local_, the response includes the global configuration changes for the specified namespace. Available