

Internal Endpoints

REST Endpoint
GraphQL Query CDM Availability
GET /envoy_ng/org_network_assignment Retrieve the organizational network assignments of VMware objects like vCenters, folders, or Virtual Machines. Restricted
POST /envoy_ng/org_network_assignment Set the organizational network assignment of VMware objects like vCenters, folders, or Virtual Machines. Restricted
POST /envoy_ng/unmanged_ssfc Enables connections from the specified unmanaged SSF client to SSF servers running on the Rubrik CDM cluster. Restricted
DELETE /envoy_ng/unmanged_ssfc Disable the connection from the specified unmanaged SSF client to SSF servers running on the Rubrik CDM cluster. Restricted

v1 Endpoints

REST Endpoint
GraphQL Query CDM Availability
DELETE /envoy_ng/bulk Deletes the specified Envoy NGs from Rubrik CDM. Available
GET /envoy_ng/cdm_nat_addresses Retrieves the list of Rubrik CDM NAT TLS addresses to prepare Envoy-NG to connect SSF tunnel to each Rubrik CDM node. Available
POST /envoy_ng/cdm_nat_addresses Set the list of Rubrik CDM NAT TLS addresses to prepare Envoy-NG to connect SSF tunnel to each Rubrik CDM node. Available
GET /envoy_ng/live_mount_ips/{id} Retrieves the list of live mount IP address to Rubrik CDM node UUID mappings for a specific tenant. Available
PUT /envoy_ng/live_mount_ips/{id} Assigns live mount IP addresses to Rubrik CDM nodes for a specific tenant. Available
POST /envoy_ng/registration Registers Envoy-NG with Rubrik CDM enabling the Rubrik cluster to securely contact Envoy-NG over SSH. Available
GET /envoy_ng/status Retrieve the status of the specified Rubrik Envoy NG. If no field is specified, retrieve the statuses of all Envoy NGs. Available