Input to add IAM user-based AWS cloud account for native protection.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input AddAwsIamUserBasedCloudAccountInput {
- # List of features to be enabled for cloud native protection.
- CloudAccountFeature!]! : [
- # Access key for IAM user with native protection policy on AWS cloud account.
- # Access key is required only while adding new AWS cloud account.
- String :
- # Secret key for IAM user with native protection policy on AWS cloud account.
- # Secret key is required only while adding new AWS cloud account.
- String :
- # Native ID of cloud account.
- String! :
- # Name of cloud account.
- String! :
- # Cloud type (Standard/China/Gov) for the cloud account.
- AwsCloudType :
- # List of AWS regions for the cloud account.
- AwsCloudAccountRegion!] : [
- # AWS Role ARN with native protection policy on AWS cloud account. Role name must
- # start with 'rubrik-polaris-'. Role ARN is required only while adding new AWS
- # cloud account.
- String :
- # Key value pair for external artifacts associated with an AWS account.
- ExternalArtifacts!] : [
- }