Input to update SLA Domain.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input UpdateGlobalSlaInput {
- # ID of the SLA Domain.
- String :
- # Name of the SLA Domain.
- String :
- # Description of the SLA Domain.
- String :
- # Snapshot schedule of the SLA Domain.
- GlobalSnapshotScheduleInput :
- # State version of the SLA Domain.
- Long :
- # Replication specification of the SLA Domain. Deprecated: use replicationSpecsV2
- # instead.
- ReplicationSpecInput :
- # Retention limit for snapshots on the local Rubrik system. If none, they will
- # remain as long as SLA requires.
- SlaDurationInput :
- # Backup Window specifications of first full backup for SLA Domain.
- BackupWindowInput!] : [
- # Backup Window specifications for SLA Domain.
- BackupWindowInput!] : [
- # Log configuration of the SLA Domain. Deprecated: use objectSpecificConfigs
- # instead.
- LogConfig :
- # Object-specific configuration of the SLA Domain.
- ObjectSpecificConfigsInput :
- # Should apply to existing snapshots.
- ShouldApplyToExistingSnapshots :
- # Should apply to non-policy snapshots.
- ShouldApplyToNonPolicySnapshots :
- # Optional user note.
- String :
- # List of archival specifications for SLA Domain.
- ArchivalSpecInput!] : [
- # Replication specifications of the SLA Domain.
- ReplicationSpecV2Input!] : [
- # Object types of the SLA Domain.
- SlaObjectType!] : [
- # Specifies if the SLA Domain to be updated must be Retention Locked or not.
- Boolean :
- # Specifies the retention lock mode for the intended SLA Domain update.
- RetentionLockMode :
- }