

Represents a single licensed product.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type LicensedClusterProduct {
  • # The name of the product.
  • product: Product!
  • # The total purchased capacity of this product, in bytes.
  • purchasedCapacityBytes: Float!
  • # The total registered capacity of this product, in bytes.
  • registeredCapacityBytes: Float!
  • # The amount of bytes under the license with the nearest expiry date.
  • nextExpiringBytes: Float!
  • # The next expiry date of a license under this product.
  • nextExpiringTime: DateTime
  • # The product types under this product that the customer has.
  • productTypes: [String!]!
  • # The number of Rubrik clusters included in this product.
  • numClusters: Int!
  • # The contributions from other products that make up the used capacity of this
  • # product. Only valid when product type is Scale.
  • contributions: [CapacityContribution!]!
  • }