Supported in v5.3+
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input EnablePerLocationPauseInput {
- # Supported in v8.0+
- # Specifies whether replication jobs are paused immediately while pulling data
- # from the source cluster. When this value is 'true', replication jobs will be
- # paused immediately without losing their progress. Either
- # 'shouldCancelImmediately' or 'shouldPauseImmediately' must be 'true', but not
- # both at the same time. When both are 'false', current running replication jobs
- # will be allowed to finish before pausing.
- Boolean :
- # Required. Supported in v5.3+
- # v5.3-v7.0: Specifies whether replication jobs are canceled immediately. When
- # this value is 'true,' replication jobs will be canceled immediately. In all
- # other cases, current running replication jobs will be allowed to finish before
- # pausing.
- #
- # v8.0+: Specifies whether replication jobs are canceled immediately. When this
- # value is 'true', replication jobs will be canceled immediately.
- Boolean! :
- # Required. Supported in v5.3+
- # Replication from specified Rubrik clusters are paused. Specified Rubrik clusters
- # must be active replication sources of local Rubrik cluster.
- String!]! : [
- }