

Input required for providing cluster configuration details for registration.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input GenerateClusterRegistrationTokenInput {
  • # If true, generate a token for registering a Hybrid cluster. If false, generate a
  • # token for registering LifeOfDevice cluster. If it's not passed, the product type
  • # is inferred automatically. Value would be absent in case of single SKU.
  • managedByPolaris: Boolean
  • # Configuration details for nodes in the cluster. Input is optional as all CDM
  • # releases don't support this configuration generation.
  • nodeConfigs: [NodeRegistrationConfigsInput!]
  • # Indicates whethere the registration is being performed in offline mode or
  • # online. Input is optional as all CDM releases don't support offline
  • # registration.
  • isOfflineRegistration: Boolean
  • }

link Require by