The Boolean
scalar type represents true
or false
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Boolean
link Require by
- AccountSettingUser account setting per Rubrik account.
- ActiveDirectoryContainerRestoreOptionsInputSupported in v9.0+
- ActiveDirectoryDomainActive Directory Domain.
- ActiveDirectoryDomainControllerActive Directory Domain Controller.
- ActiveDirectoryDomainDescendantTypeActive Directory domain descendant type, eg. ActiveDirectoryDomainController.
- ActiveDirectoryDomainPhysicalChildTypeActive Directory domain physical child type, eg. ActiveDirectoryDomainController.
- ActiveDirectoryLiveMountConfigInputConfiguration for creating Active Directory Live Mount.
- ActiveDirectoryObjectAttributesDiffResponseThe difference in attribute values between snapshots for the Active Directory (AD) object.
- ActiveDirectoryObjectRecoveryConfigInputSupported in v9.0+
- ActiveDirectoryObjectRecoveryDryRunResponseDataThe changes in attribute values if the Active Directory object is restored.
- ActiveDirectoryRestoreConfigInputInput for Active Directory objects restore.
- ActiveDirectoryUserRestoreOptionsInputSupported in v9.0+
- ActivitySeriesA series of activities on either the RSC or a Rubrik cluster.
- AddAzureCloudAccountExocomputeConfigurationsInputInput for adding Exocompute configurations for an Azure Cloud Account.
- AddAzureCloudAccountInputInput for adding an Azure Cloud Account.
- AddAzureCloudAccountWithoutOauthInputInput for adding an Azure Cloud Account without OAuth.
- AddClusterCertificateReplySupported in v5.1+
- AddCrossAccountServiceConsumerInputInput to add service consumer to cross-account.
- AddNodesConfigInputInput for node configuration.
- AddNodesToCloudClusterInputNodes add request for a cloud cluster.
- AddVmAppConsistentSpecsInputInput required to add Azure native virtual machine application consistency specifications.
- AdVolumeExportActive Directory volume export.
- AgentDeploymentSettingsSupported in v5.0+
- AgentDeploymentSettingsInputSupported in v5.0+
- AirGapStatusInputRequest parameters for updating the air-gap status of the Rubrik cluster.
- AnomalyResultAnomaly analysis report from lambda service.
- AnomalyResultFilterInputFilter anomaly result data.
- AnomalyStatusAnomaly status of the snapshot.
- ApplicationCloudAccountToExocomputeConfigDetails about an Exocompute configuration.
- ApplicationRecoveryOptionTypeConfiguration to recover objects linked to Azure AD application.
- ApproveRcvPrivateEndpointReplyRequired fields for approving private endpoint.
- ArchivalTieringSpecArchival tiering specification.
- ArchivalTieringSpecInputArchival tiering specification input.
- AssignmentResourceDetailsList of resource details.
- AssignSlaInputInput to assign Rubrik SLA Domains.
- AttachmentSpecForEbsVolumeHost AWS EC2 instance specifications for AWS EBS volume.
- AttachmentSpecForEc2InstanceEBS volume attachment specifications.
- AttachmentSpecsForManagedDiskAttachment Specifications for Azure Native Managed Disk.
- AttachmentSpecsForVirtualMachineAttachment Specifications for Azure Native Virtual Machine.
- AuditSubscriptionThe audit subscription information.
- AutoEnablePolicyClusterConfigReplyAuto-enabled Data Discovery policy configuration for Rubrik clusters.
- AwsAccountRansomwareInvestigationEnablementAWS accounts on which Ransomware Investigation can be enabled.
- AwsAccountValidationResponseValidate given aws accounts.
- AwsCdmVersionRubrik CDM image version information from the AWS marketplace.
- AwsCloudAccountDetails of AWS account.
- AwsCloudAccountInputDetails of an AWS cloud account.
- AwsComputeSettingsCompute setting for AWS Target.
- AwsCustomerManagedExocomputeConfigAWS Customer Managed Exocompute Configuration in a region.
- AwsEsConfigInputES storage for AWS account.
- AwsExocomputeConfigInputAWS Exocompute configuration to add.
- AwsExocomputeConfigsDeletionStatusTypeAWS Exocompute configurations Deletion status.
- AwsExocomputeGetConfigResponseAWS Exocompute configuration in a region.
- AwsExocomputeGetConfigurationResponseAWS Exocompute Configuration response type.
- AwsImmutabilitySettingsTypeImmutability settings for aws cdm target.
- AwsNativeAccountAWS native account.
- AwsNativeAccountDescendantType
- AwsNativeAccountLogicalChildType
- AwsNativeEbsVolumeAWS native EBS volume.
- AwsNativeEc2InstanceAWS native EC2 instance.
- AwsNativeHierarchyObjectAn AWS native managed hierarchy object.
- AwsNativeRdsInstanceAWS native RDS instance.
- AwsNativeRegionSpecList of AWS region specifications associated with an AWS account.
- AwsNativeRootRoot of AWS native hierarchy.
- AwsNativeS3BucketAWS native S3 Bucket.
- AwsNativeS3SpecificSnapshotAWS S3-specific snapshot information.
- AwsRscManagedExocomputeConfigAWS RSC Managed Exocompute Configuration in a region.
- AwsTargetTemplateSpecific info for AWS Target Template.
- AzureAdApplicationAzure AD application.
- AzureAdAppRoleAzure AD app role.
- AzureAdAppRoleAssignmentAzure AD app role assignment.
- AzureAdDirectoryDetails of the Azure AD directory object.
- AzureAdRoleAzure AD role.
- AzureApplicationCloudAccountToExocomputeConfigDetails about an Exocompute configuration.
- AzureBlobContainerCcprovisionAzure blob container information.
- AzureCloudAccountSubscriptionAzure Cloud Account Subscription for a given feature.
- AzureCloudAccountTenantAzure Tenant with details of subscriptions that are configured for a given feature.
- AzureCloudAccountTenantWithExoConfigsAzure Cloud Account Tenant with details of exocompute configured for subscriptions for a given feature.
- AzureEsConfigInputES storage for Azure account.
- AzureExocomputeAddConfigInputTypeAzure Exocompute configuration to add.
- AzureExocomputeConfigDetailsExocompute configurations details.
- AzureExocomputeConfigValidationInfoContains validation information, such as blockers or errors encountered in validating the Exocompute configuration.
- AzureExocomputeGetConfigResponseAzure Exocompute configuration.
- AzureExocomputeRegionConfigRepresents an Azure Exocompute Configuration for a specific region. The Azure Exocompute Configuration includes the subnet native ID to be used for launching an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster in a specific region.
- AzureImmutabilitySettingsTypeImmutability settings for azure cdm target.
- AzureKeyVaultDetails of Azure Key Vault.
- AzureNativeAttachedDiskSpecificSnapshotAzure Virtual Machine attached disks snapshot.
- AzureNativeDiskExocomputeConnectedFilterFilter to decide whether to get disks with a configured exocompute.
- AzureNativeHierarchyObjectTypeAn Azure native managed hierarchy object.
- AzureNativeManagedDiskAn Azure Native Managed Disk that refers to the block storage designed to be used with Azure Virtual Machines. Some examples are: ultra disks, premium solid-state drives (SSD), standard SSDs, and standard hard disk drives (HDD). For more information, see
- AzureNativeRegionSpecAzure region specification.
- AzureNativeResourceGroupAn Azure Native Resource Group. Refers to a collection of resources in which multiple Azure services can reside.
- AzureNativeRootRoot of Azure native hierarchy.
- AzureNativeStorageAccountSpecificSnapshotSnapshot information specific to the Azure storage account.
- AzureNativeSubscriptionAn Azure Native Subscription. Refers to the logical entity that provides entitlement to deploy and consume Azure resources.
- AzureNativeVirtualMachineAn Azure Native Virtual Machine that refers to the Azure infrastructure as a service (IaaS) used to deploy persistent VMs. For more information, see
- AzureNativeVmExocomputeConnectedFilterFilter to decide whether to get VMs with a configured exocompute.
- AzureNetworkSubnetResp
- AzureO365ExocomputeClusterAzure O365 Exocompute cluster details.
- AzureResourceAvailabilityResp
- AzureRoleAzure Role details.
- AzureSqlDatabaseDbAn Azure SQL Database. Refers to the fully managed SQL database built for the cloud. For more info, see
- AzureSqlDatabaseServerRetrieves an Azure SQL Database Server. Refers to the server the Azure SQL Database is a part of. For more info, see
- AzureSqlManagedInstanceDatabaseRetrieves an Azure SQL Managed Instance Database. Refers to the database engine compatible with the latest SQL Server (Enterprise Edition) database engine. For more information, see
- AzureSqlManagedInstanceServerRetrieves an Azure SQL Managed Instance Server. Refers to the server the Azure SQL Managed Instance Database is a part of.
- AzureStorageAccountAn Azure storage account that contains Azure storage data objects including blobs, file shares, queues, tables, and disks. For more information, see
- AzureSubscriptionRansomwareInvestigationEnablementAzure subscriptions on which Ransomware Investigation can be enabled.
- AzureTargetTemplateSpecific info for Azure Target Template.
- BackupRunConfigThe configuration of the backup operation.
- BackupThrottleSettingBackup throttle settings.
- BackupThrottleSettingInputBackup throttle settings.
- BaseSnapshotSummarySupported in v5.0+
- BatchQuarantineSnapshotReplyReply for the operation to quarantine a batch of snapshots.
- BatchReleaseFromQuarantineSnapshotReplyReply for the operation to release a batch of snapshots from quarantine.
- BeginSnapshotManagedVolumeRequestInputSupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Request for begin Managed Volume snapshot.
- BlackoutWindowStatusSupported in v5.0+
- BootstrappableNodeInfoSupported in v5.0+
- BootstrappableNodeInfoListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- BrowseDirectoryFiltersInput
- BrowseResponseListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- BulkCreateFilesetsReplySupported in v5.0+
- BulkCreateFilesetTemplatesReplySupported in v5.0+
- BulkCreateNasFilesetInputSupported in v7.0+
- BulkDeleteFailoverClusterAppInputInput for V1BulkDeleteFailoverClusterApp.
- BulkDeleteFailoverClusterInputInput for V1BulkDeleteFailoverCluster.
- BulkDeleteFilesetInputInput for deleting multiple filesets.
- BulkDeleteFilesetTemplateInputInput for deleting multiple fileset templates.
- BulkDeleteSourceRequestInputSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Object for sources added on mosaic.
- BulkExportMssqlDbConfigInputSupported in v9.2+
- BulkRefreshHostsInputInput for refreshing multiple hosts with a single request.
- BulkRegisterHostReplySupported in v5.0+
- BulkUpdateRansomwareInvestigationEnabledInputRequest to set Ransomware Investigation enabled or not in bulk.
- CalendarRestoreConfigRepresents the calendar contents to be restored.
- CalendarSearchFilterParameters for calendar event search.
- CancelJobReplyCancel download job response.
- CassandraColumnFamilyCassandra Column Family information.
- CassandraKeyspaceCassandra Keyspace information.
- CassandraKeyspaceDescendantTypeCassandra Keyspace descendant type information.
- CassandraKeyspacePhysicalChildTypeCassandra Keyspace physical child type information.
- CassandraSourceCassandra Source information.
- CassandraSourceDescendantTypeCassandra Source descendant type information.
- CassandraSourcePhysicalChildTypeCassandra Source physical child type information.
- CassandraSslOptionsSSL Configuration on mosaic source object.
- CcProvisionJobReplyAsync reply for a submitted job.
- CdmHierarchyObjectA Rubrik CDM Managed Hierarchy object.
- CdmHierarchySnappableNewA managed hierarchy protected objects.
- CdmManagedAwsTargetSpecific info for AWS target created on Cdm.
- CdmManagedAzureTargetSpecific info for Azure target created on Cdm.
- CdmManagedGcpTargetSpecific info for Gcp target created on Cdm.
- CdmManagedGlacierTargetSpecific info for Glacier target created on Cdm.
- CdmManagedNfsTargetSpecific info for Nfs target created on Cdm.
- CdmManagedS3CompatibleTargetSpecific info for S3Compatible created on Cdm.
- CdmManagedTapeTargetSpecific information for Tape target created on CDM cluster.
- CdmMongoSslParamsSSL Configuration for a MongoDB source object.
- CdmMssqlDbReplicaReplica SQL Server database of an availability group.
- CdmSnapshot
- CdmSnapshotFilterInput
- CdmSnapshotLocationRetentionInfoCDM snapshot location retention information.
- CdmSnapshotRetentionInfoSnapshot retention information.
- CdmTargetTarget-specific information created and synchronized from a Rubrik CDM cluster.
- CdmUpgradeAvailabilityReplyCDM upgrade availability.
- CdmUpgradeInfo
- CdmUpgradeInfoFilterInputFilters for the cluster list.
- CdmUpgradeRecommendationReplyCDM upgrade recommendation.
- CdmUpgradeReleaseDetailCDM release detail.
- CdmWorkloadSnapshotSnapshot of a Rubrik CDM workload.
- CertificateCertificate information.
- CertificateClusterInfoInformation about the Rubrik cluster to which the certificate has been uploaded.
- CertificateClusterInputThe Rubrik cluster on which to add the certificate.
- CertificateClusterOperationErrorAn error associated with a certificate operation on a Rubrik cluster.
- CertificateDetailsCertificate information.
- CertificateImportRequestInputSupported in v5.1+
- CertificateSummaryListResponseSupported in v5.1+
- CheckAzurePersistentStorageSubscriptionCanUnmapReplyResponse for request to check if we can unmap subscription from storage account.
- CheckLatestVersionMgmtAppExistsReplyStore the response of whether the latest version of Microsoft 365 Management App exists.
- ClassificationPolicyDetailDetailed view of a data classification policy.
- ClosestSnapshotDetailSnapshot details.
- CloudDirectClusterRansomwareInvestigationEnablementCloud Direct clusters on which Ransomware Monitoring can be enabled.
- CloudDirectHierarchyObjectA NAS Cloud Direct managed hierarchy object.
- CloudDirectHierarchyWorkloadA Cloud Direct managed hierarchy protected objects.
- CloudDirectNasExportCloud Direct NAS export object.
- CloudDirectNasNamespaceCloud Direct NAS namespace object.
- CloudDirectNasNamespaceDescendantTypeCloud Direct NAS namespace descendant type.
- CloudDirectNasNamespaceLogicalChildTypeCloud Direct NAS namespace logical child type.
- CloudDirectNasShareCloud Direct NAS Share object.
- CloudDirectNasSystemCloud Direct NAS System object.
- CloudDirectNasSystemDescendantTypeCloud Direct NAS system descendant type.
- CloudDirectNasSystemLogicalChildTypeCloud Direct NAS system logical child type.
- CloudDirectSnapshotNAS Cloud Direct snapshot object.
- CloudDownloadLocationDetailsInputDetails of the cloud download location.
- CloudNativeCustomerTagsReplyAll customer-specified tags and their associated value, determining whether resource tags should be overridden by customer-specified tags for a specified cloud type.
- CloudNativeDatabaseBackupSetupSpecsDetails of the setup for performing backups of a database.
- CloudNativeInstaceAppProtectionFilterFilter cloud instances based on whether they have been added as hosts to a Rubrik Cluster.
- CloudNativeLabelA single label.
- CloudNativeSnapshotInfoContains information about the cloud-native snapshot.
- CloudNativeTagRuleCloud-native tag rule.
- ClusterA Rubrik CDM Cluster.
- ClusterDiskRubrik cluster disk type.
- ClusterFilterInputFilters for the cluster list.
- ClusterIpv6ModeReplyThe IPv6 mode of the Rubrik cluster.
- ClusterNodeRubrik cluster node.
- ClusterNodeDetail
- ClusterPauseStatusResultObject containing the pause or resume status for a Rubrik cluster.
- ClusterSlaDomainMetadata for rendering a Rubrik cluster SLA Domain.
- ClusterVisibilityConfigSupported in v6.0+
- ClusterVisibilityConfigInputSupported in v6.0+
- ClusterWebSignedCertificateReplySupported in v5.2+
- Column
- CompleteAzureCloudAccountOauthInputInput for completing authentication of the Azure Cloud Accounts.
- CompleteAzureCloudAccountOauthReplyResponse of the operation to complete Azure Cloud Account OAuth.
- ComplianceStateStores the compliance status of a workload type.
- ComputeClusterSummarySupported in v5.0+
- ContactsRestoreConfigThe contacts to be restored.
- ContactsSearchFilterParameters for contacts search.
- ConversationsRestoreConfigRepresents the conversation contents to be restored.
- CreateAutomaticAwsTargetMappingInputInput for creating an AWS target mapping.
- CreateAutomaticAzureTargetMappingInputInput for create an Azure target mapping.
- CreateAutomaticRcsTargetMappingInputInput for creating RCS locations.
- CreateAwsClusterInputCreateAwsClusterInput for Aws account.
- CreateAwsComputeSettingInputCloud compute settings input for the AWS archival target.
- CreateAwsExocomputeConfigsInputInput to create AWS Exocompute configurations.
- CreateAwsReaderTargetInputInput for creating an AWS Reader Target.
- CreateAwsTargetInputInput for creating ab AWS archival target.
- CreateAzureClusterInputCreateAzureClusterInput for Azure account.
- CreateAzureReaderTargetInputInput for creating an Azure Reader Target.
- CreateAzureTargetInputInput for creating an Azure archival target.
- CreateCloudNativeLabelRuleInputInput required to create a cloud-native label rule.
- CreateCloudNativeTagRuleInputInput required to create a cloud-native tag rule.
- CreateCrossAccountPairInputOAuth authorization code input for cross-account pair creation.
- CreateCrossAccountRegOauthPayloadInputInput for cross-account OAuth registration.
- CreateCustomReportInputInput for creating a custom report.
- CreateCustomReportReplyMetadata for rendering a custom report.
- CreateGcpReaderTargetInputInput for GCP Reader Target.
- CreateGcpTargetInputInput for creating a GCP archival target.
- CreateGlobalSlaInputInput to create SLA Domain.
- CreateNfsReaderTargetInputInput for creating a NFS Reader Target.
- CreateNfsTargetInputInput to create the NFS archival location.
- CreateNutanixPrismCentralInputInput for creating the Nutanix Prism Central object.
- CreateOrgInputDetails for creating a new organization.
- CreatePolicyInput
- CreateRcsTargetInputInput to create RCS location.
- CreateRcvLocationsFromTemplateInputInput for creating Rubrik Cloud Vault Azure locations.
- CreateS3CompatibleReaderTargetInputInput for creating a S3Compatible Reader Target.
- CreateS3CompatibleTargetInputInput to create S3-compatible target.
- CreateScheduledReportInput
- CreateVsphereVcenterReplySupported in v5.3+
- CrossAccountClusterCross-account cluster-specific information.
- CrossAccountClusterInfoCross-account Rubrik cluster information.
- CustomReportCreate
- CustomReportFiltersFilter configs for a report.
- CustomReportFiltersConfig
- DataLocationData Location.
- DataLocationSupportedClusterThe supported Rubrik cluster-specific information.
- DataStoreSummarySupported in v5.0+
- Db2AppMetadataDb2 workload related app metadata for a snapshot.
- Db2DatabaseDb2 Database details object.
- Db2InstanceDb2 Instance details object.
- Db2InstanceDescendantTypeDescendant type of a Db2 instance, such as Db2 Database. Use the hosts field for information about associated hosts.
- Db2InstancePhysicalChildTypePhysical child type of a Db2 instance, such as Db2 Database. Use the hosts field for information about associated hosts.
- Db2InstanceSummarySupported in v7.0+
- Db2LogSnapshotDb2 log snapshot object.
- Db2LogSnapshotFilterInputFilter Db2 log snapshots.
- Db2RecoverableRangeDb2 recoverable range object.
- Db2RecoverableRangeFilterInputFilter Db2 recoverable ranges.
- DbLogReportPropertiesSupported in v5.3+
- DbLogReportPropertiesUpdateInputSupported in v5.3+
- DbLogReportSummaryListReplySupported in v5.3+
- DeleteAwsCloudAccountWithoutCftRespResult of deletion of an AWS cloud account.
- DeleteAzureCloudAccountStatusStatus of the operation to delete Azure Cloud Account.
- DeleteFailoverClusterAppInputInput for V1BulkDeleteFailoverClusterApp.
- DeleteFailoverClusterInputInput for V1BulkDeleteFailoverCluster.
- DeleteHypervVirtualMachineSnapshotMountInputInput for deleting a Live Mount of a Hyper-V virtual machine.
- DeleteK8sClusterInputInput for deleting a Kubernetes cluster.
- DeleteK8sProtectionSetInputInput for deleting a Kubernetes protection set.
- DeleteLogShippingInputInput for deleting a SQL Server log shipping target.
- DeleteManagedVolumeInputInput for deleting a Managed Volume.
- DeleteMssqlLiveMountInputInput for deleting a SQL Server Live Mount.
- DeleteOracleMountInput
- DeleteReplicationPairInputRequest to delete an existing replication pairing between two Rubrik clusters. When the replication pairing is deleted, the source Rubrik cluster will no longer replicate data to the target Rubrik cluster.
- DeleteVsphereLiveMountInputInput for deleting vSphere live mount.
- DiffDataStatistic result for certain file/folder.
- DisablePerLocationPauseInputSupported in v5.3+
- DiskIdToIsExcludedInput specifying whether a disk should be excluded from the snapshot.
- DiskInfoSupported in v5.0+
- DiskStatusSupported in v5.0+
- DisplayableValueBoolean
- DownloadCsvReply
- DownloadResultsCsvFiltersInput
- DownloadSlaWithReplicationCsvReplyResponse indicating whether SLA Domains with the specified cluster UUID exist and whether the CSV file download containing those SLA Domains is successful.
- DownloadThreatHuntCsvReplyResponse for the operation to download threat hunt result as CSV.
- EditSlaTprReqChangesTemplate
- EffectiveSlaHolderSupported in v5.1+
- ElasticStorageConfigElastic storage configuration for CCES (Cloud Cluster with Elastic Storage).
- EnableAutomaticFmdUploadInputEnable/disable auto fmd upload on given cluster.
- EnableAutomaticFmdUploadReplyStatus of 'enable automatic upload' service on certain cluster.
- EnableDisableAppConsistencyInputInput required to enable application consistent snapshots.
- EnablePerLocationPauseInputSupported in v5.3+
- EndSnapshotManagedVolumeRequestInputSupported in v7.0+
- EulaStateA user's EULA acceptance state.
- EventDigestAn Event Digest.
- EventDigestInputAn event digest.
- EventSubscriptionThe event subscription information.
- ExchangeBackupJobConfigInputSupported in v8.0+
- ExchangeDagExchange DAG details object.
- ExchangeDagDescendantTypeDescendant of the Exchange DAG object.
- ExchangeDatabaseExchange Database details object.
- ExchangeHostExchange Host details object.
- ExchangeHostDescendantTypeDescendant of the Exchange Host object.
- ExchangeHostPhysicalChildTypePhysical child of the Exchange Host object.
- ExchangeLiveMountExchange live mount.
- ExchangeServerExchange Server details object.
- ExchangeServerDescendantTypeDescendant of the Exchange Server object.
- ExcludeVmDisksInputSet disks to be included/excluded in snapshot.
- ExistingSsoGroupInputDetails of an existing SSO Group.
- ExistingUserDetails of an existing user.
- ExistingUserInputDetails of the existing user.
- ExocomputeClusterDetailsDetails of the Exocompute cluster.
- ExpireDownloadedDb2SnapshotsInputSpecifies the input for expiring downloaded Db2 snapshots.
- ExpireDownloadedSapHanaSnapshotsInputInput for expiring downloaded SAP HANA snapshots.
- ExportMssqlDbJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- ExportO365MailboxInputConfiguration for O365 mailbox export.
- ExportOracleDbConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- ExportOracleTablespaceConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- ExportSnapshotJobConfigV2InputSupported in v5.1+
- ExportSnapshotJobConfigV3InputSupported in Rubrik CDM version 9.0 and later.
- FailoverClusterAppFailover cluster App.
- FailoverClusterAppDescendantTypeFailover Rubrik cluster descendant.
- FailoverClusterAppPhysicalChildTypeFailover cluster app physical child.
- FailoverClusterTopLevelDescendantTypeThe top level descendent of failover cluster.
- FeatureCdmVersionReplyCluster version support for feature details.
- FederatedLoginStatusStatus of the Federated Access feature for the specified account.
- FileResult
- FileResultConnectionPaginated list of FileResult objects. Each page of the results includes at most 1000 entries. Query the `pageInfo.hasNextPage` field to know whether all objects were returned.
- FilesetCreateInputSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetExportFilesJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetOptionsSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetOptionsInputSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetRestoreFilesJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetSnapshotSummarySupported in v5.0+
- FilesetSnapshotVerboseSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetSummarySupported in v5.0+
- FilesetTemplateFileset template.
- FilesetTemplateCreateSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetTemplateCreateInputSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetTemplateDescendantTypeFileset template descendent.
- FilesetTemplateDetailSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetTemplatePatchInputSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetTemplatePhysicalChildTypeFileset template physical child.
- FilesetUpdateSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- FilterA set of parameters to filter objects.
- FilterPreviewResultListResponseSupported in v7.0+
- FlashBladeSystemParametersInputSupported in v8.1+ API credentials to add or update the Pure NAS system with API integration. Also contains credentials for SMB share access.
- GcpCloudAccountDeleteProjectsInputInput required to delete a list of GCP projects.
- GcpCloudAccountProjectGCP Cloud Account Project.
- GcpCloudAccountProjectDeleteStatusStatus of the Gcp Cloud Account delete operation.
- GcpCloudAccountProjectUpgradeStatusStatus of the Gcp Cloud Account upgrade operation.
- GcpNativeAttachmentDetailsAttachment details of the GCP native disk.
- GcpNativeDisableProjectInputInput required to disable protection for a GCP native project.
- GcpNativeDisk
- GcpNativeExportDiskInputInput required to export a GCP native disk snapshot.
- GcpNativeExportGceInstanceInputInput required to export a GCP GCE instance snapshot.
- GcpNativeGceInstanceRepresents a GCP GCE instance.
- GcpNativeProjectRepresents a GCP project.
- GcpNativeProjectDescendantTypeDescendant type for GCP project.
- GcpNativeProjectLogicalChildTypeLogical child type for GCP project.
- GcpNativeRestoreGceInstanceInputInput required to restore a GCP GCE instance snapshot.
- GenerateClusterRegistrationTokenInputInput required for providing cluster configuration details for registration.
- GenericNasSystemParametersInputSupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Protocol support and SMB credentials for a NAS system.
- GenericSnapshotA generic snapshot type.
- GetAnomalyDetailsReplyAnomaly analysis report from lambda service.
- GetHealthMonitorPolicyStatusInputInput for retrieving the health monitor policy status.
- GetLambdaConfigReplyLambda configuration details of the Rubrik cluster.
- GetMfaSettingReplyMFA settings for an account.
- GetMosaicRecoverableRangeResponseSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Request Range Response Object carrying details of restore range for the table and request status details.
- GetOracleDbRecoverableRangesInput
- GetS3BucketStateForRecoveryReplySpecifies the versioning and object ACL state of the AWS S3 bucket.
- GetSchemaResponseSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Schema Response Object carrying details of schema for the table and request status details.
- GetTotpStatusReplyTOTP status for a user.
- GetVmLevelFilesFromSnapshotInputInput for retrieving Hyper-V VM-level files from a snapshot.
- GetWhitelistReplyGet IP whitelist configuration.
- GetWorkloadAlertSettingReplySpecifies the Ransomware Investigation alert enablement for a workload.
- GlobalCertificateInformation about a certificate on Rubrik Security Cloud.
- GlobalCertificatesQueryInputInput to list global certificates.
- GlobalFileSearchReplySupported in v5.1+
- GlobalManagerUrlURLs pinged to check connectivity.
- GlobalSearchFileSupported in v5.1+
- GlobalSlaReplyMetadata for rendering an SLA Domain.
- GroupFilterAttributeListSpecifications for a Microsoft 365 configured group.
- GuestCredentialDetailListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- HasRelicAzureAdSnapshotReplyTypeResponse of the operation that checks if Microsoft Entra ID has relic snapshots.
- HealthPolicyStatusHealth-check status.
- HierarchyObjectA generic hierarchy object.
- HierarchySnappableA generic hierarchy protected objects.
- HoldConfigContains configuration of the legal hold to be placed.
- HostDetailSupported in v5.0+
- HostFailoverClusterHost failover cluster.
- HostFailoverClusterDescendantTypeHost failover cluster descendant.
- HostFailoverClusterPhysicalChildTypeHost failover cluster physical child.
- HostRegisterInputSupported in v5.0+
- HostShareHost share type.
- HostShareDescendantTypeHost share type.
- HostSharePhysicalChildTypeHost share physical child.
- HostSummarySupported in v5.0+
- HostUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- HostVfdInstallRequestInputSupported in v5.0+
- HostVolumeSummarySupported in v5.0+
- HotAddProxyVmInfoListResponseSupported in v5.3+
- HyperVClusterHyper-V cluster details.
- HyperVClusterDescendantTypeHyper-V cluster descendant type.
- HyperVClusterLogicalChildTypeHyper-V cluster logical child type.
- HypervExportSnapshotJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- HypervHostSummaryListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- HypervInplaceExportJobConfigInputSupported in v9.1+
- HyperVLiveMountHyperV live mount.
- HypervMountSnapshotJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- HypervRestoreFilesConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- HyperVSCVMMHyper-V SCVMM details.
- HyperVSCVMMDescendantTypeHyper-V SCVMM descendant type.
- HyperVSCVMMLogicalChildTypeHyper-V SCVMM logical child type.
- HypervScvmmRegisterInputSupported in v5.0+
- HypervScvmmSummarySupported in v5.0+
- HypervScvmmUpdateSupported in v5.0+
- HypervServerHyper-V server details.
- HypervServerDescendantTypeHyper-V server descendant type.
- HypervServerLogicalChildTypeHyper-V server logical child type.
- HypervTopLevelDescendantTypeHyper-V top-level descendant type.
- HypervUpdateMountConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- HyperVVirtualMachineHyper-V virtual machine details.
- HypervVirtualMachineDetailSupported in v5.0+
- HypervVirtualMachineMountSummarySupported in v5.0+
- HypervVirtualMachineSummarySupported in v5.0+
- IdentityProviderIdentity Provider is an entity responsible for authenticating a user account.
- InPlaceRecoveryJobConfigV2InputSupported in v5.3+
- InsertCustomerO365AppInputDetails of the customer-owned O365 app to insert.
- InstalledVersionGroupCountRepresents count of clusters grouped by cluster version.
- InstantRecoveryJobConfigV2InputSupported in v5.1+
- InterfaceCidrInterface CIDR Info.
- InterfaceCidrInput
- IpInfoInformation about an entry in the IP allowlist.
- IpmiAccessSupported in v5.0+
- IpmiAccessUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- IpmiInfoCluster IPMI information.
- IsCloudClusterDiskUpgradeAvailableReplyAvailability of a disk upgrade for a cloud cluster.
- IsCloudNativeTagRuleNameUniqueReplyDetermines if the rule name is unique or not.
- IsVolumeSnapshotRestorableReplySpecifies whether the volume snapshot is restorable.
- K8sAppManifestResponse of the query that retrieves the Kubernetes app manifest.
- K8sClusterKubernetes cluster.
- K8sClusterAddInputSupported in v9.0+ Input to add a Kubernetes cluster.
- K8sClusterDescendant
- K8sClusterUpdateConfigInputSupported in v9.1+ Input to update a Kubernetes cluster.
- K8sExportParametersInputSupported in v9.0+ v9.0: Input to export Kubernetes resources from a resource set snapshot. v9.1+: Input to export Kubernetes resources from a protection set snapshot.
- K8sNamespaceKubernetes namespace.
- K8sRestoreParametersInputSupported in v9.0+ v9.0: Input to restore Kubernetes resources from a resource set snapshot. v9.1+: Input to restore Kubernetes resources from a protection set snapshot.
- K8sSnapshotInfoResponse of the query that retrieves the Kubernetes snapshot information.
- K8sSnapshotSummaryListResponseSupported in v9.0+
- KubernetesClusterKubernetes cluster.
- KubernetesClusterDescendantDescendants of a Kubernetes Cluster.
- KubernetesNamespaceDescendantDescendants of a Kubernetes namespace.
- KubernetesNamespaceTypeKubernetes namespace.
- KubernetesProtectionSetKubernetes Protection Set.
- KubernetesVirtualMachineKubernetes virtual machine.
- LabelRuleA single label Rule.
- LabelTypeDataType represents label key-value pair.
- LambdaFeatureHistoryHistory of Ransomware Investigation and Sensitive Data Discovery features.
- LambdaPathFiltersParameters to use lambda filters in query.
- LambdaSettings
- LdapIntegrationLDAP integration information.
- LdapLockoutStatusLDAP lockout status.
- LdapServerLDAP server information.
- LdapServerInputLDAP Server.
- LdapTotpStatusTOTP status for a LDAP principal.
- LegalHoldDownloadConfigInputSupported in v5.2+
- LegalHoldInfoContains information about the legal hold placed on the Snapshot.
- LinuxFilesetLinux fileset type.
- ListFileResultFiltersInput
- ListObjectFilesFiltersInput
- ListStoreResponseSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Response object for list store on mosaic.
- ListVersionResponseSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Response object for list version on mosaic.
- LocalClusterInfoRubrik cluster information.
- LockoutConfigSpecifies information about lockout configuration.
- LockoutStateUser account lockout details.
- LookupAccountInputInput required for retrieving account information.
- M365BackupStorageMailboxMicrosoft 365 Backup Storage Mailbox.
- M365BackupStorageOnedriveMicrosoft 365 Backup Storage OneDrive.
- M365BackupStorageOrgMicrosoft 365 Backup Storage Organization.
- M365BackupStorageSiteMicrosoft 365 Backup Storage SharePoint Site.
- MailboxRestoreConfigType representing the mailbox contents to be restored.
- MalwareScanInSnapshotResultMalware scan result for a snapshot.
- ManagedDiskExclusionSpecifies which Managed Disks are excluded from snapshots.
- ManagedObjectPendingSlaInfoSupported in v5.2+
- ManagedObjectSlaInfoSupported in v5.2+
- ManagedVolumeManaged Volume information.
- ManagedVolumeDescendantTypeManaged Volume descendant type. For example, ManagedVolumeMount.
- ManagedVolumeExportSupported in v5.0+
- ManagedVolumeExportRequestInputSupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Request object for creating a Managed Volume export.
- ManagedVolumeMountManaged Volume Export details object.
- ManagedVolumePatchSlaClientConfigInputSupported in v5.3+
- ManagedVolumePhysicalChildTypeManaged Volume physical child type eg. ManagedVolumeMount.
- ManagedVolumeSlaClientConfigClient configuration related to backup scripts.
- ManagedVolumeSlaExportRequestInputSupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Request object for creating an SLA Managed Volume export.
- ManagedVolumeSnapshotSummarySupported in v5.0+ v5.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Summary of the managed volume snapshot.
- MapAzureCloudAccountExocomputeSubscriptionReplyResponse of the operation to map Azure cloud accounts to an Exocompute subscription.
- MapAzureCloudAccountToPersistentStorageLocationReplyResponse of the operation to map Azure cloud accounts to a persistent storage location.
- MapCloudAccountExocomputeAccountReplyResponse of the operation to map cloud accounts to an Exocompute account.
- MarkAgentSecondaryCertificateReplySupported in v5.3+
- Microsoft365RansomwareInvestigationEnablementMicrosoft 365 subscription on which Ransomware Monitoring can be enabled.
- MicrosoftMailboxAn interface for Microsoft Mailbox.
- MicrosoftMipLabelRepresents the Microsoft Information Protection Label.
- MicrosoftOnedriveAn interface for Microsoft Onedrive.
- MicrosoftOrgAn interface for Microsoft organizations.
- MicrosoftSiteAn interface for Microsoft SharePoint Site.
- MissedSnapshotListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- MissingClusterInformation about missing clusters.
- ModifyIpmiReplySupported in v5.0+
- MongoCollectionInformation about MongoDB Collection.
- MongoCollectionSetInformation about MongoDB Collection Set.
- MongoCollectionSetDescendantTypeMongoDB Collection Set descendant Type.
- MongoCollectionSetPhysicalChildTypeMongoDB Collection Set Child Type.
- MongoDatabaseInformation about MongoDB Database.
- MongoDatabaseDescendantTypeMongoDB Database descendant Type.
- MongoDatabasePhysicalChildTypeMongoDB Database Physical Child Type.
- MongodbCollectionInformation about MongoDB Collection.
- MongodbDatabaseInformation about MongoDB Database.
- MongodbDatabaseDescendantTypeMongoDB Database descendant type information.
- MongodbDatabasePhysicalChildTypeMongoDB Database physical child type information.
- MongodbSourceInformation about MongoDB Source.
- MongodbSourceDescendantTypeMongoDB Source descendant type information.
- MongodbSourcePhysicalChildTypeMongoDB Source physical child type information.
- MongodbSslOptionsSSL Configuration for MongoDB source object.
- MongoRecoveryRequestConfigInputConfiguration for recovering MongoDB databases or collections from source to target cluster.
- MongoSourceInformation about MongoDB Source.
- MongoSourceDescendantTypeMongoDB Source DescendantType.
- MongoSourcePhysicalChildTypeMongoDB source physical child type.
- MosaicAddStoreRequestInputSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Object for stores added on mosaic.
- MosaicAsyncResponseSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Response object from an async request to mosaic.
- MosaicModifyStoreRequestInputSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Object for stores added on mosaic.
- MosaicMonitorInfoInputRepresents the monitor input for protection.
- MosaicRecoveryRangeResponseSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Response object for recovery range object on mosaic.
- MosaicRetrieveRequestInputSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Request object for retrieve request on mosaic.
- MosaicSlaInfoInputRepresents the protection backup input.
- MosaicSourceInfoAdditional info for `MOSAIC_SOURCE` and `DELETE_MOSAIC_SOURCE` jobs.
- MountExportSnapshotJobCommonOptionsInputSupported in v5.0+
- MountExportSnapshotJobCommonOptionsV2InputSupported in v5.1+
- MountOracleDbConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- MountSnapshotJobConfigV2InputSupported in v5.1+
- MssqlAvailabilityGroupSQL Server always on availability group.
- MssqlAvailabilityGroupDescendantTypeSQL Server availability group descendant.
- MssqlAvailabilityGroupLogicalChildTypeSQL Server availability group logical child.
- MssqlBackupJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlBatchBackupJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlDatabaseSQL Server database.
- MssqlDatabaseLiveMountLive mount of a SQL Server database.
- MssqlDbDefaultsUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlDbDetailSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlDbReplicaSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlDbSummarySupported in v5.0+
- MssqlDbUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlDefaultPropertiesOnClusterReplySupported in v5.0+
- MssqlHostMicrosoft SQL Host.
- MssqlHostDescendantTypeMicrosoft SQL Host descendant.
- MssqlHostPhysicalChildTypeMicrosoft SQL Host physical child.
- MssqlInstanceSQL Server instance.
- MssqlInstanceDescendantTypeSQL Server instance descendant.
- MssqlInstanceLogicalChildTypeSQL Server instance logical child.
- MssqlInstanceSummarySupported in v5.0+
- MssqlInstanceSummaryListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlLogShippingSummaryV2ListResponseSupported in v5.3+
- MssqlLogShippingTargetStateOptionsInputSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlMissedRecoverableRangeListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlNonSlaPropertiesSupported in v5.0
- MssqlNonSlaPropertiesInputNon-SLA-Domain properties of a SQL Server object.
- MssqlRecoverableRangeSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlRecoverableRangeListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlSlaDomainAssignInfoInputSupported in v5.1+
- MssqlSlaPatchPropertiesInputSupported in v5.1+
- MssqlSlaRelatedPropertiesSupported in v5.1+
- MssqlSlaRelatedPropertiesInputSupported in v5.1+
- MssqlTopLevelDescendantTypeMssql top level descendant.
- Mutation
- NasBaseConfigSupported in v5.0+
- NasConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- NasFilesetNAS Fileset protected object.
- NasNamespaceNAS namespace instance associated with registered NAS system.
- NasNamespaceDescendantTypeNAS namespace descendant type.
- NasNamespaceLogicalChildTypeNAS namespace logical child type.
- NasShareNAS share instance of a registered NAS system.
- NasShareDescendantTypeNAS share descendant type.
- NasShareLogicalChildTypeNAS share logical child type.
- NasSharePropertiesInputSupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Properties of a NAS share.
- NasSystemInstance of a registered NAS system.
- NasSystemDescendantTypeNAS system descendant type.
- NasSystemLogicalChildTypeNAS system logical child type.
- NasSystemRegisterInputSupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Input for registering a new NAS System.
- NasSystemUpdateInputSupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Input for updating a NAS system.
- NasVolumeNAS volume instance in a registered NAS system.
- NasVolumeDescendantTypeNAS volume descendant type.
- NasVolumeLogicalChildTypeNAS volume logical child type.
- NetworkInfoListResponseSupported in v5.3+
- NetworkInterfaceListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- NetworkThrottleNetwork throttle information.
- NetworkThrottleSummaryListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- NetworkThrottleUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- NewSsoGroupInputDetails of a new SSO Group that has not yet been authorized on Rubrik.
- NfAnomalyResultNon-filesystem Anomaly analysis report from lambda service.
- NfAnomalyResultFilterInputFilter non-filesystem anomaly result data.
- NodeMetadataInputDetails of a node.
- NodeRegistrationConfigsInputInput required for providing node configuration details for registration.
- NodeRemovalCancelPermissionReplySpecifies whether the job is cancelable.
- NodeStatusSupported in v5.0+
- NodeStatusListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- NodeTunnelStatusConnectionSupport tunnel status of all nodes in a cluster.
- NotificationForGetLicenseReplyIndicates that the user has clicked the Get License button.
- NotificationSettingSummaryRubrik cluster email notification setting.
- NotificationSettingSummaryListResponseAll Email notification settings for the Rubrik cluster.
- NtpServerConfigurationListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixCategoryNutanix Category details.
- NutanixCategoryDescendantTypeNutanix Category descendant type.
- NutanixCategoryLogicalChildTypeNutanix Category logical child type.
- NutanixCategoryValueNutanix Category Value details.
- NutanixCategoryValueDescendantTypeNutanix Category Value descendant type.
- NutanixCategoryValueLogicalChildTypeNutanix Category Value logical child type.
- NutanixClusterNutanix cluster details.
- NutanixClusterDescendantTypeNutanix cluster descendant type.
- NutanixClusterLogicalChildTypeNutanix cluster logical child type.
- NutanixContainerListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixFileServerParametersInputSupported in v8.1+ API credentials to add or update the Nutanix File Server with API integration. Also contains credentials for SMB share access.
- NutanixInplaceExportConfigInput
- NutanixLiveMountNutanix virtual machine live mount.
- NutanixMountVdisksJobConfigInputSupported in v9.2+
- NutanixNetworkListResponseSupported in v8.1+
- NutanixPatchVmMountConfigInputSupported in v6.0+
- NutanixPrismCentralNutanix Prism Central details.
- NutanixPrismCentralDescendantTypeNutanix Prism Central descendant type.
- NutanixPrismCentralLogicalChildTypeNutanix Prism Central logical child type.
- NutanixPrismCentralPatchInputInput for patching the Nutanix Prism Central.
- NutanixTopLevelDescendantTypeNutanix top-level descendant type.
- NutanixVirtualDiskSummarySupported in v5.2+
- NutanixVmNutanix virtual machine details.
- NutanixVmDetailSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixVmDiskNutanix Virtual Machine disk details.
- NutanixVmExportSnapshotJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixVmMountSnapshotJobConfigInputSupported in v6.0+
- NutanixVmMountSummarySupported in v6.0+
- NutanixVmPatchSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixVmPatchInputSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixVmSnapshotVdiskDetailListResponseSupported in v9.2+
- NutanixVmSummarySupported in v5.0+
- O365App
- O365AppObject
- O365Calendar
- O365CalendarFolder
- O365GroupO365 Groups from O365 hierarchy.
- O365LicenseDetailsThe O365 license detail.
- O365Mailbox
- O365Onedrive
- O365Org
- O365OrgDescendant
- O365OrgInfoThe O365 subscription status and ID info.
- O365SaasSetupCompleteInputConfiguration for the setup of a Rubrik-hosted subscription.
- O365SharepointDrive
- O365SharepointList
- O365Site
- O365TeamConvChannel
- O365TeamConvChannelInputChannel object consisting naturalId and name.
- O365Teams
- O365TeamsChannel
- O365User
- O365UserDescendant
- ObjectSummary
- OnedriveSearchFilterParameters for OneDrive file or folder search.
- OracleBackupJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- OracleDatabase
- OracleDatabaseLastValidationStatusOracle database last validation status.
- OracleDataGuardGroup
- OracleDataGuardGroupDescendantType
- OracleDataGuardGroupLogicalChildType
- OracleDataGuardGroupUpdateInputSupported in v6.0+
- OracleDbDetailSupported in v5.0+
- OracleDbSnapshotSummarySupported in v5.0+
- OracleDbSummarySupported in v5.0+
- OracleExportInfoAdditional info for `EXPORT_ORACLE` jobs.
- OracleHost
- OracleHostDescendantType
- OracleHostLogicalChildType
- OracleHostSummarySupported in v5.0+
- OracleLastValidationResultSupported in v5.3+
- OracleLiveMountOracle live mount.
- OracleMissedRecoverableRangeListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- OraclePdbAn Oracle Pluggable Database.
- OracleRac
- OracleRacDescendantType
- OracleRacLogicalChildType
- OracleRacSummarySupported in v5.0+
- OracleRecoverableRangeListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- OracleTopLevelDescendantType
- OracleUpdateCommonInputSupported in v6.0+
- OracleUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- OrgDetails of an org.
- OrgSecurityPolicySecurity policy for organizations.
- PageInfoGeneral information about a page of results.
- ParentAppInfoSupported in v5.0+
- PasskeyConfigRepresents the reply returned for passkeyConfig.
- PasskeyConfigInputPasskey configuration.
- PasskeyMetadataPasskey metadata for a user.
- PasswordComplexityPolicyTemplateSpecifies range of values for each password complexity policy field.
- PasswordComplexityPolicyTemplateInputSpecifies the format of each password policy field.
- PauseSlaInputInput to pause or resume SLA Domain.
- PauseSlaReplyResponse for pause or resume SLA Domain.
- PhysicalHost
- PhysicalHostDescendantTypePhysical host descendant.
- PhysicalHostMetadataMetadata details of a Physical Host.
- PhysicalHostPhysicalChildType
- PolarisHierarchyObjectA Polaris Managed Hierarchy Object.
- PolarisHierarchySnappablePolaris protectable object.
- PolarisSnapshot
- PolarisSnapshotFilterInput
- PolicyCheckResultSupported in v6.0+
- PolicyObj
- PolicySummaryDetailsPolicy summary details.
- PrecheckFailurePrecheck details.
- PreviewerClusterConfig
- PreviewerClusterConfigInput
- ProtectedObjectsMetadata for rendering protected objects.
- ProtectedObjectSummaryProtected Object Summary.
- QuarantineInfoQuarantine information corresponding to a path.
- Query
- QueryCertificatesInput
- RansomwareResultRansomware Investigation report from lambda service.
- RansomwareResultFilterInputFilter ransomware result data.
- RcsConsumptionStatsInputInput for getting RCS azure archival locations consumption stats.
- RdsInstanceDetailsFromAwsRDS DB Instance details from AWS.
- RdsInstanceExportDefaultsRDS Export defaults from AWS.
- RecoverableRangeResponseRecoverable ranges for a given VM
- RecoverCloudClusterInputRecover a Rubrik Cloud Cluster.
- RecoverOracleDbConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- RefreshVsphereVcenterInputRefresh Vcenter.
- RegisterCloudClusterReplyResponse from cloud cluster registration.
- RelicFilterFilter to return objects which are relic or not.
- RelicRestoreConfigRepresents the relic restore configurations.
- RemoveClusterNodesInputRequest parameters for removing nodes from a cluster.
- RemoveNodeForReplacementInputRequest parameters for removing a node on a Rubrik cluster for replacement.
- RemoveNodeForReplacementReplyAsynchronous reply for a submitted removal job.
- ReplaceClusterNodeReplyAsynchronous reply for a submitted job.
- ReplicationClusterRubrik cluster details.
- ReplicationNetworkThrottleBypassReplySupported in v6.0+
- ReplicationPairReplication pair specific information.
- ReplicationTargetThrottleBypassSummaryReplication Network Throttle Bypass Summary List Response.
- ReplicationTargetThrottleUpdateInputSupported in v6.0+
- RequestStatus
- RequestSuccessEmpty request type.
- ResetUsersPasswordsWithUserIdsInputSpecifies the input used to reset passwords for selected users in the organization.
- ResponseSuccessEmpty response type.
- RestoreAzureAdObjectsWithPasswordsInputConfiguration to initiate recovery of AzureAdDirectory with multiple passwords.
- RestoreConfig
- RestoreFilesJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- RestoreMssqlDbJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- RestoreO365MailboxInputConfiguration for O365 mailbox restore.
- RestoreO365TeamsConversationsInputInput for restoring O365 Teams channel conversations.
- RestoreO365TeamsFilesInputInput for restoring O365 Teams files.
- RestoreObjectsDryRunInputInput for a dry run of granular restore in Active Directory.
- RestoreOracleLogsConfigInputSupported in v6.0+
- RoleRBAC role.
- RoleAssignmentRole assignment details.
- RoleStatus
- RubrikCloudVaultRansomwareInvestigationEnablementRubrik Cloud Vault archival locations on which Ransomware Monitoring can be enabled.
- RubrikManagedAwsTargetSpecific information for Amazon Web Services (AWS) target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedAzureTargetSpecific information for Azure target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedDcaTargetSpecific information for DCA archival target created on Rubrik cluster.
- RubrikManagedGcpTargetSpecific information for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedGlacierTargetInformation about the Amazon Glacier target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedLckTargetSpecific information for LCK archival target created on Rubrik cluster.
- RubrikManagedNfsTargetSpecific information for Network File System (NFS) target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedRcsTargetSpecific information for Rubrik Cloud Vault (RCV) target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedS3CompatibleTargetSpecific information for Amazon S3 compatible target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedTapeTargetTypeSpecific information for Q-star target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikSyncStatusStatus of the data syncing jobs from CDM to RSC.
- SapHanaAppMetadataSAP HANA workload related app metadata for a snapshot.
- SapHanaDatabaseSAP HANA Database details object.
- SapHanaDatabaseInfoAdditional info for `SAP_HANA_DATABASE` jobs.
- SapHanaLogBackupBackup associated with the SAP HANA log backup.
- SapHanaLogSnapshotSAP HANA log snapshot object.
- SapHanaLogSnapshotFilterInputInput for filtering SAP HANA log snapshots.
- SapHanaRecoverableRangeSAP HANA recoverable range object.
- SapHanaRecoverableRangeFilterInputInput for filtering SAP HANA recoverable ranges.
- SapHanaSslInfoSupported in v5.3+
- SapHanaSslInfoInputSupported in v5.3+
- SapHanaSslInformationInformation required to connect to SAP HANA database over SSL.
- SapHanaSystemSAP HANA system details object.
- SapHanaSystemDescendantTypeSAP HANA system descendant type, for example, SAP HANA Database.
- SapHanaSystemInfoSupported in v5.3+
- SapHanaSystemInformationAdditional info about the SAP HANA system.
- SapHanaSystemPhysicalChildTypeSAP HANA system Physical Child Type.
- SapHanaSystemSummarySupported in v5.3+
- ScheduledReportCreate
- SearchFilterParameters for mail or folder search.
- SearchResponseListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- SecurityMetadataRepresents security metadata of a workload.
- SendTestMessageToExistingWebhookReplyThe reply for send test message to existing webhook request.
- SendTestMessageToWebhookReplyThe reply for send test message to webhook request.
- ServicePrincipalRecoveryOptionTypeConfiguration to recover objects linked to Azure AD service principal.
- SetAzureCloudAccountCustomerAppCredentialsInputInput for setting the app credentials in the Azure Cloud Accounts.
- SetCustomerTagsInputInput to set customer-specified tags for a particular cloud type.
- SetLdapMfaSettingInputMFA settings to update for a LDAP integration.
- SetMfaSettingInputMFA settings to update for an account.
- SetMissingClusterStatusReplyIndicates success of updating missing cluster record.
- SetUserLevelTotpEnforcementInput
- SetWorkloadAlertSettingInputInput required for setting workload alert.
- SetWorkloadAlertSettingReplyEnable or disable Ransomware Investigation alerts for a workload.
- ShareFilesetShare fileset.
- SharePointFullRestoreConfigRepresents the objects or items to be restored from a site collection. Either the SharePoint object or SharePoint items should be populated, but not both.
- SharePointItemsRepresents the SharePoint items in a site collection to be restored.
- ShouldApplyToExistingSnapshotsSpecifies whether the change should be applied to existing snapshots.
- ShouldApplyToNonPolicySnapshotsSpecifies whether the change should be applied to non-policy snapshots.
- SlaAssignableSupported in v5.0+
- SlaAssignResultResponse for Assign SLA Domain Result.
- SlaAuditDetailAudit log of SLA Domain changes based on user action.
- SlaManagedVolumeClientConfigInputSupported in v5.3+
- SlaManagedVolumeDetailSupported in v5.3+
- SlaResult
- SlaUpgradeEligibilityInformation about eligibility of the SLA Domain for upgrade.
- SmbConfigSupported in v5.0+
- SmbConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- SmbDomainSMB domain.
- SmbDomainDetailSupported in v5.0+
- SmbDomainJoinRequestInputSupported in v5.0+
- SnappableAn object that can be backed-up by taking snapshots.
- SnappableFilterInputFilter workload data.
- SnappableFilterInputWithSearchFilter workload data, including search capability.
- SnappableGroupByFilterInputFilter snappable data in group by.
- SnapshotDetailsDetails of the snapshot
- SnapshotLocationRetentionInfoSupported in v5.2+
- SnapshotQueryFilterInputFilter snapshots.
- SnapshotSummarySupported in v5.2+
- SnmpConfigurationSupported in v5.0+ v5.0-v5.1: SNMP service configuration object. v5.2+: SNMP service configuration object summary.
- SnmpConfigurationInputSupported in v5.0+ v5.0-v5.1: SNMP service configuration object. v5.2+: SNMP service configuration object summary.
- SnmpConfigurationPatchInputSupported in v5.2+ SNMP service configuration object.
- SonarContentReportFilterParameters to filter reports.
- SourceInputSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Source Object.
- SsoGroupDetails of an SSO Group.
- SsoGroupAlreadyExistsReplyReply sent after determining if the SSO group already exists in the account.
- StartAwsNativeAccountDisableJobInputInput to trigger AWS native account disable job.
- StartClusterReportMigrationJobInputThe input configuration to start the report migration job.
- StartDisableAzureNativeSubscriptionProtectionJobInputInput for the job to start disabling protection from the Azure Native Subscription.
- StartEc2InstanceSnapshotExportJobInputInput to initiate an export job for an AWS native EC2 instance.
- StartExportAwsNativeEbsVolumeSnapshotJobInputInput to initiate an export job for the AWS native EBS volume.
- StartExportAzureNativeManagedDiskJobInputInput for the job to export the specified Azure Native Managed Disk to the specified destination.
- StartExportAzureNativeVirtualMachineJobInputInput for the job to export the specified Azure Native Virtual Machine to the specified destination.
- StartExportAzureSqlDatabaseDbJobInputInput for the job to export the specified Azure SQL Database.
- StartExportRdsInstanceJobInputInput to trigger AWS native RDS Instance export job.
- StartRecoverS3SnapshotJobInputInput for an on-demand AWS S3 snapshot recovery job.
- StartRestoreAwsNativeEc2InstanceSnapshotJobInputTrigger AWS EC2 instance snapshot restore job.
- StartRestoreAzureNativeVirtualMachineJobInputInputs to trigger the job to restore Azure Native Virtual Machine.
- StartThreatHuntInputThe configuration to start a hunt, including which objects, indicators of compromise, and advanced parameters.
- StartThreatHuntReplyResponse of the threat hunt request.
- StopJobInstanceReplyStop job instance output.
- StorageAccount
- StorageAccountConfigItemStorage Account Config Item.
- SubscriptionTypeThe event and audit types that the webhook is subscribed to.
- SubscriptionTypeInputInput for the event and audit types that the webhook is subscribed to.
- SupportPortalStatusReplySupport portal user session status.
- SupportTunnelInfoSupported in v5.0+
- SyncedClusterCluster information synced for role.
- SyslogExportRuleFullSupported in v5.1+
- SyslogExportRuleFullInputSupported in v5.1+
- SyslogExportRulePartialInputSupported in v5.1+
- SyslogExportRuleSummaryListResponseSupported in v5.1+
- TagRuleEffectiveSlaRepresents the SLA Domain ID and name.
- TagRuleTagTag represents a tag key-value pair.
- TagTypeRepresents tag key-value pair.
- TargetTarget information used for archival or replication.
- TeamsConversationsSearchFilterParameters for teams conversations search.
- TeamsRestoreConfigRepresents the teams contents to be restored.
- TestExistingWebhookReplyThe results of the webhook test.
- TestWebhookReplyThe results of the webhook test.
- ThreatHuntConfigConfig as the input to start a threat hunt.
- ThreatHuntResultObjectsSummarySummary of a threat hunt for an object.
- ThreatHuntResultSnapshotStatsSummary of a threat hunt for a snapshot.
- ThreatMonitoringEnablementStatusInputThreat Monitoring enablement status.
- TotpStatusTOTP status for a user.
- TprConfigurationTPR configuration.
- TprPublicConfigurationPublic TPR configuration information.
- TprRequestDetailReplyReply for getting TPR Request Detail.
- TprRoleEligibilityTypeTPR role assignment eligibility reply.
- TriggerCloudComputeConnectivityCheckInputInput to trigger cloud compute connectivity check.
- TriggeredTprPolicyPolicy triggered by a TPR request.
- UnaccessedFilterFilter to return objects which have not been accessed in the past 90 days.
- UnmanagedObjectDetailUnmanagedObjectDetails.
- UnmapAzureCloudAccountExocomputeSubscriptionReplyResponse of the operation to unmap Azure cloud accounts from the mapped Exocompute subscription.
- UnmapCloudAccountExocomputeAccountReplyResponse of the operation to unmap cloud accounts from the mapped Exocompute account.
- UpdateAuthDomainUsersHiddenStatusInputSpecifies the information about the auth domain users to be hidden or unhidden.
- UpdateAutoEnablePolicyClusterConfigInputInput to update Rubrik cluster configuration.
- UpdateAutomaticAwsTargetMappingInputInput to edit AWS automatic target mapping.
- UpdateAutomaticAzureTargetMappingInputInput to edit Azure automatic target mapping.
- UpdateAwsExocomputeConfigsInputInput to update AWS Exocompute configurations.
- UpdateAwsTargetInputInput to edit AWS target.
- UpdateAzureCloudAccountStatusStatus of the operation to Update Azure Cloud Account.
- UpdateAzureTargetInputInput to edit Azure target.
- UpdateBadDiskLedStatusInput
- UpdateCloudNativeAwsStorageSettingInputInput to update a storage setting for AWS.
- UpdateCloudNativeIndexingStatusInputInput required to update file indexing status of cloud native workloads.
- UpdateCloudNativeLabelRuleInputInput required to update a cloud-native label rule.
- UpdateCloudNativeRootThreatMonitoringEnablementInputRequest to update Threat Monitoring enablement for cloud native roots.
- UpdateCloudNativeTagRuleInputInput required to update a cloud-native tag rule.
- UpdateClusterPauseStatusInputInput to pause or resume a list of Rubrik clusters.
- UpdateConfiguredGroupInputConfiguration for the update of a configured group in O365.
- UpdateCustomerAppPermissionsReplyResponse of the operation to update the Azure app with specified permissions in an idempotent manner.
- UpdateCustomReportReplyMetadata for rendering a custom report.
- UpdateDistributionListDigestInputInformation required to save a distribution list digest.
- UpdateEventDigestInputInformation required to save an event digest.
- UpdateGcpTargetInputInput for editing the GCP Target.
- UpdateGlobalSlaInputInput to update SLA Domain.
- UpdateHypervScvmmUpdatePropertiesInputSupported in v5.0+
- UpdateHypervVirtualMachineReplySupported in v5.0+
- UpdateInsightStateInputInput required to toggle the dismissal state of an insight.
- UpdateInsightStateReplySpecifies whether the insight is dismissed.
- UpdateLockoutConfigInputSpecifies the input required to update the lockout config by the admin.
- UpdateLockoutConfigReplySpecifies information about lockout configuration.
- UpdateManagedIdentitiesReplyTransition to managed identities reply.
- UpdateManagedVolumeReplySupported in v5.0+
- UpdateMountConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- UpdateMssqlDefaultPropertiesReplySupported in v5.0+
- UpdateMssqlLogShippingConfigurationReplySupported in v5.3+
- UpdateNasShareInputSupported in v8.1+ Input to update a manually added NAS share.
- UpdateNetworkThrottleReplyResponse to update network throttle.
- UpdateNfsTargetInputInput to edit NFS archival location.
- UpdateNutanixPrismCentralReplyResponse for the update Nutanix Prism Central operation.
- UpdateO365AppAuthStatusReplyResponse of the O365 authentication status update operation.
- UpdateOrgInputUpdate organization details.
- UpdateOrgSecurityPolicyInputUpdate organization security policy details.
- UpdatePolicyInput
- UpdateRcsAutomaticTargetMappingInputInput to update RCS automatic target mapping.
- UpdateRcvTargetInputInput for the Rubrik Cloud Vault Azure update request.
- UpdateS3CompatibleTargetInputInput to edit S3 compatible target.
- UpdateSupportTunnelConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- UpdateVolumeGroupReplySupported in v5.0+
- UpdateWebhookInputWebhook configuration to update.
- UpgradeAzureCloudAccountPermissionsWithoutOauthReplyResponse of the operation to set Azure cloud account feature status to connected, when in update permissions state.
- UpgradeAzureCloudAccountStatusStatus of the operation to Azure Cloud Account Upgrade permission.
- UpgradeJobReplyStart upgrade job response.
- UserUser account details.
- UserAlreadyExistsReplyReply sent after determining if the user already exists in the account.
- UserAuditFilterFilter user audit data.
- UserInviteInputDetails of the user invitation.
- UserSessionManagementConfigSpecifies information about the session management configuration for the user account.
- ValidateAwsNativeRdsClusterNameForExportReplyDescribes whether the RDS cluster name is valid for export.
- ValidateAwsNativeRdsInstanceNameForExportReplyValidate AWS RDS Instance name for export.
- ValidateAzureNativeSqlDatabaseDbNameForExportReplyValidate Azure SQL Database name for export.
- ValidateAzureNativeSqlManagedInstanceDbNameForExportReplyValidate Azure SQL Mananged Instance Database name for export.
- ValidateOracleAcoFileInput
- ValidationRecoveryReplyResult of validating cloud cluster recover request.
- ValidationReplyResult of validating cloud cluster create request.
- ValidReplicationTargetThe valid replication target Rubrik cluster-specific information.
- ValueBoolean
- VappInstantRecoveryJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- VappNetworkSummarySupported in v5.0+
- VappVmNetworkConnectionSupported in v5.0+
- VappVmNetworkConnectionInputSupported in v5.0+
- Vcd
- VcdCatalogDescendantType
- VcdCatalogLogicalChildType
- VcdDescendantType
- VcdLogicalChildType
- VcdOrg
- VcdOrgDescendantType
- VcdOrgLogicalChildType
- VcdOrgVdc
- VcdOrgVdcDescendantType
- VcdOrgVdcLogicalChildType
- VcdTopLevelDescendantType
- VcdVapp
- VcdVappDescendantTypeVCD vApp descendant.
- VcdVappLogicalChildType
- VcdVimServer
- VcdVmInfoInformation about the child virtual machines that belong to the vCD vApp.
- VcenterConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- VcenterConfigV2InputSupported in v5.3+
- VcenterSummarySupported in v5.0+
- VcenterSummaryV2Supported in v8.1+
- VcenterUpdateConfigInputInput for configuration containing updated vCenter Server information.
- VcenterUpdateConfigV2InputSupported in v8.1+
- VerifySlaWithReplicationToClusterResponseResponse verifying if the cluster is replication target in a SLA Domain.
- VerifyTotpReplyRepresents the reply returned by verifyTotp.
- VirtualMachineFilesReplyList of Virtual Machine file info.
- VirtualMachineSummarySupported in v5.0+
- VirtualMachineUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- VirtualMachineUpdateWithSecretInputSupported in v5.0+
- VirtualMachineUpdateWithSecretV2InputSupported in v9.2+. Update a virtual machine with specified properties. Use the guestCredential field to update the guest credential for a specified virtual machine.
- VlanConfigListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- VmAppConsistentSpecsInternalVm Application Consistency Specs Info
- VmNetworkConnectionNetwork connection info for virtual machine.
- VmwareHostSummarySupported in v5.0+
- VmwareRecoverableRangeListResponseSupported in v5.1+
- VmwareVmMountSummaryV1Supported in v5.0+
- VolumeGroupDetailInfoSupported in v9.2+
- VolumeGroupLiveMountVolume group live mount.
- VolumeGroupPatchInputSupported in v5.0+
- VolumeGroupRestoreFilesConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- VolumeGroupSummarySupported in v5.0+
- VolumeIdExclusionExclusion status of AWS EBS volumes.
- VsphereComputeCluster
- VsphereComputeClusterDescendantType
- VsphereComputeClusterPhysicalChildType
- VsphereContentLibraryDescendantTypeVsphere content library descendant type information.
- VsphereContentLibraryLibraryChildTypeVsphere content library logical child type information.
- VsphereDatacenter
- VsphereDatacenterDescendantType
- VsphereDatacenterFolderDescendantTypeVsphere datacenter folder descendant type information.
- VsphereDatacenterFolderLogicalChildTypeVsphere datacenter folder logical child type information.
- VsphereDatacenterFolderPhysicalChildTypeVsphere datacenter folder physical child type information.
- VsphereDatacenterLogicalChildType
- VsphereDatacenterPhysicalChildType
- VsphereDatastoreVsphere datastore.
- VsphereDatastoreClusterVsphere datastore cluster.
- VsphereDatastoreClusterDescendantType
- VsphereDatastoreClusterPhysicalChildType
- VsphereExcludeVmDisksInputSet disks to be included/excluded in snapshot.
- VsphereFolder
- VsphereFolderDescendantType
- VsphereFolderLogicalChildType
- VsphereHost
- VsphereHostDescendantType
- VsphereHostPhysicalChildType
- VsphereLiveMountLive Mount of a vSphere Virtual Machine.
- VsphereMountMount of vSphere virtual machine.
- VSphereMountFilter
- VsphereNetwork
- VsphereResourcePool
- VsphereResourcePoolDescendantType
- VsphereResourcePoolPhysicalChildType
- VsphereTag
- VsphereTagCategory
- VsphereTagCategoryDescendantType
- VsphereTagCategoryTagChildType
- VsphereTagDescendantType
- VsphereTagTagChildType
- VsphereVcenter
- VsphereVcenterDescendantType
- VsphereVcenterLibraryChildTypeVsphere vCenter library child type information.
- VsphereVcenterLogicalChildType
- VsphereVcenterPhysicalChildType
- VsphereVcenterTagChildType
- VsphereVirtualDiskVirtual disk of a vSphere virtual machine.
- VsphereVm
- VsphereVmDownloadSnapshotFilesInputInput for downloading vSphere snapshot files.
- VsphereVmListEsxiDatastoresReplySupported in v5.0+
- WebhookAuditSubscriptionInputAudit subscription settings.
- WebhookEventSubscriptionInputEvent subscription settings.
- WebServerCertificateCluster web server certificate.
- WhitelistedAnalyzer
- WindowsClusterWindows Failover cluster.
- WindowsClusterDescendantTypeWindows Failover cluster descendant.
- WindowsClusterLogicalChildTypeWindows Failover cluster logical child.
- WindowsFilesetWindows fileset.
- WorkloadRecoveryInfoWorkload recovery info.
- ZrsAvailabilityReplyRepresents the availability of Zone Redundancy for a given servicetier, region and subscription combination.
- __DirectiveA Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and type validation behavior in a GraphQL document. In some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.
- __EnumValueOne possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is returned in a JSON response as a string.
- __FieldObject and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type.
- __TypeThe fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum. Depending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe information about that type. Scalar types provide no information beyond a name and description, while Enum types provide their values. Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.