Supported in v5.0+
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input VappVmRestoreSpecInput {
- # Supported in v5.0+
- # v5.0-v5.3: Storage policy where this vApp virtual machine should be restored to.
- # If omitted, the VMs will be exported to the default storage policy of the target
- # Organization VDC.
- # v6.0+: Storage policy where this vApp virtual machine should be restored to. If
- # omitted, the virtual machines will be exported to the default storage policy of
- # the target Organization VDC.
- String :
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- # Name of the specified vApp virtual machine within vCloud.
- String! :
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- VappVmNetworkConnectionInput!]! : [
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- # vCloud managed object ID (moid) of the specified vApp virtual machine.
- String! :
- }