Supported in v7.0+
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input BulkCreateNasFilesetInput {
- # Supported in v7.0+
- Boolean :
- # Supported in v7.0+
- Boolean :
- # Rubrik CDM uses prefix matching to select the latest SnapMirror snapshot that
- # matches this value when taking a full backup of a SnapMirror destination share.
- String :
- # Rubrik CDM uses prefix matching to select the latest SnapMirror snapshot that
- # matches this value when taking an incremental backup of a SnapMirror destination
- # share.
- String :
- # Required. Supported in v7.0+
- # Fileset Template object.
- FilesetTemplateCreateInput! :
- # Required. Supported in v7.0+
- # An array of NAS share IDs the primary fileset is created for.
- String!]! : [
- }