link GraphQL Schema definition
- enum HierarchySortByField {
- # Sort based on Active Directory domain name.
- # Sort by AWS native account name.
- # Sort RDS Instance DB Instance Class.
- # Sort RDS Instance DB Engine.
- # Sort by AWS region.
- # Sort by AWS VPC ID.
- # Sort Azure storage accounts by capacity used.
- # Sort Azure storage accounts by number of containers.
- # Sort Azure disks by common resource group name.
- # Sort Azure disks by subscription name from common resource group.
- # Sort Azure disks by Disk size.
- # Sort Azure disks by Disk type.
- # Sort by Azure region.
- # Sort Azure resource groups by disk count.
- # Sort Azure resource groups by effective SLA Domain.
- # Sort Azure resource groups by effective SLA for SQL Database DB.
- # Sort Azure resource groups by effective SLA for SQL Managed Instance DB.
- # Sort Azure resource groups by subscription name.
- # Sort Azure resource groups by virtual machine count.
- # Sort Azure resource groups by effective SLA Domain for virtual machine.
- # Sort by region for Azure SQL Database.
- # Sort by region for Azure SQL Database Server.
- # Sort by resource group for Azure SQL Database or Azure SQL Managed Instance
- # Database.
- # Sort by region for Azure Managed Instance Database.
- # Sort by region for Azure Managed Instance Server.
- # Sort by resource group for Azure SQL Database Server or Azure SQL Managed
- # Instance Server.
- # Sort Azure virtual machines by Subnet name.
- # Sort Azure subscription by disk count.
- # Sort Azure Subscription by virtual machine count.
- # Sort by Azure Tenant ID.
- # Sort Azure virtual machines by common resource group name.
- # Sort Azure virtual machines by subscription_name from common resource group.
- # Sort Azure virtual machines by virtual machine size.
- # Sort Azure virtual machines by VNet name.
- # Sort based on Rubrik cluster name.
- # Sort based on the IO filter status of the CDP virtual machines.
- # Sort based on the latest snapshot time of the CDP virtual machine.
- # Sort based on the local CDP status of the CDP virtual machine.
- # Sort based on the replication cluster name of the CDP virtual machine.
- # Sort based on the replication CDP status of the CDP virtual machine.
- # Sort based on the source cluster name of the CDP virtual machine.
- # Sort based on the effective SLA Domain name of the CDP virtual machine.
- # Sort based on the name of the CDP virtual machine.
- # Sort based on the vCenter of the CDP virtual machine.
- # Sort DB2 Instance based on instance ID.
- # Sort by EBS volume count.
- # Sort by EBS volume native ID.
- # Sort by EBS volume name.
- # Sort by EBS volume size.
- # Sort by for EBS volume type.
- # Sort by EC2 instance count.
- # Sort by EC2 instance native ID.
- # Sort by EC2 instance name.
- # Sort by EC2 instance type.
- # Sort based on the base frequency of effective SLA Domain.
- # Sort based on the maximum retention of the effective SLA Domain.
- # Sort by O365 user email address.
- # Sort based on failover cluster app connection status.
- # Sort based on failover cluster connection status.
- # Sort fileset templates based on the not excluded files.
- # Sort fileset templates based on the excluded files.
- # Sort fileset templates by included files.
- # Sort GCP disk by location (for regional disk: location=region, for zonal disk:
- # location=zone).
- # Sort GCP disks by native ID.
- # Sort GCP disks by native name.
- # Sort GCP disks by project name.
- # Sort GCP disk by size.
- # Sort GCP Instances by Native ID.
- # Sort GCP Instances by Native Name.
- # Sort GCP Instances by Network Name.
- # Sort GCP Instances by Project Name.
- # Sort GCP Instances by Region.
- # Sort GCP Instances by Instance Type.
- # Sort GCP Project by Disk count.
- # Sort GCP Projects by Instance Count.
- # Sort GCP Projects by Native ID.
- # Sort GCP Projects by Project Number.
- # Sort GCP Projects by Organization Name.
- # Sort by ID of managed object.
- # Sort based on Kubernetes cluster name.
- # Sort MSSQL availability groups by copy only.
- # Sort MSSQL databases by copy only.
- # Sort MSSQL failover clusters by database count.
- # Sort MSSQL hosts by number of databases.
- # Sort MSSQL instance count on host page.
- # Sort MSSQL instances by number of databases.
- # Sort physical hosts by connection status.
- # Sort physical hosts by OS name.
- # Sort SAP HANA systems by system SID.
- # Sort SAP HANA systems by system RBS status.
- # Sort based on sensitivity hits.
- # Sort based on sensitivity status.
- # Sort unmanaged objects by archival storage size.
- # Sort unmanaged objects by local storage size.
- # Sort based on unmanaged object location.
- # Sort based on unmanaged object status.
- # Sort unmanaged objects by number of snapshot count.
- # Sort based on the combination of vCenter name and virtual machine name.
- # Sort based on the VMware virtual machine agent status.
- # Sort vSphere datastores by capacity.
- # Sort vSphere datastores by free space.
- # Sort vSphere datastores by datastore type.
- }
link Require by
- ActiveDirectoryDomainActive Directory Domain.
- AwsNativeRootRoot of AWS native hierarchy.
- AzureNativeRootRoot of Azure native hierarchy.
- CassandraKeyspaceCassandra Keyspace information.
- CassandraSourceCassandra Source information.
- CdmInventorySubHierarchyRoot
- CloudDirectNasNamespaceCloud Direct NAS namespace object.
- CloudDirectNasSystemCloud Direct NAS System object.
- Db2InstanceDb2 Instance details object.
- ExchangeDagExchange DAG details object.
- ExchangeHostExchange Host details object.
- ExchangeServerExchange Server details object.
- FailoverClusterAppFailover cluster App.
- FilesetTemplateFileset template.
- GcpNativeProjectRepresents a GCP project.
- HostFailoverClusterHost failover cluster.
- HostShareHost share type.
- HyperVClusterHyper-V cluster details.
- HyperVSCVMMHyper-V SCVMM details.
- HypervServerHyper-V server details.
- InventoryRoot
- InventorySubHierarchyRoot
- K8sClusterKubernetes cluster.
- KubernetesClusterKubernetes cluster.
- KubernetesNamespaceTypeKubernetes namespace.
- ManagedVolumeManaged Volume information.
- MongoCollectionSetInformation about MongoDB Collection Set.
- MongoDatabaseInformation about MongoDB Database.
- MongodbDatabaseInformation about MongoDB Database.
- MongodbSourceInformation about MongoDB Source.
- MongoSourceInformation about MongoDB Source.
- MssqlAvailabilityGroupSQL Server always on availability group.
- MssqlHostMicrosoft SQL Host.
- MssqlInstanceSQL Server instance.
- NasNamespaceNAS namespace instance associated with registered NAS system.
- NasShareNAS share instance of a registered NAS system.
- NasSystemInstance of a registered NAS system.
- NasVolumeNAS volume instance in a registered NAS system.
- NutanixCategoryNutanix Category details.
- NutanixCategoryValueNutanix Category Value details.
- NutanixClusterNutanix cluster details.
- NutanixPrismCentralNutanix Prism Central details.
- O365Org
- O365User
- OracleDataGuardGroup
- OracleHost
- OracleRac
- PhysicalHost
- PolarisInventorySubHierarchyRoot
- Query
- SapHanaSystemSAP HANA system details object.
- Vcd
- VcdOrg
- VcdOrgVdc
- VcdVapp
- VsphereComputeCluster
- VsphereDatacenter
- VsphereDatastoreClusterVsphere datastore cluster.
- VsphereFolder
- VsphereHost
- VsphereResourcePool
- VsphereTag
- VsphereTagCategory
- VsphereVcenter
- WindowsClusterWindows Failover cluster.