RBAC role.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type Role {
- # Role ID.
- String! :
- # Role name.
- String! :
- # Role description.
- String! :
- # Boolean value indicating if the role is read-only.
- Boolean! :
- # List of protectable Rubrik clusters.
- String!]! : [
- # Role organization ID.
- String! :
- # If this role is a tenant organization administrator.
- Boolean! :
- # Whether the role is marked to be synced.
- Boolean! :
- # Role permissions.
- Permission!]! @deprecated( reason: "Use effectiveRbacPermissions and explicitlyAssignedPermissions instead." ) : [
- # Role permissions that are in effect.
- Permission!]! @deprecated( reason: "Use effectiveRbacPermissions instead." ) : [
- # Permissions assigned to the role that are in effect.
- RbacPermission!]! : [
- # Role permissions that are explicitly assigned by user.
- Permission!]! : [
- # Explicit list of protectable Rubrik clusters.
- String!] : [
- # Explicit list of clusters to which role is synced.
- SyncedCluster!]! : [
- }
link Require by
- AuthorizedPrincipalLDAP authorized principal.
- GroupUser group details.
- OrgDetails of an org.
- Query
- RoleAssignmentRole assignment details.
- RoleConnectionPaginated list of Role objects. Each page of the results includes at most 1000 entries. Query the `pageInfo.hasNextPage` field to know whether all objects were returned.
- RoleEdgeWrapper around the Role object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ServiceAccountService Account.
- UserUser account details.