Cloud Account (AWS, Azure etc.) information.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- interface CloudAccount {
- # The ID of this Cloud Account.
- String! :
- # The name of this Cloud Account.
- String! :
- # The description of this Cloud Account.
- String :
- # The type of this Cloud Provider.
- CloudAccountType! :
- # The connection status of this Cloud Account.
- ConnectionStatusType! :
- }
link Require by
- AwsAccountAWS Account specific info.
- AwsComputeSettingsCompute setting for AWS Target.
- AwsRoleBasedAccountAWS role based Account specific info.
- AwsTargetTemplateSpecific info for AWS Target Template.
- AzureAccountAzure Account specific info.
- AzureRoleBasedAccount
- AzureTargetTemplateSpecific info for Azure Target Template.
- GcpCloudNativeTargetGCP native archival specific fields for GCP Target Template.
- GcpRoleBasedAccountGCP role based Account specific info.
- GcpTargetTemplateSpecific info for GCP Target Template.
- Mutation
- Query
- RubrikManagedAwsTargetSpecific information for Amazon Web Services (AWS) target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedAzureTargetSpecific information for Azure target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedGlacierTargetInformation about the Amazon Glacier target created on Rubrik.