

Kubernetes virtual machine disk.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type KubernetesVirtualMachineDisk {
  • # ID of Kubernetes virtual machine disk.
  • id: String!
  • # ID of Kubernetes virtual machine disk on Rubrik CDM.
  • cdmId: String!
  • # UUID of CDM cluster.
  • clusterUuid: UUID!
  • # Name of Kubernetes virtual machine disk.
  • name: String!
  • # UUID of the Kubernetes cluster.
  • k8sClusterUuid: UUID!
  • # Name of the Kubernetes namespace.
  • namespaceName: String!
  • # ID of the Kubernetes virtual machine.
  • k8sVirtualMachineId: String!
  • # Name of the PVC.
  • pvcName: String!
  • # Size of the disk.
  • size: Long
  • }