Supported in v5.0+
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type OracleDbSnapshotSummary {
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- String! :
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- # Array containing descriptions of the tablespaces that were captured in the
- # specified snapshot.
- String!]! : [
- # Supported in v5.3+
- # A Boolean that specifies whether the snapshot is valid.
- Boolean :
- # Supported in v8.1+
- # Managed ID of the host or RAC from where the database snapshot is taken.
- String :
- # Supported in v8.1+
- # Hostname or RAC name from where the database snapshot is taken.
- String :
- # The base information of a snapshot that is common across other workloads.
- BaseSnapshotSummary :
- }