Cloud account features.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- enum CloudAccountFeature {
- # All cloud account features.
- # Cloud account feature is App Flows.
- # Cloud account feature is Archival.
- # Cloud account feature is Azure Laminar Outpost Application.
- # Cloud account feature is Azure Laminar Outpost Managed Identity.
- # Cloud account feature is Azure Laminar Target Application.
- # Cloud account feature is Azure Laminar Target Managed Identity.
- # Cloud account feature is Azure SQL DB Protection.
- # Cloud account feature is Azure SQL MI Protection.
- # Cloud account feature is Cloud Accounts.
- # Cloud account feature is Cloud Native Archival.
- # Cloud account feature is Cloud Native Archival Encryption.
- # Cloud account feature is Cloud Native Blob Protection.
- # Cloud account feature is Cloud Native Protection.
- # Cloud account feature is Cloud Native S3 Protection.
- # Cloud account feature is Data Center Role Based Archival.
- # Cloud account feature is Exocompute.
- # Feature is not specified.
- # Cloud account feature is GCP Shared VPC Host.
- # Cloud account feature is Kubernetes Protection.
- # Cloud account feature is Laminar Cross Account.
- # Cloud account feature is Laminar Internal.
- # Cloud account feature is Azure Laminar Outpost Application.
- # Cloud account feature is Azure Laminar Outpost Managed Identity.
- # Cloud account feature is Azure Laminar Target Application.
- # Cloud account feature is Azure Laminar Target Managed Identity.
- # Cloud account feature is RDS Protection.
- # Cloud account feature is Servers and Apps.
- }
link Require by
- AddAwsAuthenticationServerBasedCloudAccountInputInput to add authentication server-based AWS cloud account for native protection.
- AddAwsIamUserBasedCloudAccountInputInput to add IAM user-based AWS cloud account for native protection.
- AddAzureCloudAccountFeatureInputInput for enabling a feature for an Azure cloud account.
- AddAzureCloudAccountFeatureInputWithoutOauthInput for enabling a feature for an Azure cloud account without oauth.
- AllEnabledFeaturesForAccountReplyAll Features enabled for a Rubrik cloud account.
- ArtifactsToDeleteArtifacts to be deleted for a feature.
- AwsAccountFeatureArtifactAWS Native ID to features/artifacts map.
- AwsArtifactsToDeleteInputInput to retrieve the AWS artifacts that need to be deleted when an account is being deleted.
- AwsCloudAccountConfigsInputInput to get AWS cloud account configurations.
- AwsCloudAccountFeatureVersionFeature version of AWS cloud accounts.
- AwsCloudAccountFeatureVersionInputInput to protect a feature for the AWS cloud account.
- AwsCloudAccountsWithFeaturesInputAWS cloud accounts with features.
- AwsCloudAccountWithFeaturesInputAWS cloud account with features.
- AwsGetPermissionPoliciesInputInput to retrieve the AWS permission policies.
- AwsNativeFeatureStatusFilterInput to filter objects by connected status of the AWS native feature.
- AwsTrustPolicyInputInput to retrieve the AWS trust policy.
- AzureArmTemplateByFeatureCustom role ARM template corresponding to the feature.
- AzureArmTemplatesByFeatureInputInput for retrieving ARM templates for custom roles.
- AzureCloudAccountFeatureDetailAzure Cloud Account Feature details.
- AzureRoleArmTemplateFeatureAzure cloud account feature and permissions groups to use when determining the required role permissions.
- BulkDeleteAwsCloudAccountWithoutCftInputInput to delete AWS cloud accounts.
- CloudAccountsTprReqChangesTemplateTemplate for TPR request changes regarding the cloud account deletion.
- CompleteAzureCloudAccountOauthInputInput for completing authentication of the Azure Cloud Accounts.
- CustomerManagedPolicyAWS customer created permission policy details.
- DeleteAwsCloudAccountWithoutCftRespResult of deletion of an AWS cloud account.
- DeleteAzureCloudAccountInputInput for deleting an Azure Cloud Account.
- DeleteAzureCloudAccountWithoutOauthInputInput for deleting an Azure Cloud Account without OAuth.
- FeatureDetailFeature specific details for a cloud account.
- FeaturePermissionFeature along with permissions serialized in JSON format.
- FeatureWithPermissionsGroupsCloud account feature with specific permissions groups.
- FeatureWithPermissionsGroupsOutputTypeRepresents the feature with permission groups.
- FinalizeAwsCloudAccountDeletionInputInput to process and finalize deletion of AWS cloud account.
- FinalizeAwsCloudAccountProtectionInputInput to finalize set up of an AWS cloud account.
- GcpCloudAccountAddManualAuthProjectInputInput required to add a GCP cloud account manually.
- GcpCloudAccountFeatureDetailDetails of the Gcp Cloud Account feature.
- GcpCloudAccountUpgradeProjectsInputInput required to upgrade a list of GCP projects.
- PatchAwsAuthenticationServerBasedCloudAccountInputInput to update authentication server-based AWS cloud account.
- PatchAwsIamUserBasedCloudAccountInputInput to update IAM user-based AWS cloud account.
- PrepareAwsCloudAccountDeletionInputInput to initiate deletion of AWS cloud account.
- PrepareFeatureUpdateForAwsCloudAccountInputInput to prepare feature update for AWS cloud account.
- Query
- StartDisableAzureCloudAccountJobInputInput for starting jobs to disable a cloud account feature for a list of Azure Cloud Accounts.
- UnmapAzurePersistentStorageSubscriptionInputInput to check if we can unmap archival location from subscription.
- UpdateAwsCloudAccountFeatureInputInput to update an AWS account.
- UpdateAzureCloudAccountInputInput for updating an Azure Cloud Account.
- UpgradeAwsCloudAccountFeaturesWithoutCftInputInput to update status of features of AWS cloud account to connected from update permissions state.
- UpgradeAwsIamUserBasedCloudAccountPermissionsInputInput to set status of IAM user-based AWS cloud account to connected from update permissions state.
- UpgradeAzureCloudAccountFeatureInputInput to upgrade a feature for an Azure cloud account.
- UpgradeAzureCloudAccountInputInput for upgrading an Azure Cloud Account.
- UpgradeAzureCloudAccountPermissionsWithoutOauthInputInput for upgrading Azure Cloud Account feature to connected state from update permissions without OAuth.
- UpgradeGcpCloudAccountPermissionsWithoutOauthInputInput for upgrading GCP Cloud Account feature to connected state from update permissions without OAuth.
- ValidateAndCreateAwsCloudAccountInputInput to validate and set up an AWS account.