

Score represent a score for a single category. Scores are calculated from a set of metrics.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type DhrcScore {
  • # The category that the score belong to.
  • category: DhrcCategory!
  • # The time that the score was calculated.
  • calculatedAt: DateTime
  • # The time at which the earliest (oldest) metric used to calculate the score
  • # was collected.
  • earliestMetric: DateTime
  • # The score value, always between 0 and 100.
  • value: Float!
  • # The time of this score. This may differ from the time the score was
  • # calculated if padding was used to introduce the score.
  • date: DateTime
  • # The calculation context for the score.
  • context: DhrcScoreContext
  • }

link Require by