Configuration for the addition of Configured Groups in O365.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input AddConfiguredGroupToHierarchyInput {
- # UUID of the org.
- UUID! :
- # The display name for the configured group.
- String! :
- # The wildcard pattern configured for this group. When empty, group members will
- # not be constrained on name or URL identifiers.
- String :
- # The preferred data locations configured for this group. When empty, group
- # members will not be constrained on data location. These are three-letter region
- # codes as defined in Microsoft Azure.
- String!]! : [
- # The workload for the group.
- WorkloadLevelHierarchy :
- # The filters to narrow down group members based on attribute tags.For more
- # information, see
- GroupFilterAttribute!] : [
- }