link GraphQL Schema definition
- enum CdmSnapshotGroupByEnum {
- }
link Require by
- ActiveDirectoryDomainControllerActive Directory Domain Controller.
- CdmHierarchySnappableNewA managed hierarchy protected objects.
- CdmSnapshotGroupBySnapshot data with groupby information applied to it.
- Db2DatabaseDb2 Database details object.
- ExchangeDatabaseExchange Database details object.
- HyperVVirtualMachineHyper-V virtual machine details.
- KubernetesProtectionSetKubernetes Protection Set.
- KubernetesVirtualMachineKubernetes virtual machine.
- LinuxFilesetLinux fileset type.
- ManagedVolumeManaged Volume information.
- MongoCollectionSetInformation about MongoDB Collection Set.
- MongoSourceInformation about MongoDB Source.
- MssqlDatabaseSQL Server database.
- NasFilesetNAS Fileset protected object.
- NutanixVmNutanix virtual machine details.
- OracleDatabase
- OracleDataGuardGroup
- SapHanaDatabaseSAP HANA Database details object.
- SapHanaSystemSAP HANA system details object.
- ShareFilesetShare fileset.
- VcdVapp
- VsphereVm
- WindowsFilesetWindows fileset.