Supported in v6.0+
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input OracleDataGuardGroupUpdateInput {
- # Supported in v6.0+
- # Ordered list of database unique names to use for backup.
- String!] : [
- # Supported in v6.0+
- # Value that indicates whether to backup from the PRIMARY member only, or from any
- # available member.
- Boolean :
- # Supported in v9.0+
- # Boolean value specifying whether to use SEPS wallet to connect to the primary
- # database to perform some operations during backup from the standby database.
- Boolean :
- # Boolean value specifying whether to forcibly disable the discovery of the Data
- # Guard group databases. If this value is set to true, and the global
- # configuration DisableOracleDataGuardDiscovery is set to true, the existing Data
- # Guard group are converted to non-Data Group databases.
- Boolean :
- OracleUpdateCommonInput :
- }