Filter user audit data.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input UserAuditFilter {
- # Filter by audit severity.
- AuditSeverity!] : [
- # Filter by audit status.
- AuditStatus!] : [
- # Filter by audit type.
- AuditType!] : [
- # Filter by audit object type.
- AuditObjectType!] : [
- # Filter by cluster UUIDs.
- UUID!] : [
- # Filter by object IDs.
- String!] : [
- # Filter by object forever IDs.
- String!] : [
- # Filter audits that have time after the specified value.
- DateTime :
- # Filter audits that have time before the specified value.
- DateTime :
- # Filter audits that have a user note attached.
- Boolean :
- # Filter by search term in audit message.
- String :
- # Filter by organization ID.
- String!] : [
- }