Input for restoring O365 Teams files.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input RestoreO365TeamsFilesInput {
- # O365 Teams files to restore.
- FileInfo!]! : [
- # O365 Teams folders to restore.
- FolderInfo!]! : [
- # Destination channel for the restore.
- TeamsChannelInfo :
- # Specifies whether destination channel should be created.
- Boolean! :
- # Recovery action type for the restore job.
- O365RestoreActionType! :
- # In-place restore configuration for the restore job.
- InplaceRestoreConfig :
- # Indicates whether the channel being restored is STANDARD or PRIVATE.
- ChannelMembershipType! :
- # Indicates whether a new channel with latest permissions will be created if a
- # private channel is restored.
- Boolean! :
- # Specifies the sequence number of the snapshot being currently restored.
- Int! :
- }