The String
scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar String
link Require by
- AboutInformationAdditional information about the vcenter object, such as name, version, os type, and api type, only available on clusters 5.1+.
- AbsoluteYearlyRecurrencePatternAn absolute yearly recurrence pattern (e.g. 25th of December).
- AccessGroup
- AccessGroupEdgeWrapper around the AccessGroup object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AccessUser
- AccessUserEdgeWrapper around the AccessUser object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AccountProductProduct enabled via Salesforce.
- ActiveDirectoryAdditionalInfoSupported in v9.2+
- ActiveDirectoryDomainActive Directory Domain.
- ActiveDirectoryDomainControllerActive Directory Domain Controller.
- ActiveDirectoryDomainControllerEdgeWrapper around the ActiveDirectoryDomainController object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ActiveDirectoryDomainDescendantTypeActive Directory domain descendant type, eg. ActiveDirectoryDomainController.
- ActiveDirectoryDomainDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the ActiveDirectoryDomainDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ActiveDirectoryDomainEdgeWrapper around the ActiveDirectoryDomain object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ActiveDirectoryDomainPhysicalChildTypeActive Directory domain physical child type, eg. ActiveDirectoryDomainController.
- ActiveDirectoryDomainPhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the ActiveDirectoryDomainPhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ActiveDirectoryLiveMountConfigInputConfiguration for creating Active Directory Live Mount.
- ActiveDirectoryModifyLiveMountConfigInputConfiguration for modifying the Active Directory Live Mount.
- ActiveDirectoryObjectAttributeDiffValueSupported in v9.2+
- ActiveDirectoryObjectAttributesDiffResponseThe difference in attribute values between snapshots for the Active Directory (AD) object.
- ActiveDirectoryObjectAttributesDiffResponseWithDetailsSupported in v9.2+
- ActiveDirectoryObjectRecoveryConfigInputSupported in v9.0+
- ActiveDirectoryObjectRecoveryDryRunResponseDataThe changes in attribute values if the Active Directory object is restored.
- ActiveDirectoryObjectRestoreFailedAttrSupported in v9.2+
- ActiveDirectoryRecoveryLdapCredsInputSupported in v9.0+
- ActiveDirectoryRecoveryObjectInputSupported in v9.0+
- ActiveDirectoryRestoreConfigInputInput for Active Directory objects restore.
- ActiveDirectorySearchVersionsResultant versions of the objects with requested name.
- ActiveDirectorySnappableSearchResponseList of matching objects.
- ActiveDirectorySnappableSearchResponseEdgeWrapper around the ActiveDirectorySnappableSearchResponse object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ActiveDirectorySnapshotDownloadConfigInputSupported in v9.0+
- ActiveDirectoryUserRestoreOptionsInputSupported in v9.0+
- ActivityAn activity that occurred on RSC or a Rubrik cluster.
- ActivityChart
- ActivityEdgeWrapper around the Activity object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ActivitySeriesA series of activities on either the RSC or a Rubrik cluster.
- ActivitySeriesEdgeWrapper around the ActivitySeries object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ActivitySeriesFilterFilters for list of event series.
- ActivityTable
- ActivityTimelineResult
- ActivityTimelineResultEdgeWrapper around the ActivityTimelineResult object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AddAndJoinSmbDomainInput
- AddAwsAuthenticationServerBasedCloudAccountInputInput to add authentication server-based AWS cloud account for native protection.
- AddAwsAuthenticationServerBasedCloudAccountReplyResponse for the request to add authentication server based AWS cloud account.
- AddAwsIamUserBasedCloudAccountInputInput to add IAM user-based AWS cloud account for native protection.
- AddAzureCloudAccountInputInput for adding an Azure Cloud Account.
- AddAzureCloudAccountReplyResponse of the operation to add an Azure Cloud Account.
- AddAzureCloudAccountResourceGroupInputInput for the resource group to be used for the feature being enabled.
- AddAzureCloudAccountStatusStatus of the operation to add Azure Cloud Account.
- AddAzureCloudAccountUserAssignedManagedIdentityInputInput to specify the details of the user-assigned managed identity to be used for CLOUD_NATIVE_ARCHIVAL_ENCRYPTION feature.
- AddAzureCloudAccountWithoutOauthInputInput for adding an Azure Cloud Account without OAuth.
- AddAzureCloudAccountWithoutOauthReplyResponse of the operation to add Azure Cloud Account without OAuth.
- AddCloudNativeSqlServerBackupCredentialsInputInput required to add credentials for performing backups.
- AddClusterCertificateInputInput for adding cluster certificate.
- AddClusterCertificateReplySupported in v5.1+
- AddClusterNodesReplyResponse from CDM cluster add nodes job.
- AddClusterRouteInputInput for adding a route on a CDM cluster.
- AddConfiguredGroupToHierarchyInputConfiguration for the addition of Configured Groups in O365.
- AddCrossAccountServiceConsumerInputInput to add service consumer to cross-account.
- AddCustomIntelFeedInputCustom intel feed input.
- AddDb2InstanceInputInput for adding a DB2 instance.
- AddDb2InstanceReplySupported in v7.0+
- AddGlobalCertificateInputInput to add a global certificate.
- AddK8sClusterInputInput for adding a Kubernetes cluster.
- AddManagedVolumeInfoAdditional info for `ADD_MANAGED_VOLUME` jobs.
- AddManagedVolumeInputInput for adding a Managed Volume.
- AddMongoSourceInputInput for adding a MongoDB source.
- AddMongoSourceReplySupported in v8.1+ Information corresponding to adding a MongoDB source.
- AddMosaicSourceInputInput for adding a NoSQL protection source.
- AddMosaicStoreInputInput for adding a NoSQL protection store.
- AddNodesConfigInputInput for node configuration.
- AddNodesToCloudClusterInputNodes add request for a cloud cluster.
- AddO365OrgInputConfiguration for the addition of an O365 org.
- AddO365OrgResponseAdd O365 Org response.
- AddSapHanaSystemInputInput for adding a SAP HANA system.
- AddSapHanaSystemReplySupported in v5.3+
- AddStorageArrayInputStorage array to add in a cluster.
- AddStorageArrayReplyResponse of an operation that adds a storage array to a Rubrik cluster.
- AddSyslogExportRuleInputInput for adding a syslog export rule.
- AddVlanInput
- AddVmAppConsistentSpecsInputInput required to add Azure native virtual machine application consistency specifications.
- AddVmAppConsistentSpecsReplyRepresents the response for a request to add application-consistency specification to specified virtual machines.
- AdGroupActive Directory Groups from Microsoft.
- AdGroupSpecInputSpecification to create an AD group.
- AdvancedRecoveryConfigMapA key-value map that specifies the configuration parameters for Oracle advanced recovery.
- AdvancedVirtualMachineSummarySupported in v7.0+
- AdVolumeExportActive Directory volume export.
- AdVolumeExportEdgeWrapper around the AdVolumeExport object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AdVolumeExportFilterFilter Active Directory volume export results.
- AgentStatusThe status of the virtual machine's agent.
- AirGappedTprReqChangesTemplate
- AllCloudDirectSharesInputInput for recovering Cloud Direct path.
- AllEventDigestsInputInput for retrieving event digests.
- AllIamPairsByCloudAccountAndLocationInputInput for listing the IAM pairs of the provided cloud account and any missing permission groups, if applicable, for an optional archival location.
- AmiTypeForAwsNativeArchivedSnapshotExportReplyAmazon Machine Image (AMI) type for exporting an archived EC2 Instance snapshot.
- Analyzer
- AnalyzerAccessUsageEdgeWrapper around the AnalyzerAccessUsage object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AnalyzerEdgeWrapper around the Analyzer object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AnalyzerGroup
- AnalyzerGroupEdgeWrapper around the AnalyzerGroup object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AnalyzerGroupInput
- AnalyzerRiskInstanceRepresents the analyzer risk instance.
- AnalyzerRiskInstanceInputRepresents the analyzer risk instance.
- AnalyzerUsageEdgeWrapper around the AnalyzerUsage object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AnomalyChart
- AnomalyFalsePositiveReportReport an anomaly as a false positive.
- AnomalyResultAnomaly analysis report from lambda service.
- AnomalyResultEdgeWrapper around the AnomalyResult object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AnomalyResultFilterInputFilter anomaly result data.
- AnomalyResultGroupedDataAnomaly result data with group by information applied to it.
- AnomalyResultGroupedDataEdgeWrapper around the AnomalyResultGroupedData object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AnomalyTable
- AppFilterO365 app filter.
- AppIdForType
- ApplicationCloudAccountToExocomputeConfigDetails about an Exocompute configuration.
- AppManifestInfoManifest information for Kubernetes Rubrik Backup Service.
- ApproveRcvPrivateEndpointInputInput for approving private endpoint.
- ApproveTprRequestInputApprove a TPR request with optional comments.
- ArchivalLocationInfoArchivalLocationInfo is message definition for archival polling operations (`ARCHIVAL_LOCATION`). It contains fields required for archival job polling operations.
- ArchivalLocationToClusterMappingInputMapping between archival location and Rubrik cluster.
- ArchivalLocationUpgradeInfoResponse containing a list of archival location IDs with the information about upgrade of the locations.
- ArchivalSpecInputArchiving specification.
- ArtifactPolicyRepresents the trust policy for a role.
- AssetMetadataAssetMetadata stores the metadata of the asset.
- AssetTagObject tag stores key value pair associated with workloads.
- AssignmentResourceDetailsList of resource details.
- AssignmentResourceDetailsEdgeWrapper around the AssignmentResourceDetails object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AssignMssqlSlaDomainPropertiesAsyncInputInput for assigning SLA Domain to SQL Server objects.
- AssignRoleReqChangesTemplateTPR requested changes template for assigning TPR roles to users/groups.
- AssignSlaInputInput to assign Rubrik SLA Domains.
- AsyncDownloadReplyA reply of the async download request.
- AsyncJobStatus
- AsyncJobStatusJobError
- AsyncJobStatusJobId
- AsyncRequestStatusSupported in v5.0+
- AttachmentSpecForEbsVolumeHost AWS EC2 instance specifications for AWS EBS volume.
- AttachmentSpecForEc2InstanceEBS volume attachment specifications.
- AttachmentSpecsForManagedDiskAttachment Specifications for Azure Native Managed Disk.
- AttachmentSpecsForVirtualMachineAttachment Specifications for Azure Native Virtual Machine.
- AuthInfoInputThe authentication type and token to authenticate the endpoint.
- AuthorizedOperations
- AuthorizedPrincipalLDAP authorized principal.
- AuthorizedPrincipalEdgeWrapper around the AuthorizedPrincipal object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AutoEnablePolicyClusterConfigReplyAuto-enabled Data Discovery policy configuration for Rubrik clusters.
- AwsAccountAWS Account specific info.
- AwsAccountFeatureArtifactAWS Native ID to features/artifacts map.
- AwsAccountRansomwareInvestigationEnablementAWS accounts on which Ransomware Investigation can be enabled.
- AwsAccountValidationResponseValidate given aws accounts.
- AwsArtifactsToDeleteInputInput to retrieve the AWS artifacts that need to be deleted when an account is being deleted.
- AwsAuthServerDetailDetails of AWS authentication server-based cloud account.
- AwsAuthServerRoleNameInputInput to update role name in authentication server-based cloud accounts.
- AwsCdmVersionRubrik CDM image version information from the AWS marketplace.
- AwsCdmVersionRequestRubrik CDM versions for the AWS account.
- AwsCdmVersionTagRubrik CDM image version tag.
- AwsCloudAccountDetails of AWS account.
- AwsCloudAccountConfigsInputInput to get AWS cloud account configurations.
- AwsCloudAccountCreateResponseInitiate aws cloud accounts.
- AwsCloudAccountInputDetails of an AWS cloud account.
- AwsCloudAccountsWithFeaturesInputAWS cloud accounts with features.
- AwsCloudComputeSettingFilterInputFilter for AWS cloud compute query request.
- AwsCloudComputeSettingsInputCloud compute settings input for the AWS archival target.
- AwsClusterRequestParamsAWS specific Exocompute cluster customizations.
- AwsComputeSettingsCompute setting for AWS Target.
- AwsCustomerManagedExocomputeConfigAWS Customer Managed Exocompute Configuration in a region.
- AwsEbsMetadataAwsEbsMetadata represents the metadata for the AWS EBS volume.
- AwsEsConfigInputES storage for AWS account.
- AwsExocomputeClusterConnectInputInput to connect a customer-managed cluster to RSC and obtain a connection command to be run by the customer.
- AwsExocomputeClusterConnectReplyResponse to Exocompute Cluster Connect request.
- AwsExocomputeConfigInputAWS Exocompute configuration to add.
- AwsExocomputeConfigsDeletionStatusTypeAWS Exocompute configurations Deletion status.
- AwsExocomputeGetClusterConnectionInfoReplyResponse to Exocompute Cluster Connect request.
- AwsExocomputeGetClusterConnectionInputInput to obtain the connection command and yaml which can be used to connect a customer-managed cluster to RSC.
- AwsExocomputeGetConfigResponseAWS Exocompute configuration in a region.
- AwsExocomputeGetConfigurationResponseAWS Exocompute Configuration response type.
- AwsExocomputeSubnetInputTypeAWS Exocompute subnet input.
- AwsExocomputeSubnetTypeAWS Exocompute subnet.
- AwsIamPairRepresents the AWS IAM pair.
- AwsIamPairInputInput to specify either AWS IAM pair ID or AWS IAM role name.
- AwsNativeAccountAWS native account.
- AwsNativeAccountDescendantType
- AwsNativeAccountDetailsAWS native account details.
- AwsNativeAccountEdgeWrapper around the AwsNativeAccount object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AwsNativeAccountFilterFilter to return AWS objects which have account rubrik ID in the given list of account rubrik IDs.
- AwsNativeAccountInputRepresent an AWS native account.
- AwsNativeAccountLogicalChildType
- AwsNativeAttachedInstanceFilterFilter to return AWS EBS volumes which are attached to one of the EC2 instances in the given list of EC2 instance IDs.
- AwsNativeEbsVolumeAWS native EBS volume.
- AwsNativeEbsVolumeEdgeWrapper around the AwsNativeEbsVolume object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AwsNativeEbsVolumeNameOrIdSubstringFilterFilter to return AWS EBS volumes with a given substring in their name or instance ID.
- AwsNativeEc2InstanceAWS native EC2 instance.
- AwsNativeEc2InstanceEdgeWrapper around the AwsNativeEc2Instance object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AwsNativeEc2InstanceNameOrIdSubstringFilterFilter to return AWS EC2 instances with a given substring in their name or instance ID.
- AwsNativeEc2InstanceSpecificSnapshotSpecific information for AWS EC2 snapshot created on Polaris.
- AwsNativeHierarchyObjectAn AWS native managed hierarchy object.
- AwsNativeHierarchyObjectEdgeWrapper around the AwsNativeHierarchyObject object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AwsNativeRdsInstanceAWS native RDS instance.
- AwsNativeRdsInstanceEdgeWrapper around the AwsNativeRdsInstance object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AwsNativeRootRoot of AWS native hierarchy.
- AwsNativeS3BucketAWS native S3 Bucket.
- AwsNativeS3SlaConfigThe SLA Domain configuration for AWS S3 instances.
- AwsNativeS3SlaConfigInputAWS Native S3 SLA configuration.
- AwsNativeSubnetRepresents a subnet in AWS.
- AwsNativeVpcFilterFilter to return AWS EC2 instances which have VPC ID in the given list of VPC IDs.
- AwsOuInputDetails of an AWS Organization unit.
- AwsOutpostAccountInitiateResponseInitiate aws outpost account.
- AwsOutpostAccountValidateResponseAws outpost account validate response.
- AwsReplicationTargetAWS Replication target.
- AwsRoleArnInputInput to update role ARN for IAM user-based AWS cloud account.
- AwsRoleBasedAccountAWS role based Account specific info.
- AwsRoleCustomizationRole customization options.
- AwsRscAccountDetailsAWS RSC account details.
- AwsRscManagedExocomputeConfigAWS RSC Managed Exocompute Configuration in a region.
- AwsSecurityGroupA Security group in AWS realm.
- AwsSubnetA Subnet in AWS realm.
- AwsTargetTemplateSpecific info for AWS Target Template.
- AwsTrustPolicyResultResult of retrieving the trust policy.
- AwsUserKeysInputInput to update AWS IAM user keys for IAM user-based AWS cloud account.
- AwsVmConfigConfiguration for creating AWS instances.
- AwsVmNetworkConfigNetwork configuration for CDM nodes on AWS.
- AwsVpcA Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in AWS realm.
- AzureAccountAzure Account specific info.
- AzureAdAppDetails of the customer-owned Azure AD application to insert.
- AzureAdApplicationAzure AD application.
- AzureAdAppRoleAzure AD app role.
- AzureAdAppRoleAssignmentAzure AD app role assignment.
- AzureAdDirectoryDetails of the Azure AD directory object.
- AzureAdDirectoryEdgeWrapper around the AzureAdDirectory object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AzureAdGroupAzure AD group.
- AzureAdKeywordSearchFilterInputSearch keyword filter for Azure AD objects.
- AzureAdObjectResponse to the azureAdObjectsByType API.
- AzureAdObjectEdgeWrapper around the AzureAdObject object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AzureAdRoleAzure AD role.
- AzureAdServicePrincipalAzure AD service principal.
- AzureAdUserAzure AD user.
- AzureApplicationCloudAccountToExocomputeConfigDetails about an Exocompute configuration.
- AzureArmTemplateByFeatureCustom role ARM template corresponding to the feature.
- AzureArmTemplatesByFeatureInputInput for retrieving ARM templates for custom roles.
- AzureBlobConfigSLA Domain configuration for Azure Blob.
- AzureBlobConfigInputAzure Blob configuration.
- AzureBlobContainerCcprovisionAzure blob container information.
- AzureBlobContainerCcprovisionEdgeWrapper around the AzureBlobContainerCcprovision object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AzureBlobContainersByStorageAccountInputAzure blob containers by storage account.
- AzureCdmVersionRubrik CDM image version information from the Azure marketplace.
- AzureCdmVersionReqRubrik CDM versions for the Azure account.
- AzureCdmVersionTagRubrik CDM image version tag.
- AzureCloudAccountDetailsForFeatureReplyCloud account details for a given customer ID.
- AzureCloudAccountRolePermissionAzure Permission type with included and excluded actions.
- AzureCloudAccountSubscriptionAzure Cloud Account Subscription for a given feature.
- AzureCloudAccountSubscriptionDetailAzure Cloud Account Subscription details for a given feature.
- AzureCloudAccountSubscriptionInputInput required to update the Azure subscription.
- AzureCloudAccountTenantAzure Tenant with details of subscriptions that are configured for a given feature.
- AzureCloudAccountTenantWithExoConfigsAzure Cloud Account Tenant with details of exocompute configured for subscriptions for a given feature.
- AzureCloudComputeSettingsInputCloud compute settings input for the Azure archival target.
- AzureCloudNativeTargetCompanionAzure native archival specific fields for Azure Target Template.
- AzureClusterRequestParamsAzure specific Exocompute cluster customizations.
- AzureCmkCustomer managed key vault and key information for a region.
- AzureCmkInputInformation about the customer-managed key and key vault for a region.
- AzureComputeSettingsCompute setting for Azure Target.
- AzureEncryptionKeyDetails of Azure Encryption Key.
- AzureEncryptionKeysInputInput for getting Encryption Keys in an Azure Key Vault.
- AzureEsConfigInputES storage for Azure account.
- AzureExocomputeAddConfigInputTypeAzure Exocompute configuration to add.
- AzureExocomputeConfigDetailsExocompute configurations details.
- AzureExocomputeConfigValidationInfoContains validation information, such as blockers or errors encountered in validating the Exocompute configuration.
- AzureExocomputeGetConfigResponseAzure Exocompute configuration.
- AzureExocomputeRegionConfigRepresents an Azure Exocompute Configuration for a specific region. The Azure Exocompute Configuration includes the subnet native ID to be used for launching an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster in a specific region.
- AzureGetResourceGroupsInfoIfExistInputInput for getting Azure resource groups if they exist.
- AzureKeyVaultDetails of Azure Key Vault.
- AzureKeyVaultKeyIdentifierInputInput for identifying a specific Azure Key Vault key.
- AzureKeyVaultKeyIdentifierWithoutKeyVersionInputInput for identifying a specific Azure Key Vault key.
- AzureLocationDetailTypeAzure region detail, including name and availability zones.
- AzureManagedDiskMetadataAzureManagedDiskMetadata represents the metadata for the Azure Managed Disk.
- AzureManagedIdentityManaged identity information.
- AzureManagedIdentityNameManaged identity information.
- AzureMappedExocomputeSubscriptionMapped Azure subscription for launching Exocompute.
- AzureNativeAttachedDiskSpecificSnapshotAzure Virtual Machine attached disks snapshot.
- AzureNativeAttachedVmFilterFilter to return Azure disks which are attached to one of the virtual machines in the given list of virtual machine IDs.
- AzureNativeAvailabilitySetAn Azure availability set. An availability set is a logical grouping of VMs to facilitate redundancy and availability. For more information, see
- AzureNativeCommonRgSubscriptionFilterFilters Azure resource groups that belong to the subscriptions identified by the list of Rubrik subscription IDs provided.
- AzureNativeDiskEncryptionSetDetails of the Azure Disk Encryption Set.
- AzureNativeDiskResourceGroupFilterFilter to return Azure disks which have resource group name in the given list of resource group names.
- AzureNativeDiskSubscriptionFilterFilter to return Azure disks which have rubrik subscription ID in the given list of rubrik subscription IDs.
- AzureNativeDiskTypeFilterFilter to return Azure virtual machine which have VM size in the given list of VM sizes.
- AzureNativeExportCompatibleDiskTypesList of disk types available for use in an Azure availability zone. Not all disk types are supported in all the regions. For more information, see
- AzureNativeExportCompatibleVmSizesThe virtual machine sizes for an Azure availability zone. Not all virtual machine sizes are supported in all the regions. For more information, see
- AzureNativeHierarchyObjectTypeAn Azure native managed hierarchy object.
- AzureNativeHierarchyObjectTypeEdgeWrapper around the AzureNativeHierarchyObjectType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AzureNativeManagedDiskAn Azure Native Managed Disk that refers to the block storage designed to be used with Azure Virtual Machines. Some examples are: ultra disks, premium solid-state drives (SSD), standard SSDs, and standard hard disk drives (HDD). For more information, see
- AzureNativeManagedDiskEdgeWrapper around the AzureNativeManagedDisk object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AzureNativeResourceGroupAn Azure Native Resource Group. Refers to a collection of resources in which multiple Azure services can reside.
- AzureNativeResourceGroupEdgeWrapper around the AzureNativeResourceGroup object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AzureNativeResourceGroupInfoInputInput for getting Azure resource group if it exists.
- AzureNativeRgSlaFilterReturns Azure resource groups containing objects that are protected by the SLA domains identified by the specified SLA IDs.
- AzureNativeRootRoot of Azure native hierarchy.
- AzureNativeSecurityGroupAn Azure security group. Security groups enable you to configure network security as a natural extension of an application's structure, allowing you to group virtual machines and define network security policies based on those groups. For more information, see
- AzureNativeStorageAccountAzure storage account.
- AzureNativeSubnetAn Azure subnet. Subnets allow you to choose IP address range of your choice. For more information, see
- AzureNativeSubscriptionAn Azure Native Subscription. Refers to the logical entity that provides entitlement to deploy and consume Azure resources.
- AzureNativeSubscriptionEdgeWrapper around the AzureNativeSubscription object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AzureNativeVirtualMachineAn Azure Native Virtual Machine that refers to the Azure infrastructure as a service (IaaS) used to deploy persistent VMs. For more information, see
- AzureNativeVirtualMachineEdgeWrapper around the AzureNativeVirtualMachine object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AzureNativeVirtualNetworkAn Azure virtual network (VNet). VNet enables secure communication with other VNets, the internet, and on-premise networks. For more information, see
- AzureNativeVmResourceGroupFilterFilter by resource group name.
- AzureNativeVmSizeFilterFilter by virtual machine size.
- AzureNativeVmSubscriptionFilterFilter by subscription ID.
- AzureNativeVnetFilterFilter by VNet name.
- AzureNetworkSecurityGroupResp
- AzureNsgRequestNsgRequest for Azure account.
- AzureO365ExocomputeClusterAzure O365 Exocompute cluster details.
- AzureO365ExocomputeConfigExocompute configuration.
- AzureOauthConsentCompleteInputConfiguration for the completion of an Azure OAuth consent flow.
- AzureOauthConsentKickoffReply
- AzureReplicationTargetTarget Azure subscription and region for replication.
- AzureResourceAvailabilityResp
- AzureResourceGroupAzure resource group.
- AzureResourceGroupInfoDetails of the Azure resource group if it exists.
- AzureRoleAzure Role details.
- AzureRoleBasedAccount
- AzureSnappableLocationLocation for Azure workload.
- AzureSqlDatabaseDbAn Azure SQL Database. Refers to the fully managed SQL database built for the cloud. For more info, see
- AzureSqlDatabaseDbEdgeWrapper around the AzureSqlDatabaseDb object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AzureSqlDatabaseDbLtrExportInput for exporting Long Term Retention backup of an Azure SQL Database.
- AzureSqlDatabaseResourceGroupFilterFilter to return Azure SQL Databases which have resource group name in the given list of resource group names.
- AzureSqlDatabaseServerRetrieves an Azure SQL Database Server. Refers to the server the Azure SQL Database is a part of. For more info, see
- AzureSqlDatabaseServerEdgeWrapper around the AzureSqlDatabaseServer object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AzureSqlDatabaseServerElasticPoolAn elastic pool for a SQL Database Server.
- AzureSqlDatabaseServerResourceGroupFilterFilter to return Azure SQL Database Servers which have resource group name in the given list of resource group names.
- AzureSqlDatabaseServerSubscriptionFilterFilter to return Azure SQL Database Servers which have resource group name in the given list of resource group names.
- AzureSqlDatabaseSubscriptionFilterFilter to return Azure SQL Databases with subscription ID in the given list of Rubrik subscription IDs.
- AzureSqlManagedInstanceDatabaseRetrieves an Azure SQL Managed Instance Database. Refers to the database engine compatible with the latest SQL Server (Enterprise Edition) database engine. For more information, see
- AzureSqlManagedInstanceDatabaseEdgeWrapper around the AzureSqlManagedInstanceDatabase object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AzureSqlManagedInstanceDatabaseResourceGroupFilterFilter to return Azure SQL Managed Instance Databases which have resource group name in the given list of resource group names.
- AzureSqlManagedInstanceDatabaseSubscriptionFilterFilter to return Azure SQL Managed Instance Databases which have resource group name in the given list of resource group names.
- AzureSqlManagedInstanceDbLtrExportInput for exporting Long Term Retention backup of Azure SQL Managed Instance database.
- AzureSqlManagedInstanceServerRetrieves an Azure SQL Managed Instance Server. Refers to the server the Azure SQL Managed Instance Database is a part of.
- AzureSqlManagedInstanceServerEdgeWrapper around the AzureSqlManagedInstanceServer object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AzureSqlManagedInstanceServerResourceGroupFilterFilter to return Azure SQL Managed Instance Database Servers which have resource group name in the given list of resource group names.
- AzureSqlManagedInstanceServerSubscriptionFilterFilter to return Azure SQL Managed Instance Database Servers which have resource group name in the given list of resource group names.
- AzureSqlPersistentBackupExportInputInput for exporting from Rubrik managed persistent backup.
- AzureStorageAccountAn Azure storage account that contains Azure storage data objects including blobs, file shares, queues, tables, and disks. For more information, see
- AzureStorageAccountCcprovisionAzure storage account information.
- AzureStorageAccountsByRegionInputAzure storage accounts input by region.
- AzureStorageAccountsReqAzure storage accounts input by resource group.
- AzureSubnetReqSubnetRequest for Azure account.
- AzureSubscription
- AzureSubscriptionEdgeWrapper around the AzureSubscription object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- AzureSubscriptionInputInput required to add the Azure subscription.
- AzureSubscriptionMissingPermissionsMissing permissions on the Azure Subscription.
- AzureSubscriptionRansomwareInvestigationEnablementAzure subscriptions on which Ransomware Investigation can be enabled.
- AzureSubscriptionWithExocomputeMappingAzure subscription with Exocompute mapping, if present.
- AzureSubscriptionWithExoConfigsAzure Cloud Account Subscription with exocompute configurations for feature configured.
- AzureSubscriptionWithFeaturesTypeAzure subscription with features.
- AzureTagAzure Tag.
- AzureTargetTemplateSpecific info for Azure Target Template.
- AzureUpdateTenantForSubscriptionInputInput for updating the tenant for the Azure Subscription.
- AzureUserAssignedManagedIdentityAzure user-assigned Managed Identity details.
- AzureVmConfigAzure Virtual Machine configuration parameters.
- AzureVnetReqVNetRequest for Azure account.
- BackupObjectThe object that needs to be backed up.
- BackupThrottleSettingInputBackup throttle settings.
- BaseGuestCredentialDetailSupported in v5.0+
- BaseGuestCredentialInputSupported in v5.0+
- BaseOnDemandSnapshotConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- BaseSnapshotSummarySupported in v5.0+
- BatchExportHypervVmInputInput for exporting a batch of Hyper-V virtual machines.
- BatchInstantRecoverHypervVmInputInput for batch recovery of Hyper-V virtual machines.
- BatchMountHypervVmInputInput for initiating Live Mount for a batch of Hyper-V virtual machines.
- BatchOnDemandBackupHypervVmInputRequired. Input for taking on-demand snapshots of multiple Hyper-V virtual machines.
- BatchVmwareVmRecoverableRangesRequestInputSupported in v5.3+
- BeginManagedVolumeSnapshotInfoAdditional info for `BEGIN_MANAGED_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT` jobs.
- BeginManagedVolumeSnapshotInputInput for invoking the API endpoint to begin a Managed Volume snapshot.
- BeginManagedVolumeSnapshotReplySupported in v7.0+
- BlackoutWindowSupported in v5.0+
- BootstrappableNodeInfoSupported in v5.0+
- BootstrappableNodeInfoListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- BrowseDirectoryFiltersInput
- BrowseMssqlDatabaseSnapshotInputInput for browsing SQL Server database snapshots.
- BrowseNutanixSnapshotInputInput for browsing Nutanix snapshots.
- BrowseResponseSupported in v5.0+
- BrowseResponseListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- BulkAddNasSharesReplySupported in v8.1+ Response for operation to manually add multiple NAS shares.
- BulkAddNasSharesRequestInputSupported in v8.1+ Input to add multiple NAS shares.
- BulkCreateFilesetsInputInput for creating multiple filesets.
- BulkCreateFilesetsReplySupported in v5.0+
- BulkCreateFilesetTemplatesInputInput for creating multiple fileset templates.
- BulkCreateFilesetTemplatesReplySupported in v5.0+
- BulkCreateNasFilesetInputSupported in v7.0+
- BulkCreateOnDemandMssqlBackupInputInput for creating multiple on-demand SQL Server database backups.
- BulkDeleteAwsCloudAccountWithoutCftInputInput to delete AWS cloud accounts.
- BulkDeleteFailoverClusterAppInputInput for V1BulkDeleteFailoverClusterApp.
- BulkDeleteFailoverClusterInputInput for V1BulkDeleteFailoverCluster.
- BulkDeleteFilesetInputInput for deleting multiple filesets.
- BulkDeleteFilesetTemplateInputInput for deleting multiple fileset templates.
- BulkDeleteHostInputInput for deleting multiple registered hosts.
- BulkDeleteMosaicSourcesInputInput for deleting NoSQL Protection sources in bulk.
- BulkDeleteNasSharesRequestInputSupported in v8.1+ Input to trigger delete of multiple NAS shares.
- BulkDeleteNasSystemRequestInputSupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Input to trigger delete of multiple registered NAS systems.
- BulkDeleteSourceRequestInputSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Object for sources added on mosaic.
- BulkExportMssqlDbConfigInputSupported in v9.2+
- BulkOnDemandSnapshotJobConfigInputSupported in v5.3+
- BulkOnDemandSnapshotNutanixVmInputInput to initiate Bulk on Demand snapshot for Nutanix.
- BulkRefreshHostsInputInput for refreshing multiple hosts with a single request.
- BulkRegisterHostAsyncInputInput for registering multiple hosts in the background.
- BulkRegisterHostInputInput for registering multiple hosts.
- BulkRegisterHostReplySupported in v5.0+
- BulkTierExistingSnapshotsInputInput to initiate bulk tiering of existing archived snapshots.
- BulkTierSnapshotsConfigInputSupported in v6.0+
- BulkUpdateExchangeDagInput
- BulkUpdateMssqlDbsInputInput for BulkUpdateMssqlDbs.
- BundleMetadataInputMetadata associated with an Exocompute container image bundle.
- CalendarEmailAddressFilterEmail address input for organizer and/or attendee.
- CalendarGroupInfoRepresents the Calendar group to be restored.
- CalendarInfoRepresents the Calendar to be restored.
- CalendarSearchKeywordFilterCalendar search keyword and type.
- CancelJobReplyCancel download job response.
- CancelThreatHuntInputRequest to cancel a threat hunt.
- CancelTprRequestInputCancel a TPR request.
- CascadingArchivalSpecInputCascading archiving specification.
- CassandraBackupParamsBackup Params configured on the management object.
- CassandraColumnFamilyCassandra Column Family information.
- CassandraColumnFamilyEdgeWrapper around the CassandraColumnFamily object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CassandraColumnObjectSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Object with cassandra column details.
- CassandraKeyspaceCassandra Keyspace information.
- CassandraKeyspaceDescendantTypeCassandra Keyspace descendant type information.
- CassandraKeyspaceDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the CassandraKeyspaceDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CassandraKeyspaceEdgeWrapper around the CassandraKeyspace object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CassandraKeyspacePhysicalChildTypeCassandra Keyspace physical child type information.
- CassandraKeyspacePhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the CassandraKeyspacePhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CassandraSchemaObjectSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 m3.2.0-m4.0.1: Object with cassandra column details. m4.1.0-m4.2.0: Object with cassandra schema details.
- CassandraSourceCassandra Source information.
- CassandraSourceDescendantTypeCassandra Source descendant type information.
- CassandraSourceDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the CassandraSourceDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CassandraSourceEdgeWrapper around the CassandraSource object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CassandraSourcePhysicalChildTypeCassandra Source physical child type information.
- CassandraSourcePhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the CassandraSourcePhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CassandraSslOptionsSSL Configuration on mosaic source object.
- CategorizedTprReqChangesTemplate
- CategorizedTprRequestedChangeEntryCategorized changed entry in a TPR request.
- CcprovisionInfoMetadata for a single cluster job.
- CcProvisionJobReplyAsync reply for a submitted job.
- CcWithCloudInfoDetailed cloud information for a Cloud Cluster.
- CdmAgentStatusSupported in v5.0+
- CdmCertificateUsageInfoDifferent types of usages of a certificate on a Rubrik cluster.
- CdmClusterStatus
- CdmClusterStatusInfo
- CdmGroupByInfoCDM group by information.
- CdmGroupedSnapshotEdgeWrapper around the CdmGroupedSnapshot object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CdmHierarchyObjectA Rubrik CDM Managed Hierarchy object.
- CdmHierarchyObjectEdgeWrapper around the CdmHierarchyObject object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CdmHierarchySnappableNewA managed hierarchy protected objects.
- CdmHostVolume
- CdmInventorySubHierarchyRoot
- CdmLightweightHostDetails of the hosts associated with a Db2 instance.
- CdmManagedAwsTargetSpecific info for AWS target created on Cdm.
- CdmManagedAzureTargetSpecific info for Azure target created on Cdm.
- CdmManagedGcpTargetSpecific info for Gcp target created on Cdm.
- CdmManagedGlacierTargetSpecific info for Glacier target created on Cdm.
- CdmManagedNfsTargetSpecific info for Nfs target created on Cdm.
- CdmManagedS3CompatibleTargetSpecific info for S3Compatible created on Cdm.
- CdmManagedTapeTargetSpecific information for Tape target created on CDM cluster.
- CdmMongoNodeMongoDB node details for the source.
- CdmMongoSslParamsSSL Configuration for a MongoDB source object.
- CdmMssqlDbReplicaReplica SQL Server database of an availability group.
- CdmMssqlDbReplicaAvailabilityInfoInformation about the availability group of the replica SQL Server database.
- CdmNodeDetailThe node details of a Rubrik CDM cluster.
- CdmOracleRacNodeRepresentation of a single node in an Oracle RAC.
- CdmOracleRacNodeOrderThe priority order used for the selection of a RAC node by Oracle backup and recovery.
- CdmOvaDetailThe details of Rubrik CDM OVA for Virtual Clusters.
- CdmSnappableLocationLocation for Rubrik CDM workload.
- CdmSnapshot
- CdmSnapshotEdgeWrapper around the CdmSnapshot object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CdmSnapshotFilterCDM snapshot filter.
- CdmSnapshotFilterInput
- CdmSnapshotGroupBySnapshot data with groupby information applied to it.
- CdmSnapshotGroupByEdgeWrapper around the CdmSnapshotGroupBy object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CdmSnapshotGroupBySummaryEdgeWrapper around the CdmSnapshotGroupBySummary object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CdmSnapshotLocationRetentionInfoCDM snapshot location retention information.
- CdmTargetTarget-specific information created and synchronized from a Rubrik CDM cluster.
- CdmUpgradeInfo
- CdmUpgradeInfoFilterInputFilters for the cluster list.
- CdmUpgradeReleaseDetailCDM release detail.
- CdmUpgradeReleaseDetailsFromSupportPortalReplyCDM release details.
- CdmWorkloadSupported in v5.0+
- CdmWorkloadSnapshotSnapshot of a Rubrik CDM workload.
- CdmWorkloadSnapshotEdgeWrapper around the CdmWorkloadSnapshot object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CdpPerfDashboardFilterParamCdp performance dashboard filter.
- CdpVmInfoThe details about a CDP virtual machine.
- CdpVmInfoEdgeWrapper around the CdpVmInfo object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CertificateCertificate information.
- CertificateClusterInfoInformation about the Rubrik cluster to which the certificate has been uploaded.
- CertificateClusterOperationErrorAn error associated with a certificate operation on a Rubrik cluster.
- CertificateDetailsCertificate information.
- CertificateEdgeWrapper around the Certificate object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CertificateImportRequestInputSupported in v5.1+
- CertificateSummaryListResponseSupported in v5.1+
- CertificateUsageParameterThe metadata about a certificate's usage.
- ChangePasswordInput
- CheckArchivedSnapshotsLockedReplyArchived snapshot locking related details for a workload.
- ClassificationPolicyDetailDetailed view of a data classification policy.
- ClassificationPolicyDetailEdgeWrapper around the ClassificationPolicyDetail object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ClassificationPolicySummary
- ClassificationPolicyWhitelistDetailedEntry
- ClosestSnapshotDetailSnapshot details.
- ClosestSnapshotSearchResultThe result of a search for an unexpired snapshot closest to a point in time for a specific workload.
- CloudAccountCloud Account (AWS, Azure etc.) information.
- CloudAccountAddressBlockV4CIDR block.
- CloudAccountDetailDetails for each cloud account.
- CloudAccountDetailsCloud Account with mapped Exocompute account.
- CloudAccountFeaturePermissionCloud Account ID along with Features and permissions serialized in JSON format.
- CloudAccountFilterInputFilter for cloud account query request.
- CloudAccountInfoCloudAccountInfo stores the cloud account information.
- CloudAccountsTprReqChangesTemplateTemplate for TPR request changes regarding the cloud account deletion.
- CloudAccountSubAWS security group information.
- CloudAccountSubnetAWS subnet information.
- CloudAccountVpcAWS VPC information.
- CloudArchivalLocationTprReqChangesTemplateTemplate for deleting a cloud archival location with the quorum authorization request.
- CloudDirectClusterCloud Direct cluster location details.
- CloudDirectDeviceDetailsDetails about a device in a NAS Cloud Direct site.
- CloudDirectHierarchyObjectA NAS Cloud Direct managed hierarchy object.
- CloudDirectHierarchyWorkloadA Cloud Direct managed hierarchy protected objects.
- CloudDirectNasExportCloud Direct NAS export object.
- CloudDirectNasNamespaceCloud Direct NAS namespace object.
- CloudDirectNasNamespaceDescendantTypeCloud Direct NAS namespace descendant type.
- CloudDirectNasNamespaceDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the CloudDirectNasNamespaceDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CloudDirectNasNamespaceEdgeWrapper around the CloudDirectNasNamespace object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CloudDirectNasNamespaceLogicalChildTypeCloud Direct NAS namespace logical child type.
- CloudDirectNasNamespaceLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the CloudDirectNasNamespaceLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CloudDirectNasShareCloud Direct NAS Share object.
- CloudDirectNasSystemCloud Direct NAS System object.
- CloudDirectNasSystemDescendantTypeCloud Direct NAS system descendant type.
- CloudDirectNasSystemDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the CloudDirectNasSystemDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CloudDirectNasSystemEdgeWrapper around the CloudDirectNasSystem object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CloudDirectNasSystemLogicalChildTypeCloud Direct NAS system logical child type.
- CloudDirectNasSystemLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the CloudDirectNasSystemLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CloudDirectSiteA NAS Cloud Direct site.
- CloudDirectSnapshotNAS Cloud Direct snapshot object.
- CloudDirectSnapshotEdgeWrapper around the CloudDirectSnapshot object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CloudDirectSnapshotsFilterInputFilter Cloud Direct snapshot results.
- CloudDirectSnapshotsGroupBySummaryEdgeWrapper around the CloudDirectSnapshotsGroupBySummary object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CloudDirectSystemsCloud Direct systems.
- CloudDownloadLocationDetailsInputDetails of the cloud download location.
- CloudNativeAccountIdWithNameCloud-native account details.
- CloudNativeDatabaseServerFilterFilter databases for a given list of servers.
- CloudNativeDownloadFilesInputInput required to download indexed cloud-native snapshot files.
- CloudNativeFileRecoveryFeasibilityContains file recovery feasibility status for a cloud-native snapshot.
- CloudNativeFilterDataType representing filters on cloud native tag or label rules.
- CloudNativeIdsDataType representing cloud native ids.
- CloudNativeLabelA single label.
- CloudNativeSnapshotDetailsForRecoveryRecovery related details for a particular snapshot type.
- CloudNativeSnapshotInfoContains information about the cloud-native snapshot.
- CloudNativeSnapshotTypeDetailsRecovery details for different snapshot types.
- CloudNativeSqlServerSetupScriptScript to setup backups on a SQL Server database.
- CloudNativeTagRuleCloud-native tag rule.
- CloudNativeVersionedFileContains information about the cloud-native versioned file.
- CloudNativeVersionedFileEdgeWrapper around the CloudNativeVersionedFile object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ClusterA Rubrik CDM Cluster.
- ClusterArchivalSpecCDM archiving specification.
- ClusterCapacityQuotaCluster capacity quota.
- ClusterConfigInputClusterConfig for new CDM cloud cluster.
- ClusterCsrSupported in v7.0+
- ClusterDiskRubrik cluster disk type.
- ClusterDiskEdgeWrapper around the ClusterDisk object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ClusterDiskFilterInputFilters for the list of Rubrik cluster disks.
- ClusterDnsReplyRepresents the response of a request to retrieve DNS information from a Rubrik cluster.
- ClusterEdgeWrapper around the Cluster object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ClusterEndpointsNAS Cloud Direct cluster endpoints.
- ClusterFilterInputFilters for the cluster list.
- ClusterFilterPerProductInputInput to filter clusters by parameters specific to product types.
- ClusterGeolocationCluster geolocation type.
- ClusterGeolocationInputCluster geolocation input.
- ClusterGroupByCluster data with groupby info applied to it.
- ClusterGroupByEdgeWrapper around the ClusterGroupBy object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ClusterHostGroupInfoSupported in v6.0+
- ClusterInfCidrsCluster interface CIDR map.
- ClusterInfCidrsInput
- ClusterInfoClusterInfo stores the cluster information.
- ClusterInfoTypeRubrik cluster information.
- ClusterIpMappingIP allow list of Rubrik cluster mappings.
- ClusterLocationEditGeoLocation of the cluster.
- ClusterNetworkInterfaceDetailsNetwork interface names and types for source and target clusters.
- ClusterNodeRubrik cluster node.
- ClusterNodeDetail
- ClusterNodeEdgeWrapper around the ClusterNode object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ClusterNodeFilterInputFilters for the list of Rubrik cluster node.
- ClusterNodeInterfaceCidrNetwork interface of a Rubrik cluster node.
- ClusterNodeStatsThe node-level performance statistics of a Rubrik cluster.
- ClusterOperationJobProgressStatus and progress of a Rubrik cluster operation job.
- ClusterOperationJobProgressInputRequest parameters for checking the job progress of the Rubrik cluster operation.
- ClusterPauseStatusResultObject containing the pause or resume status for a Rubrik cluster.
- ClusterProxyReplyRepresents the response of a request to retrieve proxy information from a Rubrik cluster.
- ClusterRegistrationProductInfoTypeInfo about the cluster product types the user is entitled to.
- ClusterRegistrationTokenObject type containing the token, public key, and product type used in registering a cluster.
- ClusterReplicationTargetReplication target specific information.
- ClusterSlaDomainMetadata for rendering a Rubrik cluster SLA Domain.
- ClusterSlaDomainEdgeWrapper around the ClusterSlaDomain object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ClusterStorageArraysAll storage arrays in a Rubrik cluster.
- ClusterSummaryCluster summary.
- ClusterUpdateInputCluster update input.
- ClusterUuidWithDbIdInputContains the cluster UUID and Oracle database ID.
- ClusterUuidWithMssqlObjectIdInputContains the cluster UUID and a Microsoft SQL object ID.
- ClusterVisibilityConfigSupported in v6.0+
- ClusterVisibilityConfigInputSupported in v6.0+
- ClusterVisibilityInfoSupported in v6.0+
- ClusterWebCertAndIpmiWeb certificate and IPMI details for a cluster.
- ClusterWebSignedCertificateInput
- Column
- CompactSlaDomainSLA Domain name and ID.
- CompleteAzureAdAppSetupInputConfiguration to complete the Azure AD application creation flow.
- CompleteAzureAdAppUpdateInputConfiguration to complete an update to the Azure AD directory App.
- CompleteAzureCloudAccountOauthInputInput for completing authentication of the Azure Cloud Accounts.
- ComplianceStateStores the compliance status of a workload type.
- ComputeClusterDetailSupported in v5.0+
- ComputeClusterSummarySupported in v5.0+
- ConfigProtectionInfoConfiguration protection information.
- ConfigureDb2RestoreInput
- ConfigureManagedVolumeLogExportInfoAdditional info for `CONFIGURE_MANAGED_VOLUME_LOG_EXPORT` jobs.
- ConfigureSapHanaRestoreInputInput for configuring SAP HANA database for restore.
- ContactFolderInfoThe contact folder to be restored.
- ContactInfoThe contact to be restored.
- ContactsSearchKeywordFilterContacts search keyword.
- ContentNodeA node in a help topic document tree.
- ContentNodeAttributeThe attributes of a content node.
- ContextFilterInputFieldFilters for the list of SLA Domains.
- ConversationsRestoreConfigRepresents the conversation contents to be restored.
- Crawl
- CrawlEdgeWrapper around the Crawl object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CrawlObj
- CrawlObjEdgeWrapper around the CrawlObj object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CreateActiveDirectoryLiveMountInputInput for creating an Active Directory Live Mount.
- CreateActiveDirectoryUnmountInputInput for deleting an Active Directory Live Mount.
- CreateAutomaticAwsTargetMappingInputInput for creating an AWS target mapping.
- CreateAutomaticAzureTargetMappingInputInput for create an Azure target mapping.
- CreateAutomaticRcsTargetMappingInputInput for creating RCS locations.
- CreateAwsAccountInputInput for creating an AWS account.
- CreateAwsClusterInputCreateAwsClusterInput for Aws account.
- CreateAwsComputeSettingInputCloud compute settings input for the AWS archival target.
- CreateAwsReaderTargetInputInput for creating an AWS Reader Target.
- CreateAwsTargetInputInput for creating ab AWS archival target.
- CreateAzureAccountInputInput for creating an Azure account.
- CreateAzureClusterInputCreateAzureClusterInput for Azure account.
- CreateAzureReaderTargetInputInput for creating an Azure Reader Target.
- CreateAzureTargetInputInput for creating an Azure archival target.
- CreateCloudNativeAwsStorageSettingInputInput to create a storage setting for AWS.
- CreateCloudNativeAzureStorageSettingInputInput for create storage settings for an account.
- CreateCloudNativeLabelRuleInputInput required to create a cloud-native label rule.
- CreateCloudNativeLabelRuleReplyStatus of the request to create a label rule. If the request succeeds, the status contains the ID of the new label rule.
- CreateCloudNativeRcvAzureStorageSettingInputInput for creating Rubrik Cloud Vault Azure storage settings.
- CreateCloudNativeTagRuleInputInput required to create a cloud-native tag rule.
- CreateCloudNativeTagRuleReplyStatus of the request to create a tag rule. If the request succeeds, the status contains the ID of the new tag rule.
- CreateCrossAccountPairInputOAuth authorization code input for cross-account pair creation.
- CreateCrossAccountRegOauthPayloadInputInput for cross-account OAuth registration.
- CreateCustomAnalyzerInput
- CreateCustomReportInputInput for creating a custom report.
- CreateCustomReportReplyMetadata for rendering a custom report.
- CreateDomainControllerSnapshotInputInput for creating Active Directory Domain Controller snapshot.
- CreateDownloadSnapshotForVolumeGroupInput
- CreateExchangeSnapshotMountInput
- CreateExportOracleDbInputInput for exporting an Oracle database excluding advanced options.
- CreateFailoverClusterInputInput for V1CreateFailoverCluster.
- CreateFilesetSnapshotInputCreates a fileset job to take a backup.
- CreateGcpReaderTargetInputInput for GCP Reader Target.
- CreateGcpTargetInputInput for creating a GCP archival target.
- CreateGlacierReaderTargetInputInput for creating a new Glacier reader target.
- CreateGlobalSlaInputInput to create SLA Domain.
- CreateGuestCredentialInput
- CreateGuestCredentialReplySupported in v5.0+
- CreateHypervVirtualMachineSnapshotMountInputInput for initiating Live Mount for a Hyper-V virtual machine.
- CreateIntegrationInputHolds the input to a create integration request.
- CreateK8sClusterInputConfiguration of the Kubernetes cluster to onboard.
- CreateK8sClusterReplyCreate Kubernetes cluster response.
- CreateK8sProtectionSetSnapshotInputInput for creating a Kubernetes protection set snapshot.
- CreateK8sRestoreJobInputInput for creating a Kubernetes restore job.
- CreateLegalHoldInputContains information about the snapshots to be placed on legal hold and configuration of the legal hold on which they have to be placed.
- CreateLegalHoldReplyContains information about the snapshots placed on legal hold.
- CreateManualTargetMappingInputInput for creating manual target mapping.
- CreateMountHypervVirtualDisksInputInput for initiating a Live Mount of Hyper-V virtual machine disks.
- CreateMssqlLiveMountInputInput for creating a SQL Server Live Mount.
- CreateMssqlLogShippingConfigurationInputInput for creating a SQL Server log shipping configuration.
- CreateNasShareInputSupported in v8.1+ Input to add a NAS share manually.
- CreateNfsReaderTargetInputInput for creating a NFS Reader Target.
- CreateNfsTargetInputInput to create the NFS archival location.
- CreateNutanixClusterInputInput for creating a Nutanix cluster.
- CreateNutanixInplaceExportInput
- CreateNutanixVdisksMountInput
- CreateO365AppCompleteInputConfiguration for O365 Azure AD App creation flow completion.
- CreateO365AppKickoffInputConfiguration for O365 Azure AD App creation kickoff.
- CreateO365AppKickoffRespO365 create app kickoff response.
- CreateOnDemandDb2BackupInputInput for creating an on-demand Db2 backup.
- CreateOnDemandExchangeDatabaseBackupInput
- CreateOnDemandJobReplyReply to Create on-demand job request.
- CreateOnDemandMssqlBackupInputInput for creating an on-demand SQL Server backup.
- CreateOnDemandNutanixBackupInputInput for creating an on-demand Nutanix backup.
- CreateOnDemandSapHanaBackupInputInput for creating an on-demand SAP HANA backup.
- CreateOnDemandSapHanaStorageSnapshotInputInput for creating an on-demand SAP HANA storage snapshot.
- CreateOnDemandVolumeGroupBackupInput
- CreateOracleMountInputInput for mounting an Oracle database excluding advanced options.
- CreateOraclePdbRestoreInput
- CreateOrgInputDetails for creating a new organization.
- CreateOrgReplyUUID of created organization.
- CreateOrgSwitchSessionInputInput required for generating a new authentication token for a user to switch organizations.
- CreateOrgSwitchSessionReplyReply for generating an authentication token to switch organizations.
- CreatePolicyInput
- CreateRcsReaderTargetInputInput for creating a RCS Reader Target.
- CreateRcsTargetInputInput to create RCS location.
- CreateRcvLocationsFromTemplateInputInput for creating Rubrik Cloud Vault Azure locations.
- CreateRcvPrivateEndpointApprovalRequestInputInput for adding private endpoint support to an RCV location.
- CreateRcvPrivateEndpointApprovalRequestReplyRequired fields for adding private endpoint to RCV location.
- CreateS3CompatibleReaderTargetInputInput for creating a S3Compatible Reader Target.
- CreateS3CompatibleTargetInputInput to create S3-compatible target.
- CreateSapHanaSystemRefreshInputInput for refreshing a SAP HANA system.
- CreateScheduledReportInput
- CreateServiceAccountInputInput parameters for creating service accounts.
- CreateServiceAccountReplyService account details.
- CreateTapeReaderTargetInputInput for creating a Tape reader target.
- CreateTapeTargetInputInput for creating a Tape archival location.
- CreateTprPolicyInputCreate a TPR policy.
- CreateUserWithPasswordInput
- CreateVappInstantRecoveryInputInstantly recover a vApp snapshot.
- CreateVsphereAdvancedTagInput
- CreateVsphereVcenterInputInput to add vSphere vCenter.
- CreateVsphereVcenterReplySupported in v5.3+
- CreateWebhookInputWebhook configuration to add to an account.
- CrossAccountClusterCross-account cluster-specific information.
- CrossAccountClusterEdgeWrapper around the CrossAccountCluster object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CrossAccountClusterInfoCross-account Rubrik cluster information.
- CrossAccountOrganizationDetails of an organization associated with an cross-account pair.
- CrossAccountPairInfoThe cross-account pair information.
- CrossAccountPairInfoEdgeWrapper around the CrossAccountPairInfo object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CrossAccountSaInputService account details of the cross-account.
- CrossAccountSaTypeService account details of the cross-account.
- CsrCertificate Signing Request (CSR) information.
- CsrEdgeWrapper around the Csr object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CurrentStateInfoCurrent rolling upgrade node status information.
- CustomEntriesCustom entries for the intel feed.
- CustomerFacingFileCustomer facing file.
- CustomerManagedPolicyAWS customer created permission policy details.
- CustomHeaderThe custom authentication header key and value to authenticate the endpoint.
- CustomReportCreate
- CustomReportFiltersFilter configs for a report.
- CustomReportFiltersConfig
- CustomTprPolicyUsed in bulk query for TPR policy listing.
- CustomTprPolicyEdgeWrapper around the CustomTprPolicy object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- CyberEventLockdownSupportCaseDetailsCyber Event Lockdown support case details.
- DailyAnalysisDetailsA daily summary of Ransomware Investigation results across all workloads.
- DataCategoryHitsHits stats of an individual data category.
- DataCenterSummarySupported in v5.0+
- DataGuardGroupMemberSupported in v6.0+
- DataLocationData Location.
- DataLocationSupportedClusterThe supported Rubrik cluster-specific information.
- DatastoreSupported in v5.0+
- DataStoreSummarySupported in v5.0+
- DataThreatAnalyticsEnablementEntityInfo
- DataTypeHitsHits stats of an individual data type within a data category.
- DataTypeStatsStats of an individual data type.
- Db2AppMetadataDb2 workload related app metadata for a snapshot.
- Db2ConfigureRestoreRequestInputSupported in v9.1+
- Db2ConfigureRestoreResponseSupported in v9.1+
- Db2DataBackupFileFile backed up as a part of db2 backup.
- Db2DatabaseDb2 Database details object.
- Db2DatabaseEdgeWrapper around the Db2Database object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- Db2DatabaseInfoAdditional info for `DB2_DATABASE` jobs.
- Db2DownloadRecoverableRangeRequestInputSupported in v8.0+
- Db2HadrInstanceInfoDetails of instances related to a Db2 HADR database.
- Db2InstanceDb2 Instance details object.
- Db2InstanceDescendantTypeDescendant type of a Db2 instance, such as Db2 Database. Use the hosts field for information about associated hosts.
- Db2InstanceDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the Db2InstanceDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- Db2InstanceEdgeWrapper around the Db2Instance object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- Db2InstanceInfoAdditional info for `DB2_INSTANCE` jobs.
- Db2InstancePatchRequestConfigInputSupported in v7.0+
- Db2InstancePhysicalChildTypePhysical child type of a Db2 instance, such as Db2 Database. Use the hosts field for information about associated hosts.
- Db2InstancePhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the Db2InstancePhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- Db2InstanceRequestConfigInputSupported in v7.0+
- Db2InstanceSummarySupported in v7.0+
- Db2LogBackupFileBackup file associated with the Db2 log back object.
- Db2LogSnapshotDb2 log snapshot object.
- Db2LogSnapshotAppMetadataMetadata related to the Db2 log snapshot.
- Db2LogSnapshotEdgeWrapper around the Db2LogSnapshot object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- Db2LogSnapshotFilterInputFilter Db2 log snapshots.
- Db2RecoverableRangeDb2 recoverable range object.
- Db2RecoverableRangeEdgeWrapper around the Db2RecoverableRange object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- Db2RecoverableRangeFilterInputFilter Db2 recoverable ranges.
- Db2SnapshotDownloadRequestInputInput for snapshot download from location for V2 API of Db2.
- Db2WorkloadDataSnapshotMetadataAny snapshot metadata information specific to Db2 that is not already part of the DBDataSnapshotMetadata structure.
- DbLogReportSummarySupported in v5.3+
- DbLogReportSummaryListReplySupported in v5.3+
- DbParameterGroupRepresents a DB parameter group in AWS.
- DeleteAllOracleDatabaseSnapshotsInput
- DeleteAwsComputeSettingInputInput for deleting AWS compute setting.
- DeleteAzureCloudAccountExocomputeConfigurationsReplyResponse of the operation to delete Exocompute Configuration from the Azure Cloud Account.
- DeleteAzureCloudAccountInputInput for deleting an Azure Cloud Account.
- DeleteAzureCloudAccountStatusStatus of the operation to delete Azure Cloud Account.
- DeleteClusterRouteInputInput for deleting a static route on a CDM cluster.
- DeleteCrossAccountPairInputInput for deleting cross-account pair.
- DeleteDb2DatabaseInputInput for deleting a Db2 database.
- DeleteDb2InstanceInputInput for deleting a DB2 instance.
- DeleteEventDigestInputInput for deleting an event digest.
- DeleteExchangeSnapshotMountInput
- DeleteFailoverClusterAppInputInput for V1BulkDeleteFailoverClusterApp.
- DeleteFailoverClusterInputInput for V1BulkDeleteFailoverCluster.
- DeleteFilesetSnapshotsInputInput for deleting fileset snapshots.
- DeleteGlobalCertificateInputInput to delete a global certificate.
- DeleteGuestCredentialByIdInput
- DeleteHypervVirtualMachineSnapshotInputInput for deleting a Hyper-V virtual machine snapshot.
- DeleteHypervVirtualMachineSnapshotMountInputInput for deleting a Live Mount of a Hyper-V virtual machine.
- DeleteIntelFeedInputDelete intel feed input.
- DeleteK8sClusterInputInput for deleting a Kubernetes cluster.
- DeleteK8sProtectionSetInputInput for deleting a Kubernetes protection set.
- DeleteLogShippingInputInput for deleting a SQL Server log shipping target.
- DeleteManagedVolumeInputInput for deleting a Managed Volume.
- DeleteManagedVolumeSnapshotExportInputInput for deleting a Managed Volume snapshot export.
- DeleteMongoSourceInputInput for deleting a MongoDB source.
- DeleteMosaicSourceInputInput for deleting a NoSQL protection source.
- DeleteMosaicStoreInputInput for deleting a NoSQL protection store.
- DeleteMssqlDbSnapshotsInputInput for deleting SQL Server snapshots.
- DeleteMssqlLiveMountInputInput for deleting a SQL Server Live Mount.
- DeleteNasSystemInputInput for deleting a registered NAS system.
- DeleteNutanixClusterInputInput for deleting a Nutanix cluster.
- DeleteNutanixMountV1InputInput for deleting a Nutanix mount.
- DeleteNutanixPrismCentralInputInput for deleting Nutanix Prism Central.
- DeleteNutanixSnapshotInputInput for deleting a Nutanix snapshot.
- DeleteNutanixSnapshotsInputInput for deleting multiple Nutanix snapshots.
- DeleteOracleMountInput
- DeleteOrgInputDelete organization.
- DeleteReplicationPairTprReqChangesTemplateTemplate for deleting a replication pair with the quorum authorization request.
- DeleteSapHanaDbSnapshotInputInput for deleting a SAP HANA snapshot.
- DeleteSapHanaSystemInputInput for deleting a SAP HANA system.
- DeleteServiceAccountsFromAccountInputInput parameters for deleting service accounts.
- DeleteSmbDomainInput
- DeleteSyslogExportRuleInputInput for deleting a syslog export rule.
- DeleteTargetInputInput for deleting an archival location.
- DeleteTargetMappingInputRequest to delete mapping of target.
- DeleteTerminatedClusterOperationJobDataReplyStatus and progress of a Rubrik cluster operation job.
- DeleteTotpConfigsInputInput required for resetting TOTP for multiple users.
- DeleteVolumeGroupMountInputInput to delete volume group mount.
- DeleteVsphereAdvancedTagInput
- DeleteVsphereLiveMountInputInput for deleting vSphere live mount.
- DenyTprRequestsInputDeny TPR requests with optional comments.
- DestTeamInfoDestination Team details.
- DetailedPrivateEndpointConnectionDetailed information about the private endpoint connection.
- DevicePathToVolumeSnapshotIdDevicePathToVolumeSnapshotId type to take key value input.
- DhrcActiveRecommendationRecommendation represents a single textual recommendation how to increase the score for a specific category. Recommendations are derived from a set of metrics.
- DhrcKeyValueKeyValue represents a key/value pair.
- DiffDataStatistic result for certain file/folder.
- DiffResultDiff fmd result.
- DirectoryObjectAttributeO365 directory object attribute definition.
- DisablePerLocationPauseInputSupported in v5.3+
- DisableReplicationPauseInputInput for disabling replication per location pause.
- DisableSupportUserAccessInputInput for disabling a Rubrik Support representative's access to the customer account.
- DisableTargetInputInput for disabling archival location.
- DisableTargetReplyArchival location disable result.
- DisableTprOrgInputDisable TPR for organization.
- DiscoverDb2InstanceInputInput for discovering a Db2 instance.
- DiscoverMongoSourceInputInput for discovering a MongoDB source.
- DiscoverNasSystemRequestInputSupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Input to start auto discover jobs on multiple NAS systems.
- DiscoverNasSystemSummarySupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Status of auto discover job for a NAS system.
- DiskInfoSupported in v5.0+
- DiskStatusSupported in v5.0+
- DisplayableValue
- DisplayableValueBoolean
- DisplayableValueComplianceRangeCompliance range display value.
- DisplayableValueDateRange
- DisplayableValueDateTime
- DisplayableValueFloat
- DisplayableValueInteger
- DisplayableValueLong
- DisplayableValueNull
- DisplayableValueString
- DissolveLegalHoldInputContains information about the snapshots to be removed from legal hold.
- DissolveLegalHoldReplyContains information about the snapshots dissolved from legal hold.
- DlpConfigHolds the configuration for the Data Loss Prevention integration.
- DlpConfigGenericNasHolds the configuration for a generic NAS target.
- DlpConfigGenericNasInputHolds the configuration for a generic NAS target.
- DlpConfigInputHolds the configuration for the Data Loss Prevention integration.
- DlpConfigVmwareVmHolds the configuration for a VMware virtual machine target.
- DlpConfigVmwareVmInputHolds the configuration for a VMware virtual machine target.
- DlsArchivalLocationInformation about the archival location.
- DomainControllerRestoreConfigInputConfig for each of the Active Directory Domain Controller to be restored.
- DownloadActiveDirectorySnapshotFromLocationInputInput for downloading an Active Directory domain controller snapshot from a replicated or archived location.
- DownloadCdmTprConfigAsyncReply
- DownloadCdmUpgradesPdfFiltersInputFilters for cdm upgrades page for pdf generation.
- DownloadCdmUpgradesPdfReplyDownload CDM upgrades report response.
- DownloadDb2SnapshotInputInput for downloading a Db2 snapshot from an archival location.
- DownloadDb2SnapshotsForPointInTimeRecoveryInputDownload Db2 snapshots from archival location to the local Rubrik cluster for point-in-time (PIT) recovery.
- DownloadDb2SnapshotV2InputInput for downloading Db2 snapshot from location for V2 API.
- DownloadExchangeSnapshotInput
- DownloadExchangeSnapshotV2InputInput for downloading Exchange snapshot from a location for V2 API.
- DownloadFilesetSnapshotFromLocationInputInput for downloading the fileset snapshot from a location.
- DownloadFilesetSnapshotInputDownload fileset snapshot.
- DownloadFilesJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- DownloadFilesNutanixSnapshotInputInput for downloading files from Nutanix snapshots.
- DownloadFilesReplyThe status of download cloud native files req. It contains the taskchain ID of the download job if succeeded.
- DownloadFromArchiveV2InputInput for downloading mssql snapshot from archive.
- DownloadHypervSnapshotFromLocationInputInput location to download the Hyper-V snapshot from.
- DownloadHypervVirtualMachineSnapshotFilesInputInput for downloading Hyper-V snapshot files.
- DownloadHypervVirtualMachineSnapshotInputInput for downloading a Hyper-V virtual machine snapshot.
- DownloadHypervVirtualMachineVmLevelFilesInputInput for downloading Hyper-V VM-level files from snapshot.
- DownloadJobInfoDownload job progress information.
- DownloadK8sSnapshotFromLocationInputInput for downloading a Kubernetes snapshot from a replication/archival target.
- DownloadManagedVolumeFilesInputInput for downloading Managed Volume files.
- DownloadManagedVolumeFromLocationInputInitiates a job to download a snapshot from the specified location when the snapshot does not exist locally. The specified location can be a replication target or an archival location.
- DownloadManagedVolumeRequestInputAdditional parameters for the download request.
- DownloadMssqlBackupFilesByIdJobConfigInputSupported in v5.2+
- DownloadMssqlDatabaseBackupFilesInputInput for downloading SQL Server database backup files.
- DownloadMssqlDatabaseFilesFromArchivalLocationInputInput for downloading SQL Server database files from an archival location.
- DownloadNutanixSnapshotInputInput for downloading Nutanix snapshot.
- DownloadNutanixVmFromLocationInputInput for downloading a Nutanix snapshot from a replication target.
- DownloadNutanixVmSnapshotVirtualDisksInput
- DownloadObjectFilesCsvInput
- DownloadObjectsListCsvInput
- DownloadOracleDatabaseSnapshotInput
- DownloadOracleSnapshotFromLocationInputInput for downloading Oracle snapshot from a location.
- DownloadOracleSnapshotFromLocationV2InputInput for downloading Oracle snapshot from a location for V2 API.
- DownloadPackageReplyDownload package response.
- DownloadPackageReplyWithUuidStart download job request response.
- DownloadPackageStatusReplyDownload package job status information.
- DownloadResultsCsvFiltersInput
- DownloadResultsCsvReply
- DownloadSapHanaSnapshotFromLocationInputInitiates a job to download a snapshot from the specified location when the snapshot does not exist locally. The specified location can be replication target or archival location. If SLA Domain is not selected, the snapshot will be retained forever.
- DownloadSapHanaSnapshotInputInput for downloading SAP HANA snapshot from an archival location.
- DownloadSapHanaSnapshotsForPointInTimeRecoveryInputInput for download SAP HANA snapshots from an archival location for point-in-time (PIT) recovery.
- DownloadUserActivityCsvInput
- DownloadUserFileActivityCsvInput
- DownloadVirtualMachineFileJobConfigInputInput for downloading Virtual Machine file job config.
- DownloadVolumeGroupSnapshotFilesInputInput for downloading volume group snapshot files.
- DownloadVolumeGroupSnapshotFromLocationInput
- DownloadVsphereVirtualMachineFilesInputInput for downloading Virtual Machine files.
- DriveRestoreConfigRepresents the OneDrive contents to be restored.
- EdgeWindowsToolLinkResponse for the request to get a download link for Rubrik Edge Deployment Tool for Microsoft Windows.
- EditReplicationPairTprReqChangesTemplateTemplate for editing a replication pair with the quorum authorization request.
- EditSlaTprReqChangesTemplate
- EffectiveSlaFilterFilter to return objects with an effective SLA Domain ID that matches one of the specified SLA Domain IDs.
- EffectiveSlaHolderSupported in v5.1+
- EksConfigInputThe configuration of an Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster.
- ElasticStorageConfigElastic storage configuration for CCES (Cloud Cluster with Elastic Storage).
- EmailAddressFilterEmail address and to/from/both.
- EnableAutomaticFmdUploadReplyStatus of 'enable automatic upload' service on certain cluster.
- EnableO365SharePointInputConfiguration for enabling Sharepoint.
- EnablePerLocationPauseInputSupported in v5.3+
- EnablePerLocationPauseInputVariableInput for replication per location pause.
- EnableSupportUserAccessInputInput for enabling a Rubrik Support representative's access to the customer account.
- EnableTargetInputInput for enabling archival location.
- EnableTargetReplyArchival location enable result.
- EnableTprOrgInputEnable TPR for organization.
- EndManagedVolumeSnapshotInfoAdditional info for `END_MANAGED_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT` jobs.
- EndManagedVolumeSnapshotInputInput for invoking the API endpoint to end a Managed Volume snapshot.
- ErrorInfoThe status code and message describing an error.
- EventDigestAn Event Digest.
- EventDigestConfigEvent digest configuration to specify events criteria.
- EventDigestConfigInfoAn event digest configuration.
- EventDigestInputAn event digest.
- EventInfoRepresents the Calendar event to be restored.
- ExchangeDagExchange DAG details object.
- ExchangeDagDescendantTypeDescendant of the Exchange DAG object.
- ExchangeDagDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the ExchangeDagDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ExchangeDagEdgeWrapper around the ExchangeDag object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ExchangeDagSummarySupported in v8.0+
- ExchangeDagUpdateConfigInputSupported in v8.0+
- ExchangeDatabaseExchange Database details object.
- ExchangeDatabaseEdgeWrapper around the ExchangeDatabase object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ExchangeHostExchange Host details object.
- ExchangeHostDescendantTypeDescendant of the Exchange Host object.
- ExchangeHostDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the ExchangeHostDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ExchangeHostPhysicalChildTypePhysical child of the Exchange Host object.
- ExchangeHostPhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the ExchangeHostPhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ExchangeLiveMountExchange live mount.
- ExchangeLiveMountEdgeWrapper around the ExchangeLiveMount object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ExchangeLiveMountFilterInputFilter exchange live mount results.
- ExchangeMountSnapshotConfigInputSupported in v8.0+
- ExchangeServerExchange Server details object.
- ExchangeServerDescendantTypeDescendant of the Exchange Server object.
- ExchangeServerDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the ExchangeServerDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ExchangeServerEdgeWrapper around the ExchangeServer object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ExchangeSnapshotDownloadRequestInputInput for snapshot download from location for V2 API of Exchange.
- ExcludeSharepointObjectsFromProtectionInputConfiguration for the exclusion of SharePoint objects from protection.
- ExistingComputeConfigExisting compute configuration.
- ExistingSsoGroupInputDetails of an existing SSO Group.
- ExistingStorageAccountConfigExisting storage account configuration.
- ExistingUserDetails of an existing user.
- ExistingUserInputDetails of the existing user.
- ExocomputeClusterConnectInputInput to connect a customer-managed cluster to RSC and retrieve a configuration YAML file for the customer to run.
- ExocomputeClusterConnectReplyResponse to the Exocompute cluster connection request.
- ExocomputeClusterDetailsDetails of the Exocompute cluster.
- ExocomputeGetClusterConnectionInfoReplyResponse to Exocompute Cluster Connect request.
- ExocomputeGetClusterConnectionInputInput to obtain the YAML which can be used to connect a customer-managed cluster to RSC.
- ExocomputeHealthCheckStatusDescribes the Exocompute health check status.
- ExocomputeStorageAccountIds
- ExpireDownloadedDb2SnapshotsInputSpecifies the input for expiring downloaded Db2 snapshots.
- ExpireDownloadedSapHanaSnapshotsInputInput for expiring downloaded SAP HANA snapshots.
- ExpireSnoozedDirectoriesInputRequest to expire snoozed directories.
- ExpireSnoozedDirectoriesReplyReply for expired snoozed directories.
- ExportHypervVirtualMachineInputRequired. Input for exporting a Hyper-V virtual machine.
- ExportK8sNamespaceInputConfiguration of the Kubernetes namespace snapshot to be exported and the target details.
- ExportK8sProtectionSetSnapshotInputInput for exporting a Kubernetes protection set snapshot.
- ExportManagedVolumeSnapshotInfoAdditional info for `EXPORT_MANAGED_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT` jobs.
- ExportMssqlDatabaseInputInput for exporting a SQL Server database.
- ExportMssqlDbJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- ExportNutanixSnapshotInputInput for exporting a Nutanix snapshot.
- ExportOracleDbConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- ExportOracleTablespaceConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- ExportOracleTablespaceInput
- ExportPathPairInputSupported in v5.0+
- ExportSnapshotJobConfigForBatchInputSupported in v6.0+
- ExportSnapshotJobConfigForBatchV3InputSupported in Rubrik CDM version 9.0 and later. Input for batch export snapshots for vSphere.
- ExportSnapshotJobConfigV2InputSupported in v5.1+
- ExportSnapshotJobConfigV3InputSupported in Rubrik CDM version 9.0 and later.
- ExportSnapshotToStandaloneHostRequestInputSupported in v5.0+
- ExportUrlSpecsSpecs required for Export URL.
- ExternalArtifactMapKey value pair for external artifacts associated with an AWS account.
- ExternalArtifactMapReplyA map of an AWS artifact to its value.
- ExternalArtifactsKey value pair for external artifacts associated with an AWS account.
- FailedRestoreItemInfoRepresents a single failed item for Microsoft 365 restore performed by Rubrik.
- FailoverChart
- FailoverClusterAppFailover cluster App.
- FailoverClusterAppConfigSupported in v5.2+
- FailoverClusterAppConfigInputSupported in v5.2+
- FailoverClusterAppDescendantTypeFailover Rubrik cluster descendant.
- FailoverClusterAppDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the FailoverClusterAppDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- FailoverClusterAppEdgeWrapper around the FailoverClusterApp object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- FailoverClusterAppPhysicalChildTypeFailover cluster app physical child.
- FailoverClusterAppPhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the FailoverClusterAppPhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- FailoverClusterAppSourceSupported in v5.2+
- FailoverClusterAppSourceInputSupported in v5.2+
- FailoverClusterAppSummarySupported in v5.2+
- FailoverClusterConfigInputSupported in v5.2+
- FailoverClusterNodeSupported in v5.2+
- FailoverClusterNodeOrderSupported in v5.2+
- FailoverClusterNodeOrderInputSupported in v5.2+
- FailoverClusterSummarySupported in v5.2+
- FailoverClusterTopLevelDescendantTypeThe top level descendent of failover cluster.
- FailoverClusterTopLevelDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the FailoverClusterTopLevelDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- FailoverTable
- FailureContains the failure details for the Rubrik Backup Service connectivity.
- FeatureDetailFeature specific details for a cloud account.
- FeatureListMinimumCdmVersionReplyMinimum cluster version required for feature set details.
- FeaturePermissionFeature along with permissions serialized in JSON format.
- FeatureSpecificDetailsInputOptional additional information needed to retrieve the policy for a feature.
- FileAccessResult
- FileDetailsDetails of a particular file.
- FileDetailsInputConfiguration which describes file details.
- FileInfoRepresents the OneDrive file to be restored.
- FileResult
- FileResultEdgeWrapper around the FileResult object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- FileResultSortInput
- FilesetArraySpecSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetArraySpecInputSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetCreateInputSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetDetailSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetDownloadFilesJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetDownloadRequestInputSupported in v7.0+
- FilesetDownloadSnapshotFilesInputInput for Fileset Download Snapshot files.
- FilesetExportFilesJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetExportSnapshotFilesInputInput for Fileset export snapshot files.
- FilesetRestoreFilesJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetSnapshotDetailSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetSnapshotSummarySupported in v5.0+
- FilesetSnapshotVerboseSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetSummarySupported in v5.0+
- FilesetTemplateFileset template.
- FilesetTemplateCreateSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetTemplateCreateInputSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetTemplateDescendantTypeFileset template descendent.
- FilesetTemplateDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the FilesetTemplateDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- FilesetTemplateDetailSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetTemplateEdgeWrapper around the FilesetTemplate object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- FilesetTemplatePatchInputSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetTemplatePhysicalChildTypeFileset template physical child.
- FilesetTemplatePhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the FilesetTemplatePhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- FilesetUpdateSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- FileVersionSupported in v5.0+
- FilterA set of parameters to filter objects.
- FilterCreateResponseSupported in v7.0+ Information about the asynchronous request initiated to create the multi-tag filter.
- FilterInfoInputSupported in v7.0+ Information needed to create a multi-tag filter.
- FilterOption
- FilterPreviewResultSupported in v7.0+ A virtual machine that satisfies the proposed multi-tag filter condition.
- FilterPreviewResultListResponseSupported in v7.0+
- FinalizeAwsCloudAccountDeletionInputInput to process and finalize deletion of AWS cloud account.
- FinalizeAwsCloudAccountDeletionReplyProcess delete of aws cloud account.
- FinalizeAwsCloudAccountProtectionInputInput to finalize set up of an AWS cloud account.
- FinalizeAwsCloudAccountProtectionReplyResponse for the operation to finalize protection for AWS cloud accounts.
- FlashBladeSystemParametersInputSupported in v8.1+ API credentials to add or update the Pure NAS system with API integration. Also contains credentials for SMB share access.
- FolderInfoRepresents the OneDrive folder to be restored.
- FullSpObjectExclusionSharePoint object excluded from protection.
- FullSpSiteExclusionsSharePoint objects excluded from protection under a site collection.
- FullyQualifiedDomainNameInfoInputSupported in v5.1+
- GatewayInfoGateway information for NAT replication setup.
- GcpCloudAccountAddManualAuthProjectInputInput required to add a GCP cloud account manually.
- GcpCloudAccountAddProjectDetailDetail of the Gcp Cloud Account Add operations.
- GcpCloudAccountAddProjectsInputInput required to add a GCP cloud account.
- GcpCloudAccountDeleteProjectsInputInput required to delete a list of GCP projects.
- GcpCloudAccountMissingPermissionsForAdditionList of permissions missing for project addition for projects ineligible for addition.
- GcpCloudAccountOauthCompleteInputInput to complete the GCP cloud account OAuth flow.
- GcpCloudAccountOauthInitiateInputInput to initiate the GCP cloud account OAuth flow.
- GcpCloudAccountOauthInitiateReplyGCP Cloud Account OAuth Initiate Response.
- GcpCloudAccountProjectGCP Cloud Account Project.
- GcpCloudAccountProjectDeleteStatusStatus of the Gcp Cloud Account delete operation.
- GcpCloudAccountProjectForOauthDetails of a GCP project for OAuth.
- GcpCloudAccountProjectUpgradeStatusStatus of the Gcp Cloud Account upgrade operation.
- GcpCloudAccountUpgradeProjectsInputInput required to upgrade a list of GCP projects.
- GcpCmkCustomer managed key ring and key information for a region.
- GcpNativeAttachmentDetailsAttachment details of the GCP native disk.
- GcpNativeDisk
- GcpNativeDiskEdgeWrapper around the GcpNativeDisk object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- GcpNativeDiskLocationFilterFilter to return GCP disks which have location in the given list of locations. Location can be a zone or a region.
- GcpNativeDiskNameOrIdSubstringFilterFilter to return GCP disks with a given substring in their name or ID.
- GcpNativeDiskProjectFilterFilter to return GCP disks which have project rubrik ID in the given list of project rubrik IDs.
- GcpNativeDiskTypeFilterFilter to return GCP disks which have disk type in the given list of disk types.
- GcpNativeExportDiskInputInput required to export a GCP native disk snapshot.
- GcpNativeExportGceInstanceInputInput required to export a GCP GCE instance snapshot.
- GcpNativeFirewallRuleGCP native firewall rule.
- GcpNativeGceInstanceRepresents a GCP GCE instance.
- GcpNativeGceInstanceEdgeWrapper around the GcpNativeGceInstance object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- GcpNativeInstanceNameOrIdSubstringFilterFilter to return GCP GCE instances with a given substring in their name or ID.
- GcpNativeKmsCryptoKeyRepresents a fully qualified GCP native KMS crypto key.
- GcpNativeMachineTypeFilterFilter to return GCP GCE instances which have instance type in the given list of machine types.
- GcpNativeNetworkRepresents a GCP native VPC network.
- GcpNativeNetworkFilterFilter to return GCP GCE instances which have network name in the given list of network names.
- GcpNativeProjectRepresents a GCP project.
- GcpNativeProjectDescendantTypeDescendant type for GCP project.
- GcpNativeProjectEdgeWrapper around the GcpNativeProject object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- GcpNativeProjectFilterFilter to return GCP objects which have project rubrik ID in the given list of project rubrik IDs.
- GcpNativeProjectIdSubstringFilterFilter to return GCP projects with the given string in their project ID.
- GcpNativeProjectLogicalChildTypeLogical child type for GCP project.
- GcpNativeProjectLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the GcpNativeProjectLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- GcpNativeProjectNameOrNumberSubstringFilterFilter to return GCP projects with a given substring in their name or number.
- GcpNativeRegionRepresents a GCP native region.
- GcpNativeRegionFilterFilter to return GCP objects which have region in the given list of regions.
- GcpNativeSubnetworkGCP native subnetwork.
- GcpOauthUserInfoGCP user information received after OAuth flow is completed.
- GcpPermissionRepresents a GCP permission.
- GcpRoleBasedAccountGCP role based Account specific info.
- GcpSetDefaultServiceAccountJwtConfigInputInput required to set default GCP service account JWT configuration.
- GcpTargetTemplateSpecific info for GCP Target Template.
- GenerateConfigProtectionRestoreFormInputInput for generating configuration protection restore form.
- GenerateSupportBundleInputInput for generating support bundle.
- GenerateSupportBundleRequestInputSupported in v5.0+
- GenerateTotpSecretReplyTOTP secret for a user.
- GenericNasSystemCredentialsInputSupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Credentials to add or update a generic NAS system.
- GenericSnapshotA generic snapshot type.
- GenericSnapshotEdgeWrapper around the GenericSnapshot object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- GeoLocation
- GetAnomalyDetailsReplyAnomaly analysis report from lambda service.
- GetCertificateInfoInputInput to retrieve the metadata of a certificate.
- GetCertificateInfoReplyCertificate metadata details.
- GetCloudComputeConnectivityCheckRequestStatusInputInput to retrieve cloud compute connectivity status.
- GetClusterCsrInputInput for getting cluster certificate signing request.
- GetClusterIpsInput
- GetClusterNtpServersInput
- GetCompatibleMssqlInstancesV1InputInput for getting compatible instances for the recovery of a SQL Server database.
- GetComputeClusterInput
- GetContainersInputInput for retrieving Nutanix containers.
- GetCrossAccountClustersFilterFilter for cross-account clusters request.
- GetCrossAccountPairsFilterFilter for cross-account pairs request.
- GetDb2DatabaseAsyncRequestStatusInputInput for retrieving details about a Db2 database-related job.
- GetDefaultDbPropertiesV1InputInput for getting default properties of SQL Server databases.
- GetDefaultGatewayInput
- GetFilesetAsyncRequestStatusInputInput for retrieving details about a fileset-related async request.
- GetHealthMonitorPolicyStatusInputInput for retrieving the health monitor policy status.
- GetHotAddBandwidthInput
- GetHotAddNetworkInput
- GetHypervHostAsyncRequestStatusInputInput for retrieving the status of an async request from the specified Hyper-V host.
- GetHypervScvmmAsyncRequestStatusInputInput for retrieving the status of an async request from the specified Hyper-V SCVMM.
- GetHypervVirtualMachineAsyncRequestStatusInputInput for retrieving the status of an async request from the specified Hyper-V virtual machine.
- GetHypervVirtualMachineInputInput for getting the details of a Hyper-V virtual machine.
- GetIpmiInput
- GetLambdaConfigReplyLambda configuration details of the Rubrik cluster.
- GetMissedMssqlDbSnapshotsInputInput for getting missed snapshots of a SQL Server database.
- GetMissedOracleDbSnapshotsInput
- GetMosaicRecoverableRangeInputInput for getting NoSQL protection recoverable range of snapshots.
- GetMosaicRecoverableRangeResponseSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Request Range Response Object carrying details of restore range for the table and request status details.
- GetMosaicStoreInputInput for querying NoSQL protection store.
- GetMosaicTableSchemaInputInput for querying NoSQL protection table schema.
- GetMosaicVersionInputInput for querying NoSQL protection version.
- GetMssqlAsyncRequestStatusInputInput for retrieving details about an SQL Server object-related job.
- GetMssqlDbMissedRecoverableRangesInputInput for getting missed recoverable ranges of a SQL Server database.
- GetMssqlDbRecoverableRangesInputInput for getting recoverable ranges of a SQL Server database.
- GetNetworkInterfaceInput
- GetNetworksInput
- GetNodesInputInput for getting a list of nodes in a Rubrik cluster.
- GetNumProxiesNeededInput
- GetNutanixClusterAsyncRequestStatusInputInput for retrieving the status of an async request from a specified Nutanix cluster.
- GetNutanixNetworksInputInput for retrieving Nutanix networks.
- GetNutanixSnapshotDetailInputInput for retrieving Nutanix virtual machine snapshot detail.
- GetNutanixVmAsyncRequestStatusInputInput for retrieving the status of an async request from a specified Nutanix virtual machine.
- GetNutanixVmSnapshotVdisksInput
- GetOracleAsyncRequestStatusInputInput for retrieving details about an Oracle-related async request.
- GetOracleDbMissedRecoverableRangesInput
- GetOracleDbRecoverableRangesInput
- GetPendingSlaAssignmentsReplySupported in v5.2+
- GetSchemaResponseSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Schema Response Object carrying details of schema for the table and request status details.
- GetSmbConfigurationInput
- GetSnmpConfigurationInputInput for retrieving an SNMP configuration.
- GetSyslogExportRulesInputInput for retrieving multiple syslog export rules.
- GetTunnelStatusInputInput for getting the status of SSH Tunnel for Support Access.
- GetUserDetailReply
- GetVlanInput
- GetVmAgentDeploymentSettingInput
- GetVmLevelFilesFromSnapshotInputInput for retrieving Hyper-V VM-level files from a snapshot.
- GetVmwareHostInput
- GetWhitelistReplyGet IP whitelist configuration.
- GlobalCertificateInformation about a certificate on Rubrik Security Cloud.
- GlobalCertificateEdgeWrapper around the GlobalCertificate object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- GlobalCertificatesQueryInputInput to list global certificates.
- GlobalFileSearchInputInput for searching files across a Rubrik cluster.
- GlobalFileSearchQueryInputSupported in v5.1+
- GlobalFileSearchReplySupported in v5.1+
- GlobalManagerUrlURLs pinged to check connectivity.
- GlobalSearchFileSupported in v5.1+
- GlobalSlaFilterInputFilters for SLA Domains.
- GlobalSlaForFilterMetadata for rendering an SLA for filter.
- GlobalSlaForFilterEdgeWrapper around the GlobalSlaForFilter object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- GlobalSlaReplyMetadata for rendering an SLA Domain.
- GlobalSlaStatusEdgeWrapper around the GlobalSlaStatus object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- GlobalSlaSyncStatusSLA Domain sync status for a specified Rubrik cluster.
- GroupUser group details.
- GroupConfigGroup configuration.
- GroupCountRepresents count of clusters grouped by upgrade status.
- GroupEdgeWrapper around the Group object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- GroupFilterAttributeGroup filter attribute configuration.
- GroupFilterAttributeListSpecifications for a Microsoft 365 configured group.
- GroupFilterInputInput for filtering user groups.
- GuestCredentialDefinitionInputSupported in v5.0+
- GuestCredentialDetailListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- GuestOsCredentialGuest OS Credential.
- GuestOsCredentialEdgeWrapper around the GuestOsCredential object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- GuestOsCredentialFilterInputFilter for Guest OS credential results.
- HashDetailSupported in v6.0+
- HasRelicAzureAdSnapshotInputConfiguration to check if Microsoft Entra ID has relic snapshots.
- HdfsBaseConfigSupported in v5.2-v9.1
- HdfsBaseConfigInputSupported in v5.2-v9.1
- HdfsHostSupported in v5.2-v9.1
- HdfsHostInputSupported in v5.2-v9.1
- HealthPolicyStatusHealth-check status.
- HelpContentSnippetA snippet of help content.
- HelpContentSnippetEdgeWrapper around the HelpContentSnippet object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HelpContentSnippetsFilterInputFilter help contents results.
- HideNasNamespacesRequestInputSupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Input for operation to hide or reveal one or more NAS namespaces.
- HideNasSharesRequestInputSupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Input for operation to hide or reveal one or more NAS shares.
- HierarchyObjectA generic hierarchy object.
- HierarchyObjectCommonCommon object definition.
- HierarchyObjectEdgeWrapper around the HierarchyObject object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HierarchySnappableA generic hierarchy protected objects.
- HierarchySnappableEdgeWrapper around the HierarchySnappable object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HierarchySnappableFileVersion
- HostConnectivitySummarySupported in v5.0+
- HostDetailSupported in v5.0+
- HostFailoverClusterHost failover cluster.
- HostFailoverClusterDescendantTypeHost failover cluster descendant.
- HostFailoverClusterDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the HostFailoverClusterDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HostFailoverClusterEdgeWrapper around the HostFailoverCluster object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HostFailoverClusterPhysicalChildTypeHost failover cluster physical child.
- HostFailoverClusterPhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the HostFailoverClusterPhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HostGroupInfoSupported in v6.0+
- HostInfoSupported in v5.3+
- HostMakePrimaryInfoAdditional info for `HOST_MAKE_PRIMARY_POLLER` jobs.
- HostMakePrimaryRequestInputSupported in v5.3+
- HostRegisterInputSupported in v5.0+
- HostShareHost share type.
- HostShareDescendantTypeHost share type.
- HostShareDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the HostShareDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HostShareEdgeWrapper around the HostShare object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HostSharePhysicalChildTypeHost share physical child.
- HostSharePhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the HostSharePhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HostsInfoAdditional information for `HOST_BULK_REGISTER_ASYNC` jobs.
- HostSummarySupported in v5.0+
- HostUpdateIdInputSupported in v5.0+
- HostUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- HostVfdInstallRequestInputSupported in v5.0+
- HostVfdInstallResponseSupported in v5.0+
- HostVolumeSummarySupported in v5.0+
- HotAddNetworkConfigWithIdInputSupported in v5.3+
- HotAddNetworkConfigWithNameSupported in v5.3+
- HotAddProxyVmInfoSupported in v5.3+
- HotAddProxyVmInfoListResponseSupported in v5.3+
- HypervAsyncRequestFailureSummarySupported in v7.0+
- HypervAsyncRequestSuccessSummarySupported in v7.0+
- HyperVClusterHyper-V cluster details.
- HyperVClusterDescendantTypeHyper-V cluster descendant type.
- HyperVClusterDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the HyperVClusterDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HyperVClusterLogicalChildTypeHyper-V cluster logical child type.
- HyperVClusterLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the HyperVClusterLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HypervConfigurationFileInfoSupported in v9.1+
- HypervDeleteAllSnapshotsInputRequired. Input for deleting all snapshots of a Hyper-V virtual machine.
- HypervDownloadFilesJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- HypervDownloadVmLevelFilesConfigInputSupported in v9.1+
- HypervExportSnapshotJobConfigForBatchInputSupported in v7.0+
- HypervExportSnapshotJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- HypervHostSummarySupported in v5.0+
- HypervHostSummaryListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- HypervInplaceExportJobConfigInputSupported in v9.1+
- HypervInstantRecoverConfigForBatchInputSupported in v7.0+
- HypervInstantRecoveryJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- HyperVLiveMountHyperV live mount.
- HyperVLiveMountEdgeWrapper around the HyperVLiveMount object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HypervLiveMountFilterInputFilter Hyper-V live mount results.
- HypervMountDiskJobConfigInputSupported in v9.1+
- HypervMountSnapshotConfigForBatchInputSupported in v7.0+
- HypervMountSnapshotInfoAdditional info for `HYPERV_LIVE_MOUNT` jobs.
- HypervMountSnapshotJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- HypervOnDemandBackupJobConfigForBatchInputInput configuration for taking batch on-demand snapshot of a Hyper-V virtual machine.
- HypervOnDemandSnapshotInputRequired. Input for taking a on-demand snapshot of a Hyper-V virtual machine.
- HypervRestoreFileConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- HypervRestoreFilesConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- HyperVSCVMMHyper-V SCVMM details.
- HypervScvmmDeleteInputInput parameters for deleting Hyper-V SCVMM.
- HyperVSCVMMDescendantTypeHyper-V SCVMM descendant type.
- HyperVSCVMMDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the HyperVSCVMMDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HyperVSCVMMEdgeWrapper around the HyperVSCVMM object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HyperVSCVMMLogicalChildTypeHyper-V SCVMM logical child type.
- HyperVSCVMMLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the HyperVSCVMMLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HypervScvmmRegisterInputSupported in v5.0+
- HypervScvmmSummarySupported in v5.0+
- HypervScvmmUpdateSupported in v5.0+
- HypervScvmmUpdateInputRequired. Input for Hyper-V SCVMM update.
- HypervServerHyper-V server details.
- HypervServerDescendantTypeHyper-V server descendant type.
- HypervServerDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the HypervServerDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HypervServerEdgeWrapper around the HypervServer object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HypervServerLogicalChildTypeHyper-V server logical child type.
- HypervServerLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the HypervServerLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HyperVStatusAdditional information about the status of a Hyperv SCVMM.
- HypervTopLevelDescendantTypeHyper-V top-level descendant type.
- HypervTopLevelDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the HypervTopLevelDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HypervVirtualDiskInfoSupported in v5.2+
- HyperVVirtualMachineHyper-V virtual machine details.
- HypervVirtualMachineDetailSupported in v5.0+
- HyperVVirtualMachineEdgeWrapper around the HyperVVirtualMachine object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HypervVirtualMachineMountSummarySupported in v5.0+
- HypervVirtualMachineSnapshotDownloadConfigInputInput configuration for downloading a Hyper-V virtual machine snapshot.
- HypervVirtualMachineSummarySupported in v5.0+
- HypervVirtualMachineUpdateSupported in v5.0+
- HypervVirtualMachineUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- HypervVmAgentStatusAgent status of Hyper-V virtual machine.
- IbmCosDetailsIBM COS type location specific details.
- IbmCosDetailsTypeIBM COS details for target.
- IdentityProviderIdentity Provider is an entity responsible for authenticating a user account.
- IdpClaimAttributeTypeName and type of the IdP claim.
- IndicatorOfCompromiseIndicator of Compromise.
- IndicatorOfCompromiseInputThe data which represents indicator of compromise: a file path/pattern, hash, or YARA rule.
- InfrastructureChart
- InfrastructureTable
- InplaceExportHypervVirtualMachineInput
- InPlaceRecoveryJobConfigForBatchInputSupported in v6.0+
- InsertCustomerO365AppInputDetails of the customer-owned O365 app to insert.
- InstalledVersionGroupCountRepresents count of clusters grouped by cluster version.
- InstallIoFilterInput
- InstantRecoverHypervVirtualMachineSnapshotInputRequired. Input for recovering a Hyper-V virtual machine.
- InstantRecoverOracleSnapshotInput
- InstantRecoveryJobConfigForBatchInputSupported in v6.0+
- InstantRecoveryJobConfigV2InputSupported in v5.1+
- IntegrationHolds an integration and its configuration.
- InterfaceCidrInterface CIDR Info.
- InterfaceCidrInput
- InternalGetClusterIpsResponse
- InventoryRoot
- InventorySubHierarchyRoot
- InvestigationCsvDownloadLinkReplyLink to download investigation results as CSV.
- InviteSsoGroupInputSpecifies the input required for inviting new SSO groups to the current organization.
- IocHashOnlyIOC hash only.
- IocHashWithProviderIOC hash with provider.
- IocProviderWithThreatFeedTypeIOC provider with threat feed type.
- IpConfigInputDetails of IP configuration.
- IpInfoInformation about an entry in the IP allowlist.
- IpMappingInputIP allow list of Rubrik cluster mappings.
- IpmiUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- IpRuleIP Rules for Azure storage account.
- Issue
- IssueEdgeWrapper around the Issue object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- IssueEvent
- JobInfoRequestRequest message for polling the status of a job.
- JobMetadata
- JobReply
- JoinSmbDomainInput
- K8sAgentManifestInfoBasic information about Rubrik Kubernetes Agent manifest.
- K8sAppManifestResponse of the query that retrieves the Kubernetes app manifest.
- K8sClusterKubernetes cluster.
- K8sClusterAddInputSupported in v9.0+ Input to add a Kubernetes cluster.
- K8sClusterDescendant
- K8sClusterDescendantEdgeWrapper around the K8sClusterDescendant object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- K8sClusterEdgeWrapper around the K8sCluster object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- K8sClusterInfoInformation of the Kubernetes cluster.
- K8sClusterSummarySupported in v9.0+ Key properties of a Kubernetes cluster.
- K8sClusterUpdateConfigInputSupported in v9.1+ Input to update a Kubernetes cluster.
- K8sExportParametersInputSupported in v9.0+ v9.0: Input to export Kubernetes resources from a resource set snapshot. v9.1+: Input to export Kubernetes resources from a protection set snapshot.
- K8sNamespaceKubernetes namespace.
- K8sNamespaceEdgeWrapper around the K8sNamespace object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- K8sNamespaceSnapshotConfiguration of the Kubernetes namespaces to be backed-up.
- K8sProtectionSetAddInputSupported in v9.1+ Input to add a Kubernetes protection set.
- K8sProtectionSetSummarySupported in v9.1+ Key properties of a Kubernetes protection set.
- K8sProtectionSetUpdateConfigInputSupported in v9.1+ Input to update a Kubernetes protection set.
- K8sRestoreParametersInputSupported in v9.0+ v9.0: Input to restore Kubernetes resources from a resource set snapshot. v9.1+: Input to restore Kubernetes resources from a protection set snapshot.
- K8sSnapshotDownloadConfigInputInput to download an archived/replicated Kubernetes snapshot.
- K8sSnapshotInfoResponse of the query that retrieves the Kubernetes snapshot information.
- K8sSnapshotSummarySupported in v9.0+ v9.0: Properties of the Kubernetes resource set workload snapshot. v9.1+: Properties of the Kubernetes protection set workload snapshot.
- K8sSnapshotSummaryListResponseSupported in v9.0+
- K8sVirtualMachineDiskFilterFilter for Kubernetes virtual machine disks.
- KmsCryptoKeyGCP KMS crypto key.
- KmsEncryptionKeyA Key management system (KMS) key in AWS realm.
- KmsSpecParameters to build KMS.
- KmsSpecInputAzure KMS configuration, excluding the app secret.
- KnowledgeBaseArticleA knowledge base article.
- KosmosRecoveryInfoAdditional information for `KOSMOS_RECOVERY` jobs.
- KubernetesClusterKubernetes cluster.
- KubernetesClusterDescendantDescendants of a Kubernetes Cluster.
- KubernetesClusterDescendantEdgeWrapper around the KubernetesClusterDescendant object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- KubernetesClusterEdgeWrapper around the KubernetesCluster object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- KubernetesNamespaceDescendantDescendants of a Kubernetes namespace.
- KubernetesNamespaceDescendantEdgeWrapper around the KubernetesNamespaceDescendant object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- KubernetesNamespaceTypeKubernetes namespace.
- KubernetesProtectionSetKubernetes Protection Set.
- KubernetesProtectionSetEdgeWrapper around the KubernetesProtectionSet object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- KubernetesVirtualMachineKubernetes virtual machine.
- KubernetesVirtualMachineDiskKubernetes virtual machine disk.
- KubernetesVirtualMachineDiskEdgeWrapper around the KubernetesVirtualMachineDisk object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- KubernetesVirtualMachineEdgeWrapper around the KubernetesVirtualMachine object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- KuprServerProxyConfigSupported in v9.2+ The configuration of kupr server proxy.
- KuprServerProxyConfigInputSupported in v9.2+ The configuration of kupr server proxy.
- Label
- LabelFilterParamsLabel filter parameters for GCP objects.
- LabelRuleA single label Rule.
- LabelSelectorRequirementSelector that contains values, a key, and an operator that relates the key and values.
- LabelTypeDataType represents label key-value pair.
- LambdaPathFiltersParameters to use lambda filters in query.
- LatestUserNoteLatest user note information.
- LdapIntegrationLDAP integration information.
- LdapIntegrationEdgeWrapper around the LdapIntegration object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- LdapServerLDAP server information.
- LdapServerInputLDAP Server.
- LegalHoldQueryFilterLegal Hold query filter.
- LegalHoldSnappableDetailLegal hold details of the workload.
- LegalHoldSnappableDetailEdgeWrapper around the LegalHoldSnappableDetail object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- LegalHoldSnapshotDetailLegalHoldSnapshotDetails.
- LegalHoldSnapshotDetailEdgeWrapper around the LegalHoldSnapshotDetail object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- LegalHoldSnapshotsForSnappableInputInput to query workloads with legal hold snapshots.
- LicensedClusterProductRepresents a single licensed product.
- LinkSupported in v5.0+
- LinuxFilesetLinux fileset type.
- ListAccessGroupsFilterInput
- ListAccessUsersFilterInput
- ListFileActivitiesInput
- ListFileResultFiltersInput
- ListLocationsReplyList of Ransomware Investigation workload locations.
- ListM365DirectoryObjectAttributesInputConfiguration for the retrieval or directory object attributes.
- ListObjectFilesFiltersInput
- ListStoredDiskLocationsReplyList of locations where your GCP disks are present.
- ListStoreResponseSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Response object for list store on mosaic.
- ListValidReplicationTargetFilterFilter for list valid replication target request.
- ListVersionResponseSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Response object for list version on mosaic.
- LiveMountRelocateInfoAdditional info for `VSPHERE_LIVE_MOUNT_RELOCATE` jobs.
- LlmFunctionCallInfoAdditional info for `LLM_FUNCTION_CALL` jobs.
- LocationPathPointLocation Path Point.
- LockUsersByAdminInputSpecifices the information about the users being locked.
- LoginCredentialsInput for logging in.
- LogShippingInfoAdditional info for `MSSQL_CREATE_LOG_SHIPPING` and `MSSQL_DELETE_LOG_SHIPPING` jobs.
- LsnRecoveryPointInputSupported in v5.0+
- M365BackupStorageMailboxMicrosoft 365 Backup Storage Mailbox.
- M365BackupStorageOnedriveMicrosoft 365 Backup Storage OneDrive.
- M365BackupStorageOrgMicrosoft 365 Backup Storage Organization.
- M365BackupStorageOrgLicenseUsageRepresents the license consumption of the Microsoft 365 backup storage object for an organization.
- M365BackupStorageRestorePointRepresents the definitions of M365 backup storage object restore point.
- M365BackupStorageRestorePointEdgeWrapper around the M365BackupStorageRestorePoint object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- M365BackupStorageSiteMicrosoft 365 Backup Storage SharePoint Site.
- M365RegionRepresents Microsoft 365 region as described in the Microsoft Multi-Geo documentation.
- MalwareScanInSnapshotResultMalware scan result for a snapshot.
- MalwareScanPathFilterSupported in v6.0+. For more information on the interpretation of includes, exclusions, and exceptions, see v1/fileset_template.
- MalwareScanPathFilterInputSupported in v6.0+ Please see v1/fileset_template API doc for a detailed description of how includes, excludes, & exceptions are interpreted.
- MalwareScanResultMalware scan results for an object.
- ManagedHierarchyObjectAncestorSupported in v5.0+
- ManagedIdObject ID and type.
- ManagedObjectPendingSlaInfoSupported in v5.2+
- ManagedObjectSlaInfoSupported in v5.2+
- ManagedObjectSummaryManaged object summary.
- ManagedVolumeManaged Volume information.
- ManagedVolumeChannelConfigSupported in v5.0+
- ManagedVolumeConfigInputSupported in v5.0+ v5.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Managed Volume Config.
- ManagedVolumeDescendantTypeManaged Volume descendant type. For example, ManagedVolumeMount.
- ManagedVolumeDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the ManagedVolumeDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ManagedVolumeDownloadFilesJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- ManagedVolumeEdgeWrapper around the ManagedVolume object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ManagedVolumeExportChannelExport channel metadata of the Managed Volume.
- ManagedVolumeExportConfigSupported in v5.0+ v5.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Config for a Managed Volume Export.
- ManagedVolumeExportConfigInputSupported in v5.0+ v5.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Config for a Managed Volume Export.
- ManagedVolumeHostDetailSpecifies host details for the SLA Managed Volume.
- ManagedVolumeMountManaged Volume Export details object.
- ManagedVolumeMountEdgeWrapper around the ManagedVolumeMount object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ManagedVolumeMountSpecMount Specification for the Managed Volume.
- ManagedVolumeNfsSettingsNFS settings and configurations for the Managed Volume.
- ManagedVolumePatchConfigSupported in v5.0+ v5.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Config for updating a Managed Volume.
- ManagedVolumePatchConfigInputSupported in v5.0+ v5.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Config for updating a Managed Volume.
- ManagedVolumePatchSlaClientConfigInputSupported in v5.3+
- ManagedVolumePhysicalChildTypeManaged Volume physical child type eg. ManagedVolumeMount.
- ManagedVolumePhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the ManagedVolumePhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ManagedVolumeQueuedSnapshotEdgeWrapper around the ManagedVolumeQueuedSnapshot object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ManagedVolumeQueuedSnapshotGroupByManagedVolumeQueued Snapshot data with groupby info applied to it.
- ManagedVolumeQueuedSnapshotGroupByEdgeWrapper around the ManagedVolumeQueuedSnapshotGroupBy object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ManagedVolumeSlaClientConfigClient configuration related to backup scripts.
- ManagedVolumeSlaExportConfigInputSupported in v5.3+ v5.3-v8.0: v8.1+: Config for an SLA Managed Volume Export.
- ManagedVolumeSlaScriptConfigBackup script configurations.
- ManagedVolumeSmbShareSMB share information of the channel.
- ManagedVolumeSnapshotReferenceDefinitionInputSupported in v5.0+ v5.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Reference for a Managed Volume snapshot.
- ManagedVolumeSnapshotReferenceInputSupported in v5.0+ v5.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Reference for a Managed Volume snapshot.
- ManagedVolumeUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- ManageUserTprReqChangesTemplate
- MapRelationships of the Azure AD object.
- MarkAgentSecondaryCertificateInputInput for operation to mark a secondary cluster certificate to be asynchronously synced to all Rubrik Backup Service instances.
- MarkAgentSecondaryCertificateReplySupported in v5.3+
- Metadata
- MetadataFieldsReturns fields related to metadata for different Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint Drive and OneDrive types.
- MicrosoftMailboxAn interface for Microsoft Mailbox.
- MicrosoftMipLabelRepresents the Microsoft Information Protection Label.
- MicrosoftOnedriveAn interface for Microsoft Onedrive.
- MicrosoftOrgAn interface for Microsoft organizations.
- MicrosoftPurviewConfigHolds the configuration of the Microsoft purview integration.
- MicrosoftPurviewConfigInputHolds the configuration of the Microsoft purview integration.
- MicrosoftSiteAn interface for Microsoft SharePoint Site.
- MicrosoftSiteEdgeWrapper around the MicrosoftSite object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MigrateNutanixMountV1InputInput for migrating a Nutanix live Mount.
- MipLabelMicrosoft Information Protection (MIP) label.
- MipLabelsFilterInputMicrosoft Information Protection (MIP) label.
- MissedSnapshotSupported in v5.0+
- MissedSnapshotCommonThe missed snapshot object associated with the virtual machine.
- MissedSnapshotCommonEdgeWrapper around the MissedSnapshotCommon object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MissedSnapshotGroupByMissed Snapshot data with groupby info applied to it.
- MissedSnapshotGroupByEdgeWrapper around the MissedSnapshotGroupBy object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MissedSnapshotListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- MissingClusterInformation about missing clusters.
- MissingClusterEdgeWrapper around the MissingCluster object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ModifyActiveDirectoryLiveMountInputInput to modify an Active Directory Live Mount.
- ModifyIpmiInput
- ModifyMosaicSourceInputInput to modify NoSQL protection source.
- ModifyMosaicStoreInputInput to modify Mosaic Store.
- MongoClientHostInputSupported in v8.1+ MongoDB client host information.
- MongoCollectionInformation about MongoDB Collection.
- MongoCollectionAssignSlaConfigInputSupported in v8.1+ Configuration for assigning SLA Domain to MongoDB collection objects.
- MongoCollectionEdgeWrapper around the MongoCollection object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MongoCollectionSetInformation about MongoDB Collection Set.
- MongoCollectionSetDescendantTypeMongoDB Collection Set descendant Type.
- MongoCollectionSetDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the MongoCollectionSetDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MongoCollectionSetPhysicalChildTypeMongoDB Collection Set Child Type.
- MongoCollectionSetPhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the MongoCollectionSetPhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MongoCollectionsInfoAdditional info for `ASSIGN_SLA_MONGO_COLLECTION` jobs.
- MongoDatabaseInformation about MongoDB Database.
- MongoDatabaseDescendantTypeMongoDB Database descendant Type.
- MongoDatabaseDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the MongoDatabaseDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MongoDatabaseEdgeWrapper around the MongoDatabase object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MongoDatabasePhysicalChildTypeMongoDB Database Physical Child Type.
- MongoDatabasePhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the MongoDatabasePhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MongodbBackupParamsBackup parameters configured on the management object.
- MongodbCollectionInformation about MongoDB Collection.
- MongodbCollectionEdgeWrapper around the MongodbCollection object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MongodbDatabaseInformation about MongoDB Database.
- MongodbDatabaseDescendantTypeMongoDB Database descendant type information.
- MongodbDatabaseDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the MongodbDatabaseDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MongodbDatabaseEdgeWrapper around the MongodbDatabase object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MongodbDatabasePhysicalChildTypeMongoDB Database physical child type information.
- MongodbDatabasePhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the MongodbDatabasePhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MongodbHostHost description for MongoDB source object.
- MongodbSourceInformation about MongoDB Source.
- MongodbSourceConfigParamsConfiguration parameters for the MongoDB source object.
- MongodbSourceDescendantTypeMongoDB Source descendant type information.
- MongodbSourceDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the MongodbSourceDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MongodbSourceEdgeWrapper around the MongodbSource object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MongodbSourcePhysicalChildTypeMongoDB Source physical child type information.
- MongodbSourcePhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the MongodbSourcePhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MongodbSslOptionsSSL Configuration for MongoDB source object.
- MongoHostDetailList of data host details associated with this MongoDB source.
- MongoRecoveryRequestConfigInputConfiguration for recovering MongoDB databases or collections from source to target cluster.
- MongoSnapshotGroupByMongoDB Snapshot data with groupby info applied to it.
- MongoSnapshotGroupByEdgeWrapper around the MongoSnapshotGroupBy object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MongoSourceInformation about MongoDB Source.
- MongoSourceAddRequestConfigInputSupported in v8.1+ Configuration for adding a MongoDB source.
- MongoSourceDescendantTypeMongoDB Source DescendantType.
- MongoSourceDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the MongoSourceDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MongoSourceEdgeWrapper around the MongoSource object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MongoSourceInfoAdditional info for `ADD_MONGO_SOURCE` jobs.
- MongoSourcePatchRequestConfigInputSupported in v8.1+ Configuration for patching a MongoDB source.
- MongoSourcePhysicalChildTypeMongoDB source physical child type.
- MongoSourcePhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the MongoSourcePhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MosaicAddStoreRequestInputSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Object for stores added on mosaic.
- MosaicAsyncResponseSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Response object from an async request to mosaic.
- MosaicBackupStoreInfoInputRepresents the store input for protection.
- MosaicBulkRecoverableRangeRequestInputSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Request object to bulk get recoverable range on mosaic.
- MosaicBulkRecoveryRangeInputInput for querying NoSQL protection recoverable range for objects in bulk.
- MosaicDatabaseObjectInputSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Database object for mosaic.
- MosaicGetSchemaRequestInputSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Request object to get schema from mosaic.
- MosaicModifyStoreRequestInputSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Object for stores added on mosaic.
- MosaicRecoverableRangeObjectSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Object with details of Any Point In Time restore Range.
- MosaicRecoverableRangeRequestInputSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Request object to get recoverable range on mosaic.
- MosaicRecoveryRangeObjectSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Recovery range object for mosaic.
- MosaicRecoveryRangeResponseSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Response object for recovery range object on mosaic.
- MosaicRestoreDataInputInput for querying NoSQL protection restore data.
- MosaicRetrieveRequestInputSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Request object for retrieve request on mosaic.
- MosaicSnapshotMosaic Snapshot information.
- MosaicSnapshotEdgeWrapper around the MosaicSnapshot object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MosaicSnapshotFilterInputRepresents the mosaic snapshot filter input.
- MosaicSnapshotGroupByTypeMosaic Snapshot data with group by info applied to it.
- MosaicSnapshotGroupByTypeEdgeWrapper around the MosaicSnapshotGroupByType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MosaicSourceInfoAdditional info for `MOSAIC_SOURCE` and `DELETE_MOSAIC_SOURCE` jobs.
- MosaicStorageLocationResponse object for list store on mosaic.
- MosaicStorageLocationFilterInputInput for MosaicStorageLocation Query Filter.
- MosaicStorageLocationInfoAdditional info for `MOSAIC_STORAGE_LOCATION` and `DELETE_MOSAIC_STORAGE_LOCATION` jobs.
- MosaicStoreConnectionParametersResponse object for list store on mosaic.
- MosaicStoreObjectSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Object for stores added on mosaic.
- MosaicVersionObjectSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Object for mosaic versions.
- MountDiskJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- MountedVolumeDetails about the mounted volume.
- MountExportSnapshotJobCommonOptionsInputSupported in v5.0+
- MountExportSnapshotJobCommonOptionsV2InputSupported in v5.1+
- MountMssqlDbConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- MountNutanixSnapshotV1InputInput for creating a Nutanix live Mount.
- MountOracleDbConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- MountSnapshotJobConfigForBatchV2InputSupported in v6.0+
- MountSnapshotJobConfigV2InputSupported in v5.1+
- MssqlAddHostOperationAdditional information for `DISCOVERED_MSSQL_OBJECTS_NOTIFICATIONS_POLLER` jobs.
- MssqlAvailabilityGroupSQL Server always on availability group.
- MssqlAvailabilityGroupDescendantTypeSQL Server availability group descendant.
- MssqlAvailabilityGroupDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the MssqlAvailabilityGroupDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MssqlAvailabilityGroupLogicalChildTypeSQL Server availability group logical child.
- MssqlAvailabilityGroupLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the MssqlAvailabilityGroupLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MssqlAvailabilityGroupUpdateIdInputInput for updating Microsoft SQL Server Avaiability Group.
- MssqlAvailabilityGroupUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlAvailabilityGroupVirtualGroupVirtual group object for SQL Server availability group.
- MssqlAvailabilityGroupVirtualGroupEdgeWrapper around the MssqlAvailabilityGroupVirtualGroup object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MssqlAvailabilityGroupVirtualGroupFilterInputFilter MSSQL availability group virtual group results.
- MssqlBackupSupported in v5.2+
- MssqlBatchBackupJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlCompatibleInstancesFilterInputFilter MSSQL compatible instances.
- MssqlDatabaseSQL Server database.
- MssqlDatabaseEdgeWrapper around the MssqlDatabase object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MssqlDatabaseLiveMountLive mount of a SQL Server database.
- MssqlDatabaseLiveMountEdgeWrapper around the MssqlDatabaseLiveMount object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MssqlDatabaseLiveMountFilterInputFilter Mssql database live mount results.
- MssqlDatabaseVirtualGroupVirtual group object for SQL Server databases.
- MssqlDatabaseVirtualGroupEdgeWrapper around the MssqlDatabaseVirtualGroup object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MssqlDbDetailSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlDbFileExportPathInputSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlDbInfoAdditional info for `MSSQL_RESTORE` jobs.
- MssqlDbReplicaSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlDbSummarySupported in v5.0+
- MssqlDbUpdateIdInputSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlDbUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlDownloadFromArchiveConfigV2InputSupported in Rubrik CDM v9.1.2+.
- MssqlGetRestoreFilesV1InputInput for getting restore files of a SQL Server database.
- MssqlHostMicrosoft SQL Host.
- MssqlHostDescendantTypeMicrosoft SQL Host descendant.
- MssqlHostDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the MssqlHostDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MssqlHostPhysicalChildTypeMicrosoft SQL Host physical child.
- MssqlHostPhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the MssqlHostPhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MssqlHostUpdateIdInputInput for updating Microsoft SQL Server hosts in bulk.
- MssqlInstanceSQL Server instance.
- MssqlInstanceDescendantTypeSQL Server instance descendant.
- MssqlInstanceDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the MssqlInstanceDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MssqlInstanceInfoAdditional information for `SQL Server instance` specific jobs.
- MssqlInstanceLogicalChildTypeSQL Server instance logical child.
- MssqlInstanceLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the MssqlInstanceLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MssqlInstanceSummarySupported in v5.0+
- MssqlInstanceSummaryListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlInstanceUpdateIdInputInput for updating Microsoft SQL Server instances in bulk.
- MssqlInstanceUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlLogShippingCreateConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlLogShippingStatusInfoSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlLogShippingSummarySupported in v5.0+
- MssqlLogShippingSummaryV2ListResponseSupported in v5.3+
- MssqlLogShippingTargetSQL Server log shipping target.
- MssqlLogShippingTargetEdgeWrapper around the MssqlLogShippingTarget object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MssqlLogShippingTargetFilterInputFilter Mssql log shipping target results.
- MssqlMissedRecoverableRangeSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlMissedRecoverableRangeErrorSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlMissedRecoverableRangeListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlRecoverableRangeSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlRecoverableRangeListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlRestoreEstimateV1InputInput for getting a byte size estimate for a restore or export.
- MssqlRestoreFileSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlRootPropertiesSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlScriptDetailSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlScriptDetailInputSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlSddDetailThe Mssql SDD details of this Physical Host.
- MssqlSlaDomainAssignInfoInputSupported in v5.1+
- MssqlSlaPatchPropertiesInputSupported in v5.1+
- MssqlTopLevelDescendantTypeMssql top level descendant.
- MssqlTopLevelDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the MssqlTopLevelDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- MssqlUnprotectableReasonSupported in v5.0
- MssqlWindowsClusterUpdateIdInputInput for updating Microsoft SQL Server Windows Clusters in bulk.
- MultiTenancyConsumptionTypeStores per-tenant (RSC) consumption statsistics.
- MultiTenantHostSpecMultiTenant host specification.
- MutateRoleReqChangesTemplateTPR requested changes template for editing TPR policies for a role.
- Mutation
- MysqldbInstanceInfoAdditional information for `MYSQL` jobs.
- NameSubstringFilterFilter to return objects with a given substring in their name.
- NasApiCredentialsInputSupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Credentials to add or update NAS system with API integration.
- NasBaseConfigSupported in v5.0+
- NascdRestorePathPairInputInput for NAS Cloud Direct restore path pair.
- NasConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- NasFilesetNAS Fileset protected object.
- NasNamespaceNAS namespace instance associated with registered NAS system.
- NasNamespaceDescendantTypeNAS namespace descendant type.
- NasNamespaceDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the NasNamespaceDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NasNamespaceEdgeWrapper around the NasNamespace object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NasNamespaceLogicalChildTypeNAS namespace logical child type.
- NasNamespaceLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the NasNamespaceLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NasShareNAS share instance of a registered NAS system.
- NasShareCredentialsInputSupported in v8.1+ Credentials to add or update for NAS shares, NAS namespaces, or NAS systems.
- NasShareDescendantTypeNAS share descendant type.
- NasShareDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the NasShareDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NasShareDetailSupported in v8.1+
- NasShareEdgeWrapper around the NasShare object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NasShareLogicalChildTypeNAS share logical child type.
- NasShareLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the NasShareLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NasSharePropertiesInputSupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Properties of a NAS share.
- NasSystemInstance of a registered NAS system.
- NasSystemDescendantTypeNAS system descendant type.
- NasSystemDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the NasSystemDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NasSystemEdgeWrapper around the NasSystem object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NasSystemLogicalChildTypeNAS system logical child type.
- NasSystemLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the NasSystemLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NasSystemRegisterInputSupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Input for registering a new NAS System.
- NasSystemUpdateInputSupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Input for updating a NAS system.
- NasVolumeNAS volume instance in a registered NAS system.
- NasVolumeDescendantTypeNAS volume descendant type.
- NasVolumeDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the NasVolumeDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NasVolumeLogicalChildTypeNAS volume logical child type.
- NasVolumeLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the NasVolumeLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NcdTaskDataTaskData represents a NAS Cloud Direct task and its associated fields.
- NcdVmImageUrlNAS Cloud Direct virtual machine download URL information.
- NetworkConfigNetwork configuration used for multi-tenancy.
- NetworkHostProjectRepresents a GCP native network host project.
- NetworkInfoSupported in v5.3+
- NetworkInfoListResponseSupported in v5.3+
- NetworkInterfaceSupported in v5.0+
- NetworkInterfaceListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- NetworkInterfaceSelectionNetwork interface names for source and target clusters.
- NetworkInterfaceSelectionTypeNetwork interface names for source and target clusters.
- NetworkThrottleNetwork throttle information.
- NetworkThrottleSummaryListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- NetworkThrottleUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- NewComputeConfigNew compute configuration.
- NewSsoGroupInputDetails of a new SSO Group that has not yet been authorized on Rubrik.
- NewStorageAccountConfigNew storage account configuration.
- NfAnomalyResultNon-filesystem Anomaly analysis report from lambda service.
- NfAnomalyResultEdgeWrapper around the NfAnomalyResult object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NfAnomalyResultGroupedDataNon-filesystem anomaly result data with group by information applied to it.
- NfAnomalyResultGroupedDataEdgeWrapper around the NfAnomalyResultGroupedData object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NodeConfigInputIP configurations for the node.
- NodeIpSupported in v5.0+
- NodeIpInputSupported in v5.0+
- NodeMetadataInputDetails of a node.
- NodePolicyCheckResultSupported in v6.0+
- NodeRegistrationConfigsInputInput required for providing node configuration details for registration.
- NodeRemovalCancelPermissionReplySpecifies whether the job is cancelable.
- NodesMapInputMapping of Node name to IP configurations for the node.
- NodeStatusSupported in v5.0+
- NodeStatusListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- NodeToReplaceReplyThe ID of the Rubrik cluster node to replace.
- NodeTunnelStatusSupport tunnel status of a node.
- NodeTunnelStatusConnectionSupport tunnel status of all nodes in a cluster.
- NotificationSettingSummaryRubrik cluster email notification setting.
- NotificationSettingSummaryListResponseAll Email notification settings for the Rubrik cluster.
- NtpServerConfigurationSupported in v5.0+
- NtpServerConfigurationInputSupported in v5.0+
- NtpServerConfigurationListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- NtpSymmKeyConfigurationSupported in v5.0+
- NtpSymmKeyConfigurationInputSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixAsyncRequestFailureSummarySupported in v7.0+
- NutanixAsyncRequestSuccessSummarySupported in v7.0+
- NutanixBackupScriptBackup script configuration.
- NutanixCategoryNutanix Category details.
- NutanixCategoryDescendantTypeNutanix Category descendant type.
- NutanixCategoryDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the NutanixCategoryDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NutanixCategoryLogicalChildTypeNutanix Category logical child type.
- NutanixCategoryLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the NutanixCategoryLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NutanixCategoryValueNutanix Category Value details.
- NutanixCategoryValueDescendantTypeNutanix Category Value descendant type.
- NutanixCategoryValueDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the NutanixCategoryValueDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NutanixCategoryValueLogicalChildTypeNutanix Category Value logical child type.
- NutanixCategoryValueLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the NutanixCategoryValueLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NutanixClusterNutanix cluster details.
- NutanixClusterConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixClusterDescendantTypeNutanix cluster descendant type.
- NutanixClusterDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the NutanixClusterDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NutanixClusterEdgeWrapper around the NutanixCluster object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NutanixClusterLogicalChildTypeNutanix cluster logical child type.
- NutanixClusterLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the NutanixClusterLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NutanixClusterNetworkNutanix cluster network details.
- NutanixClusterPatchInputSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixClustersListElementInputSupported in v9.0+
- NutanixClusterSummarySupported in v5.0+
- NutanixContainerSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixContainerListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixDownloadFilesJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixExportSnapshotJobConfigForBatchInputSupported in v7.0+
- NutanixFileServerParametersInputSupported in v8.1+ API credentials to add or update the Nutanix File Server with API integration. Also contains credentials for SMB share access.
- NutanixInplaceExportConfigInput
- NutanixLiveMountNutanix virtual machine live mount.
- NutanixLiveMountEdgeWrapper around the NutanixLiveMount object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NutanixLiveMountFilterInputInput to filter Nutanix virtual machine live mount results.
- NutanixMissedSnapshotsInputInput for InternalNutanixMissedSnapshots.
- NutanixMountSnapshotJobConfigForBatchInputSupported in v7.0+
- NutanixMountVdisksJobConfigInputSupported in v9.2+
- NutanixNetworkSupported in v8.1+
- NutanixNetworkListResponseSupported in v8.1+
- NutanixOnDemandSnapshotJobConfigForBulkInputSupported in v9.0+ Job configuration object for mass on-demand snapshots of Nutanix virtual machines.
- NutanixPrismCentralNutanix Prism Central details.
- NutanixPrismCentralConfigInputInput for the Nutanix Prism Central configuration parameters.
- NutanixPrismCentralDescendantTypeNutanix Prism Central descendant type.
- NutanixPrismCentralDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the NutanixPrismCentralDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NutanixPrismCentralEdgeWrapper around the NutanixPrismCentral object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NutanixPrismCentralLogicalChildTypeNutanix Prism Central logical child type.
- NutanixPrismCentralLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the NutanixPrismCentralLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NutanixPrismCentralPatchInputInput for patching the Nutanix Prism Central.
- NutanixRestoreFileConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixRestoreFilesConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixStorageContainerNutanix storage container details.
- NutanixTopLevelDescendantTypeNutanix top-level descendant type.
- NutanixVirtualDiskSummarySupported in v5.2+
- NutanixVirtualMachineScriptDetailSupported in v6.0+
- NutanixVirtualMachineScriptDetailInputSupported in v6.0+
- NutanixVmNutanix virtual machine details.
- NutanixVmAgentStatusNutanix virtual machine agent status.
- NutanixVmDetailSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixVmDiskNutanix Virtual Machine disk details.
- NutanixVmDownloadRequestInputSupported in v7.0+
- NutanixVmEdgeWrapper around the NutanixVm object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- NutanixVmExportSnapshotJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixVmMountSnapshotJobConfigInputSupported in v6.0+
- NutanixVmMountSummarySupported in v6.0+
- NutanixVmNicNutanix virtual machine NIC details.
- NutanixVmPatchSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixVmPatchInputSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixVmSnapshotSummarySupported in v5.0+
- NutanixVmSnapshotVdiskDetailSupported in v9.2+
- NutanixVmSnapshotVdiskDetailListResponseSupported in v9.2+
- NutanixVmSummarySupported in v5.0+
- O365AdGroupMemberAn object that meets the specification of a Azure Active Directory group.
- O365AdGroupMemberEdgeWrapper around the O365AdGroupMember object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365App
- O365AppEdgeWrapper around the O365App object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365AppObject
- O365Calendar
- O365CalendarEventAn O365 calendar event object.
- O365CalendarFolder
- O365ConfiguredGroupMemberAn object that meets the specification of a configured group.
- O365ConfiguredGroupMemberEdgeWrapper around the O365ConfiguredGroupMember object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365ConfiguredGroupSpecSpecifications for a Microsoft 365 configured group.
- O365ContactAn O365 contact object.
- O365ContactFolderAn O365 contact folder.
- O365Email
- O365ExchangeObject
- O365ExchangeObjectEdgeWrapper around the O365ExchangeObject object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365Folder
- O365FullSpDescendantAn O365 SharePoint descendant object.
- O365FullSpExclusionConfiguration for the exclusion of a SharePoint object from protection.
- O365FullSpObjectSharePoint descendant objects.
- O365FullSpObjectEdgeWrapper around the O365FullSpObject object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365FullSpSiteExclusionsConfiguration for the exclusion of SharePoint objects under a site collection from protection.
- O365GroupO365 Groups from O365 hierarchy.
- O365GroupEdgeWrapper around the O365Group object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365Mailbox
- O365MailboxEdgeWrapper around the O365Mailbox object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365OauthConsentCompleteInputConfiguration for the completion of an O365 OAuth consent flow.
- O365OauthConsentCompleteReply
- O365OauthConsentKickoffInputConfiguration for the kickoff of an OAuth consent flow.
- O365OauthConsentKickoffReply
- O365Onedrive
- O365OnedriveEdgeWrapper around the O365Onedrive object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365OnedriveFile
- O365OnedriveFolder
- O365OnedriveObject
- O365OnedriveObjectEdgeWrapper around the O365OnedriveObject object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365Org
- O365OrgDescendant
- O365OrgDescendantEdgeWrapper around the O365OrgDescendant object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365OrgEdgeWrapper around the O365Org object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365OrgInfoThe O365 subscription status and ID info.
- O365PdlAndWorkloadPairPairing of a preferred data location (PDL) and the workload corresponding to the PDL group.
- O365PdlAndWorkloadPairInputInput to create the pairing of a preferred data location (PDL) and the workload corresponding to the PDL group.
- O365SaasSetupCompleteInputConfiguration for the setup of a Rubrik-hosted subscription.
- O365SaasSetupKickoffReplyO365 SaaS setup kickoff response.
- O365ServiceAccountStatusResp
- O365SetupKickoffRespO365 setup kickoff response.
- O365SharepointDrive
- O365SharepointDriveEdgeWrapper around the O365SharepointDrive object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365SharepointList
- O365SharepointListEdgeWrapper around the O365SharepointList object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365SharepointObject
- O365SharepointObjectEdgeWrapper around the O365SharepointObject object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365SharePointSiteWorkload specific Input for specifying Microsoft Office 365 SharePointSite.
- O365SharepointSnapshotFileDeltaInputInput for specifying Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint fields in WorkloadFieldsInput.
- O365Site
- O365SiteEdgeWrapper around the O365Site object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365SnapshotFileDeltaInputInput for specifying Microsoft Office 365 Onedrive fields in WorkloadFieldsInput.
- O365SnapshotItemInfoBrowse or search delta response returns Microsoft Office 365 file or folder data.
- O365TeamConvChannel
- O365TeamConvChannelEdgeWrapper around the O365TeamConvChannel object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365TeamConvChannelInputChannel object consisting naturalId and name.
- O365TeamConversationsSender
- O365TeamConversationsSenderEdgeWrapper around the O365TeamConversationsSender object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365Teams
- O365TeamsChannel
- O365TeamsChannelEdgeWrapper around the O365TeamsChannel object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365TeamsChannelObject
- O365TeamsConversations
- O365TeamsConversationsEdgeWrapper around the O365TeamsConversations object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365TeamsEdgeWrapper around the O365Teams object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365User
- O365UserDescendant
- O365UserDescendantEdgeWrapper around the O365UserDescendant object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365UserDescendantMetadata
- O365UserDescendantMetadataEdgeWrapper around the O365UserDescendantMetadata object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- O365UserEdgeWrapper around the O365User object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- OauthAccessTokenRequest parameters for an OauthAccessTokenRequest.
- OauthCodesForEdgeRegReplyReply for request to download Rubrik Edge from Rubrik Security Cloud.
- OauthRequestPayloadPayload for OAuth registration.
- ObjectClusterSummaryBasic information about the Rubrik cluster corresponding to the object.
- ObjectIdsForHierarchyType
- ObjectIdsForHierarchyTypeInput
- ObjectIdToSnapshotIdsSupported in v6.0+
- ObjectIdToSnapshotIdsInputSupported in v6.0+
- ObjectStatus
- ObjectSummary
- ObjectTagObject tag stores key value pair associated with workloads.
- ObjectTypeAccessSummaryObject type access summary.
- ObjectTypeAccessSummaryEdgeWrapper around the ObjectTypeAccessSummary object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ObjectTypeSummariesFilterFilters for GetObjectTypeAccessSummariesRequest.
- OktaIntegrationConfigHolds the configuration of the Okta integration.
- OktaIntegrationConfigInputHolds the configuration of the Okta integration.
- OldRestorePathPairInputInput for restore path pair.
- OnedriveSearchFilterParameters for OneDrive file or folder search.
- OnedriveSearchKeywordFilterOneDrive search keyword and keyword type.
- OptionGroupRepresents option group in AWS.
- OracleAcoParameterDetailSupported in v6.0+
- OracleAcoParameterListSupported in v6.0+
- OracleAcoValueErrorDetailSupported in v6.0+
- OracleBulkUpdateInputSupported in v5.2+
- OracleDatabase
- OracleDatabaseEdgeWrapper around the OracleDatabase object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- OracleDatabaseInstanceAn Oracle database instance.
- OracleDatabaseLastValidationStatusOracle database last validation status.
- OracleDataGuardGroup
- OracleDataGuardGroupDescendantType
- OracleDataGuardGroupDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the OracleDataGuardGroupDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- OracleDataGuardGroupLogicalChildType
- OracleDataGuardGroupLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the OracleDataGuardGroupLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- OracleDataGuardGroupUpdateInputSupported in v6.0+
- OracleDbDetailSupported in v5.0+
- OracleDbInputInput for retrieving Oracle database.
- OracleDbSnapshotSummarySupported in v5.0+
- OracleDbSummarySupported in v5.0+
- OracleDirectoryPathsThe directory paths of the Oracle database.
- OracleExportInfoAdditional info for `EXPORT_ORACLE` jobs.
- OracleFileDownloadLinkSupported in v5.3+
- OracleHost
- OracleHostDescendantType
- OracleHostDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the OracleHostDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- OracleHostInputInput for retrieving Oracle host.
- OracleHostLogicalChildType
- OracleHostLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the OracleHostLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- OracleHostSummarySupported in v5.0+
- OracleInstancePropertiesSupported in v5.0+
- OracleLastValidationResultSupported in v5.3+
- OracleLiveMountOracle live mount.
- OracleLiveMountEdgeWrapper around the OracleLiveMount object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- OracleLiveMountFilterInputFilter Oracle live mount results.
- OracleMissedRecoverableRangeSupported in v5.0+
- OracleMissedRecoverableRangeListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- OracleNodeOrderSupported in v5.0+
- OracleNodeOrderInputSupported in v5.0+
- OracleNodePropertiesSupported in v5.0+
- OracleNonSlaPropertiesSupported in v5.0+
- OraclePdbAn Oracle Pluggable Database.
- OraclePdbApplicationContainerSupported in v8.0+
- OraclePdbDetailsSupported in v8.0+
- OraclePdbDetailsInput
- OraclePdbRestoreConfigInputSupported in v8.0+
- OracleRac
- OracleRacDescendantType
- OracleRacDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the OracleRacDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- OracleRacDetailSupported in v5.0+
- OracleRacInputInput for retrieving Oracle RAC.
- OracleRacLogicalChildType
- OracleRacLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the OracleRacLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- OracleRacSummarySupported in v5.0+
- OracleRecoverableRangeSupported in v5.0+
- OracleRecoverableRangeListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- OracleRecoveryPointInputSupported in v5.0+
- OracleSddDetailThe Oracle database Sensitive Data Monitoring details of this physical host.
- OracleSnapshotDownloadRequestInputInput for snapshot download from location for V2 API.
- OracleTopLevelDescendantType
- OracleTopLevelDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the OracleTopLevelDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- OracleUpdateCommonInputSupported in v6.0+
- OracleUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- OracleUserDetailsOracle user details of this Physical Host.
- OracleValidateConfigInputSupported in v5.3+
- OrgDetails of an org.
- OrgEdgeWrapper around the Org object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- OrgFilterInput to filter objects assigned to one of the specified organizations.
- PageInfoGeneral information about a page of results.
- PaginationMarkerMarker for the next page of browse diff FMD results. All fields within are opaque and should not be manually used.
- ParentAppInfoSupported in v5.0+
- ParentLabelInfo
- PasskeyRepresents the webauthn passkey.
- PasskeyCredentialMetadataMetadata of the passkey credential registered to a user.
- PasswordByUserIdMap of user IDs to password.
- PatchAwsAuthenticationServerBasedCloudAccountInputInput to update authentication server-based AWS cloud account.
- PatchAwsIamUserBasedCloudAccountInputInput to update IAM user-based AWS cloud account.
- PatchDb2DatabaseInputInput for patching Db2 database.
- PatchDb2InstanceInputInput for editing a DB2 instance.
- PatchMongoSourceInputInput for patching a MongoDB source.
- PatchNutanixMountV1InputInput for patching a Nutanix live Mount.
- PatchSapHanaSystemInputInput for editing a SAP HANA system.
- PathInfoSupported in v6.0+
- PathNode
- PathSecInfo
- PauseReplicationTprReqChangesTemplateTemplate for pausing replication with the quorum authorization request.
- PauseSlaInputInput to pause or resume SLA Domain.
- PauseTargetInputInput for pausing archival location.
- PauseTargetReplyArchival location pause result.
- PcrAwsImagePullDetailsDetails on how users can retrieve images from Rubrik's AWS container registry.
- PcrAwsImagePullDetailsInputAWS specific details of how user will be pulling images from our registry.
- PcrAzureImagePullDetailsDetails on how users can retrieve images from Rubrik's Azure container registry.
- PcrAzureImagePullDetailsInputAzure-specific details on how users will retrieve images from Rubrik's Azure container registry.
- pendingAction
- PendingSlaInfoAdditional info for `PENDING_SLA` jobs.
- PendingSlaOperationsRequestInputSupported in v5.2+
- PerLocationCloudStorageTierSupported in v8.0+ CloudStorageTier information for a snapshot in a particular archival location.
- PermissionPolicyAWS permission policy details.
- PersistentStoragePersistent storage configured for storing backups.
- PhysicalHost
- PhysicalHostDescendantTypePhysical host descendant.
- PhysicalHostDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the PhysicalHostDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- PhysicalHostEdgeWrapper around the PhysicalHost object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- PhysicalHostMetadataMetadata details of a Physical Host.
- PhysicalHostPhysicalChildType
- PhysicalHostPhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the PhysicalHostPhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- PolarisHierarchyObjectA Polaris Managed Hierarchy Object.
- PolarisHierarchyObjectEdgeWrapper around the PolarisHierarchyObject object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- PolarisHierarchySnappablePolaris protectable object.
- PolarisInventorySubHierarchyRoot
- PolarisSnapshot
- PolarisSnapshotEdgeWrapper around the PolarisSnapshot object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- PolarisSnapshotFilterInput
- PolarisSnapshotFilterNewInput
- PolarisSnapshotGroupByPolaris Snapshot data with groupby info applied to it.
- PolarisSnapshotGroupByEdgeWrapper around the PolarisSnapshotGroupBy object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- PolarisSnapshotGroupByNewEdgeWrapper around the PolarisSnapshotGroupByNew object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- PolicyCheckResultSupported in v6.0+
- PolicyDetailRepresents the policy detail.
- PolicyDetailEdgeWrapper around the PolicyDetail object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- PolicyObj
- PolicyObjectUsageEdgeWrapper around the PolicyObjectUsage object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- PolicyObjEdgeWrapper around the PolicyObj object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- PolicyStatus
- PolicySummaryDetailsPolicy summary details.
- PollerSapHanaSystemInfoAdditional info for `SAP_HANA_SYSTEM` jobs.
- PostgresDbClusterInfoAdditional info for `POSTGRES_DB_CLUSTER` jobs.
- PreAddVcenterInput
- PrecheckFailurePrecheck details.
- PrechecksJobReplyPrecheck job details.
- PrecheckStatusNextRunInfoPrecheck status running information.
- PrepareAwsCloudAccountDeletionInputInput to initiate deletion of AWS cloud account.
- PrepareAwsCloudAccountDeletionReplyPrepares AWS cloud account for deletion and initiates deletion of the account.
- PrepareFeatureUpdateForAwsCloudAccountInputInput to prepare feature update for AWS cloud account.
- PrepareFeatureUpdateForAwsCloudAccountReplyResponse to prepare updation of AWS cloud account.
- PrePostScriptA script that is ran before or after a snapshot or backup.
- PreviewerClusterConfig
- PreviewerClusterConfigInput
- PreviewFilterInput
- PrincipalLDAP principal.
- PrincipalEdgeWrapper around the Principal object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- PrismElementCdmTupleA tuple of the Prism Element ID and the corresponding CDM cluster ID while adding a Nutanix Prism Central.
- PrivateContainerRegistryDetailsTypeDetails of Private Container Registry, consisting of registry URL and details related to how user will be pulling image from our container registry.
- PrivateContainerRegistryReplyTypeResponse to the request to retrieve details of a PCR.
- PrivateEndpointConnectionRCV private endpoint connection details.
- ProductDocumentationA help topic in the product documentation.
- ProductTypeInfoInformation about the product type.
- PromoteReaderTargetInputInput for promoting reader archival location.
- PropertyExtensionO365 directory object attribute property extension.
- ProtectedObjectsMetadata for rendering protected objects.
- ProtectedObjectsEdgeWrapper around the ProtectedObjects object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ProtectedObjectSummaryProtected Object Summary.
- ProtectionStatusFilterFilter to return objects with a matching protection status.
- ProviderDescriptionCustom Provider description.
- ProviderNameProvider name.
- ProxyConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- ProxySettingsProxy settings for target.
- ProxySettingsInputInput for creating target proxy setting.
- PutSmbConfigurationInput
- PvcInformation
- QuarantineSpecSpec for quarantine.
- QuarantineSpecInputConfiguration which indicates which files and snapshots to quarantine.
- Query
- QueryByIdReplicationTargetInfoInputInput for query by id for replication network throttle bypass.
- QueryCertificatesInput
- QueryDatastoreFreespaceThresholdInputQuery datastore freespace threshold.
- QueryGuestCredentialInput
- QueryHypervHostInputInput for getting the summary of all Hyper-V hosts.
- QueryK8sSnapshotInputInput for querying Kubernetes snapshots.
- QueryLogReportInputInput for getting the database log report.
- QueryLogShippingConfigurationsV2InputInput for getting SQL Server log shipping configurations.
- QueryMountInfoAdditional info for `VSPHERE_QUERY_MOUNT` jobs.
- QueryNetworkThrottleInputInput for Network Throttle Query.
- QueryReplicationTargetInfoInputInput for replication network throttle bypass info get request.
- QueryReportPropertiesInputInput for getting the database log reporting properties for a cluster.
- QuerySupportBundleInputInput for Support Bundle Query.
- QueryUnmanagedObjectSnapshotsV1Input
- RansomwareResultRansomware Investigation report from lambda service.
- RansomwareResultEdgeWrapper around the RansomwareResult object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- RansomwareResultFilterInputFilter ransomware result data.
- RansomwareResultGroupedDataRansomware Investigation data with group by information applied to it.
- RansomwareResultGroupedDataEdgeWrapper around the RansomwareResultGroupedData object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- RbacObjectThe object which permissions assigned to.
- RbaInstallerUrlsURLs and hashes for RBA installers.
- RcsArchivalLocationConsumptionStatsRCS Azure archival locations consumption stats.
- RcsArchivalLocationStatsRecordRCS Azure archival locations consumption stats record.
- RcvActionsTprReqChangesTemplate
- RcvEntitlementWithOrderNumberRubrik Cloud Vault (RCV) entitlement with order number.
- RdsInstanceDetailsFromAwsRDS DB Instance details from AWS.
- RdsInstanceExportDefaultsRDS Export defaults from AWS.
- RecoverableRangeRange to recover a snapshot from for a given VM
- RecoverCloudClusterInputRecover a Rubrik Cloud Cluster.
- RecoverCloudDirectNasShareInputInput for recovering NAS Cloud Direct share.
- RecoverCloudDirectPathInputInput for recovering Cloud Direct path.
- RefreshableObjectConnectionStatusSupported in v5.0+
- RefreshDb2DatabaseInputInput for refreshing a Db2 database.
- RefreshDomainInputInput for refreshing an Active Directory domain.
- RefreshHostInputRefresh the connection to the host.
- RefreshHypervScvmmInputInput parameters for refreshing Hyper-V SCVMM.
- RefreshHypervServerInputInput for refreshing the metadata for the specified Hyper-V host.
- RefreshK8sV2ClusterInputInput for refreshing a Kubernetes cluster.
- RefreshNutanixClusterInputInput for refreshing a Nutanix cluster.
- RefreshNutanixPrismCentralInputInput for refreshing a Nutanix Prism Central.
- RefreshOracleDatabaseInput
- RefreshReaderTargetInputInput for refreshing reader archival location.
- Region
- RegionEdgeWrapper around the Region object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- RegisterAgentHypervVirtualMachineInputRequired. Input for registering Rubrik Backup Service in a Hyper-V virtual machine.
- RegisterAgentNutanixVmInputInput for registering the agent installed on the Nutanix virtual machine.
- RegisterCloudClusterInputInput for cloud cluster registration.
- RegisterCloudClusterReplyResponse from cloud cluster registration.
- RegisterdHostInfoNot in use.
- RegisterHypervScvmmInputRequired. Input for register Hyper-V SCVMM.
- RegisterNasSystemInputInput for registering a new NAS System.
- RegisterOracleHostsInfoAdditional info for `DISCOVERED_ORACLE_OBJECTS_SYNC_METRIC_POLLER` jobs.
- RelatedContentA snippet of the related help topic.
- RelatedObjectIdsTypeIDs of the object related to the Azure AD object.
- RelatedObjectsTypeRelated object type in the Azure AD reverse relationship.
- RelativeMonthlyRecurrencePatternAn relative monthly recurrence pattern (e.g. Second Thursday or Friday of every other month).
- RelativeYearlyRecurrencePatternA relative yearly recurrence pattern (e.g. First Tuesday of November).
- ReleasePersistentExoclustersInputInput to release persistent Exocompute clusters for a region configuration in a cloud account.
- RelocateMountConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- RelocateMountConfigV2InputSupported in Rubrik CDM version 9.0 and later.
- RemoveClusterNodesInputRequest parameters for removing nodes from a cluster.
- RemoveDiskInput
- RemovedNodeDetailThe detail of a removed nodes.
- RemovedNodeDetailsInputRequest parameters for getting the details of removed nodes.
- RemoveNodeForReplacementInputRequest parameters for removing a node on a Rubrik cluster for replacement.
- RemoveNodeForReplacementReplyAsynchronous reply for a submitted removal job.
- RemoveNodesTprReqChangesTemplate
- RemovePrivateEndpointConnectionInputInput for removing private endpoint connection to RCV location.
- RemoveProxyConfigInput
- RemoveVlansInputInput for deleting VLAN(s) of a cluster.
- ReplaceClusterNodeInputRequest parameters for replacing a node on a Rubrik cluster.
- ReplaceClusterNodeReplyAsynchronous reply for a submitted job.
- ReplicatedObjectInfoThe replicated object information.
- ReplicatedSnapshotInfoInformation about Kubernetes Replicated Snapshots.
- ReplicationBandwidthIncomingInputRequest to get Incoming Replication Bandwidth for a Rubrik cluster.
- ReplicationBandwidthOutgoingInputRequest to get Outgoing Replication Bandwidth for a Rubrik cluster.
- ReplicationClusterRubrik cluster details.
- ReplicationGatewayInfoGateway information for a Rubrik cluster.
- ReplicationNetworkThrottleBypassReplySupported in v6.0+
- ReplicationPairConfigDetailsConfiguration details about the replication pair of Rubrik clusters.
- ReplicationPairEdgeWrapper around the ReplicationPair object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ReplicationPairsQueryFilterFilter for replication pairs request.
- ReplicationSourceReplication source for a given replication target.
- ReplicationSpecV2Replication specification.
- ReplicationSpecV2InputReplication specification.
- ReplicationTargetReplication target for a given replication source.
- ReplicationTargetThrottleBypassSummaryReplication Network Throttle Bypass Summary List Response.
- ReplicationToCloudLocationSpecInputReplication to cloud location specification.
- ReplicationToCloudRegionSpecReplication to cloud region specification.
- ReplicationToCloudRegionSpecInputReplication to cloud region specification.
- ReportChartCreateCreate configs for a snappable data chart.
- ReportFilterInput
- ReportMigrationStatusMigration details of the Rubrik cluster report.
- ReportMigrationStatusEdgeWrapper around the ReportMigrationStatus object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ReportTableCreateCreate configs for an activity data table.
- RequestedChangesTemplateA generic TPR requested-changes template.
- RequestErrorInfoSupported in v5.0+
- RequestPersistentExoclusterReplyResponse to the request for persistent Exocompute cluster.
- RequiredRecoveryParametersInputSupported in v5.1+
- ReseedLogShippingSecondaryInputInput for reseeding a SQL Server log shipping secondary.
- ResetUsersPasswordsWithUserIdsInputSpecifies the input used to reset passwords for selected users in the organization.
- ResizeDiskInputInput for resizing a disk.
- ResizeManagedVolumeInfoAdditional info for `RESIZE_MANAGED_VOLUME` jobs.
- ResizeManagedVolumeInputInput for resizing a Managed Volume.
- ResolveAnomalyInputResolve an anomaly.
- ResolveVolumeGroupsConflictInput
- ResourceGroup
- ResourceGroupEdgeWrapper around the ResourceGroup object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ResourceInput
- RestoreActiveDirectoryObjectsInputInput for restoring the active directory objects.
- RestoreConfig
- RestoreFileConfig
- RestoreFilesJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- RestoreFilesNutanixSnapshotInputInput for restoring files from Nutanix snapshot.
- RestoreFormArchivalProxyConfigSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreFormComputeProxyConfigSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreFormConfigurationGuestOsSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreFormConfigurationKmipServerSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreFormConfigurationLdapServerSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreFormConfigurationNasHostSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreFormConfigurationObjectStoreArchivalLocationSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreFormConfigurationOrganizationSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreFormConfigurationReplicationTargetSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreFormConfigurationReportSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreFormConfigurationRoleSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreFormConfigurationS3ArchivalLocationSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreFormConfigurationSlaDomainSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreFormConfigurationSmtpSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreFormConfigurationSnmpSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreFormConfigurationUserSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreFormConfigurationVcenterServerSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreFormConfigurationWinAndUnixHostSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreFormRequestInputSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreHypervVirtualMachineSnapshotFilesInputRequired. Input for restoring files from a snapshot of a Hyper-V virtual machine.
- RestoreK8sNamespaceInputConfiguration of the Kubernetes namespace snapshot to be restored and the target details.
- RestoreMssqlDatabaseInputInput for restoring a SQL Server database.
- RestoreO365FullTeamsInputInput for restoring a complete O365 Team.
- RestoreO365TeamsConversationsInputInput for restoring O365 Teams channel conversations.
- RestoreObjectConfigConfiguration for the mailbox object (email/folder) to be restored.
- RestoreObjectsDryRunInputInput for a dry run of granular restore in Active Directory.
- RestoreOracleLogsConfigInputSupported in v6.0+
- RestoreOracleLogsInput
- RestorePathPairInputSupported in v5.0+
- RestoreSapHanaSystemStorageInputInput for SAP HANA system storage restore.
- RestoreVolumeGroupSnapshotFilesInputInput for restoring volume group snapshot files.
- ResumeTargetInputInput for resuming archival location.
- ResumeTargetReplyArchival location resume result.
- RetryAddMongoSourceInputInput for putting a MongoDB source.
- RetryBackupClusterRespResponse for the request to retry backup.
- RevokeAllOrgRolesInputInput required for revoking all roles of current organization from the given users and groups.
- RiskInputRepresents risk assigned to each analyzer.
- RoleRBAC role.
- RoleEdgeWrapper around the Role object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- RoleSummaryRole Summary.
- RoleTemplate
- RoleTemplateEdgeWrapper around the RoleTemplate object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- RollingUpgradeInfoOverall RU status.
- RollingUpgradeNodeInfoDetailed RU status of a node.
- RollingUpgradeNodeInfoEntryRU node information entry.
- RotateServiceAccountSecretInputInput parameters for rotating service account secret.
- RotateServiceAccountSecretReplyUpdated service account details.
- RouteConfigSupported in v5.0+
- RouteConfigInputSupported in Rubrik CDM v5.0+.
- RouteDeletionConfigInputSupported in Rubrik CDM v5.0+
- RowEdgeWrapper around the Row object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- RubrikCloudVaultLocationRubrik Cloud Vault archival location details.
- RubrikManagedAwsTargetSpecific information for Amazon Web Services (AWS) target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedAzureTargetSpecific information for Azure target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedDcaTargetSpecific information for DCA archival target created on Rubrik cluster.
- RubrikManagedGcpTargetSpecific information for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedGlacierTargetInformation about the Amazon Glacier target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedLckTargetSpecific information for LCK archival target created on Rubrik cluster.
- RubrikManagedNfsTargetSpecific information for Network File System (NFS) target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedRcsTargetSpecific information for Rubrik Cloud Vault (RCV) target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedS3CompatibleTargetSpecific information for Amazon S3 compatible target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedTapeTargetTypeSpecific information for Q-star target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikSlaInfoRubrikSlaInfo stores the SLA Domain information of the objects protected by Rubrik.
- RunCustomAnalyzerInput
- RunPolicyArgInputSupported in v6.0+
- S3BucketDetailsDetails of S3 Bucket containing name, region and ARN.
- SaaSOrgTprReqChangesTemplate
- SapHanaAppMetadataSAP HANA workload related app metadata for a snapshot.
- SapHanaDataBackupFileData backup files for SAP HANA full, incremental, or differential backup.
- SapHanaDatabaseSAP HANA Database details object.
- SapHanaDatabaseEdgeWrapper around the SapHanaDatabase object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SapHanaDatabaseInfoAdditional info for `SAP_HANA_DATABASE` jobs.
- SapHanaDatabaseInfoObjectAdditional information about backint and database configuration.
- SapHanaDataPathSpecObjectAdditional information about backup data path.
- SapHanaDownloadRecoverableRangeRequestInputSupported in v8.0+
- SapHanaDownloadRequestInputAdditional parameters for download request.
- SapHanaHostSupported in v5.3+
- SapHanaHostObjectInformation about SAP HANA hosts of the system.
- SapHanaLogBackupFilesLog backup file for SAP HANA log backup.
- SapHanaLogSnapshotSAP HANA log snapshot object.
- SapHanaLogSnapshotEdgeWrapper around the SapHanaLogSnapshot object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SapHanaLogSnapshotFilterInputInput for filtering SAP HANA log snapshots.
- SapHanaRecoverableRangeSAP HANA recoverable range object.
- SapHanaRecoverableRangeEdgeWrapper around the SapHanaRecoverableRange object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SapHanaRecoverableRangeFilterInputInput for filtering SAP HANA recoverable ranges.
- SapHanaRestoreSourceConfigInputSupported in v6.0+
- SapHanaSslInfoSupported in v5.3+
- SapHanaSslInfoInputSupported in v5.3+
- SapHanaSslInformationInformation required to connect to SAP HANA database over SSL.
- SapHanaSystemSAP HANA system details object.
- SapHanaSystemConfigInputSupported in v5.3+
- SapHanaSystemDescendantTypeSAP HANA system descendant type, for example, SAP HANA Database.
- SapHanaSystemDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the SapHanaSystemDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SapHanaSystemEdgeWrapper around the SapHanaSystem object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SapHanaSystemInfoSupported in v5.3+
- SapHanaSystemInformationAdditional info about the SAP HANA system.
- SapHanaSystemPatchInputSupported in v5.3+
- SapHanaSystemPhysicalChildTypeSAP HANA system Physical Child Type.
- SapHanaSystemPhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the SapHanaSystemPhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SapHanaSystemRestoreConfigInputInput config for SAP HANA system storage restore.
- SapHanaSystemSummarySupported in v5.3+
- ScaleRuntime
- ScheduledReportMetadata for rendering a scheduled report.
- ScheduledReportCreate
- ScheduledReportEdgeWrapper around the ScheduledReport object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ScvmmInfoAdditional information about the SCVMM.
- SDDLPermission
- SddlRequestFiltersInputFilters for Security Descriptor resolution.
- SddUserCredentialsInputSupported in v9.2+.
- SearchKeywordFilterSearch keyword and keyword type.
- SearchNutanixVmInputInput for InternalSearchNutanixVm.
- SearchResponseSupported in v5.0+
- SearchResponseListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- SecurityGroup
- SelfServicePermissionWhen an org member adds an object to Rubrik that matches the provided (`inventoryRoot`, `inventoryWorkloadType`) category, the org is granted all permission operations specified within the `operations` field on that new object.
- SelfServicePermissionInputWhen an org member adds an object to Rubrik that matches the provided (`inventoryRoot`, `inventoryWorkloadType`) category, the org is granted all permission operations specified within the `operations` field on that new object.
- SendPdfReportInputInput for sending report email to one or more recipients.
- SendPdfReportReplyResponse for the send now PDF request.
- SendScheduledReportAsyncInputInput for sending report email to one or more recipients.
- SendTestMessageToWebhookInputThe input values for sending test message to webhook.
- SensitivityStatusFilterFilter to return objects with a matching sensitivity status.
- ServiceAccountService Account.
- ServiceAccountClientService account.
- ServiceAccountEdgeWrapper around the ServiceAccount object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ServiceAccountInfoSupported in v9.2+ The details of the RSC service account.
- ServiceNowItsmIntegrationConfigHolds the configuration of the ServiceNow integration.
- ServiceNowItsmIntegrationConfigInputHolds the configuration of the ServiceNow integration.
- SetAzureCloudAccountCustomerAppCredentialsInputInput for setting the app credentials in the Azure Cloud Accounts.
- SetBundleApprovalStatusInputInput for the operation to upsert the approval status of an Exocompute container image bundle.
- SetLdapMfaSettingInputMFA settings to update for a LDAP integration.
- SetMissingClusterStatusInputInput for setting the status for a missing cluster.
- SetPrivateContainerRegistryInputInput for setting Private Container Registry details.
- SetTotpConfigInput
- SetupAzureO365ExocomputeResp
- SetupCloudNativeSqlServerBackupInputInput required to setup backups.
- SetupDiskInput
- SetUpgradeTypeReplyResponse for the operation of setting the upgrade type for a cluster.
- SetUserLevelTotpEnforcementInput
- SetWebSignedCertificateInput
- SetWorkloadAlertSettingInputInput required for setting workload alert.
- ShareExportIdPairCloud Direct shares.
- ShareFilesetShare fileset.
- SharePointDriveRestoreConfigRepresents the sharepoint doc lib contents to be restored.
- SharePointFullRestoreConfigRepresents the objects or items to be restored from a site collection. Either the SharePoint object or SharePoint items should be populated, but not both.
- SharePointItemsRepresents the SharePoint items in a site collection to be restored.
- SharePointListItemRepresents the SharePoint list item to be restored.
- SharePointListRestoreConfigRepresents the sharepoint list contents to be restored.
- SharePointObjectRepresents the SharePoint object (document library, list, site, or web part) to be restored.
- SharePointSearchKeywordFilterSharePoint search keyword and keyword type.
- SlaArchivalClusterInformation about the Rubrik cluster where the archival location is created.
- SlaAssignableSupported in v5.0+
- SlaAssociatedOrganizationDetails of an organization associated with an SLA Domain.
- SlaAuditDetailAudit log of SLA Domain changes based on user action.
- SLAAuditDetailFilterInputFilter SLA Domain audit details.
- SlaConfigConfiguration of the SLA of a snapshot.
- SlaDataLocationClusterCluster specific information.
- SlaDomain
- SlaDomainEdgeWrapper around the SlaDomain object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SlaDomainSummarySLA domain Summary
- SLAIdToObjectCountSummary of the number of objects protected by SLA Domains.
- SlaInfoSummary of SLA Domain name and ID.
- SlaManagedVolumeClientConfigInputSupported in v5.3+
- SlaManagedVolumeDetailSupported in v5.3+
- SlaManagedVolumeHostSummarySupported in v5.3+
- SlaManagedVolumeLogExportSummarySupported in v9.0+ Log export summary of the SLA Managed Volume.
- SlaManagedVolumeScriptConfigInputSupported in v5.3+
- SlaManagedVolumeScriptSummarySupported in v5.3+
- SlaReplicationClusterReplication cluster specific information.
- SlaStatusFilterInputFilter for SlaStatus.
- SlaTaskchainInfoSLA Domain taskchain information for upgrade.
- SlaUpgradeInformation about the most recently attempted SLA Domain upgrade.
- SmbDomainSMB domain.
- SmbDomainAddRequestInputSupported in v5.0+
- SmbDomainDetailSupported in v5.0+
- SmbDomainEdgeWrapper around the SmbDomain object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SmbDomainFilterInputFilter SMB domain results.
- SmbDomainJoinRequestInputSupported in v5.0+
- SnappableAn object that can be backed-up by taking snapshots.
- SnappableChart
- SnappableEdgeWrapper around the Snappable object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SnappableFilterInputFilter workload data.
- SnappableFilterInputWithSearchFilter workload data, including search capability.
- SnappableGroupBySnappable data with groupby info applied to it.
- SnappableGroupByEdgeWrapper around the SnappableGroupBy object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SnappablePathInput
- SnappableRestoreConfigRepresents the snappable contents to be restored.
- SnappableSlaDomainFilterInputFilter workload data based on the properties of its SLA Domain.
- SnappablesWithLegalHoldSnapshotsInputInput to query workloads with legal hold snapshots.
- SnappableTable
- SnapshotFileFile or folder data returned by browse or search delta response.
- SnapshotFileDeltaEdgeWrapper around the SnapshotFileDelta object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SnapshotFileDeltaV2EdgeWrapper around the SnapshotFileDeltaV2 object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SnapshotFileEdgeWrapper around the SnapshotFile object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SnapshotLocationRetentionInfoSupported in v5.2+
- SnapshotQueryFilterInputFilter snapshots.
- SnapshotResult
- SnapshotResultEdgeWrapper around the SnapshotResult object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SnapshotSummarySupported in v5.2+
- SnapshotSummaryEdgeWrapper around the SnapshotSummary object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SnmpConfigurationSupported in v5.0+ v5.0-v5.1: SNMP service configuration object. v5.2+: SNMP service configuration object summary.
- SnmpConfigurationInputSupported in v5.0+ v5.0-v5.1: SNMP service configuration object. v5.2+: SNMP service configuration object summary.
- SnmpConfigurationPatchInputSupported in v5.2+ SNMP service configuration object.
- SnmpTrapReceiverConfigSupported in v5.0+ SNMP trap receiver configuration object.
- SnmpTrapReceiverConfigInputSupported in v5.0+ SNMP trap receiver configuration object.
- SnmpUserConfigInputSupported in v5.2+ SNMP user configuration object.
- SnoozedDirectoryA directory that has been snoozed.
- SnoozedDirectoryEdgeWrapper around the SnoozedDirectory object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SonarContentReport
- SonarContentReportChart
- SonarContentReportEdgeWrapper around the SonarContentReport object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SonarContentReportFilterParameters to filter reports.
- SonarContentReportTable
- SonarReport
- SonarReportChart
- SonarReportEdgeWrapper around the SonarReport object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SonarReportRow
- SonarReportRowEdgeWrapper around the SonarReportRow object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SonarReportTable
- SourceConfigParamsConfiguration Params for the mosaic source object.
- SourceInputSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Source Object.
- SourceMetadataMetadata of the MongoDB source.
- SsoGroupDetails of an SSO Group.
- StandardTprReqChangesTemplate
- StartAwsNativeEc2InstanceSnapshotsJobInputInput to initiate a job to create AWS EC2 instance snapshots.
- StartAwsNativeRdsInstanceSnapshotsJobInputInput to initiate job to create AWS RDS Instance snapshots.
- StartAzureAdAppSetupInputConfiguration to initiate Azure AD Application creation.
- StartAzureAdAppSetupReplyResponse of the operation that initiates onboarding of Azure AD.
- StartAzureAdAppUpdateReplyResponse of the operation that updates an Azure AD directory app.
- StartAzureCloudAccountOauthInputInput for initiating authentication of the Azure Cloud Accounts.
- StartAzureCloudAccountOauthReplyResponse of the operation to initiate Azure Cloud Account OAuth.
- StartClusterReportMigrationJobReplyThe response of the request to start report migration.
- StartCrawlReply
- StartCreateAwsNativeEbsVolumeSnapshotsJobInputInput to initiate the snapshot creation job for AWS native EBS volume.
- StartCreateAzureNativeManagedDiskSnapshotsJobInputInput to initiate a job to create Azure Native Managed Disk snapshots.
- StartCreateAzureNativeVirtualMachineSnapshotsJobInputInput to initiate a job to create Azure Native Virtual Machine snapshots.
- StartEc2InstanceSnapshotExportJobInputInput to initiate an export job for an AWS native EC2 instance.
- StartExportAwsNativeEbsVolumeSnapshotJobInputInput to initiate an export job for the AWS native EBS volume.
- StartExportAzureNativeManagedDiskJobInputInput for the job to export the specified Azure Native Managed Disk to the specified destination.
- StartExportAzureNativeVirtualMachineJobInputInput for the job to export the specified Azure Native Virtual Machine to the specified destination.
- StartExportAzureSqlDatabaseDbJobInputInput for the job to export the specified Azure SQL Database.
- StartExportAzureSqlManagedInstanceDbJobInputInput for the job to export the specified Azure SQL Managed Instance database.
- StartExportRdsInstanceJobInputInput to trigger AWS native RDS Instance export job.
- StartRecoverS3SnapshotJobInputInput for an on-demand AWS S3 snapshot recovery job.
- StartRestoreAwsNativeEc2InstanceSnapshotJobInputTrigger AWS EC2 instance snapshot restore job.
- StartThreatHuntInputThe configuration to start a hunt, including which objects, indicators of compromise, and advanced parameters.
- StartThreatHuntReplyResponse of the threat hunt request.
- StartVolumeGroupMountInputInput to mount volume group snapshot.
- StaticIpInfoSupported in v5.3+ Information about static IP configuration.
- StaticIpInfoInputSupported in v5.3+ Information about static IP configuration.
- Status
- StatusResponseGeneric status response.
- StopJobInstanceInputInput to stop a job instance.
- StorageAccount
- StorageAccountConfigItemStorage Account Config Item.
- StorageAccountEdgeWrapper around the StorageAccount object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- StorageArrayDefinitionInputSupported in v5.0+
- StorageArrayDetailSupported in v5.0+
- StorageArrayInputStorage array input in a cluster.
- StorageArrayOperationOutputTypeResult of an operation on an existing storage array in a Rubrik cluster.
- StoreMetadataSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Metadata for mosaic store.
- StrainInfoInformation about list of strains identified.
- SubjectContextTODO(SPARK-442704) remove graphql annotations; this type should not be a part of external API
- SubmitTprRequestInputSubmit a TPR request.
- Subnet
- SubnetEdgeWrapper around the Subnet object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SubnetGroupRepresents a subnet group on AWS.
- SuccessContains the success details about Rubrik Backup Service connectivity jobs.
- SupportPortalLoginInputInput for Rubrik Support portal login.
- SupportPortalStatusReplySupport portal user session status.
- SupportTunnelInfoSupported in v5.0+
- SupportUserAccessSupport user access object details.
- SupportUserAccessEdgeWrapper around the SupportUserAccess object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SupportUserAccessFilterInputInput for SupportUserAccess query filter.
- SuspiciousFileInfoInformation about the suspicious file.
- SyncedClusterCluster information synced for role.
- SyncedClusterEdgeWrapper around the SyncedCluster object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- SyslogCertificateInfo
- SyslogCertificateInfoInputInput for retrieving syslog information.
- SyslogExportRuleFullSupported in v5.1+
- SyslogExportRuleFullInputSupported in v5.1+
- SyslogExportRulePartialInputSupported in v5.1+
- SyslogExportRuleSummarySupported in v5.1+
- SyslogExportRuleSummaryListResponseSupported in v5.1+
- SyslogServerTestResultSupported in v5.0+
- TagRepresents a tag key-value pair of an AWS resource.
- TagFilterParamsTag filter parameters.
- TagInputInput for tag.
- TagObjectKey-value pair of string.
- TagRuleEffectiveSlaRepresents the SLA Domain ID and name.
- TagRuleTagTag represents a tag key-value pair.
- TagTypeRepresents tag key-value pair.
- TakeManagedVolumeOnDemandSnapshotInfoAdditional info for `TAKE_MANAGED_VOLUME_ON_DEMAND_SNAPSHOT` jobs.
- TakeManagedVolumeOnDemandSnapshotInputInput for api call to take on demand snapshot of a Managed Volume.
- TakeMssqlLogBackupInputInput for taking a SQL Server log backup.
- TakeOnDemandOracleDatabaseSnapshotInput
- TakeOnDemandOracleLogSnapshotInput
- TakeOnDemandSnapshotErrorRepresents the error in response to triggering the on-demand snapshot of the workload.
- TakeOnDemandSnapshotInputInput for taking on demand snapshot.
- TargetTarget information used for archival or replication.
- TargetEdgeWrapper around the Target object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- TargetFilterInputFilter for target query request.
- TargetMappingTarget mapping information.
- TargetMappingBasicInformation about the target mapping identifier.
- TargetMappingFilterInputFilter for target mapping query request.
- TargetStorageAccountConfigInputInput required to upload a database snapshot to an Azure storage account.
- TargetToClusterMappingInput for target and cluster mapping.
- TaskchainTaskchain.
- TaskDetailTask details.
- TaskDetailChart
- TaskDetailClusterType
- TaskDetailEdgeWrapper around the TaskDetail object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- TaskDetailFilterInputFilter task detail
- TaskDetailGroupByTask detail with groupby info applied to it.
- TaskDetailGroupByEdgeWrapper around the TaskDetailGroupBy object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- TaskDetailObjectType
- TaskDetailTable
- TaskSummaryChart
- TaskSummaryTable
- TeamsChannelInfoRepresents the Teams Channels to/from be restored.
- TeamsConvChannelInfoRepresents the Teams Channels to/from be restored.
- TeamsConversationsSearchFilterParameters for teams conversations search.
- TeamsConversationsSearchFilterJsonRepresents the teams conversations search filter.
- TemplateInfoSubscription message template information.
- TestSyslogExportRuleInputInput for testing a syslog export rule.
- TestWebhookInputWebhook configuration to test.
- ThreatHuntRepresents the configuration and statistics for a threat hunt.
- ThreatHuntConfigConfig as the input to start a threat hunt.
- ThreatHuntDetailsDetails for the threat hunt.
- ThreatHuntEdgeWrapper around the ThreatHunt object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ThreatHuntResultRepresents the configuration and results for a threat hunt.
- ThreatHuntResultObjectsSummarySummary of a threat hunt for an object.
- ThreatHuntResultSnapshotStatsSummary of a threat hunt for a snapshot.
- ThreatHuntSummaryReplyResponse to the threat hunt summary request.
- ThreatMonitoringEnablementStatusInputThreat Monitoring enablement status.
- TimeFilterInput
- TimelineCountEntryCapture workload counts for each day.
- TimelineEntry
- TimeSeriesResult
- TprPolicyDetailResponse for getting the TPR Policy detail.
- TprPolicyFilterInputFilter for TPR policies.
- TprPolicyObjectThe object protected by the TPR policy.
- TprPolicyObjectInputThe object protected by the TPR policy.
- TprPolicySummaryTPR policy summary.
- TprReplicationPairDetails of the replication pair, including the names of the source and target clusters.
- TprReqStatusChangeChange to the status of a TPR request.
- TprRequestDetailDetails of a TPR request.
- TprRequestDetailReplyReply for getting TPR Request Detail.
- TprRequestedChangeEntryChanged entry in a TPR request.
- TprRequestFilterInputInput for filtering TPR requests.
- TprRequestSummaryUsed in bulk query for TPR requests.
- TprRequestSummaryEdgeWrapper around the TprRequestSummary object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- TprRoleEligibilityTypeTPR role assignment eligibility reply.
- TprStatusForNodeRemovalThe status of a TPR request for node removal or replacement.
- TprStatusForNodeRemovalInputRequest parameters for checking and updating the TPR request for node removal.
- TriggerCloudComputeConnectivityCheckInputInput to trigger cloud compute connectivity check.
- TriggeredTprPolicyPolicy triggered by a TPR request.
- TriggerExocomputeHealthCheckInputInput to initiate Exocompute health check.
- TriggerExocomputeHealthCheckReplyResponse for Exocompute health check job submission.
- TriggerRansomwareDetectionInputRequest to initiate a ransomware detection job on a snapshot.
- TriggerRansomwareDetectionReplyLambda job information on certain cluster.
- UnconfigureSapHanaRestoreInputInput for removing SAP HANA database configuration after restore.
- UnidirectionalReplicationSpecUnidirectional replication specification.
- UnidirectionalReplicationSpecInputUnidirectional replication specification.
- UninstallIoFilterInput
- UnlockUsersByAdminInputSpecifies the information about the users being unlocked.
- UnmanagedObjectDetailUnmanagedObjectDetails.
- UnmanagedObjectDetailEdgeWrapper around the UnmanagedObjectDetail object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- UnmanagedObjectsInputInput to query unmanaged objects.
- UnmapAzurePersistentStorageSubscriptionInputInput to check if we can unmap archival location from subscription.
- UnmountInfoAdditional info for `VOLUME_GROUP_UNMOUNT` jobs.
- UpdateAdGroupInputConfiguration for the update of a AD group in M365.
- UpdateAuthDomainUsersHiddenStatusInputSpecifies the information about the auth domain users to be hidden or unhidden.
- UpdateAutoEnablePolicyClusterConfigInputInput to update Rubrik cluster configuration.
- UpdateAutoEnablePolicyClusterConfigReplyRepresents updated Rubrik cluster configuration.
- UpdateAutomaticAwsTargetMappingInputInput to edit AWS automatic target mapping.
- UpdateAutomaticAzureTargetMappingInputInput to edit Azure automatic target mapping.
- UpdateAwsAccountInputInput for editing an AWS account.
- UpdateAwsCloudAccountFeatureInputInput to update an AWS account.
- UpdateAwsCloudAccountFeatureReplyResponse of the operation to update an AWS cloud account.
- UpdateAwsCloudAccountInputInput to update the AWS account.
- UpdateAwsComputeSettingInputInput to edit AWS cloud compute setting.
- UpdateAwsIamPairInputInput to update the AWS IAM pair.
- UpdateAwsTargetInputInput to edit AWS target.
- UpdateAzureAccountInputInput for editing an Azure account.
- UpdateAzureCloudAccountStatusStatus of the operation to Update Azure Cloud Account.
- UpdateAzureTargetInputInput to edit Azure target.
- UpdateBadDiskLedStatusInput
- UpdateBadDiskLedStatusReplySupported in v5.1+ Result of running the find_bad_disk script.
- UpdateCertificateHostInputUpdate certificate of a host.
- UpdateCloudNativeAwsStorageSettingInputInput to update a storage setting for AWS.
- UpdateCloudNativeAzureStorageSettingInputInput for updating azure storage settings. Specify old value of the property if no change is intended on the property.
- UpdateCloudNativeLabelRuleInputInput required to update a cloud-native label rule.
- UpdateCloudNativeRcvAzureStorageSettingInputInput for updating an existing Rubrik Cloud Vault Azure storage setting.
- UpdateCloudNativeTagRuleInputInput required to update a cloud-native tag rule.
- UpdateClusterDefaultAddressInputObject containing the new address of the Rubrik cluster.
- UpdateClusterNtpServersInput
- UpdateClusterPauseStatusInputInput to pause or resume a list of Rubrik clusters.
- UpdateClusterSettingsInputInput for updating cluster settings.
- UpdateClusterSettingsReplyResponse from updating CDM cluster settings.
- UpdateConfiguredGroupInputConfiguration for the update of a configured group in O365.
- UpdateCustomIntelFeedInputInput request for update custom intel feed.
- UpdateCustomReportReplyMetadata for rendering a custom report.
- UpdateDatabaseLogReportingPropertiesForClusterInputInput for updating the database log reporting notifications settings for a cluster.
- UpdateDistributionListDigestInputInformation required to save a distribution list digest.
- UpdateDnsServersAndSearchDomainsInputInput for updateDnsServersAndSearchDomains.
- UpdateEventDigestInputInformation required to save an event digest.
- UpdateFailoverClusterAppInputInput for V1UpdateFailoverClusterApp.
- UpdateFailoverClusterInputInput for V1UpdateFailoverCluster.
- UpdateFilesetInput
- UpdateFloatingIpsInput
- UpdateFloatingIpsReplySupported in v5.0+
- UpdateGcpTargetInputInput for editing the GCP Target.
- UpdateGlacierTargetInputInput for editing a legacy Glacier Reader Target.
- UpdateGlobalCertificateInputInput to add a global certificate.
- UpdateGlobalSlaInputInput to update SLA Domain.
- UpdateGuestCredentialInput
- UpdateHealthMonitorPolicyStatusInput
- UpdateHypervScvmmUpdatePropertiesInputSupported in v5.0+
- UpdateHypervVirtualMachineInputInput for updating the Hyper-V virtual machine with the specified properties.
- UpdateHypervVirtualMachineReplySupported in v5.0+
- UpdateHypervVirtualMachineSnapshotMountInputInput for updating the Hyper-V virtual machine Live Mount with the specified properties.
- UpdateIndexingStatusErrorRepresents the error type resulting from the request to update indexing status.
- UpdateInsightStateInputInput required to toggle the dismissal state of an insight.
- UpdateIntegrationInputHolds the input to an update integration request.
- UpdateK8sClusterInputInput for updating a Kubernetes cluster.
- UpdateK8sProtectionSetInputInput for updating a Kubernetes protection set.
- UpdateManagedIdentitiesReplyTransition to managed identities reply.
- UpdateManagedVolumeInputInput for api call to update a Managed Volume.
- UpdateManagedVolumeReplySupported in v5.0+
- UpdateManualTargetMappingInputInput to edit manual target mapping.
- UpdateMssqlDefaultPropertiesInputInput for UpdateMssqlDefaultProperties.
- UpdateMssqlLogShippingConfigurationInputInput for UpdateMssqlLogShippingConfiguration.
- UpdateMssqlLogShippingConfigurationV1InputInput for MssqlUpdateLogShippingConfig.
- UpdateNasNamespaceInputInputSupported in v8.1+ Input to update a NAS namespace.
- UpdateNasShareInputSupported in v8.1+ Input to update a manually added NAS share.
- UpdateNasSystemInputInput to update a NAS system.
- UpdateNasSystemReplySupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Basic information regarding a NAS system.
- UpdateNetworkThrottleInputInput to update network throttle.
- UpdateNetworkThrottleReplyResponse to update network throttle.
- UpdateNfsTargetInputInput to edit NFS archival location.
- UpdateNutanixClusterInputInput for patching a Nutanix cluster.
- UpdateNutanixClusterReplySupported in v5.0+
- UpdateNutanixPrismCentralInputInput for patching a Nutanix Prism Central.
- UpdateNutanixPrismCentralReplyResponse for the update Nutanix Prism Central operation.
- UpdateNutanixVmInputInput for patching a Nutanix virtual machine.
- UpdateO365AppAuthStatusInputInput for updating O365 App authentication status.
- UpdateO365AppPermissionsInputInput for updating O365 app permissions.
- UpdateO365OrgCustomNameInputConfiguration for updating an O365 organization custom name.
- UpdateO365OrgCustomNameReplyUpdate O365 Org custom name response.
- UpdateOracleDataGuardGroupInput
- UpdateOrgInputUpdate organization details.
- UpdateOrgReplyUUID of updated organization.
- UpdatePolicyInput
- UpdateProxyConfigInput
- UpdateProxyConfigReplySupported in v5.0+
- UpdateRcsAutomaticTargetMappingInputInput to update RCS automatic target mapping.
- UpdateRcvTargetInputInput for the Rubrik Cloud Vault Azure update request.
- UpdateReplicationNetworkThrottleBypassInputInput for network throttle bypass update request.
- UpdateS3CompatibleTargetInputInput to edit S3 compatible target.
- UpdateServiceAccountInputInput parameters for updating service accounts.
- UpdateServiceAccountReplyUpdated service account details.
- UpdateSnmpConfigInputInput for updating an SNMP configuration.
- UpdateStorageArrayInputDetails of the storage array to be updated.
- UpdateStorageArrayReplyTypeResult of a storage array update operation in a Rubrik Cluster.
- UpdateSupportUserAccessInputInput for updating a Rubrik Support representative's access to the customer account.
- UpdateSyslogExportRuleInputInput for updating a syslog export rule.
- UpdateTapeTargetInputInput for updating a Tape archival location.
- UpdateTprConfigurationInputUpdating TPR configuration request.
- UpdateTprPolicyDataMangementClusterReqChangesTemplateTPR requested changes template for updating TPR data management by cluster policies.
- UpdateTprPolicyDataMangementObjectReqChangesTemplateTPR requested changes template for updating TPR data management by object policies.
- UpdateTprPolicyDataMangementSlaReqChangesTemplateTPR requested changes template for updating TPR data management by SLA domain policies.
- UpdateTprPolicyInputUpdate a TPR policy.
- UpdateTprPolicySystemConfigReqChangesTemplateTPR requested changes template for updating TPR system configuration policies.
- UpdateTunnelStatusInputInput for enabling or disabling the SSH Tunnel for Support Access.
- UpdateVcenterHotAddBandwidthInput
- UpdateVcenterHotAddNetworkInput
- UpdateVcenterInput
- UpdateVcenterV2InputInput for update the vSphere vCenter.
- UpdateVlanInput
- UpdateVmAgentDeploymentSettingInput
- UpdateVolumeGroupInputInput to update protection settings for volume group.
- UpdateVolumeGroupReplySupported in v5.0+
- UpdateVsphereAdvancedTagInput
- UpdateVsphereVmInput
- UpdateVsphereVmNewInputSupported in v9.2+. Update a virtual machine with specified properties. Use the guestCredential field to update the guest credential for a specified virtual machine.
- UpdateWebhookInputWebhook configuration to update.
- UpgradeAwsCloudAccountFeaturesWithoutCftInputInput to update status of features of AWS cloud account to connected from update permissions state.
- UpgradeAwsIamUserBasedCloudAccountPermissionsInputInput to set status of IAM user-based AWS cloud account to connected from update permissions state.
- UpgradeAzureCloudAccountInputInput for upgrading an Azure Cloud Account.
- UpgradeAzureCloudAccountStatusStatus of the operation to Azure Cloud Account Upgrade permission.
- UpgradeCdmManagedTargetInputInput for upgrading archival locations managed through a Rubrik cluster.
- UpgradeIoFilterInput
- UpgradeJobReplyStart upgrade job response.
- UpgradeJobReplyWithUuidStart upgrade batch job response.
- UpgradeRecommendationInfoUpgrade recommendation information.
- UpgradeStatusReplyUpgrade status response.
- UserUser account details.
- UserActivityResultRepresents the activity for a specific user.
- UserActivityResultEdgeWrapper around the UserActivityResult object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- UserAuditAn audit triggered by a user.
- UserAuditChart
- UserAuditEdgeWrapper around the UserAudit object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- UserAuditFilterFilter user audit data.
- UserAuditTable
- UserCredentialsThe username and password of the user to authenticate the endpoint.
- UserDownload
- UserDownloadUrl
- UserEdgeWrapper around the User object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- UserFilterInputInput for filtering a list of users.
- UserGroupSummarySummary of group information.
- UserGroupToRolesInput
- UserInviteInputDetails of the user invitation.
- UserLoginContextCurrent user login context.
- UserNotificationsAn object representing product notifications.
- UserSettingUser settings represented by key-value pairs for the predefined keys in Rubrik.
- UserSummarySummary of user information.
- UserTimeRangeInput
- ValidateAndCreateAwsCloudAccountInputInput to validate and set up an AWS account.
- ValidateAndInitiateAwsOutpostAccountInputInput to validate and set up an AWS Outpost account.
- ValidateAndSaveCustomerKmsInfoInputConfiguration to validate and save the customer's Azure KMS.
- ValidateAndSaveCustomerKmsInfoReplyResponse indicating if the KMS details are valid.
- ValidateAwsNativeRdsClusterNameForExportReplyDescribes whether the RDS cluster name is valid for export.
- ValidateAwsNativeRdsInstanceNameForExportReplyValidate AWS RDS Instance name for export.
- ValidateAzureNativeSqlDatabaseDbNameForExportReplyValidate Azure SQL Database name for export.
- ValidateAzureNativeSqlManagedInstanceDbNameForExportReplyValidate Azure SQL Mananged Instance Database name for export.
- ValidateOracleAcoFileInput
- ValidateOracleAcoFileReplySupported in v6.0+
- ValidateOracleDatabaseBackupsInput
- ValidateOrgNameInputInput required for tenant organization name validation.
- ValidateOrgNameReplyReply for organization name validation.
- ValidationRecoveryReplyResult of validating cloud cluster recover request.
- ValidationReplyResult of validating cloud cluster create request.
- ValidReplicationSourceThe valid replication source Rubrik cluster-specific information.
- ValidReplicationSourceEdgeWrapper around the ValidReplicationSource object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ValidReplicationTargetThe valid replication target Rubrik cluster-specific information.
- ValidReplicationTargetEdgeWrapper around the ValidReplicationTarget object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- Value
- ValueBoolean
- ValueDateTime
- ValueFloat
- ValueInteger
- ValueLong
- ValueNull
- ValueString
- VappAppMetadataVcd vApp related app metadata for a snapshot.
- VappNetworkSummarySupported in v5.0+
- VappSnapshotInstantRecoveryOptionsInputInput for vApp snapshot instant recovery options.
- VappTemplateExportOptionsSupported in v5.1+
- VappTemplateSnapshotExportOptionsInputInput for getting vApp template snapshot export options.
- VappVmNetworkConnectionSupported in v5.0+
- VappVmNetworkConnectionInputSupported in v5.0+
- VappVmRestoreSpecSupported in v5.0+
- VappVmRestoreSpecInputSupported in v5.0+
- Vcd
- VcdCatalogDescendantType
- VcdCatalogLogicalChildType
- VcdDescendantType
- VcdDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the VcdDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VcdLogicalChildType
- VcdLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the VcdLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VcdOrg
- VcdOrgDescendantType
- VcdOrgDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the VcdOrgDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VcdOrgLogicalChildType
- VcdOrgLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the VcdOrgLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VcdOrgVdc
- VcdOrgVdcDescendantType
- VcdOrgVdcDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the VcdOrgVdcDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VcdOrgVdcLogicalChildType
- VcdOrgVdcLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the VcdOrgVdcLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VcdOrgVdcStorageProfileSupported in v5.0+
- VcdTopLevelDescendantType
- VcdVapp
- VcdVappDescendantTypeVCD vApp descendant.
- VcdVappLogicalChildType
- VcdVappLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the VcdVappLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VcdVcenterConnectionInfoInformation about the child virtual machines that belong to the vCD vApp.
- VcdVimServer
- VcdVmInfoInformation about the child virtual machines that belong to the vCD vApp.
- VcenterAsyncRequestStatusInputInput for getting the async status of Vcenter request.
- VcenterConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- VcenterConfigV2InputSupported in v5.3+
- VcenterConnectionConfigInputSupported in v6.0+
- VcenterDiagnosticRefreshInfoAdditional info for `VCENTER_DIAGNOSTIC_REFRESH` jobs.
- VcenterPatchSupported in v5.0+
- VcenterPreAddConfigInputSupported in v6.0+
- VcenterProxyVmsFilterInputFilter for vcenter hotadd proxy virtual machine results.
- VcenterSummarySupported in v5.0+
- VcenterSummaryV2Supported in v8.1+
- VcenterUpdateConfigV2InputSupported in v8.1+
- VerifyTotpInputInput required for verifying TOTP.
- VersionedFile
- VersionedFileEdgeWrapper around the VersionedFile object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VersionInputSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Mosaic management object version.
- VirtualMachineFileInfoVirtual Machine file info.
- VirtualMachineFilesInputInput for getting all Virtual Machine files.
- VirtualMachineFilesReplyList of Virtual Machine file info.
- VirtualMachineScriptDetailSupported in v5.0+
- VirtualMachineScriptDetailInputSupported in v5.0+
- VirtualMachineSummarySupported in v5.0+
- VirtualMachineUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- VirtualMachineUpdateWithSecretInputSupported in v5.0+
- VirtualMachineUpdateWithSecretV2InputSupported in v9.2+. Update a virtual machine with specified properties. Use the guestCredential field to update the guest credential for a specified virtual machine.
- VlanConfigSupported in v5.0+
- VlanConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- VlanConfigListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- VlanIpInputDetails of VLAN IP.
- VmAppConsistentSpecsInternalVm Application Consistency Specs Info
- VmDownloadLocationDetailsInputDetails of the virtual machine to be used as the download location.
- VmMakePrimaryInputIDs of vSphere virtual machines whose RBS installation needs to be switched to a different primary Rubrik cluster.
- VmNetworkConnectionNetwork connection info for virtual machine.
- VmPathPointSupported in v5.0+
- VmRecoveryJobInfoChild VM recovery jobs info for a recovery.
- VmwareCdpLiveInfoSupported in v5.1+
- VmwareCdpStateInfoSupported in v5.3+
- VmwareDatastoreFreespaceThresholdSupported in v5.3+
- VmwareDatastoreFreespaceThresholdInputSupported in v5.3+
- VmwareDeviceKeywithNetworkNameV2InputSupported in v9.0+ VMware network device key and the network name.
- VmwareDownloadSnapshotFromLocationInput
- VmwareHostDetailSupported in v5.0+
- VmwareHostSummarySupported in v5.0+
- VmwareHostUpdateSupported in v5.0+
- VmwareMissedRecoverableRangesInputInput for getting missed recoverable ranges of a Virtual Machine.
- VmwareNetworkDeviceInfoVmware Network Device Info.
- VmwareNetworkDeviceInfoV2InputSupported in v6.0+
- VmwareNetworkInfoV2InputSupported in v6.0+
- VmwareRecoverableRangeListResponseSupported in v5.1+
- VmwareRecoverableRangesInputInput for getting recoverable ranges of a Virtual Machine.
- VmwareSnapshotDownloadRequestInputSupported in v7.0+
- VmwareStorageIdWithDeviceKeyV2InputSupported in Rubrik CDM version 9.0 and later. The VMware disk device key and the storage location ID it belongs to.
- VmwareUpdateSnapshotConsistencyJobConfigInputInput for job config for updating snapshot consistency mandate.
- VmwareVmMountSummaryV1Supported in v5.0+
- VmwareVmNetworkInterfaceNetwork interface for a virtual machine.
- VmwareVmRecoverableRangesSupported in v5.3+
- VmwareVmSubObjectA virtual disk captured in a VMware virtual machine snapshot.
- Vnet
- VnetEdgeWrapper around the Vnet object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VolumeGroupDetailInfoSupported in v9.2+
- VolumeGroupDownloadFilesJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- VolumeGroupLiveMountVolume group live mount.
- VolumeGroupLiveMountEdgeWrapper around the VolumeGroupLiveMount object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VolumeGroupLiveMountFilterInputFilter volume group live mount results.
- VolumeGroupMountSnapshotJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- VolumeGroupOnDemandSnapshotConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- VolumeGroupPatchInputSupported in v5.0+
- VolumeGroupRestoreFileConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- VolumeGroupRestoreFilesConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- VolumeGroupSnapshotDownloadConfigInputSupported in v7.0+
- VolumeGroupSnapshotVolumeSummarySupported in v5.0+
- VolumeGroupSubObjectA volume captured in a volume group snapshot.
- VolumeGroupSummarySupported in v5.0+
- VolumeGroupUnmountInfoAdditional info for `VOLUME_GROUP_UNMOUNT` jobs.
- VolumeGroupVolumeMountConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- VolumeIdExclusionExclusion status of AWS EBS volumes.
- VsphereAsyncRequestStatusThe status of the async CDM request.
- VsphereBulkOnDemandSnapshotInputInput to trigger on demand snapshot for multiple virtual machines.
- VsphereComputeCluster
- VsphereComputeClusterDescendantType
- VsphereComputeClusterDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereComputeClusterDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereComputeClusterEdgeWrapper around the VsphereComputeCluster object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereComputeClusterPhysicalChildType
- VsphereComputeClusterPhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereComputeClusterPhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereContentLibraryDescendantTypeVsphere content library descendant type information.
- VsphereContentLibraryLibraryChildTypeVsphere content library logical child type information.
- VsphereDatacenter
- VsphereDatacenterDescendantType
- VsphereDatacenterDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereDatacenterDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereDatacenterFolderDescendantTypeVsphere datacenter folder descendant type information.
- VsphereDatacenterFolderLogicalChildTypeVsphere datacenter folder logical child type information.
- VsphereDatacenterFolderPhysicalChildTypeVsphere datacenter folder physical child type information.
- VsphereDatacenterLogicalChildType
- VsphereDatacenterLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereDatacenterLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereDatacenterPhysicalChildType
- VsphereDatacenterPhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereDatacenterPhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereDatastoreVsphere datastore.
- VsphereDatastoreClusterVsphere datastore cluster.
- VsphereDatastoreClusterDescendantType
- VsphereDatastoreClusterDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereDatastoreClusterDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereDatastoreClusterEdgeWrapper around the VsphereDatastoreCluster object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereDatastoreClusterPhysicalChildType
- VsphereDatastoreClusterPhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereDatastoreClusterPhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereDatastoreEdgeWrapper around the VsphereDatastore object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereDeleteVcenterInputInput for deleting vSphere vCenter.
- VsphereExportSnapshotToStandaloneHostV2InputInput for exporting snapshot to standalone host.
- VsphereFileRestoreInfoAdditional info for `VSPHERE_RESTORE_FILE_TO_VM` jobs.
- VsphereFolder
- VsphereFolderDescendantType
- VsphereFolderDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereFolderDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereFolderEdgeWrapper around the VsphereFolder object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereFolderLogicalChildType
- VsphereFolderLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereFolderLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereHost
- VsphereHostDescendantType
- VsphereHostDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereHostDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereHostEdgeWrapper around the VsphereHost object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereHostPhysicalChildType
- VsphereHostPhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereHostPhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereLinkA link with href and rel properties.
- VsphereLiveMountLive Mount of a vSphere Virtual Machine.
- VsphereLiveMountEdgeWrapper around the VsphereLiveMount object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereLiveMountFilterInputFilter vSphere Live Mount results.
- VsphereLoginInfoInputSupported in v5.0+
- VsphereMountMount of vSphere virtual machine.
- VsphereMountEdgeWrapper around the VsphereMount object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VSphereMountFilter
- VsphereNetwork
- VsphereOnDemandSnapshotInputInput for tqaking on demand snapshot of vSphere virtual machine.
- VsphereProxyVmInfoHotAdd proxy virtual machine information.
- VsphereProxyVmInfoEdgeWrapper around the VsphereProxyVmInfo object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereProxyVmNetworkInfoNetwork information for the HotAdd proxy virtual machine.
- VsphereProxyVmStaticIpInfoInformation about static IP configuration.
- VsphereRequestErrorInfoContains error information for a CDM response.
- VsphereResourcePool
- VsphereResourcePoolDescendantType
- VsphereResourcePoolDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereResourcePoolDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereResourcePoolPhysicalChildType
- VsphereResourcePoolPhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereResourcePoolPhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereTag
- VsphereTagCategory
- VsphereTagCategoryDescendantType
- VsphereTagCategoryTagChildType
- VsphereTagCategoryTagChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereTagCategoryTagChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereTagDescendantType
- VsphereTagTagChildType
- VsphereTagTagChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereTagTagChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereVcenter
- VsphereVcenterDescendantType
- VsphereVcenterDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereVcenterDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereVcenterEdgeWrapper around the VsphereVcenter object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereVcenterLibraryChildTypeVsphere vCenter library child type information.
- VsphereVcenterLibraryChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereVcenterLibraryChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereVcenterLogicalChildType
- VsphereVcenterLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereVcenterLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereVcenterPhysicalChildType
- VsphereVcenterPhysicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereVcenterPhysicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereVcenterTagChildType
- VsphereVcenterTagChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the VsphereVcenterTagChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereVirtualDiskVirtual disk of a vSphere virtual machine.
- VsphereVirtualDiskEdgeWrapper around the VsphereVirtualDisk object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereVirtualDiskFilter
- VsphereVm
- VsphereVmBatchExportInputInput for batch export snapshots for vSphere.
- VsphereVmBatchExportV3InputSupported in Rubrik CDM version 9.0 and later.
- VsphereVmBatchInPlaceRecoveryInputInput for batch in place recovery for vSphere virtual machines.
- VsphereVmDeleteSnapshotInputInput for deleting VMware snapshots.
- VsphereVmDownloadSnapshotFilesInputInput for downloading vSphere snapshot files.
- VsphereVmDownloadSnapshotInputInput for downloading vSphere snapshot from archive.
- VsphereVmEdgeWrapper around the VsphereVm object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- VsphereVmExportSnapshotV2InputInput to export snapshot for vSphere virtual machine.
- VsphereVmExportSnapshotV3InputSupported in Rubrik CDM version 9.0 and later.
- VsphereVmExportSnapshotWithDownloadFromCloudInputInput to download and export vSphere snapshot from archival.
- VsphereVmInitiateBatchInstantRecoveryInputInput for batch instant recovery for vSphere.
- VsphereVmInitiateBatchLiveMountV2InputInput for live mounting multiple vSphere snapshots.
- VsphereVmInitiateDiskMountInputInput for creating vSphere disk mount.
- VsphereVmInitiateInPlaceRecoveryInputInput for in place recovery for vSphere virtual machine.
- VsphereVmInitiateInstantRecoveryV2InputInput for instant recovery for vSphere virtual machine.
- VsphereVmInitiateLiveMountV2InputInput to initiate live mount of vSphere snapshot.
- VsphereVmListEsxiDatastoresInputInput for getting all datastores for ESXi host.
- VsphereVmListEsxiDatastoresReplySupported in v5.0+
- VsphereVmMakePrimaryInfoAdditional info for `VSPHERE_VM_MAKE_PRIMARY` jobs.
- VsphereVmMountRelocateInputInput for relocating vSphere mount.
- VsphereVmMountRelocateV2InputSupported in Rubrik CDM version 9.0 and later. Input for relocating vSphere mount.
- VsphereVmPowerOnOffLiveMountInputInput for powering vSphere mount on/off.
- VsphereVmPowerOnOffLiveMountReplySupported in v5.0+
- VsphereVmRecoverFilesNewInputInput for recovering files from snapshot.
- VsphereVmRegisterAgentInputInput to register Rubrik Backup Agent.
- VsphereVmRegisterAgentWithOrgInputInput for register vSphere agent.
- VsphereVmUpdateUnmountTimeInputInput for updating the unmount time of a Live Mount.
- WebCertificateInfoAdditional info for `CLUSTER_WEB_CERT` jobs.
- WebhookA webhook configuration in the account.
- WebhookAuthInfoV2InputThe authentication type that the endpoint uses.
- WebhookEdgeWrapper around the Webhook object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- WebhookErrorInfoThe status code and message describing an error.
- WebhookMessageTemplateWebhook Message template.
- WebhookPayloadWebhook configuration information.
- WebhookTemplateInputThe template information.
- WebhookV2Webhook configuration to add to an account.
- WebServerCertificatePayloadInputSupported in v5.2+
- WeeklyRecurrencePatternA weekly recurrence pattern (e.g. Every other Monday).
- WhitelistedAnalyzer
- WindowsClusterWindows Failover cluster.
- WindowsClusterDescendantTypeWindows Failover cluster descendant.
- WindowsClusterDescendantTypeEdgeWrapper around the WindowsClusterDescendantType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- WindowsClusterLogicalChildTypeWindows Failover cluster logical child.
- WindowsClusterLogicalChildTypeEdgeWrapper around the WindowsClusterLogicalChildType object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- WindowsFilesetWindows fileset.
- WorkloadAnomalyA workload that has a snapshot or children with anomalous activity.
- WorkloadAnomalyEdgeWrapper around the WorkloadAnomaly object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- WorkloadIdToSnapshotIdsMaps an object to targeted snapshots for the threat hunt.
- WorkloadLocationLocation of the workload.
- WorkloadOrganizationDetails of an organization associated with a workload.
- WorkloadRecoveryInfoWorkload recovery info.
- WorkloadRegionRegion of the workload.
- WorkloadRegionInputRegions for which the workloads are to be shown.
- YARAMatchDetailSupported in v6.0+
- ZeusDatabaseIdsZeus database ids.
- __DirectiveA Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and type validation behavior in a GraphQL document. In some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.
- __EnumValueOne possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is returned in a JSON response as a string.
- __FieldObject and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type.
- __InputValueArguments provided to Fields or Directives and the input fields of an InputObject are represented as Input Values which describe their type and optionally a default value.
- __TypeThe fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum. Depending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe information about that type. Scalar types provide no information beyond a name and description, while Enum types provide their values. Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.