

MFA settings to update for an account.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input SetMfaSettingInput {
  • # Optional boolean value indicating whether TOTP is globally enforced. If omitted,
  • # existing value of the setting is kept.
  • isTotpEnforcedGlobal: Boolean
  • # Optional integer value indicating the period of showing TOTP configuration
  • # reminder in hours. If omitted, existing value of the setting is kept.
  • totpReminderHours: Int
  • # Optional integer value indicating the time of remembering the MFA login in
  • # hours. If omitted, existing value of the setting is kept.
  • mfaRememberHours: Int
  • # Optional. New passkey configuration.
  • passkeyConfig: PasskeyConfigInput
  • # Optional. Should passkeys be deleted?
  • deletePasskeys: Boolean
  • }

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