

Supported in v5.0+

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input VolumeGroupVolumeMountConfigInput {
  • # Supported in v5.0+
  • # v5.0-v9.1: The path on the Host on which the Volume will be mounted. It must be
  • # either an untaken drive letter name, a directory that does not exist but on a
  • # valid drive letter, or an empty directory that already exists.
  • # v9.2+: The path on the host on which the volume is mounted. It must be an unused
  • # drive letter name, a directory that does not exist but on a valid drive letter,
  • # or an empty directory that already exists.
  • mountPointOnHost: String
  • # Required. Supported in v5.0+
  • # ID of the Volume to mount.
  • volumeId: String!
  • }