Replication pair specific information.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type ReplicationPair {
- # Storage (in bytes) consumed on target cluster by replicated snapshots.
- Long! :
- # Connection status of the replication pair (active, disconnected, or paused).
- ReplicationPairConnectionStatus! :
- # Represents replication pair pause enablement status.
- Boolean! :
- # Network throttle details for source Rubrik cluster.
- NetworkThrottle :
- # Configuration details about the replication pair of Rubrik clusters.
- ReplicationPairConfigDetails :
- # Running replication task count.
- Long :
- # Failed replication task count in last 24 hours.
- Long :
- # Source Rubrik cluster details.
- ReplicationCluster! :
- # Target Rubrik cluster details.
- ReplicationCluster! :
- # Additional information about the connection status of the replication pair
- # Rubrik clusters.
- ConnectionStatusDetails! :
- }
link Require by
- ReplicationPairConnectionPaginated list of ReplicationPair objects. Each page of the results includes at most 1000 entries. Query the `pageInfo.hasNextPage` field to know whether all objects were returned.
- ReplicationPairEdgeWrapper around the ReplicationPair object. This wrapper is used for pagination.