

Cloud Direct NAS Share object.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type CloudDirectNasShare implements CloudDirectHierarchyWorkload, CloudDirectHierarchyObject, HierarchyObject, CloudDirectNasSystemDescendantType, CloudDirectNasSystemLogicalChildType, CloudDirectNasNamespaceDescendantType, CloudDirectNasNamespaceLogicalChildType {
  • # Cloud Direct NAS Cluster ID.
  • clusterUuid: UUID!
  • # Cloud Direct NAS Share path.
  • exportPath: String!
  • # Cloud Direct NAS Share NAS protocol.
  • protocol: String!
  • # Cloud Direct NAS Share Protecting Policy name.
  • ncdPolicyName: String!
  • # SystemID of the system the Cloud Direct NAS Share belongs.
  • systemId: UUID!
  • # NamespaceID of the namespace(if any) to which the Cloud Direct NAS Share belongs
  • # to.
  • namespaceId: String
  • # Specifies whether the share is archived.
  • isArchived: Boolean!
  • # Specifies whether the share is a hidden.
  • isHidden: Boolean!
  • # Specifies whether the share is stale.
  • isStale: Boolean!
  • # Specifies whether the share is a relic.
  • isRelic: Boolean!
  • # Specifies whether the share was added manually by the user.
  • isNasShareManuallyAdded: Boolean!
  • # UUID of the Cloud Direct NAS Share on the NCD Cluster.
  • cloudDirectId: String!
  • # Object ID.
  • id: UUID!
  • # Cluster from which this workload originated.
  • cluster: Cluster!
  • # Name of the hierarchy object.
  • name: String!
  • # Type of this object.
  • objectType: HierarchyObjectTypeEnum!
  • # SLA Domain assignment type for this object.
  • slaAssignment: SlaAssignmentTypeEnum!
  • # Effective SLA Domain of the hierarchy object.
  • effectiveSlaDomain: SlaDomain!
  • # Pause status of the effective SLA Domain of the hierarchy object.
  • slaPauseStatus: Boolean!
  • # Distribution of the snapshots of the hierarchy object.
  • snapshotDistribution: SnapshotDistribution!
  • # Effective retention of the SLA Domain of the hierarchy object.
  • effectiveRetentionSlaDomain: SlaDomain
  • # SLA Domain configured for the hierarchy object.
  • configuredSlaDomain: SlaDomain!
  • # Path node of the effective SLA Domain source.
  • effectiveSlaSourceObject: PathNode
  • # Sequential list of this object's logical ancestors.
  • logicalPath: [PathNode!]!
  • # Sequential list of this object's physical ancestors.
  • physicalPath: [PathNode!]!
  • # Number of descendant workloads of this object.
  • numWorkloadDescendants: Int!
  • # Organizations to which this hierarchy object belongs.
  • allOrgs: [Org!]!
  • # Security posture metadata.
  • securityMetadata: SecurityMetadata
  • }

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