Supported in v5.0+
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type BaseSnapshotSummary {
- # Supported in v5.0+
- String!]! : [
- # Supported in v5.0+
- # v5.0-v5.3: Integer value that represents the archival state of a snapshot. 0
- # means the snapshot is not archived. 2 means the snapshot is archived. 3 means
- # the snapshot is downloaded from the archival location. 4 means the snapshot is
- # in the process of being downloaded from the archival location. 6 means the
- # snapshot is stored locally and at the archival location.
- # v6.0-v7.0: Integer value that represents the archival state of a snapshot. 0
- # means the snapshot is not archived. 2 means the snapshot is archived. 3 means
- # the snapshot is downloaded from the archival location. 4 means the snapshot is
- # in the process of being downloaded from the archival location. 6 means the
- # snapshot is stored locally and at the archival location.
- #
- # v8.0+: Integer value that represents the archival state of a snapshot. 0 means
- # the snapshot is not archived to any archival location. 2 means the snapshot is
- # archived to any archival location. 3 means the snapshot is downloaded from the
- # archival location. 4 means the snapshot is in the process of being downloaded
- # from the archival location. 6 means the snapshot is stored locally and at least
- # on one of the archival locations.
- Long :
- # Supported in v5.0+
- String :
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- DateTime :
- # Supported in v5.0+
- DateTime :
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- String! :
- # Supported in v5.0+
- # Integer value representing the state of the indexing job for a snapshot. 0 means
- # that the indexing has not begun or is in progress. 1 means indexing completed
- # successfully. 2 means that the indexer failed to process this snapshot.
- Long :
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- Boolean! :
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- String!]! : [
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- # v5.0-v5.1:
- # v5.2+: (Deprecated) For a policy based snapshot this parameter contains the ID
- # of the SLA Domain currently assigned to the data source of that snapshot. For an
- # on demand snapshot this field corresponds to the SLA Domain that was assigned
- # when the snapshot was taken. A data source, and individual snapshots, can be
- # reassigned to a different SLA Domain, or the SLA Domain can be modified. In any
- # of these cases this parameter can contain a stale and incorrect value. To view
- # retention information for this snapshot, use snapshotRetentionInfo instead.
- String! :
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- # v5.0-v5.1:
- # v5.2+: (Deprecated) For a policy based snapshot this parameter contains the name
- # of the SLA Domain currently assigned to the data source of that snapshot. For an
- # on demand snapshot this field corresponds to the SLA Domain that was assigned
- # when the snapshot was taken. A data source, and individual snapshots, can be
- # reassigned to a different SLA Domain, or the SLA Domain can be modified. In any
- # of these cases this parameter can contain a stale and incorrect value. To view
- # retention information for this snapshot, use snapshotRetentionInfo instead.
- String! :
- # Supported in v5.0+
- String :
- # Supported in v5.1+
- # v5.1: A Boolean that indicates whether the snapshot is being retained under a
- # Retention Lock SLA Domain. When this value is 'true,' the snapshot is being
- # retained under a Retention Lock SLA Domain.
- # v5.2+: A Boolean that indicates whether the snapshot is being retained under a
- # Retention Lock SLA Domain. When this value is 'true', the snapshot is being
- # retained under a Retention Lock SLA Domain.
- Boolean :
- # Supported in v5.2+
- # A Boolean that indicates whether or not custom retention is applied to the
- # snapshot.
- Boolean :
- # Supported in v5.2+
- # A Boolean that indicates whether the snapshot is placed on Legal Hold. When this
- # value is 'true', the snapshot is placed on Legal Hold.
- Boolean :
- # Supported in v5.2+
- # ID of the parent snapshot if the current snapshot is a child snapshot. Child
- # snapshots are snapshots of objects that are part of an app, either a vCloud
- # Director vApp or an AppBlueprint. Snapshots of the app are parent snapshots.
- String :
- SnapshotCloudStorageTier :
- # Supported in v5.2+
- # Snapshot retention related information for local, archival and replication
- # locations.
- SnapshotRetentionInfo :
- # Supported in v8.0+
- # A list of those archival location entries where cloudStorageTier is applicable.
- PerLocationCloudStorageTier!]! : [
- }
link Require by
- FilesetSnapshotSummarySupported in v5.0+
- K8sSnapshotSummarySupported in v9.0+ v9.0: Properties of the Kubernetes resource set workload snapshot. v9.1+: Properties of the Kubernetes protection set workload snapshot.
- ManagedVolumeSnapshotSummarySupported in v5.0+ v5.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Summary of the managed volume snapshot.
- NutanixVmSnapshotSummarySupported in v5.0+
- OracleDbSnapshotSummarySupported in v5.0+