Input to trigger AWS native RDS Instance export job.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input StartExportRdsInstanceJobInput {
- # Rubrik ID of the RDS Instance to be exported.
- UUID! :
- # Specifies whether the export of the instance is from snapshot or point-in-time.
- Boolean! :
- # ID of the snapshot if the export is from snapshot.
- String :
- # Export timestamp for Point in Time recovery of the instance.
- DateTime :
- # Name of the exported RDS DB instance.
- String! :
- # AWS account in which the exported RDS instance will be launched.
- String! :
- # Region in which the exported RDS DB instance will be launched.
- AwsNativeRegion! :
- # Deprecated, use databaseClass instead. Instance class of RDS instance.
- AwsNativeRdsDbInstanceClass! :
- # Instance class of RDS instance. AWS supported instance classes can be found here
- #
- String :
- # Availability Zone (AZ) in which the exported RDS DB instance must be launched.
- String :
- # Port on which the exported RDS DB instance accepts connections.
- Long! :
- # Name of the option group selected by the user for the new RDS instance.
- String :
- # Name of the DB parameter group selected by the user for the new RDS instance.
- String :
- # Name of the subnet group for the new RDS instance.
- String :
- # Storage type of the exported RDS DB instance.
- AwsNativeRdsStorageType :
- # List of security group IDs for the new RDS instance. Default security group is
- # used if empty list is provided here.
- String!] : [
- # Input Output (I/O) per second of the exported RDS DB instance.
- Int :
- # Specifies whether the new RDS instance is publicly accessible or not.
- Boolean! :
- # Specifies whether tags will be exported to the new RDS instance.
- Boolean! :
- # Specifies whether the exported RDS DB instance is multi-AZ or not.
- Boolean! :
- # KMS Key ID of the exported RDS DB instance.
- String :
- # List of subnet IDs for the newly created subnet group, which will be associated
- # with the exported RDS DB instance. Default subnet ids are used if empty list is
- # provided here.
- String!] : [
- # Type of snapshot used for export. Required only if export is from a snapshot.
- SnapshotType :
- # Name of the DB cluster.
- String :
- # Name of the DB cluster parameter group.
- String :
- }