link GraphQL Schema definition
- type CdmSnapshot implements GenericSnapshot {
- UUID! :
- DateTime! :
- DateTime :
- Boolean! :
- Boolean! :
- Long! :
- Boolean! :
- Boolean! :
- Boolean! :
- # Specifies whether the snapshot follows retention lock constraint.
- Boolean :
- String! :
- String! :
- CdmSnapshotRetentionInfo :
- Boolean :
- # Specifies whether the snapshot is an incremental SAP HANA snapshot.
- Boolean :
- # Contains info regarding legal hold on snapshot, null otherwise.
- LegalHoldInfo :
- # Resource spec for a snapshot.
- String :
- # Sub objects for the snapshot.
- SnapshotSubObject!]! : [
- Cluster! :
- # The ID of the parent snapshot.
- String :
- # SAP HANA specific metadata for the snapshot.
- SapHanaAppMetadata :
- # Db2 specific metadata for the snapshot.
- Db2AppMetadata :
- # Mongo source specific metadata for the snapshot.
- MongoSourceAppMetadata :
- # VMware specific metadata for the snapshot.
- VmwareAppMetadata :
- # Managed Volume specific metadata for the snapshot. Null if snapshot is not of a
- # managed volume.
- ManagedVolumeAppMetadata :
- # Active Directory specific metadata for the snapshot. Null if snapshot is not of
- # a domain controller.
- ActiveDirectoryAppMetadata :
- # PostgreSQL Database Cluster-specific metadata. Null if the snapshot is not of a
- # PostgreSQL Database Cluster.
- KosmosWorkloadAppMetadata :
- # MySQL instance-specific metadata. Null if the snapshot is not of a MySQL
- # Instance.
- KosmosWorkloadAppMetadata :
- # Number of files in the snapshot.
- Long! :
- # Mapping from snapshot to delete pending action status.
- PendingSnapshotDeletion :
- # Flag if the snapshot is an anomaly.
- Boolean! :
- Boolean! :
- CdmHierarchySnappableNew! :
- DataLocation!] : [
- DataLocation!] : [
- DataLocation!] : [
- DataLocation!] : [
- DataLocation!] : [
- ConsistencyLevelEnum :
- # SLA domain of the snapshot.
- SlaDomain :
- # Children snapshot ID list.
- CdmSnapshot!]! : [
- # Non-null when a user has assigned a SLA to this snapshot, and the SLA assignment
- # is in the process of being synced over to CDM.
- SlaDomain :
- # Latest user note information.
- LatestUserNote :
- # Vmware vApp specific snapshot metadata.
- VappAppMetadata!] : [
- # Cloud state of the snapshot.
- SnapshotCloudState :
- # Snapshot of a Rubrik CDM workload.
- CdmWorkloadSnapshot :
- # Mssql specific metadata for the snapshot.
- MssqlAppMetadata :
- # Specifies whether or not the snapshot is expired.
- Boolean! :
- # The workload ID of the snapshot.
- String! :
- # Specifies whether the snapshot is quarantined.
- Boolean! :
- }
link Require by
- ActiveDirectoryDomainControllerActive Directory Domain Controller.
- ActiveDirectorySearchVersionsResultant versions of the objects with requested name.
- AdVolumeExportActive Directory volume export.
- AnomalyResultAnomaly analysis report from lambda service.
- CdmHierarchySnappableNewA managed hierarchy protected objects.
- CdmSnapshot
- CdmSnapshotConnectionPaginated list of CdmSnapshot objects. Each page of the results includes at most 1000 entries. Query the `pageInfo.hasNextPage` field to know whether all objects were returned.
- CdmSnapshotEdgeWrapper around the CdmSnapshot object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- Db2DatabaseDb2 Database details object.
- ExchangeDatabaseExchange Database details object.
- ExchangeLiveMountExchange live mount.
- GetAnomalyDetailsReplyAnomaly analysis report from lambda service.
- HierarchySnappableFileVersion
- HyperVLiveMountHyperV live mount.
- HyperVVirtualMachineHyper-V virtual machine details.
- KubernetesProtectionSetKubernetes Protection Set.
- KubernetesVirtualMachineKubernetes virtual machine.
- LinuxFilesetLinux fileset type.
- ManagedVolumeManaged Volume information.
- ManagedVolumeMountManaged Volume Export details object.
- MongoCollectionInformation about MongoDB Collection.
- MongoCollectionSetInformation about MongoDB Collection Set.
- MongoSourceInformation about MongoDB Source.
- MssqlDatabaseSQL Server database.
- NasFilesetNAS Fileset protected object.
- NutanixLiveMountNutanix virtual machine live mount.
- NutanixVmNutanix virtual machine details.
- OracleDatabase
- OracleDataGuardGroup
- OracleLiveMountOracle live mount.
- Query
- SapHanaDatabaseSAP HANA Database details object.
- SapHanaSystemSAP HANA system details object.
- ShareFilesetShare fileset.
- SnapshotFileDeltaConnectionPaginated list of SnapshotFileDelta objects. Each page of the results includes at most 1000 entries. Query the `pageInfo.hasNextPage` field to know whether all objects were returned.
- VcdVapp
- VolumeGroupLiveMountVolume group live mount.
- VsphereLiveMountLive Mount of a vSphere Virtual Machine.
- VsphereMountMount of vSphere virtual machine.
- VsphereVm
- WindowsFilesetWindows fileset.