The Long
scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Long can represent values between -(2^63) and 2^63 - 1.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Long
link Require by
- AccessUser
- ActiveDirectoryObjectRecoveryDryRunResponseDataThe changes in attribute values if the Active Directory object is restored.
- ActiveDirectoryObjectsCountCount of different type of Active Directory objects in the snapshot.
- ActiveDirectoryRecoveryObjectInputSupported in v9.0+
- ActivityResult
- ActivitySeriesA series of activities on either the RSC or a Rubrik cluster.
- AdVolumeExportActive Directory volume export.
- AggregatedValuesAggregation values calculated across all results prior to pagination.
- AnomalyResultAnomaly analysis report from lambda service.
- AnomalyResultAggregationAggregated anomaly results.
- ArchivalStorageUsageTime log for the storage usage of an archival location.
- ArchivalTieringSpecArchival tiering specification.
- ArchivalTieringSpecInputArchival tiering specification input.
- AssetMetadataAssetMetadata stores the metadata of the asset.
- AsyncDownloadReplyA reply of the async download request.
- AwsAuthServerCertificateIdInputInput to add certificate details for authentication server-based cloud accounts.
- AwsAuthServerDetailDetails of AWS authentication server-based cloud account.
- AwsNativeEbsVolumeAWS native EBS volume.
- AwsNativeRdsInstanceAWS native RDS instance.
- AwsNativeS3SpecificSnapshotAWS S3-specific snapshot information.
- AzureNativeManagedDiskAn Azure Native Managed Disk that refers to the block storage designed to be used with Azure Virtual Machines. Some examples are: ultra disks, premium solid-state drives (SSD), standard SSDs, and standard hard disk drives (HDD). For more information, see
- AzureNativeStorageAccountSpecificSnapshotSnapshot information specific to the Azure storage account.
- AzureNetworkSubnetUnusedAddrResp
- AzureSqlDatabaseDbAn Azure SQL Database. Refers to the fully managed SQL database built for the cloud. For more info, see
- AzureSqlManagedInstanceServerRetrieves an Azure SQL Managed Instance Server. Refers to the server the Azure SQL Managed Instance Database is a part of.
- AzureStorageAccountAn Azure storage account that contains Azure storage data objects including blobs, file shares, queues, tables, and disks. For more information, see
- BackupEventStatusStatus of the backup for a specific SaaS snapshot.
- BaseSnapshotSummarySupported in v5.0+
- BootstrappableNodeInfoSupported in v5.0+
- BootstrappableNodeInfoListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- BrowseResponseSupported in v5.0+
- BrowseResponseListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- BulkCreateFilesetsReplySupported in v5.0+
- BulkCreateFilesetTemplatesReplySupported in v5.0+
- BulkRegisterHostReplySupported in v5.0+
- CassandraBackupParamsBackup Params configured on the management object.
- CassandraSourceCassandra Source information.
- CcProvisionJobReplyAsync reply for a submitted job.
- CdmHostVolume
- CdmManagedAwsTargetSpecific info for AWS target created on Cdm.
- CdmManagedAzureTargetSpecific info for Azure target created on Cdm.
- CdmManagedGcpTargetSpecific info for Gcp target created on Cdm.
- CdmManagedGlacierTargetSpecific info for Glacier target created on Cdm.
- CdmManagedNfsTargetSpecific info for Nfs target created on Cdm.
- CdmManagedS3CompatibleTargetSpecific info for S3Compatible created on Cdm.
- CdmManagedTapeTargetSpecific information for Tape target created on CDM cluster.
- CdmSnapshot
- CdmTargetTarget-specific information created and synchronized from a Rubrik CDM cluster.
- CdmUpgradeReleaseDetailCDM release detail.
- CdmWorkloadSnapshotSnapshot of a Rubrik CDM workload.
- CertificateCertificate information.
- CertificateSummaryListResponseSupported in v5.1+
- ClassificationPolicyDetailDetailed view of a data classification policy.
- ClassificationPolicyWhitelistDetailedEntry
- CloudDirectSnapshotNAS Cloud Direct snapshot object.
- CloudInstantiationSpecSupported in v5.0+
- CloudInstantiationSpecInputSupported in v5.0+
- CloudNativeFileVersionContains metadata fields of a file specific to the version of the file in a snapshot.
- ClusterA Rubrik CDM Cluster.
- ClusterCapacityQuotaCluster capacity quota.
- ClusterDiskRubrik cluster disk type.
- ClusterHealthAggregationAggregate Rubrik clusters' health information.
- ClusterMetricMetrics of a Rubrik cluster.
- ClusterNodeRubrik cluster node.
- ClusterNodeStatsThe node-level performance statistics of a Rubrik cluster.
- ClusterStatsAggregationAggregated statistics across Clusters.
- ClusterWithCapacityQuotaInformation about the Rubrik cluster and any applicable capacity quota for the cluster in the organization.
- Crawl
- CrawlObj
- CreateAutomaticRcsTargetMappingInputInput for creating RCS locations.
- CreateIntegrationReplyReturned in response to a create integration request and holds the ID of the created integration.
- CreateIntegrationsReplyReturned in response to a create integrations request and holds the IDs of the created integrations.
- CreateOnDemandJobReplyReply to Create on-demand job request.
- CreateRcsTargetInputInput to create RCS location.
- CreateRcvLocationsFromTemplateInputInput for creating Rubrik Cloud Vault Azure locations.
- CsrCertificate Signing Request (CSR) information.
- DailyAnalysisDetailsA daily summary of Ransomware Investigation results across all workloads.
- DataCategoryHitsHits stats of an individual data category.
- DataStoreSummarySupported in v5.0+
- DataTypeHitsHits stats of an individual data type within a data category.
- DataTypeStatsStats of an individual data type.
- Db2AppMetadataDb2 workload related app metadata for a snapshot.
- Db2DataBackupFileFile backed up as a part of db2 backup.
- Db2LogBackupFileBackup file associated with the Db2 log back object.
- Db2LogSnapshotDb2 log snapshot object.
- DbLogReportPropertiesSupported in v5.3+
- DbLogReportPropertiesUpdateInputSupported in v5.3+
- DbLogReportSummarySupported in v5.3+
- DeleteIntegrationInputHolds the input to a delete integration request.
- DeleteIntegrationsInputHolds the input to a batch delete integrations request.
- DiffDataStatistic result for certain file/folder.
- DiffResultDiff fmd result.
- DiskInfoSupported in v5.0+
- DisplayableValueLong
- DownloadCdmTprConfigAsyncReply
- DownloadJobInfoDownload job progress information.
- DownloadPackageStatusReplyDownload package job status information.
- ExpireSnoozedDirectoriesReplyReply for expired snoozed directories.
- FileResult
- FilesetDetailSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetSnapshotDetailSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetSnapshotSummarySupported in v5.0+
- FilesetTemplateCreateSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetTemplateCreateInputSupported in v5.0+
- FilesetTemplatePatchInputSupported in v5.0+
- FileSnapshotInfoRepresents the OneDrive file snapshot to be restored.
- FileVersionSupported in v5.0+
- FolderInfoRepresents the OneDrive folder to be restored.
- GcpCloudAccountAddManualAuthProjectInputInput required to add a GCP cloud account manually.
- GcpCloudAccountProjectGCP Cloud Account Project.
- GenericSnapshotA generic snapshot type.
- GetAnomalyDetailsReplyAnomaly analysis report from lambda service.
- GetMosaicRecoverableRangeResponseSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Request Range Response Object carrying details of restore range for the table and request status details.
- GetO365StorageStatsResp
- GetPipelineHealthReplySpecifies the health metric for the Ransomware Investigation pipeline covering the backup, indexing, and analysis jobs.
- GetSchemaResponseSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Schema Response Object carrying details of schema for the table and request status details.
- GlobalFileSearchReplySupported in v5.1+
- GlobalSearchFileSupported in v5.1+
- GlobalSlaReplyMetadata for rendering an SLA Domain.
- GuestCredentialDetailListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- HierarchySnappableFileVersion
- HostSummarySupported in v5.0+
- HypervConfigurationFileInfoSupported in v9.1+
- HypervHostSummaryListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- HypervVirtualDiskInfoSupported in v5.2+
- IntegrationHolds an integration and its configuration.
- IpInfoInformation about an entry in the IP allowlist.
- Issue
- IssueEvent
- JobMetadata
- KosmosDataSnapshotStatsThe Statistics of the Kosmos workload Snapshots.
- KubernetesVirtualMachineDiskKubernetes virtual machine disk.
- LicenseConsumptionTypeStores license consumption statistics.
- ListStoreResponseSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Response object for list store on mosaic.
- ListVersionResponseSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Response object for list version on mosaic.
- LookupAccountReplyInformation on the account.
- M365BackupStorageLicenseConsumptionRepresents the license consumption of Microsoft 365 backup storage object.
- M365LicenseEntitlementReplyStores the Microsoft 365 license entitlement.
- MalwareScanFileSizeLimitsSupported in v6.0+
- MalwareScanFileSizeLimitsInputSupported in v6.0+
- MalwareScanStatsSupported in v6.0+
- ManagedVolumeManaged Volume information.
- ManagedVolumeConfigInputSupported in v5.0+ v5.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Managed Volume Config.
- ManagedVolumeExportChannelStatsStats of the Managed Volume Export Channel.
- ManagedVolumeMountManaged Volume Export details object.
- ManagedVolumeMountSpecMount Specification for the Managed Volume.
- ManagedVolumePatchSlaClientConfigInputSupported in v5.3+
- ManagedVolumeResizeInputSupported in v5.3+
- ManagedVolumeSlaScriptConfigBackup script configurations.
- ManagedVolumeSnapshotStatsStats related to managed volume snapshot.
- ManagedVolumeStatsManaged Volume inventory card information.
- ManagedVolumeUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- MissedSnapshotListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- MongodbBackupParamsBackup parameters configured on the management object.
- MongodbSourceInformation about MongoDB Source.
- MongoRecoveryRequestConfigInputConfiguration for recovering MongoDB databases or collections from source to target cluster.
- MongoSourceAppMetadataApp metadata for snapshot of a Mongo Source.
- MosaicAsyncResponseSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Response object from an async request to mosaic.
- MosaicRecoveryRangeResponseSupported in m3.2.0-m4.2.0 Response object for recovery range object on mosaic.
- MosaicStorageLocationResponse object for list store on mosaic.
- MountDiskJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- MountedVolumeDetails about the mounted volume.
- MountSnapshotJobConfigV2InputSupported in v5.1+
- MssqlAppMetadataBackup metadata for a Mssql snapshot.
- MssqlAvailabilityGroupSQL Server always on availability group.
- MssqlBackupSupported in v5.2+
- MssqlDatabaseSQL Server database.
- MssqlDbDefaultsUpdateInputSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlDbDetailSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlDefaultPropertiesOnClusterReplySupported in v5.0+
- MssqlInstanceSQL Server instance.
- MssqlInstanceSummarySupported in v5.0+
- MssqlInstanceSummaryListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlLogShippingSummarySupported in v5.0+
- MssqlLogShippingTargetSQL Server log shipping target.
- MssqlMissedRecoverableRangeListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlRecoverableRangeListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlRecoveryPointInputSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlRestoreEstimateResultSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlRestoreFileSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlScriptDetailSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlScriptDetailInputSupported in v5.0+
- Mutation
- NasVolumeNAS volume instance in a registered NAS system.
- NcdBackEndCapacityBackEndCapacityReply is returned in response to a BackEndCapacityReq and holds the requested capacity.
- NcdFilesObjectProtectionStatusDataFilesObjectProtectionStatusData represents a summary of the various types of object protection statuses and their individual counts as well as their delta in bytes for files.
- NcdFrontEndCapacityFrontEndCapacityReply is returned in response to a FrontEndCapacityReq and holds the requested capacity.
- NcdObjectProtectionStatusObjectProtectionStatusReply is returned in response to a ObjectProtectionStatusReq and holds the requested object protection statuses.
- NcdSharesObjectProtectionStatusDataSharesObjectProtectionStatusData represents a summary of the various types of object protection statuses and their individual counts as well as their delta in bytes for shares.
- NcdUsageOverTimeDataUsageOverTimeData represents capacity statistics as a data point from a timeseries perspective.
- NcdVmImageUrlNAS Cloud Direct virtual machine download URL information.
- NetworkInterfaceListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- NetworkThrottleScheduleSummarySupported in v5.0+
- NetworkThrottleScheduleSummaryInputSupported in v5.0+
- NetworkThrottleSummaryListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- NodeStatusListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- NodeTunnelStatusConnectionSupport tunnel status of all nodes in a cluster.
- NotificationSettingSummaryListResponseAll Email notification settings for the Rubrik cluster.
- NtpServerConfigurationListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixBackupScriptBackup script configuration.
- NutanixContainerListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- NutanixStorageContainerNutanix storage container details.
- NutanixVirtualDiskSummarySupported in v5.2+
- NutanixVirtualMachineScriptDetailSupported in v6.0+
- NutanixVirtualMachineScriptDetailInputSupported in v6.0+
- NutanixVmDiskNutanix Virtual Machine disk details.
- NutanixVmMetadataNutanix virtual machine metadata, which includes NICs information and CPU configuration details.
- NutanixVmSnapshotVdiskDetailSupported in v9.2+
- O365GroupO365 Groups from O365 hierarchy.
- O365Onedrive
- O365OnedriveFile
- O365OnedriveFolder
- O365OnedriveObject
- O365PhysicalDataSizeTimeStamp
- O365SharepointDrive
- ObjectTypeAccessSummaryObject type access summary.
- OnboardingModeBackupStatsStores the backup stats of a workload type in on-boarding mode.
- OracleDatabase
- OracleDataGuardGroup
- OracleHost
- OracleMissedRecoverableRangeListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- OraclePdbAn Oracle Pluggable Database.
- OracleRac
- OracleRecoverableRangeListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- OracleRecoveryPointInputSupported in v5.0+
- OracleScnRangeInputFilter for archive logs within the specified System Change Number (SCN) range.
- OracleValidateConfigInputSupported in v5.3+
- OrgDetails of an org.
- OverallRansomwareInvestigationSummaryOverall ransomware investigation statistics.
- PaginationMarkerMarker for the next page of browse diff FMD results. All fields within are opaque and should not be manually used.
- PolarisSnapshot
- PolicyDetailRepresents the policy detail.
- PolicyObj
- PrechecksStatusReplyPrechecks status response object.
- PrecheckStatusNextRunInfoPrecheck status running information.
- PrincipalAccessInfoPrincipalAccessInfo represents the principal access info.
- ProcessedRansomwareInvestigationWorkloadCountReplyThe number of processed Ransomware Investigation workloads.
- Query
- RcsImmutabilitySettingsImmutability settings information for RCS Azure Target.
- RdsInstanceDetailsFromAwsRDS DB Instance details from AWS.
- RdsInstanceExportDefaultsRDS Export defaults from AWS.
- RecoverableRangeResponseRecoverable ranges for a given VM
- RemoveNodeForReplacementReplyAsynchronous reply for a submitted removal job.
- ReplaceClusterNodeReplyAsynchronous reply for a submitted job.
- ReplicationPairReplication pair specific information.
- ReplicationSourceReplication source for a given replication target.
- ReplicationTargetReplication target for a given replication source.
- ReportMigrationStatusMigration details of the Rubrik cluster report.
- RestoreAzureAdObjectsWithPasswordsReplyResponse of the Scheduled OnDemand Restore job.
- RestoreFormConfigurationObjectStoreArchivalLocationSupported in v7.0+
- RestoreFormConfigurationSmtpSupported in v7.0+
- RubrikManagedAwsTargetSpecific information for Amazon Web Services (AWS) target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedAzureTargetSpecific information for Azure target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedDcaTargetSpecific information for DCA archival target created on Rubrik cluster.
- RubrikManagedGcpTargetSpecific information for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedGlacierTargetInformation about the Amazon Glacier target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedLckTargetSpecific information for LCK archival target created on Rubrik cluster.
- RubrikManagedNfsTargetSpecific information for Network File System (NFS) target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedRcsTargetSpecific information for Rubrik Cloud Vault (RCV) target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedS3CompatibleTargetSpecific information for Amazon S3 compatible target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikManagedTapeTargetTypeSpecific information for Q-star target created on Rubrik.
- SapHanaAppMetadataSAP HANA workload related app metadata for a snapshot.
- SapHanaDataBackupFileData backup files for SAP HANA full, incremental, or differential backup.
- SapHanaDatabaseInfoObjectAdditional information about backint and database configuration.
- SapHanaLogBackupBackup associated with the SAP HANA log backup.
- SapHanaLogBackupFilesLog backup file for SAP HANA log backup.
- SapHanaLogPositionIntervalFor a log backup, represents redo log position interval.
- SapHanaLogSnapshotSAP HANA log snapshot object.
- ScheduledReportMetadata for rendering a scheduled report.
- SearchResponseListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- SecurityMetadataRepresents security metadata of a workload.
- ServiceAccountService Account.
- SlaManagedVolumeScriptConfigInputSupported in v5.3+
- SlaManagedVolumeScriptSummarySupported in v5.3+
- SnappableAn object that can be backed-up by taking snapshots.
- SnappableAggregationThe aggregation data of some workload statistics.
- SnapshotDeltaDelta information for a file or directory between two snapshots.
- SnapshotDistributionA generic snapshot type.
- SnapshotFileFile or folder data returned by browse or search delta response.
- SnapshotFileDownloadInfoAdditional info for `DOWNLOAD_SNAPSHOT_FILES` jobs.
- SnapshotResult
- SonarContentReport
- SonarReport
- StartExportRdsInstanceJobInputInput to trigger AWS native RDS Instance export job.
- StrainInfoInformation about list of strains identified.
- SummaryCountTotal summarized counts.
- SummaryHitsSummary hits.
- SupportTunnelInfoSupported in v5.0+
- SuspiciousFileInfoInformation about the suspicious file.
- SyslogExportRuleSummaryListResponseSupported in v5.1+
- TargetTarget information used for archival or replication.
- TaskchainTaskchain.
- TaskDetailTask details.
- TemplateInfoSubscription message template information.
- ThreatHuntResultObjectsSummarySummary of a threat hunt for an object.
- ThreatHuntResultSnapshotStatsSummary of a threat hunt for a snapshot.
- ThreatHuntStatsRepresents the statistics related to the threat hunt.
- TimeRangeFilterJsonRepresents the time range filter.
- TimeSeriesResult
- TimeStatSupported in v5.0+
- TotalRiskSummaryTotal Risk Summary Details.
- UnmanagedObjectDetailUnmanagedObjectDetails.
- UnmountDiskInputInput required to unmount disks.
- UpdatedUnmountTimeInputInput for the updated unmount time of a Live Mount.
- UpdateFloatingIpsReplySupported in v5.0+
- UpdateGlobalSlaInputInput to update SLA Domain.
- UpdateIntegrationInputHolds the input to an update integration request.
- UpdateManagedVolumeReplySupported in v5.0+
- UpdateMssqlDefaultPropertiesReplySupported in v5.0+
- UpdateRcsAutomaticTargetMappingInputInput to update RCS automatic target mapping.
- UpdateRcvTargetInputInput for the Rubrik Cloud Vault Azure update request.
- UpdateSupportTunnelConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- UpgradeDurationReplyRepresents upgrade duration in seconds.
- UserUser account details.
- UserActivityResultRepresents the activity for a specific user.
- UserDownload
- UserNotificationsAn object representing product notifications.
- UserSessionManagementConfigSpecifies information about the session management configuration for the user account.
- ValueLong
- VirtualMachineFileInfoVirtual Machine file info.
- VirtualMachineScriptDetailSupported in v5.0+
- VirtualMachineScriptDetailInputSupported in v5.0+
- VlanConfigListResponseSupported in v5.0+
- VmRecoveryJobInfoChild VM recovery jobs info for a recovery.
- VmwareRecoverableRangeListResponseSupported in v5.1+
- VmwareVmConfig
- VmwareVmConfigInput
- VmwareVmSubObjectA virtual disk captured in a VMware virtual machine snapshot.
- VolumeGroupSnapshotVolumeSummarySupported in v5.0+
- VolumeGroupSubObjectA volume captured in a volume group snapshot.
- VsphereDatastoreVsphere datastore.
- VsphereDatastoreClusterVsphere datastore cluster.
- VsphereVirtualDiskVirtual disk of a vSphere virtual machine.
- VsphereVmListEsxiDatastoresReplySupported in v5.0+
- WebhookMessageTemplateWebhook Message template.
- WorkloadAnomalyA workload that has a snapshot or children with anomalous activity.