Supported in v5.0+
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input ExportOracleDbConfigInput {
- # Supported in v5.0+
- # The full path for the directory on the target host to use to store the restored
- # database files.
- String :
- # Specifies whether the database files are copied to the target host without
- # recreating the database.
- Boolean :
- # Supported in v5.0+
- # The full path for the directory on the target host where the NFS share will be
- # mounted.
- String :
- # Supported in v5.2+
- # v5.2-v5.3: Configuration file for advanced Oracle recovery in base64 encoded
- # format.
- # v6.0+: The configuration file for Oracle advanced recovery in base64 encoded
- # format. This field cannot be specified if `advancedRecoveryConfigMap` is
- # specified.
- String :
- # Supported in v5.2+
- # The full path for the directory containing the archive log files on the Oracle
- # host.
- String :
- # Supported in v5.3+
- # The new value of the db_name parameter for a clone operation. This is used to
- # specify the new name during rman duplicate.
- String :
- # Supported in v5.3+
- # The full path of the pfile on the target Oracle Host or RAC to use for the
- # database recovery.
- String :
- # Supported in v6.0+
- # Number of channels used during clone or same-host recovery.
- Int :
- # Supported in v6.0+
- # Path to the post-script to run after the recovery task.
- String :
- # Supported in v6.0+
- # Path to the pre-script to run before the recovery task.
- String :
- # Supported in v6.0+
- # Boolean value that determines whether to stop the recovery task if the
- # pre-script exits with a non-zero value. Set to True to stop the recovery task on
- # pre-script failure. The default setting is False, which allows the task to
- # continue.
- Boolean :
- # Supported in v8.0+
- # List of PDB names to be cloned in the target database.
- String!] : [
- # Supported in v8.1+
- # v8.1-v9.0: Indicates whether to skip dropping the database in undo task if the
- # database was partially recovered.
- # v9.1+: Indicates whether to skip dropping the database during an undo task if
- # the database was partially recovered.
- Boolean :
- # Supported in v9.0+
- # List of RAC host simple IDs to recover the database during the clone.
- String!] : [
- # Supported in v9.0+
- # Specifies the host simple ID for the primary RAC node, which will be used for
- # recovery. The provided host simple ID must be among the list of host simple IDs
- # specified in `targetRacHostIds`.
- String :
- # Supported in v9.0+
- # A boolean value determines if the database can be renamed back to the source
- # Oracle host or RAC during the clone.
- Boolean :
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- # v5.0-v5.2: Snapshot ID or timestamp for which the export is done.
- # v5.3+: Snapshot ID or timestamp for which the clone is done.
- OracleRecoveryPointInput! :
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- # v5.0-v5.2: ID of the Oracle Host or Oracle RAC object that is the target for the
- # export of the specified database snapshot. The referenced Oracle host or RAC
- # must have the Rubrik Backup Service installed and connected. Standalone source
- # databases can be exported to OracleHost and clustered source databases can be
- # exported to OracleRac only.
- # v5.3+: ID of the Oracle Host or Oracle RAC object that is the target for the
- # clone of the specified database snapshot. The referenced Oracle host or RAC must
- # have the Rubrik Backup Service installed and connected. Standalone source
- # databases can be cloned to OracleHost and clustered source databases can be
- # cloned to OracleRac only.
- String! :
- }