Supported in v5.0+
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type HypervVirtualMachineDetail {
- # Supported in v5.0+
- # Returns whether the Rubrik connector is installed and service is registered.
- Boolean :
- String :
- HypervVirtualMachineSummary :
- HypervVirtualMachineUpdate :
- HypervVirtualMachineDetailGuestOsType! :
- HypervVirtualMachineDetailOperatingSystemType :
- # Supported in v5.2+
- # Brief information about all virtual disks of the selected virtual machine.
- #
- # Arguments
- # diskNameFilter: Filter Hyper-V virtual disk by name.
- # sortBy: Sort by argument for hyper-v virtual hard disks. By
- # default, name of the disk will be used.
- # sortOrder: Sorts the order of results.
- (
- String, :
- HypervExcludeDiskSortByField, :
- SortOrder :
- ): [HypervVirtualDiskInfo!]!
- }