link GraphQL Schema definition
- type PhysicalHost implements CdmHierarchyObject, HierarchyObject, MssqlTopLevelDescendantType, Db2InstanceDescendantType, Db2InstancePhysicalChildType {
- String! :
- String!]! : [
- String :
- HostConnectionStatus :
- CdmHostVolume!]! : [
- Boolean! :
- String! :
- # Specifies if Physical Host is an Oracle Host.
- Boolean! :
- # The Oracle User details of this Physical Host.
- OracleUserDetails :
- # Specifies the NAS vendor, which can be ISILON, NETAPP, FLASHBLADE, or NUTANIX.
- String :
- # Specifies whether the Changelist option is enabled.
- Boolean! :
- # ID of the Rubrik Backup Service (RBS) installed on the host.
- String :
- # Specifies the NAS API endpoint.
- String :
- # Specifies the NAS API hostname.
- String :
- # Specifies the MSSQL SDD details.
- MssqlSddDetail :
- # Specifies the Oracle database Sensitive Data Monitoring details.
- OracleSddDetail :
- # The operating system type of the physical host.
- GuestOsType :
- # The default CBT status of this Physical Host.
- Boolean :
- # The CBT status of this Physical Host.
- String :
- # Information pertaining to switching the NAS host from Rubrik CDM to RSC.
- String :
- # A link to view the workload on the Rubrik cluster. Currently for Volume Group
- # use only.
- String! :
- # List of descendants.
- #
- # Arguments
- # first: Returns the first n elements from the list.
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that occur after the
- # specified cursor.
- # sortBy: Sort hierarchy objects according to the hierarchy
- # field.
- # sortOrder: Sorts the order of results.
- # typeFilter: Types of objects to include.
- # filter: Hierarchy object filter.
- # workloadHierarchy: Each enumeration value represents the
- # hierarchy of a specific workload type for RBAC and SLA Domain assignments. A
- # value of 'None' represents the hierarchy of all workload types.
- (
- Int, :
- String, :
- HierarchySortByField, :
- SortOrder, :
- HierarchyObjectTypeEnum!], : [
- Filter!], : [
- WorkloadLevelHierarchy :
- ): PhysicalHostDescendantTypeConnection!
- # List of physical children.
- #
- # Arguments
- # first: Returns the first n elements from the list.
- # after: Returns the elements in the list that occur after the
- # specified cursor.
- # sortBy: Sort hierarchy objects according to the hierarchy
- # field.
- # sortOrder: Sorts the order of results.
- # typeFilter: Types of objects to include.
- # filter: Hierarchy object filter.
- # workloadHierarchy: Each enumeration value represents the
- # hierarchy of a specific workload type for RBAC and SLA Domain assignments. A
- # value of 'None' represents the hierarchy of all workload types.
- (
- Int, :
- String, :
- HierarchySortByField, :
- SortOrder, :
- HierarchyObjectTypeEnum!], : [
- Filter!], : [
- WorkloadLevelHierarchy :
- ): PhysicalHostPhysicalChildTypeConnection!
- # Rubrik cluster where this object originated.
- Cluster! :
- # The source cluster of this object. Returned as a data location because there is
- # no guarantee that Rubrik has knowledge about the source cluster.
- DataLocation! :
- # SLA Domain assignment of the object during the process of being communicated
- # over to Rubrik CDM.
- SlaDomain :
- # Mapping from object ID to pending object deletion status.
- PendingSnapshotsOfObjectDeletion :
- # Objects either replicated by this object or related to this object by
- # replication.
- CdmHierarchyObject!]! : [
- # Cross-account objects either replicated by this object or related to this object
- # by replication.
- CrossAccountReplicatedObjectInfo!] : [
- # Latest user note information.
- LatestUserNote :
- # The number of objects either replicated by this object or related to this object
- # by replication.
- Int! :
- # The authorized operations on the object.
- Operation!]! : [
- # FID of the hierarchy object.
- UUID! :
- # Name of the hierarchy object.
- String! :
- # Type of this object.
- HierarchyObjectTypeEnum! :
- # SLA Domain assignment type for this object.
- SlaAssignmentTypeEnum! :
- # Effective SLA Domain of the hierarchy object.
- SlaDomain! :
- # Pause status of the effective SLA Domain of the hierarchy object.
- Boolean! :
- # Distribution of the snapshots of the hierarchy object.
- SnapshotDistribution! :
- # Effective retention of the SLA Domain of the hierarchy object.
- SlaDomain :
- # SLA Domain configured for the hierarchy object.
- SlaDomain! :
- # Path node of the effective SLA Domain source.
- PathNode :
- # Sequential list of this object's logical ancestors.
- PathNode!]! : [
- # Sequential list of this object's physical ancestors.
- PathNode!]! : [
- # Number of descendant workloads of this object.
- Int! :
- # Organizations to which this hierarchy object belongs.
- Org!]! : [
- # Security posture metadata.
- SecurityMetadata :
- }
link Require by
- ActiveDirectoryDomainControllerActive Directory Domain Controller.
- AwsNativeEc2InstanceAWS native EC2 instance.
- AzureNativeVirtualMachineAn Azure Native Virtual Machine that refers to the Azure infrastructure as a service (IaaS) used to deploy persistent VMs. For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/.
- CdmOracleRacNodeRepresentation of a single node in an Oracle RAC.
- Db2CrossHostRecoveryInfoDetails of a target host configured for Db2 cross host recovery.
- ExchangeServerExchange Server details object.
- HostFailoverClusterHost failover cluster.
- LinuxFilesetLinux fileset type.
- ManagedVolumeManaged Volume information.
- OracleHost
- PhysicalHostConnectionPaginated list of PhysicalHost objects. Each page of the results includes at most 1000 entries. Query the `pageInfo.hasNextPage` field to know whether all objects were returned.
- PhysicalHostEdgeWrapper around the PhysicalHost object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- Query
- SapHanaHostObjectInformation about SAP HANA hosts of the system.
- ShareFilesetShare fileset.
- VolumeGroupLiveMountVolume group live mount.
- WindowsClusterWindows Failover cluster.
- WindowsFilesetWindows fileset.