link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar DateTime
link Require by
- AccountProductProduct enabled via Salesforce.
- ActiveDirectoryDomainControllerActive Directory Domain Controller.
- ActiveDirectoryServiceStatusHost connectivity status.
- ActivityAn activity that occurred on RSC or a Rubrik cluster.
- ActivitySeriesA series of activities on either the RSC or a Rubrik cluster.
- ActivitySeriesFilterFilters for list of event series.
- AddClusterCertificateReplySupported in v5.1+
- AnomalyResultAnomaly analysis report from lambda service.
- AnomalyResultFilterInputFilter anomaly result data.
- ArchivalStorageUsageTime log for the storage usage of an archival location.
- AsyncRequestStatusSupported in v5.0+
- AuthorizedPrincipalLDAP authorized principal.
- AwsNativeAccountAWS native account.
- AwsNativeRdsPointInTimeRestoreWindowThe Point-in-Time (PiT) restore window of the RDS Instance.
- AwsNativeS3BucketAWS native S3 Bucket.
- AzureAdApplicationAzure AD application.
- AzureAdDirectoryDetails of the Azure AD directory object.
- AzureAdServicePrincipalAzure AD service principal.
- AzureAdSnapshotDetailsRepresents snapshot details of the directory.
- AzureNativeSqlDatabasePointInTimeRestoreWindowThe Point-in-Time (PiT) restore window of the Azure SQL Database. Database could be Azure SQL Managed Instance Database or Azure SQL Server Database.
- AzureNativeSubscriptionAn Azure Native Subscription. Refers to the logical entity that provides entitlement to deploy and consume Azure resources.
- AzureNativeSubscriptionEnabledFeatureDetails of a feature enabled in Azure Native Subscription.
- AzureO365ExocomputeClusterAzure O365 Exocompute cluster details.
- AzureSqlDatabaseDbPitExportInput for exporting Point-in-Time backup of an Azure SQL Database.
- AzureSqlManagedInstanceDbPitExportInput for exporting Point-in-Time backup of an Azure SQL Managed Instance database.
- BackupStatsBucketStores the backup stats within a time range bucket.
- BackupTaskDiagnosticInfoSupported in v5.1+
- BaseSnapshotSummarySupported in v5.0+
- BatchVmwareVmRecoverableRangesRequestInputSupported in v5.3+
- CassandraSourceCassandra Source information.
- CdmGroupByInfoCDM group by information.
- CdmHierarchySnappableNewA managed hierarchy protected objects.
- CdmSnapshot
- CdmSnapshotLocationRetentionInfoCDM snapshot location retention information.
- CdmUpgradeInfo
- CdmUpgradeInfoFilterInputFilters for the cluster list.
- CdmWorkloadSnapshotSnapshot of a Rubrik CDM workload.
- CdpVmInfoThe details about a CDP virtual machine.
- CertificateCertificate information.
- CertificateDetailsCertificate information.
- ClosestSnapshotDetailSnapshot details.
- CloudDirectDeviceDetailsDetails about a device in a NAS Cloud Direct site.
- CloudDirectNasSystemCloud Direct NAS System object.
- CloudDirectSnapshotNAS Cloud Direct snapshot object.
- CloudNativeFileVersionContains metadata fields of a file specific to the version of the file in a snapshot.
- CloudNativeSnapshotInfoContains information about the cloud-native snapshot.
- ClusterA Rubrik CDM Cluster.
- ClusterCapacityQuotaCluster capacity quota.
- ClusterFilterInputFilters for the cluster list.
- ClusterLicenseInfoInformation related to cluster licenses.
- ClusterMetricMetrics of a Rubrik cluster.
- ClusterNodeStatsThe node-level performance statistics of a Rubrik cluster.
- clusterState
- ComplianceStateStores the compliance status of a workload type.
- ConfigProtectionInfoConfiguration protection information.
- CreateCustomReportReplyMetadata for rendering a custom report.
- CrossAccountPairInfoThe cross-account pair information.
- CsrCertificate Signing Request (CSR) information.
- CustomerFacingFileCustomer facing file.
- CustomReportFiltersFilter configs for a report.
- CustomReportFiltersConfig
- DataLocationData Location.
- Db2AppMetadataDb2 workload related app metadata for a snapshot.
- Db2ConfigureRestoreRequestInputSupported in v9.1+
- Db2CrossHostRecoveryInfoDetails of a target host configured for Db2 cross host recovery.
- Db2DatabaseDb2 Database details object.
- Db2DownloadRecoverableRangeRequestInputSupported in v8.0+
- Db2InstanceDb2 Instance details object.
- Db2LogBackupFileBackup file associated with the Db2 log back object.
- Db2LogSnapshotDb2 log snapshot object.
- Db2LogSnapshotFilterInputFilter Db2 log snapshots.
- Db2RecoverableRangeDb2 recoverable range object.
- Db2RecoverableRangeFilterInputFilter Db2 recoverable ranges.
- DbLogReportSummarySupported in v5.3+
- DhrcActiveRecommendationRecommendation represents a single textual recommendation how to increase the score for a specific category. Recommendations are derived from a set of metrics.
- DhrcCollectedMetricThe metric message represents a metric as collected from the system.
- DhrcScoreScore represent a score for a single category. Scores are calculated from a set of metrics.
- DisplayableValueDateTime
- EndDateRecurrenceRangeA recurrence range with a start and end (e.g. repeat the pattern from 7/29/2019 until 4/13/2022).
- ExchangeDatabaseExchange Database details object.
- ExocomputeHealthCheckStatusDescribes the Exocompute health check status.
- ExpireDownloadedDb2SnapshotsInputSpecifies the input for expiring downloaded Db2 snapshots.
- ExpireDownloadedSapHanaSnapshotsInputInput for expiring downloaded SAP HANA snapshots.
- ExportSnapshotJobConfigForBatchInputSupported in v6.0+
- ExportSnapshotJobConfigForBatchV3InputSupported in Rubrik CDM version 9.0 and later. Input for batch export snapshots for vSphere.
- FailoverClusterStatusThe connection status of a failover cluster.
- FilesetDetailSupported in v5.0+
- GcpNativeProjectRepresents a GCP project.
- GenericSnapshotA generic snapshot type.
- GetAnomalyDetailsReplyAnomaly analysis report from lambda service.
- GetCertificateInfoReplyCertificate metadata details.
- GetCompatibleMssqlInstancesV1InputInput for getting compatible instances for the recovery of a SQL Server database.
- GetMfaSettingReplyMFA settings for an account.
- GetMissedMssqlDbSnapshotsInputInput for getting missed snapshots of a SQL Server database.
- GetMissedOracleDbSnapshotsInput
- GetMssqlDbMissedRecoverableRangesInputInput for getting missed recoverable ranges of a SQL Server database.
- GetMssqlDbRecoverableRangesInputInput for getting recoverable ranges of a SQL Server database.
- GetO365ServiceStatusResp
- GetOracleDbMissedRecoverableRangesInput
- GetOracleDbRecoverableRangesInput
- GetTotpStatusReplyTOTP status for a user.
- GlobalCertificateInformation about a certificate on Rubrik Security Cloud.
- GlobalSlaReplyMetadata for rendering an SLA Domain.
- HierarchySnappableFileVersion
- HostConnectionStatusThe connection status of a host.
- HypervExportSnapshotJobConfigForBatchInputSupported in v7.0+
- HypervInstantRecoverConfigForBatchInputSupported in v7.0+
- HyperVLiveMountHyperV live mount.
- HypervMountSnapshotConfigForBatchInputSupported in v7.0+
- HyperVStatusAdditional information about the status of a Hyperv SCVMM.
- HyperVVirtualMachineHyper-V virtual machine details.
- HypervVirtualMachineMountSummarySupported in v5.0+
- IdentityProviderIdentity Provider is an entity responsible for authenticating a user account.
- InPlaceRecoveryJobConfigForBatchInputSupported in v6.0+
- InstantRecoveryJobConfigForBatchInputSupported in v6.0+
- IntegrationHolds an integration and its configuration.
- IpInfoInformation about an entry in the IP allowlist.
- JobMetadata
- K8sClusterKubernetes cluster.
- K8sClusterSummarySupported in v9.0+ Key properties of a Kubernetes cluster.
- K8sSnapshotInfoResponse of the query that retrieves the Kubernetes snapshot information.
- KubernetesProtectionSetKubernetes Protection Set.
- KubernetesVirtualMachineKubernetes virtual machine.
- LatestUserNoteLatest user note information.
- LdapLockoutStatusLDAP lockout status.
- LegalHoldQueryFilterLegal Hold query filter.
- LegalHoldSnapshotDetailLegalHoldSnapshotDetails.
- LicenseInformation about a license.
- LicensedClusterProductRepresents a single licensed product.
- LinuxFilesetLinux fileset type.
- LockoutStateUser account lockout details.
- LookupAccountReplyInformation on the account.
- M365BackupStorageRestorePointRepresents the definitions of M365 backup storage object restore point.
- MalwareScanFileTimeLimitsSupported in v6.0+
- MalwareScanFileTimeLimitsInputSupported in v6.0+
- MalwareScanInSnapshotResultMalware scan result for a snapshot.
- MalwareScanSnapshotLimitSupported in v6.0+
- MalwareScanSnapshotLimitInputSupported in v6.0+
- ManagedVolumeManaged Volume information.
- ManagedVolumeExportChannelExport channel metadata of the Managed Volume.
- ManagedVolumeQueuedSnapshotThe Queued snapshot object associated with the Managed Volume.
- MissedSnapshotSupported in v5.0+
- MissedSnapshotCommonThe missed snapshot object associated with the virtual machine.
- MongoCollectionSetInformation about MongoDB Collection Set.
- MongoRecoverableRangeMongoDB recoverable range object.
- MongoRecoveryRequestConfigInputConfiguration for recovering MongoDB databases or collections from source to target cluster.
- MongoSourceInformation about MongoDB Source.
- MosaicSnapshotMosaic Snapshot information.
- MountSnapshotJobConfigForBatchV2InputSupported in v6.0+
- MssqlBackupSupported in v5.2+
- MssqlDatabaseSQL Server database.
- MssqlDatabaseLiveMountLive mount of a SQL Server database.
- MssqlDbDetailSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlDbSummarySupported in v5.0+
- MssqlGetRestoreFilesV1InputInput for getting restore files of a SQL Server database.
- MssqlInstanceSummarySupported in v5.0+
- MssqlLogShippingSummarySupported in v5.0+
- MssqlLogShippingTargetSQL Server log shipping target.
- MssqlMissedRecoverableRangeSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlMissedRecoverableRangeErrorSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlRecoverableRangeSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlRecoveryPointInputSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlRestoreEstimateV1InputInput for getting a byte size estimate for a restore or export.
- Mutation
- NasFilesetNAS Fileset protected object.
- NasSystemInstance of a registered NAS system.
- NcdObjectsOverTimeDataObjectsOverTimeData represents the object counts statistics broken out per object type as a data point from a timeseries perspective.
- NcdSlaComplianceDataSlaComplianceData represents the job completion and status metrics as a data point from a timeseries perspective.
- NcdTaskDataTaskData represents a NAS Cloud Direct task and its associated fields.
- NcdUsageOverTimeDataUsageOverTimeData represents capacity statistics as a data point from a timeseries perspective.
- NfAnomalyResultNon-filesystem Anomaly analysis report from lambda service.
- NfAnomalyResultFilterInputFilter non-filesystem anomaly result data.
- NodeRegistrationConfigsInputInput required for providing node configuration details for registration.
- NoEndRecurrenceRangeA recurrence range without an end (e.g. repeat the pattern forever starting from 7/29/2019).
- NumberedRecurrenceRangeA recurrence range with a number of occurrences (e.g. repeat the pattern 10 times starting from 7/29/2019).
- NutanixClusterNutanix cluster details.
- NutanixClusterSummarySupported in v5.0+
- NutanixExportSnapshotJobConfigForBatchInputSupported in v7.0+
- NutanixLiveMountNutanix virtual machine live mount.
- NutanixMountSnapshotJobConfigForBatchInputSupported in v7.0+
- NutanixPrismCentralNutanix Prism Central details.
- NutanixVmNutanix virtual machine details.
- NutanixVmMountSummarySupported in v6.0+
- O365App
- O365AppObject
- O365CalendarEventAn O365 calendar event object.
- O365CalendarFolder
- O365ContactAn O365 contact object.
- O365ContactFolderAn O365 contact folder.
- O365Email
- O365FullSpDescendantAn O365 SharePoint descendant object.
- O365FullSpObjectSharePoint descendant objects.
- O365OnedriveFile
- O365OnedriveFolder
- O365OnedriveObject
- O365PhysicalDataSizeTimeStamp
- OracleDatabase
- OracleDatabaseLastValidationStatusOracle database last validation status.
- OracleDataGuardGroup
- OracleDbDetailSupported in v5.0+
- OracleDbSummarySupported in v5.0+
- OracleLastValidationResultSupported in v5.3+
- OracleLiveMountOracle live mount.
- OracleMissedRecoverableRangeSupported in v5.0+
- OracleRecoverableRangeSupported in v5.0+
- OracleTimeRangeInputSupported in v6.0+
- PasskeyRepresents the webauthn passkey.
- PathInfoSupported in v6.0+
- pendingAction
- PolarisSnapshot
- Query
- QueryUnmanagedObjectSnapshotsV1Input
- RansomwareResultRansomware Investigation report from lambda service.
- RansomwareResultFilterInputFilter ransomware result data.
- RcvEntitlementRubrik Cloud Vault (RCV) entitlement tier wise details.
- RcvEntitlementWithExpirationDateRubrik Cloud Vault (RCV) entitlement with expiration date.
- RegisterdHostInfoNot in use.
- RegisterOracleHostsInfoAdditional info for `DISCOVERED_ORACLE_OBJECTS_SYNC_METRIC_POLLER` jobs.
- ReplicatedSnapshotInfoInformation about Kubernetes Replicated Snapshots.
- RequiredRecoveryParametersInputSupported in v5.1+
- RubrikManagedRcsTargetSpecific information for Rubrik Cloud Vault (RCV) target created on Rubrik.
- RubrikSyncStatusStatus of the data syncing jobs from CDM to RSC.
- SapHanaAppMetadataSAP HANA workload related app metadata for a snapshot.
- SapHanaDatabaseSAP HANA Database details object.
- SapHanaDownloadRecoverableRangeRequestInputSupported in v8.0+
- SapHanaLogBackupBackup associated with the SAP HANA log backup.
- SapHanaLogSnapshotSAP HANA log snapshot object.
- SapHanaLogSnapshotFilterInputInput for filtering SAP HANA log snapshots.
- SapHanaRecoverableRangeSAP HANA recoverable range object.
- SapHanaRecoverableRangeFilterInputInput for filtering SAP HANA recoverable ranges.
- SapHanaSystemSAP HANA system details object.
- SapHanaSystemSummarySupported in v5.3+
- ScaleRuntime
- ScheduledReportMetadata for rendering a scheduled report.
- SearchFilterParameters for mail or folder search.
- ServiceAccountService Account.
- ShareFilesetShare fileset.
- SlaAssignableSupported in v5.0+
- SlaAuditDetailAudit log of SLA Domain changes based on user action.
- SnappableAn object that can be backed-up by taking snapshots.
- SnapshotDetailsDetails of the snapshot
- SnapshotFileFile or folder data returned by browse or search delta response.
- SnapshotLocationRetentionInfoSupported in v5.2+
- SnapshotQueryFilterInputFilter snapshots.
- SnapshotSummarySupported in v5.2+
- SnoozedDirectoryA directory that has been snoozed.
- StartExportRdsInstanceJobInputInput to trigger AWS native RDS Instance export job.
- StartRecoverS3SnapshotJobInputInput for an on-demand AWS S3 snapshot recovery job.
- SupportTunnelInfoSupported in v5.0+
- SupportUserAccessSupport user access object details.
- SuspiciousFileInfoInformation about the suspicious file.
- SyncedClusterCluster information synced for role.
- TaskchainTaskchain.
- TaskDetailTask details.
- TaskDetailFilterInputFilter task detail
- ThreatHuntRepresents the configuration and statistics for a threat hunt.
- ThreatHuntDetailsDetails for the threat hunt.
- ThreatHuntResultObjectsSummarySummary of a threat hunt for an object.
- ThreatHuntResultSnapshotStatsSummary of a threat hunt for a snapshot.
- TimeRangeA range of time
- TimeRangeFilterTimerange filter.
- TimeRangeInput
- TimeRangeWithUnitA time range and the unit of that range.
- TimeSpanFilterConfiguration for Time span filter.
- TimeStatSupported in v5.0+
- TotpStatusTOTP status for a user.
- TprPolicyDetailResponse for getting the TPR Policy detail.
- TprReqStatusChangeChange to the status of a TPR request.
- TprRequestDetailReplyReply for getting TPR Request Detail.
- TprRequestFilterInputInput for filtering TPR requests.
- TprRequestSummaryUsed in bulk query for TPR requests.
- UpdateCustomReportReplyMetadata for rendering a custom report.
- UpdateServiceAccountReplyUpdated service account details.
- UserUser account details.
- UserAuditAn audit triggered by a user.
- UserAuditFilterFilter user audit data.
- ValueDateTime
- VcdVapp
- VcenterSummarySupported in v5.0+
- VirtualMachineSummarySupported in v5.0+
- VmwareCdpLiveInfoSupported in v5.1+
- VmwareMissedRecoverableRangesInputInput for getting missed recoverable ranges of a Virtual Machine.
- VmwareRecoverableRangeSupported in v5.1+
- VmwareRecoverableRangesInputInput for getting recoverable ranges of a Virtual Machine.
- VmwareVmMountSummaryV1Supported in v5.0+
- VolumeGroupLiveMountVolume group live mount.
- VsphereAsyncRequestStatusThe status of the async CDM request.
- VsphereLiveMountLive Mount of a vSphere Virtual Machine.
- VsphereMountMount of vSphere virtual machine.
- VsphereVcenter
- VsphereVm
- WebhookA webhook configuration in the account.
- WebhookMessageTemplateWebhook Message template.
- WebhookV2Webhook configuration to add to an account.
- WindowsFilesetWindows fileset.
- WorkloadAnomalyA workload that has a snapshot or children with anomalous activity.
- WorkloadIdToSnapshotIdsMaps an object to targeted snapshots for the threat hunt.
- WorkloadRecoveryInfoWorkload recovery info.