Nutanix virtual machine live mount.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type NutanixLiveMount {
- # CDM ID of the live mount.
- String! :
- # Describes if the live mount is ready.
- Boolean! :
- # Organization ID of the live mount.
- String! :
- # Owner ID of the live mount.
- String! :
- # Name of the live mount.
- String! :
- # Rubrik CDM ID of the snapshot used for the Live Mount.
- String! :
- # Specification of the live mount in JSON string.
- String! :
- # Mount job instance ID.
- String! :
- # Unmount job instance ID.
- String! :
- # CDM ID of the mounted virtual machine. This may be set to null if the mount
- # specification does not contain this information.
- String :
- # CDM ID of the source virtual machine.
- String! :
- # Name of the source virtual machine.
- String! :
- # CDM ID of the Nutanix cluster.
- String! :
- # Name of the Nutanix cluster.
- String! :
- # Specifies if the mounted virtual machine does not have migration enabled.
- Boolean! :
- # Status of the migration job. This is applicable only if the mounted virtual
- # machine is being migrated.
- String :
- # Migration job instance ID. This is applicable only if the mounted virtual
- # machine is being migrated.
- String :
- # Nutanix storage container where the mounted virtual machine will be migrated.
- # This is applicable only if migration is not enabled on the virtual machine.
- String :
- # Time when the virtual machine was mounted. This may be set to null if the mount
- # specification does not contain this information.
- DateTime :
- # Time when the snapshot was taken. This may be set to null if the mount
- # specification does not contain this information.
- DateTime :
- # ID of the source virtual machine.
- String! :
- # ID of the mounted virtual machine. This may be set to null if the mount
- # specification does not contain this information.
- String :
- # ID of the Nutanix cluster.
- String! :
- # Indicates whether the mount is a disk mount.
- Boolean! :
- # Number of disks attached to the target virtual machine.
- Int! :
- # Fid of the live mount.
- UUID! :
- # Cluster of the live mount.
- Cluster! :
- # Source snapshot of the Live Mount.
- CdmSnapshot! :
- # Power Status of the Virtual Machine. It is set to 'ON' or 'OFF'. If the CDM
- # cluster is disconnected, then it is set to 'Unknown'.
- String! :
- # Mount Status of the Virtual Machine. If the CDM cluster is disconnected, then
- # None is returned.
- NutanixVmMountStatus :
- }
link Require by
- NutanixLiveMountConnectionPaginated list of NutanixLiveMount objects. Each page of the results includes at most 1000 entries. Query the `pageInfo.hasNextPage` field to know whether all objects were returned.
- NutanixLiveMountEdgeWrapper around the NutanixLiveMount object. This wrapper is used for pagination.