

Supported in v9.2+

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input BulkExportMssqlDbConfigInput {
  • # Supported in v9.2+
  • # Boolean value determining whether an existing database can be overwritten by a
  • # database that was exported from a backup. Set to 'false' to prevent overwrites.
  • # This is the default. Set to 'true' to allow overwrites.
  • allowOverwrite: Boolean
  • # Supported in v9.2+
  • # Target path used to store all data files.
  • targetDataFilePath: String
  • # Supported in v9.2+
  • # Target path used to store all log files.
  • targetLogFilePath: String
  • # Supported in v9.2+
  • # Boolean value determining which recovery option to use during a database
  • # restore. When this value is 'true', the database is restored using the RECOVERY
  • # option and is fully functional at the end of the restore operation. When this
  • # value is 'false', the database is restored using the NORECOVERY option and
  • # remains in recovering mode at the end of the restore operation.
  • finishRecovery: Boolean
  • # Supported in v9.2+
  • recoveryPoint: MssqlRecoveryPointInput
  • # Required. Supported in v9.2+
  • # List of the SQL Server instance IDs used to to export all databases except
  • # system databases.
  • sourceInstanceIds: [String!]!
  • # Required. Supported in v9.2+
  • # ID of the SQL Server instance for the new databases.
  • targetInstanceId: String!
  • }