Supported in v5.2+
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input LegalHoldDownloadConfigInput {
- # Required. Supported in v5.2+
- # v5.2: Specifies whether the download action is in response to a Legal Hold. This
- # download generates a SHA1 checksum of downloaded data that is used for integrity
- # verification by external bodies.
- # v5.3+: Specifies if the download action is in response to a Legal Hold. This
- # download generates a SHA1 checksum of downloaded data that external bodies can
- # use for integrity verification.
- Boolean! :
- }
link Require by
- DownloadFilesJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- DownloadMssqlBackupFilesByIdJobConfigInputSupported in v5.2+
- FilesetDownloadFilesJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- HypervDownloadFilesJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- ManagedVolumeDownloadFilesJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- MssqlBackupSelectionInputSupported in v5.2+
- NutanixDownloadFilesJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+
- VolumeGroupDownloadFilesJobConfigInputSupported in v5.0+