Supported in v8.1+ Credentials to add or update for NAS shares, NAS namespaces, or NAS systems.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input NasShareCredentialsInput {
- # Supported in v8.1+
- # Password associated with the NAS user account.
- String :
- # Required. Supported in v8.1+
- # Username to access the NAS server and share. If the username is empty, the
- # credentials will be removed from the underlying NAS share, NAS namespace, or NAS
- # system object.
- String! :
- }
link Require by
- CreateNasShareInputSupported in v8.1+ Input to add a NAS share manually.
- NasSystemRegisterInputSupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Input for registering a new NAS System.
- NasSystemUpdateInputSupported in v7.0+ v7.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Input for updating a NAS system.
- UpdateNasNamespaceInputInputSupported in v8.1+ Input to update a NAS namespace.
- UpdateNasShareInputSupported in v8.1+ Input to update a manually added NAS share.