

Response for getting the TPR Policy detail.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type TprPolicyDetail {
  • # Name of the TPR policy.
  • name: String!
  • # Description of the TPR policy.
  • description: String!
  • # The time at which the TPR policy was created.
  • createdAt: DateTime
  • # The user who created the TPR policy.
  • createdBy: UserSummary
  • # Service accounts exempt from the TPR policy.
  • exemptServiceAccounts: [ServiceAccountClient!]!
  • # Quorum requirement for the TPR policy.
  • quorumRequirement: Int!
  • # ID of the TPR policy.
  • policyId: UUID!
  • # Rules of the TPR policy.
  • policyRules: [TprPolicyRule!]!
  • # The scope of the TPR policy.
  • policyScope: TprPolicyScope!
  • }

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