

Input for setting the app credentials in the Azure Cloud Accounts.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input SetAzureCloudAccountCustomerAppCredentialsInput {
  • # Client ID of the Application.
  • appId: String!
  • # Client secret key of the Application.
  • appSecretKey: String!
  • # ID of the home tenant of the application.
  • appTenantId: String
  • # Name of the application.
  • appName: String
  • # Domain Name of the Azure tenant.
  • tenantDomainName: String
  • # Specifies whether the input app should replace the existing app.
  • shouldReplace: Boolean!
  • # Type of Azure Tenant. Possible values: Azure Public Cloud, Azure China Cloud.
  • azureCloudType: AzureCloudType!
  • }

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