Rubrik cluster node.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type ClusterNode {
- # Brik ID of the Rubrik cluster node.
- String! :
- # Status of the Rubrik cluster node.
- ClusterNodeStatus :
- # IP address of the Rubrik cluster node.
- String :
- # Platform type of the Rubrik cluster node.
- Boolean :
- # CPU cores count of the Rubrik cluster node.
- Int :
- # RAM of the Rubrik cluster node, in bytes.
- Long :
- # Rubrik cluster ID.
- UUID! :
- # Network speed of the Rubrik cluster node.
- String :
- # Hostname of the Rubrik cluster node.
- String :
- # Rear view position of the Rubrik cluster node.
- ClusterNodePosition :
- # Platform type of the Rubrik cluster node.
- ClusterNodePlatformType :
- # Node ID.
- String! :
- # Network interface of a Rubrik cluster node.
- ClusterNodeInterfaceCidr!] : [
- # Hardware health status of a Rubrik cluster node. The value is null when hardware
- # health status is not available.
- HealthPolicyStatus!] : [
- }
link Require by
- AdVolumeExportActive Directory volume export.
- ClusterA Rubrik CDM Cluster.
- ClusterNodeConnectionPaginated list of ClusterNode objects. Each page of the results includes at most 1000 entries. Query the `pageInfo.hasNextPage` field to know whether all objects were returned.
- ClusterNodeEdgeWrapper around the ClusterNode object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- ManagedVolumeMountSpecMount Specification for the Managed Volume.