Represents all the object types for which we expect to see audits.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- enum AuditObjectType {
- # Active Directory domain.
- # Active Directory domain controller.
- # Active Directory forest.
- # App blueprint audit object.
- # Archival location audit object.
- # Atlassian site.
- # Unspecified audit object type.
- # Auth domain audit object.
- # AWS account audit object.
- # AWS event audit object.
- # AWS native account.
- # AWS native EBS volume object.
- # AWS native EC2 instance object.
- # AWS native RDS instance object.
- # AWS native S3 Bucket.
- # Azure AD Directory object.
- # Azure native disk.
- # Azure native subscription.
- # Azure native virtual machine.
- # Azure SQL database object.
- # Azure SQL managed instance.
- # Azure storage account
- # Blueprint object.
- # Cassandra column family.
- # Cassandra keyspace.
- # Cassandra source.
- # Certificate management object
- # Cloud Direct NAS export.
- # Cloud-native tag rule object.
- # Cluster audit object.
- # Confluence Space.
- # Cross-account pair.
- # Dynamics 365 dataverse table.
- # Dynamics 365 metadata.
- # Dynamics 365 organization.
- # Data Center Cloud Account.
- # Data location audit object.
- # DB2 database object.
- # DB2 instance object.
- # EC2 Instance object.
- # Encryption Management object.
- # Exchange DAG.
- # Exchange database.
- # Exchange server.
- # Exocompute.
- # Failover cluster app audit object.
- # Federated access audit object.
- # GCP native disk.
- # GCP native GCE instance.
- # GCP native Project audit object.
- # Host audit object.
- # Host failover audit object.
- # HyperV SCVVM audit object.
- # HyperV server audit object.
- # HyperV virtual machine audit object.
- # Integration.
- # Threat intel.
- # IP Whitelist audit object.
- # Atlassian Jira project.
- # Atlassian Jira settings.
- # Job instance audit object.
- # Kubernetes cluster object.
- # Kubernetes Virtual Machine namespace object.
- # Kubernetes protection set object.
- # Kubernetes Virtual Machine object.
- # KMS Key Vault.
- # LDAP audit object.
- # Linux fileset object.
- # Linux host object.
- # Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Group.
- # Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Mailbox.
- # Microsoft 365 Backup Storage OneDrive.
- # Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Subscription.
- # Microsoft 365 Backup Storage SharePoint Site.
- # Managed volume object.
- # MongoDB source.
- # MongoDB Collection object.
- # Mongo source object.
- # Mosaic storage location.
- # MsSQL object.
- # MsSQL database object.
- # MsSQL mount object.
- # MsSQL object.
- # NAS Fileset.
- # NAS host object.
- # NAS system.
- # Nutanix cluster audit object.
- # Nutanix Era audit object.
- # Nutanix prism central audit object.
- # Nutanix virtual machine object.
- # O365 Calendar object.
- # O365 Group.
- # O365 Mailbox audit object.
- # O365 Onedrive audit object.
- # O365 Organization object.
- # O365 SharePoint drive.
- # O365 SharePoint list.
- # O365 SharePoint site audit object.
- # O365 Team.
- # OAuth token.
- # Oracle database object.
- # Oracle host object.
- # Oracle mount object.
- # Oracle RAC object.
- # Organization object.
- # Postgres Database Cluster.
- # Public cloud machine instance object.
- # Rubrik cluster replication pair.
- # Salesforce metadata.
- # Salesforce object.
- # Salesforce organization.
- # SAP HANA database object.
- # SAP HANA system object.
- # Share fileset object.
- # SLA object.
- # SLA domain object.
- # SMB domain object.
- # Snapshot object.
- # Storage array object.
- # Storage array volume group.
- # Storage settings.
- # Storm audit object.
- # Support tunnel.
- # System preference.
- # TPR configuration.
- # TPR policy.
- # TPR request.
- # Upgrade audit object.
- # User.
- # User action audit.
- # User group.
- # User role.
- # VCD audit object.
- # VCD vApp object.
- # VCenter audit object.
- # VMware Compute Cluster object.
- # VMware mount object.
- # VMware virtual machine audit object.
- # Volume group audit object.
- # Windows fileset audit object.
- # Windows host object.
- }